8 Tips for Finding and Hiring the Right SEO Provider

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It doesn’t take a pro to do SEO.

But hiring one can certainly help.

For business owners who are ready to take their SEO efforts up a notch, it may be time to move beyond the DIY approach and onboard an SEO provider that can get the job done.

But the question is: How do you find and hire the right SEO company that can generate real, tangible results for your business?

Here are our top tips for smart SEO hiring — from weighing the pros and cons of outsourcing to knowing what questions to ask during the hiring process.

Benefits of hiring an SEO company

While there are countless resources online to help you implement SEO on your own, there are also many perks to either outsourcing your SEO marketing or hiring an SEO professional in-house. SEO isn’t always the easiest to figure out, so working with a professional may be the solution to avoiding headaches, wasted time, and marketing dollars down the drain.

If you’re asking yourself if it’s worth hiring an SEO company, it’s time to consider the benefits.

An SEO provider can help:

• Take the guesswork out of SEO to start implementing an effective strategy from the start.

• Save you money by running data-driven, highly targeted campaigns that make the most of your marketing budget.

• Broaden your business’s reach online by expanding your marketing to a variety of channels.

• Prevent costly SEO errors and, potentially, Google penalties.

• Explain your website analytics, what they mean, and why they matter for your business.

Tips for SEO hiring

Choosing an SEO company or consultant takes careful consideration, as your primary goal is to find a provider that best fits the needs and goals of your business.

For this reason, we’ve included some of the best tips for effective SEO hiring to help you weigh your options and decide on the right choice for you.

1. Ask your network

One of the best sources for SEO provider recommendations is your existing network, particularly those business owners who are in your industry. By asking your network, you’ll already have people who can vouch for the provider’s services, offer an honest review, and point you in the right direction.

2. Request an honest estimate

When you end up reaching out to an SEO agency or consultant, you should request an honest estimate of how much their services will cost for your site and how long they expect those services to take. Any provider that’s cryptic about what they offer or how much it costs is one you should be wary of.

A decent SEO agency will know how much work is required to optimize your site, approximately how long it will take, and how much it will cost. There may be optional add-ons to be discussed later, but their upfront quote should give you a clear idea of what to expect when working with them.

3. Know what’s included

Many providers pitch an “all-in-one” SEO package, but it’s important to be critical of anyone who takes a one-size-fits-all approach. You’re looking for a provider that will take the time to understand your business and craft a strategy that suits your specific needs and audience.

It’s essential to ask what’s included in their SEO package so you can be super clear on what you're paying for. Some of these services might include on-page SEO, local SEO, technical optimization, content creation, or link building.

4. Ask how they measure results

Every business owner dreams of landing that #1 spot in the SERP, but SEO is about more than just rankings. A reputable SEO provider knows that the goal of any SEO strategy is ultimately to help the business make money, so they’ll look at key performance indicators (KPIs) beyond just rankings.

Some of these KPIs may include traffic numbers, conversion rate, leads, and revenue generated. They should be able to communicate the true value of SEO and why these metrics are most important when it comes to measuring the success of your SEO efforts.

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