The Domain Name Industry - Trends and Future Direction.

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The future of the domain industry is probably going to have two key aspects to it. The first one is consolidation. The domain industry is mature now. It has been around for many decades and that means that growth is not easy to find. That results in consolidation. Central NIC is one of the companies that is doing the consolidating. There are others out there. Registrars are emerging, registries emerging and other companies in the ecosystem are joining forces as well. We are also starting to see some increased threats to the business model, so blockchain names being a good example. But what that does actually, it can be a good thing as it forces us to really focus on what the value really is that we bring to the end user. And companies that care about the value they bring to the user are the ones that are going to be successful.

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    • Hanons
    • 29 сентября 2022 г. 14:14
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