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'Do not believe your brains' Whatever you think - it does not matter!!

6 296

(laughing) Laughed off, before switching it on.

What have I been laughing at? At the idea, that the world behaves in some way. I mean, there are heaps of all those theories, doctrines. About the fact, that the world is a mirror, world, something of a kind, world (bursts out laughing), the world something else, that's what it does.

Well, actually, the most typical, that the world is mirror. Or something, well, horrible.

Absolutely don't care, what the world does.

Of course, it does something, but it (laughing) can't be seen from here, well, you can dream like you want to. The world does not care about you absolutely, completely (laughing). Not at least.

It can try, there is some power, something else, and let's leave it.

You are searching for yourself, that's all.

You remove the thing, that is not you. That's the practice, practice of Ignorance. The Way of Ignorance is a long- drown- out answer to the question "Who am I".

Well, don't care about all those egregors, all those... thousands of times don't care.

Hell with them, they've got their own affairs, you've got yours (laughing). Really, there is a metaphor from Kalinauskas "alone with the world", there is a dialogue " if there is you -- there is the world", well, and different games. Of course, if you wish, But you should realize the convention of that all, "do not believe your brains".

I've got a kind of formulation -- "do not believe your brains". Whatever you think -- it does not matter. In principle, it is worked out unawares, when you see all that stuff, all those methods, using which a man hypnotizes himself. It is all conventional.

Actually, the cleanest line of defining the process you are engaged in is "you are learning yourself".

Yourself with the capital (laughing)

You with the little ( bursts out laughing)

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