Cloud Chian - Blockchain Finance Innovation

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With the vigorous development of information technology, human civilization has entered a new height. However, as a consensus of value, digital currency is currently limited to a very small group of geeks. Because it has no intrinsic value, it is extremely unstable and easily manipulated, and there is no mature application scenes. Technically, a series of problems need to be solved, including security, efficiency, identity management, etc. But the rise of digital currency is reshaping people's consensus on value. The continuous development of the blockchain and digital currency fields makes it possible to create a digital currency system that is generally accepted by the people all over the world. Cloud Chain is using information technology to make trust no longer a problem, allowing blockchain to reconstruct production relations, reshape trust consensus, and have a profound impact on new retail value capture, cross-border trade, etc.

In the process of innovation and practice of blockchain technology, Cloud Chain has gradually realized that blockchain is not simply a technology, but a socialized "consensus and trust" concept, which encourages people to be on the Internet . Establish a system that can be monitored and has governance rules. The goal of Cloud Chain is to use blockchain as a "linker", combining its own experience in cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other new technologies to build an integrated financial trade chain system, retail network and finance technology.

Several major characteristics of the cloud chain can be targeted to solve the current problems faced by new retail.

1. Decentralization

Since the blockchain uses distributed accounting and storage, there is no centralized hardware or management organization, the rights and obligations of any node are equal, and the data blocks in the system are jointly maintained by nodes with maintenance functions in the entire system.

The decentralized system itself can guarantee its authenticity and avoid the situation of a single individual doing evil in the centralized system.

2. Openness

The blockchain system is open. Except that the private information of all parties to the transaction is encrypted, the data of the blockchain is open to everyone. Anyone can query the blockchain data and develop related applications through the public interface, so the entire system Information is highly transparent.

This feature can be effectively used in product traceability, consumers can always know where the product is, and the process is clearer.

3. Autonomy

The blockchain adopts consensus-based specifications and protocols (such as a set of open and transparent algorithms) so that all nodes in the entire system can exchange data freely and securely in a trustless environment, so that the trust in "people" is changed to The trust of the machine, any human intervention will not work.

This feature effectively solves the trust problem and reduces the possibility of human fraud.

4. Information Cannot be Tampered

Once the information is verified and added to the blockchain, it will be permanently stored. Unless more than 51% of the nodes in the system can be controlled at the same time, the modification of the database on a single node is invalid, so the data of the blockchain is stable. High performance and reliability.

This feature ensures that the transaction is open, transparent and non-tamperable, and further reduces the possibility of artificial fraud.

5. Anonymity

Since the exchanges between nodes follow a fixed algorithm, the data interaction does not require trust (the procedural rules in the blockchain will determine whether the activity is valid), so the counterparty does not need to make the other party trust themselves by disclosing their identity. It is very helpful for credit accumulation.

This can effectively solve the problem of consumers' personal privacy leakage, allowing consumers to enjoy the service more at ease.

In addition, based on the information disclosure environment created by the blockchain, service providers can reduce their alertness and increase the possibility of mutual cooperation, realizing that each individual in the cloud chain + new retail system is contributing to the overall development , Users enjoy consumption while providing consumption data, service providers provide high-quality services while optimizing products based on user feedback data to provide better services, thereby creating a brand-new business ecosystem.

6 Establish an intelligent credit quantification platform

Through artificial intelligence + data sharing + cloud computing, the data islands between various branches are broken, and the accumulation of credit data in various industries is accelerated. Cloud Chain’s "AI+Big Data System" is a platform for Cloud Chain to develop big data for various industries, including data fusion, user insight, intelligent models and matching capabilities. At the same time, it provides three-dimensional portraits of group users based on data fusion, and online and offline User behavior analysis to identify users from "multi-screen" to "multi-screen". Cloud Chain has a decision model, a recommendation model and a green model. In addition, it has developed seven service modules, including industry insight, marketing decision-making, social opinion analysis, customer group analysis, store analysis, recommendation engine, and data gas station.

