Cup wealth password, release the new pattern of blockchain intelligent health!

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The novel coronavirus is a constant fate in the world and the fate of the world economy. The new coronavirus in 2020 has been raging all over the world, causing the global capital market to be turbulent. The great recession is a foregone conclusion. At the same time, it has also triggered a new height of thinking, how to find ways to control the spread of the epidemic in medical science, so as to make the work and life of human beings return to a balanced and healthy development.

Blockchain technology, a new financial technology that many banks and other financial institutions competed to lay out a few years ago, is gradually moving from the stage of "conceptual verification" to the stage of "application results", and is applied to all aspects of medical treatment.

Coinup (cup) is a global medical data sharing and intelligent protocol platform. Its goal is to build a healthier blockchain medical ecosystem and provide better medical services. It is mainly used in the medical industry. It can capture medical data through blockchain technology, and distribute information data in a distributed way. It can trace every transaction between drug manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmaceutical companies and patients, and verify and protect the drug information that is important for tracking counterfeit drugs. At the same time, users can quickly access the major medical and health data information. It helps doctors The data security and privacy issues in the process of data cooperation between medical institutions are solved, and the data island is broken. Through privatization or cloud services, we can help the medical industry to complete data joint computing in one-stop mode under the scenarios of joint modeling, marketing, sharing, transaction, risk control, etc., so as to realize the security experience of "data available and invisible"; we can link up the chain through trusted data, Distributed data storage, verifiable data storage and other technologies break through the problems of complex credit verification, long process, high cost and data transmission error in previous financial transactions.

In 2020, how can the medical system break the barriers of the international financial market and end the current economic crisis? A new and sustainable economic system is sweeping the world, that is, coinup (cup). Since its birth, it shoulders the great mission of human civilization and breaks through the double bottleneck of economy and technology. It has the most innovative 5 core mode highlights and 7 unique mechanisms to attract people and finance:

(1) . mutual aid mode: no money, no tickets, full of security and flexibility.

(2) . mining mode: don't dig at any time. You can sell your money every day.

(3) . radar mode: do not pledge the mother currency, it is a very scientific and fair calculation system.

(4) . brush single mode: make your own dealer, free trade, one-way service charge only two thousandths.

(5) . split mode: after 15 days, the pledge nek must be sold to ensure the market value stability.

✅A kind of Break up mechanism -- prevent large holders from holding money

✅A kind of Balance mechanism -- destruction of insufficient funds

✅A kind of Mobile phone system: buy first and sell later

✅A kind of Destruction mechanism -- black hole publicity

✅A kind of Stop loss mechanism - up to 20% loss

✅A kind of Consensus mechanism: everyone makes market value

✅A kind of Enabling mechanism: 72 sub chains

The total circulation of cup is 77 million, and the total circulation is only 1 million. One million of the remaining 76 million are owned by the operation team and released in two years; the other 75 million can only be owned by mining, using the interactive quantum model. The distribution mode is implemented automatically on the chain of smart contracts, which can not be tampered with. Therefore, users don't have to worry about the project side's disk smashing.

The new ecosystem of nek-cup has not only attracted great attention from the medical industry, but also attracted the close attention of many overseas institutional consortia. The economic model created by coinup is not only the creator of a new ecosystem, but also an innovative concept in the field of Internet digital currency.

The epidemic has made people realize that in this global village, no matter race or color, everyone is prosperous, and the World Health Organization (who) has played an important role in this epidemic campaign. In the future, medical care will be a new global market with a large number of users. The intervention of coinup gives everyone a fair start. At the same time, the token economy of nek-cup can give medical participants a stronger incentive and a sense of project participation, and contribute to the global human health cause.

Open and transparent trading mechanism, strong turnover rate, the project 0 bubble operation, 100 times CUP has set sail, dozens of times to increase space, look forward to your entry layout!

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