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Five Ways To Make Your WordPress Blog Interesting

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WordPress has made blogging a whole lot easier. Within just a matter of a few minutes, you can tweak and mold your content into the editor and publish a fresh new blog post for the world to see it! Isn't it amazing?

There's only one tiny problem. How can you make your blog post aesthetically pleasing?

Well, since its inception, bloggers are striving to achieve a perfect recipe to create blogs that can not only engage readers but also be the treat for their eyes. With the help of the best professional dissertation writing Help services, we are going to discuss how making your blog post look amazing on WordPress.

1. Use heading and subheadings

Headings and subheadings give your blog an aesthetically-pleasing look and allow your readers to go through your content easily. A huge block of text looks boring and direct, so it's better to divide the content into little paragraphs and give them a catchy headline.

Truth be told, readers usually prefer to skim the blog before reading the content thoroughly. If your blog post fails to compel at the first attempt, then there's a chance they would abandon reading it in the midway. Therefore, headings are important to include in your blog.

2. Add a featured image

WordPress has an option that allows you to add a “feature image” to your blog post. It's a primary image that integrates the title of your blog post when someone shares it online. Make sure to upload a unique and captivating image to attract maximum readers to your blog. As much as we hate to say this, people still judge a book by its cover. Similarly, your feature image will determine whether or not your article is worth the read.

3. Use short paragraphs

Everybody loves to read short and brief paragraphs. If not, a half-page paragraph is enough to send your readers into the realm of “never to open this blog post again!”

Just like this one.

And this one too ...

It allows your readers to grasp the information more efficiently!

It's better if you use short, snappy paragraphs at the beginning of your blog. The aim is to enhance the readability experience and to keep your readers engaged.

It will make your blog post more interesting to read.

Just like this section, No?

4. Use dark-colored Fonts on a light background

Vivid colors are what make your blog post aesthetically pleasing! By colors, we don't mean to make your blog post a unicorn tail, but rather use dark color fonts on a white background to make it stand out. Make your text a bit darker than the background, as lighter tone fonts are difficult to read and understand.

5. Use excessive images throughout your blog post

It's a no brainer that images make the blog post more interesting and lively. Nobody wants to read boring text and content, without a picture to relate to.

Using pictures throughout your blog post is the most effective way to keep your readers entertained. As the old cliché goes, “seeing is believing!” So, make sure to add pictures along with the text to captivate your readers instantly. 

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