Social parasitism and social dependency are the basic elements of society's self-defense.

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author: Konyukov Valery Nikolaevich, analytical group "Development", analyst, no co-authors, communist.


The very title of the article reveals a fundamentally different approach to those negative phenomena that are present in society - social parasitism and unjustified dependence. This theory contains a completely fresh look and reveals a different essence of seemingly extremely vicious phenomena.


The very title of the article reveals a fundamentally different approach to the negative phenomena that are present in society - social parasitism and unjustified dependency. This theory contains a completely fresh view and reveals a different essence of seemingly extremely vicious phenomena.


Social parasitism; dependent parasitism; the law of social inequality; substitution method; monopoly suppression;


code UDC 316

This work examines the protective natural mechanisms of social structures, which sometimes escape the close attention of the scientific community, but which are extremely important for understanding the processes of their formation, development and death.


Yes, the work is relevant, since such phenomena have always been present, and will always be present in every social structure and in human society, as in one of these structures.

Goals, objectives, materials and methods.

This is the second basic work on the theory of the development of society, which consolidates a comprehensive understanding of the processes in it and explains a number of social and inevitable shocks.

There was no specific goal or task for obtaining these results.

These conclusions are a concomitant result of the first work in the field of research into the main contradiction of capital and the impact of socio-biological laws on society. These results were obtained from a study of motivations.

Various methods of cognition and analytics were used - projection, generalization, synthesis, comparative analysis, inductive and deductive methods, etc., but what I assure you for sure - I did not use dialectics.

Dialectics is the modern lethargic dream of leftist forces, social movements and social science. She explains everything perfectly, but does not pose questions to researchers.

An attempt to use exclusively dialectics for cognition of social processes is akin to cognition of the world with one eye, without connecting the other senses.

Scientific novelty.


Scientific directions (sections) of the article.

The general direction is the sociology of complex systems, two levels of protection of a biological species are considered on the basis of social parasitism and unjustified dependent parasitism.

Two main sections:

1. Primary protection through the manifestation of social parasitism.

2. Secondary protection.

Statement of work.

The presence of social parasites and dependents in any society is explained by the action of predetermined social inequality identified by the French researcher Didier Desor from the University of Nancy in 1994. [1] This phenomenon is undesirable for society, since such individuals use their abilities not for the development of society, but exclusively for the consumption or redistribution of resources in their favor.

And if the processes of the redistribution of property (and capital) in a capitalist society are a natural element of its functioning, then the manifestation of open unreasonable dependence is suppressed in any state, regardless of the form of the economic structure. These actions of states are justified from the position of leveling economic threats.


Earlier, like many of you who think in the same way, I simply stated this fact, described above, now it's time to analyze this mechanism of public protection in more detail.

Multiple experiences in the work of Desor and his team, over and over again leading to the same results - social stratification, for any set of control groups, can only indicate one thing - the presence of a social law that acts in a strictly defined way. Let's call it the law of social inequality.

An analysis of the operation of this law allows us to understand that at the level of instincts, and possibly genetics, there is a protective mechanism of additional diversity within a species - a mechanism aimed at creating different conditions for the existence of a species based on different social roles and, as a result, different access to sources of consumption.

Different conditions of existence, as well as social struggle arising from the manifestation of social inequality, create a protective mechanism for intraspecific diversity, when various individuals, even a limited group, exist in distinctive conditions, which inevitably sharply increases the survival rate of the species.

If we imagine the hypothetical possibility of a comparative analysis of the "socially competitive species" and the "equal species", then we are forced to admit that the former are more adapted for survival in harsh natural conditions and, due to the diversity of behavioral adaptation, have greater chances of survival than representatives of the second species existing in ideal social conditions and partially lost the skills of struggle for their existence.

There are substantial grounds to believe that the population of the former CCCP at the most crucial moment of the 1989-1992 crises, being an “equal species”, lost the fight to a “socially competitive species”, including due to less practical and psychological adaptability.


Historical experience indicates that when trying to build a society of guaranteed social consumption in social formations, dependent parasitism (unreasonable parasitism) sharply increases. At the same time, a higher level of material security contributes to a higher level of parasitism. The situation looks like an increase in material security does not contribute to an increase in the personal productivity of each worker, but on the contrary causes a gradual decrease in it, labor resources are ready to be content with basic security within the framework of guaranteed social distribution.

Physically active and healthy people strive to get more material benefits with absolutely less labor participation or, preferably, without it, based on their social accessibility within the framework of a socially just society. There is an unjustified dependent parasitism - to get "what is required by law" regardless of the results of their labor. Large masses of people are involved in the manifestation of such parasitism, which significantly aggravates the crisis tendencies in society and leads to negligence in relation to both labor activity itself and the disposal of available public resources.