Cloud Chain uses blockchain technology as the bottom layer to build a new global commodity trading platform to provide traders from all over the world with commodity transaction matching and one-stop logistics, customs clearance, big data and other services. With the data and intelligence of transactions, Promote the facilitation and globalization of trade.

7 AI+Big Data

Cloud Chain’s "AI+Big Data System" is a platform for Cloud Chain to develop big data for various industries, including data fusion, user insights, intelligent models and matching capabilities. At the same time, it provides three-dimensional portraits of group users based on data fusion. User behavior analysis to identify users from "multi-screen" to "multi-screen". Cloud Chain has a decision model, a recommendation model and a green model. In addition, it has developed seven service modules, including industry insight, marketing decision-making, social public opinion analysis, customer group analysis, store analysis, recommendation engine, and data gas station.

Cloud Chain Ecological Scene

Global Shopping Mall

Cloud Chain builds a digital economic and trade cooperation platform with profound industrial resources

Health Care

The data generated by the user can be safely stored in the health bank


Cloud Chain will use strong data encryption technology to support the opening of the game

O n C a l l

On Call is our daily ride-hailing service

C l o u d M a i l

The chat section of Cloud Chain uses blockchain encryption technology

Supporting Service

Take-out delivery, freight delivery, etc.; international tourism supporting services

In summary, it can be seen that Cloud Chain is playing a general chess game, and it is not a general chess game. In recent years, especially starting from the second half of 2021, the overall market has risen. It is believed that the cloud chain will stand out and be sought after by more people with its strong strength, excellent operation, and good ecological closed-loop.

Let's take a look at the situation of Cloud Chain YLYD token.

Cloud Chain Ecological Governance Token YLYD

Total YLYD tokens: 100,000,000

Circulation: 30,000,000

In the Cloud Chain model, YLYD, as an important medium for communicating with participants, is an indispensable part of the entire cloud chain credit economic ecology.

YLYD Application Scenarios

(1) Developing, authenticating applications on the cloud chain, and using on-chain services (such as miner fees for on-chain transfers) requires payment or burning of YLYD. YLYD is the only token used for the operation of on-chain applications.

(2) As cloud chain cooperates with more and more customers and data sources, and the transaction volume of data exchanges is increasing, cloud chain can receive more commissions, and the team will regularly take out 10% of the commission income YLYD was repurchased and destroyed at the price of the secondary market at that time.

(3) It can be used as a ballot when electing witnesses.

(4) In the mall, YLYD will be used as an important means of payment, which is specifically embodied as: users use YLYD for settlement with each other; public services need to be settled with YLYD; services provided by merchants also need to be purchased with YLYD; when completing the merchant’s You will receive YLYD as an incentive for tasks or participation in some activities.

Cloud Chain builds community consensus from many aspects. The term "community consensus" actually incorporates a lot of factors. The blockchain incentive system, intrinsic value, community population, and the use of cryptocurrency, etc., are all these factors combined to create a good community consensus. The development of the cloud chain is combined with the development of the blockchain industry. The main purpose is to use the strong consensus of the cloud chain community to promote the progress of the blockchain industry. This is the dream of the global community of the cloud chain. Based on the power of the cloud chain community, the main purpose is to accelerate the development of the blockchain industry. The pace of advancement of the entire blockchain industry.

As the foundation of a new generation of data economy, the cloud chain is transparent, decentralized, and highly efficient. It reconstructs traditional institutions’ data collection, storage, calculation, and exchange platform, and completely solves the difficulties faced by digital payments. The ultimate goal is to build a data network. A digital economy alliance with border circulation, open value sharing, and industrial collaborative innovation; and the use of cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, big data, Internet of Things, AI, etc., to achieve security and reliability on the asset chain and accelerate commercial circulation off the chain.

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