СМИ сообщили о мощном землетрясении в США

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В американском штате Оклахома произошло землетрясение магнитудой в 5, 6 баллов, ставшее самым мощным с ноября 2011 года, сообщает издание USA Today.

В нескольких зданиях вспыхнули пожары, одно небольшое здание обрушилось, жертв и существенных разрушений, по предварительном данным, нет.

По данным геологической службы США, эпицентр подземных толчков находился в 120 километрах к северо-востоку от города Оклахома-Сити на глубине 6,6 километра. Толчки также ощущались в соседних штатах Канзас, Арканзас, Миссури, Техас, Небраска и Айова.



One of the largest earthquakes in Oklahoma rattled the Midwest on Saturday all the way from Nebraska to North Texas. Time
(Photo: Paul Hellstern, The Oklahoman AP)

A magnitude-5.6 earthquake – matching the strongest temblor to ever hit the state – struck north central Oklahoma on Saturday morning and could be felt over a seven-state area, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

The jolt rattled a wide area of the Great Plains, including Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Nebraska and Iowa.

It was centered about 9 miles northwest of Pawnee, Okla., prompting local officials to dispatch officers to check key facilities, such as the local water plant.

@tornadopayne@NEWS9#okquake damage in Pawnee. pic.twitter.com/IRNSXvcgX1

— J Berry Harrison III (@boberryIII) September 3, 2016

Pawnee County Emergency Management Director Mark Randell said no buildings collapsed in the town of 2,200 about nine miles southeast of the epicenter. “We’ve got buildings cracked,” Randell said, according to the Associated Press. “Most of it’s brick and mortar, old buildings from the early 1900s.”

Randell also said a man suffered a minor head injury when part of a fireplace fell on him as he protected a child. The man was treated and released.

Saturday's magnitude-5.6 quake equals a temblor that struck the town of Prague, in Lincoln County, in November 2011, according to the USGS.

An increase in magnitude 3.0 or greater earthquakes in Oklahoma has been linked to underground disposal of wastewater from oil and natural gas production, the Associated Press notes.

State regulators have asked producers to reduce wastewater disposal volumes in earthquake-prone regions of the state. Some parts of Oklahoma now match northern California for the nation’s most shake prone, and one Oklahoma region has a 1 in 8 chance of a damaging quake in 2016, with other parts closer to 1 in 20.

While hundreds of quakes shake Oklahoma annually, they have rarely been felt in northeast Oklahoma, the Tulsa World notes.

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  • +++Это только начало...
    • Aussie
    • 3 сентября 2016 г. 22:04
  • Хей хей хей гали гали....)))
  • http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/ Тут гляньте....Прощай Америка О..о...
  • Оклахома стала новой «столицей землетрясений» в США. Как всё начиналось. "Сланцевая революция" http://lidiya-nic.livejournal.com/8058934.html