The ideas of Communism suggest: "each according to his ability - to each according to his needs." With all the elegance of this provision, this means the self-disintegration of social institutions, since the level of satisfaction of the needs of individuals is maximum and they do not need to maintain social ties to achieve common goals due to the solution of current consumption problems. In the formation of a society Communism, social ties will weaken, and social structures will disintegrate on their own.

> At the highest phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of man to the division of labor has disappeared; when the opposition between mental and physical labor disappears along with this; when labor ceases to be only a means of life, but becomes itself the first need of life; when, together with the all-round development of individuals, the productive forces grow and all sources of social wealth pour out in full flow, only then will it be possible to completely overcome the narrow horizon of bourgeois law, and society will be able to write on its banner: "Each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" [2]

Within the framework of Socialism, the sharply increasing parasitism of its members is a consequence of the launch of the self-defense mechanism, which prevents the transition of society to a regime of disintegration and self-destruction (the launch of the laws of social degeneration revealed by the experience of the Universe 25). [3]

The consequence of this self-defense is the creation of a crisis situation of inconsistency between the level of consumption demands and production capabilities (and, as a consequence, a shortage of consumer goods). This crisis can be resolved through the creation of self-developing robotic systems. When the crisis is resolved by technological means, society enters a phase of self-destruction. If it is not possible to resolve it, the introduced elements of material incentives, depending on the efficiency of labor activity, transfer society to the Progressism formation. In the absence of limiting factors in relation to private ownership of the means of production, a further transition to the Fascism formation occurs.

But if within the framework of the matrix of social formations of the second stage of industrial production:

Fig. 1. Matrices of social formations of the second stage of industrial production.

Communism and Oligarchism have a common feature - self-destruction, will they have a common feature of self-defense, and how will it manifest itself in the system of bourgeois formations (the zone of operation of the law of intraspecific struggle)?

Oddly enough, a similar defense mechanism is used in capitalist formations. At the same time, due to the class nature of society, it has a two-level structure, affecting no less number of members of society in proportion to the mass of social formations.

The first mechanism is the processes of natural development. By virtue of the law of the fundamental contradiction of capital, a huge number of physically and intellectually active population is excluded from economic activity. A prolonged period of unemployment makes these people addictive and refusal to resist, such people do not expect improvement and stop taking steps to correct the situation, becoming a burden to society. This reduces the intellectual and productive potential of such a society.

The second mechanism is monopole suppression (distortion). The essence of this phenomenon is that many state functions have been transferred into the hands of private investors acting in purely personal interests of making a profit. This leads to an unjustified overestimation of the cost of public services of natural monopolies and, as a consequence, a sharp decrease in the efficiency of state institutions of management and distribution. An officially developed institution of lobbying leads to a decrease in the efficiency of distribution of orders, monopolization of markets, a decrease in the quality of the final product and, again, inadequately overpriced. The action of this parasitic chain leads to blocking of management efficiency - why create something new or improve quality characteristics if you can simply raise prices?

The formation of a crisis factor in the Fascist formation puts this society in front of the need to destroy the released labor resources in order to reduce the costs of structural management and eliminate threats to further development. But the fact is that the growth rate of automation outstrips the possibility of covert destruction, making it necessary to completely physically destroy “extra” people in a short time and optimize the structure by introducing strictly vertically integrated management (introduction of totalitarianism).

Today's global crisis of bourgeois society is a mechanism of manifestation of the element of self-defense of society. On the one hand, there are huge freed up labor resources, on the other hand, the low efficiency of state administration and redistribution.

The resolution of the crisis in the Fascist formation along the path of natural development (destruction of the released labor resources) translates it into the Oligarchism formation and launches the mechanism of physical self-destruction based on the embedded algorithms of the system. The operation of the law of the basic contradiction of capital in a technological bourgeois society makes a person an unnecessary link, and representatives of human society, realizing that they can be destroyed at the next stage of development, enter a period of the most severe intraspecific confrontation. The consequence of this confrontation will be the development of monstrous weapons of destruction capable of completely sterilizing the planet (for example: genetic and biological weapons).

The elite, having achieved their strategic goals, is able to block the development of any type of weapon. In this case, the override method will take over. A high degree of automation will lead to the fact that humanity will be pushed aside from the issues of managing its fate, providing these actions to automation. This method is quite clearly manifested in today's stock market - a trader does not notice that a trading robot is playing against him. In other words, today a part of the fate of humanity is determined by trading robots. If you are successful enough and do not particularly go into the details of the world order, then after a certain period of time you will be surprised to find that the people around you have disappeared, and around you there are only robots that look like people. But you probably will not have time to notice it, simply by dying "accidentally" as a result of an "accident" or from hunger, faced with the shutdown of all your digital assets, because you have become ineffective.

