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Do I need a lawyer to appeal if I was refused a visa to UK?

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If your application to the United Kingdom was refused by the Home Office, UK immigration authority, do not despair just yet. Talk to an immigration lawyer from a trustworthy legal firm and they might be able to help you find a solution.

What a lawyer can do

To appeal a decision of a caseworker, it is important to analyse both the case and the refusal letter. Therefore, qualified immigration lawyers recommend keeping both the letter and the envelope and consult an expert within 14 days of the date of the letter. If you get refusal outside the UK, the deadline extends to 28 days.

An experienced adviser will analyse a refusal letter and your application and point out all mistakes, discrepancies and even negligence that a caseworker could have committed.

Next step would be preparing an appeal where an immigration lawyer must provide explanations for every reason for UK visa refusal given in the Home Office letter and why they think the applicant should not have been refused – point by point.

Making your appeal stronger

British legal system is significantly different from European legal field because it is built on precedence. That is where a knowledgeable lawyer would know which precedence, laws and regulations to refer to in the appeal in order to enhance their case.

A good immigration lawyer would tell you which additional documents to provide to amplify your case and will draft all necessary letters and statements for you in strict compliance with the UK immigration rules.

Representing you in tribunal

Appeal must be sent to First-tier Tribunal of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber. However, it is first reviewed by the Home Office because they might reconsider their decision and approve your application; they would only do it if they think that you are right, and they stand little chance to win the appeal.

If you fail to submit your appeal on time for any reason, an immigration lawyer can ask the Tribunal for an extension which will be granted if you can proof with sufficient evidence that you have a strong reason to ask for it.

Can I win an appeal?

If it comes down to a hearing in the Tribunal, your appeal will be heard by an impartial judge. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare your case properly and make it viable. It takes a good immigration lawyer to do it right; their services include:

1. Evaluating your case, all available documents and evidence. Providing consultations and preparing your appeal with a bundle of relevant documents for the hearing and an index.

2. Drafting and finalising a skeleton argument that would best support your case.

Moreover, when the day comes for you to attend a hearing, an immigration lawyer of the highest level will represent you in court and answer all the questions from the judge and Home Office.

In search of a qualified immigration lawyer you should look out for renowned legal firms with the history of winning similar appeals. Do not be afraid that you will have to work with many different lawyers – quite opposite, you will have one adviser from the start to the end, from initial consultation to representation in tribunal. At the same time, they will have support of a bigger team in case a narrower issue needs to be tackled. You will be in safe hands and better prepared to win the appeal. 

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