LDC Anchors Gold and Builds Gold Stability Currency

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Gold is the most stable value storage medium in human society since ancient times. The existing global financial settlement system is based on the sovereign monetary system anchoring the value of gold. The value of gold is not only guaranteed by the national gold reserve credit, but also by the bank providing gold mortgage financing for individuals and institutions. It embodies in the exchange of value, and also establishes the credit system of the consensus of human society. However, the physical attributes of gold entities lead to inconvenient transfer, complex identification procedures, storage risks and high trusteeship costs, which make the application cost of gold too high and seldom used in general social life.

The birth and acceptance of Bitcoin have made people see the possibility of another kind of monetary system: digital currency. The use of the Internet can make the value transfer globally. The digital currency anchored in French currency solves some serious problems of value fluctuation. However, due to the limitation of financial institutions and the anonymity of block chain technology, we need a digital asset, which can not only have the function of gold value storage, but also the function of real identity. It is skillful enough to link up and produce credit value. At the same time, it has the same convenience as digital assets. LDC came into being as the times require.

LDC is a joint venture between LDC and the National Science Foundation of the United States. As the first star application of LDC, LDC will become a new beginning of global payment pass. The main purpose of LDC issuance is to quickly build a global music chain community, obtain the big data needed for application development, and then promote the implementation and landing of LDC's medium-term and long-term strategy. LDC anchors physical gold and connects with the digital world. Based on the intrinsic value of gold and accessibility provided by block chain technology, it combines block chain transparency, security and invariance with LDC, aiming at introducing trust, fair exchange and unique value potential for block chain, encrypted currency and gold world. Accelerate and transform transparency of a digital asset trading platform and investors can get an exciting, innovative and secure way to buy and sell and hold gold globally.

LDC, as a general currency in ecosystems, is widely used, including but not limited to the following scenarios:

As a general passport in the ecosystem, Ba acts as payment and settlement in all asset transactions.

Gold standard: As a unique gold standard token, LDC can be traded on exchanges and globally. As a value encryption currency, LDC can be used for payment, remittance and purchase of goods and other services.

Gold delivery: Gold in kind can be exchanged at any time.

After landing on the exchange, LDC can directly conduct various market transactions.

On major trading platforms around the world, exchange currency with other digital currencies;

It is interoperable and exchangeable with other currency financial assets and trades freely.

Docking with external business, global circulation, direct purchase of physical goods and services;

In the community, how many representatives of LDC have the right to vote?

The main incentive mechanism is to build a globalized LDC community and self-ecological development and maintenance.

Collect big data for LDC bottom technology development and application development, cultivate fans and users;

It is used for the operation, marketing and promotion of LDC ecosystem.

It is used to sponsor top experts, institutions and academic activities in the field of block chains.

LDC has a complete ecological application scenario: intelligent contract financing, competitive games, block chain mall, social software, advertising alliance, cross-border payment, online education, online live broadcasting, Nigeria Gold Exchange, event crowding, real estate, tourism, hotel, tea house, to achieve the commercial closed-loop of LDC ecological application.

In addition, LDC will be on-line GDE, ZZEX, MXC, huobi, GOKO, BTB and other well-known exchanges, combining intangible digital assets with gold physical economic systems such as spot gold, gold resources and so on, to create a global financial ecosystem of block chain + physical gold. The circulation, preservation and appreciation of the whole industry chain of LDC will objectively promote the global gold investment heat, and LDC will certainly lead the global currency economy era.

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