An attempt to build a modern digital concentration camp, with high automation of processes, will first lead to the extermination of the overwhelming number of the population, and then to the desire to stop technical progress, to exclude competition between closed financial and industrial groups, since the previous algorithm for the functionality of the system is no longer possible due to the involvement of direct personal interests. The preservation of the algorithm leads to the extermination of the remaining representatives of the human species.

Algorithm changes also kill the social system Oligarchism. The low population size, its fragmentation into closed enclaves, the cessation of any forms of cognition inevitably first lead to a complete degradation of the administrative elite (no more than two or three generations, even taking into account breakthroughs in medicine, this is no more than 150-200 years, in the absence of 60-70 years), and then the complete loss of competencies by society, complete degradation and return to slavery.

The new savages will be able to witness their former greatness with their own eyes, as we now observe the former greatness of the creations of the Soviet Union. Not savages yet, but we are successfully moving in this direction.

Crimes against humanity, carried out by such persons as Bill Gates or German Gref, do not meet with a proper rebuff in society, which means that they will inevitably lead to the extermination of everyone reading these lines.

After their victory, no one will be able to get acquainted with works like this one, they will be destroyed, along with their authors. It will be, not sometime in the future, but here it is, nearby, at any convenient moment.

Understanding of such threats by the elite of society in the Fascism formation can force them to refuse (mind you - only to voluntary refusal !!!) from the dominant power of private capital and return the functions of real power to the state. At this stage, elements of social protection are launched and the use of the released labor resources in the field of social services to society. There is a rejection of the system of lobbying corporate interests and legislative restriction of such actions. Consistent measures are being taken to demonopolize markets, improve the efficiency of public administration and partial nationalization.

Social protest activity of citizens will speed up these processes.

In this case, society passes into the Progressism formation with minimal shocks, with the preservation (albeit very limited) of some of the privileges of today's financial elites, as a kind of social payment for progressive development.

Scheme of the correspondence of social parasitism to social structures:

Fig. 2. The diagram of the correspondence of public parasitism to public structures.

Parasitism in society will never be equal to zero, it has a parabolic shape. The minimum value at the midpoint (Progressism), increases towards the edges of the system (Communism and Oligarchism). The format of this law is similar to the biological one, which, under certain conditions, leads to the death of the carrier.

The y-axis is the level of parasitism in society.

The x-axis is a type of social formation that is also correlated with the display of private property in the economy.

The curve is the relationship between the level of parasitism and the type of social structure of society and those or other legislative decisions taken.

Left social constructs are located on the left side, right ones on the right.

The level of parasitism is never zero.

The curvature of the parabola (left and right parts) is shown by me conditionally, I cannot specify the degree of curvature, since we do not have a temporal or high-speed binding of processes on this graph, but by the generalization module, the display allows us to understand their course.

Points B, C, D, E are zones of energy transition, always accompanied by social upheavals.

At points B and E irreversible changes are initiated leading to the death of society.

The death zone is shifted slightly above these points and denotes a significant manifestation of the inevitable processes initiated earlier. It's like a terminally ill cancer patient who, in the first and second stages of the disease, can still do a small run in the park.

a - the minimum level of parasitism on the Y scale.

Conclusion, results, conclusions.

The presented work allows us to understand that human society is a very delicate and sensitive structure, at the same time extremely complex, in which there are no simple solutions. It is similar to those living creatures of which it consists, and perishes if it does not cleanse it from social parasites.

In accordance with the above conclusions, we can talk about two threshold levels of protection based on social parasitism:

Initial (primary), creating additional opportunities for adaptation and survival, and secondary, when excessive parasitism leads to the collapse of incorrectly built social systems, preventing the inevitable and irreversible death of a biological species.


[1] "Faits comme des rats?" (fr.) - documentary about the experiments of Didier Desor, University of Nancy-2, 2009.

[2] Bagaturia G. A. "Criticism of the Gothic Program" // Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. edited by L.F.Ilyichev, P.N.Fedoseev, S.M.Kovalyov, V.G. Panov. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1983 .-- S. 285 .-- 840 p. - 150,000 copies

[3] Calhoun, John. Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population // Proc. roy. Soc. Med .. - 1973. - Vol. 66, no. 2. - P. 80-88. - PMID 13875732.

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