Sabaton - Panzerkampf - Курская Битва

2 724

Sabaton - Panzerkampf - Курская Битва 

По фильму режиссёра Юрия Озерова "Огненная Дуга" (киноэпопея "Освобождение", фильм первый, 1969). 

Песня "Panzerkampf" группы Sabaton, альбом "The Art of War" (2008). 

Into the motherland the German army march! 

In the Soviet Union summer 1943 

Tanks line up in thousands as far the eye can see 

Ready for the onslaught 

Ready for the fight 

Waiting for the axis to march into a trap 

Mines are placed in darkness 

In the cover of the night 

Awaiting to be triggered 

When the time is right 

In the night invasion 

Every man attack 

Once the battle started 

There's no turning back! 

The end of the third reich draws near! 

It's time has come to an end 

The end of an era is here 

Its time to attack! 

Into to the motherland the German army march! 

Comrades stand side by side to stop the nazi charge

Panzers on russian soil advancing in the east

One million men at war

Soviet wrath unleashed!

Fields of Prokhorovka

The heat of battle burned

Suffered heavy losses

The tide of war was turned

Driving back the germans

Fighting on four fronts

Pump them out of russia

Out of soviet land

Reinforce the front line

Force the axis to retreat

Sending all the rescources

Securing their defeat

Soldiers of the Union

Broke the citadel

Ruling Stalin's army

Fascists rest in hell!

The end of the third reich draws near

Its time has comew to an end

The end of an era is here

Its time to attack

Into to the motherland the German army march

Comrades stand side by side to stop the nazi charge

Panzers on Russian soil advancing in the east

One million men at war

Soviet wrath unleashed

Onward comrads! Onwards for the Soviet Union! Charge!

Ow mother Russia!

Union of lands

Will of the people

Strong in command

Ow mother Russia!

Union of lands

Once more victorious the red army stands!

The end of the third reich is here

Its time has come to an end

The end of an era is here

Its time to attack!

Into to the motherland the German army march

Comrades stand side by side to stop the nazi charge

Panzers on russian soil advancing in the east

One million men at war

Soviet wrath unleashed!

Результаты мультикультурализма в России
  • pretty
  • Вчера 18:15
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