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Sabaton - Wehrmacht - Русский перевод | Субтитры

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Видео имеет исключительно военно-исторический характер и не пропагандирует никаких идеологий. 

Original lyrics: 

Pulled into war to serve a vision 

That's supposed to last a thousand years 

Part of a machine unstoppable 

As merciless as tidal waves 

Were they the victims of the time 

Or proud parts of larger goals? 

Propaganda of the Reich masterful machine 

Time and again the battle rages on 

Beyond the gates of misery 

As casualties rise and millions die around them 

Did they see it all? 

Crazy madmen on a leash

Or young men who lost their way? 

Grand illusions of the Reich (Райх) 

May seem real at times

Panzers on a line

Form the Wehrmacht's spine

Lethal grand design

What about the men executing orders?

Panzers on a line

Form the Wehrmacht's spine

Lethal grand design

What about the men executing orders?

Ad victoriam

Ex machina

Non sibi sed patriae!

Ad victoriam

Ex machina

Non sibi sed patriae!

Pulled into war to serve a vision

That just didn't last a thousand years

Part of a machine

Though stoppable as merciless as tidal waves

Crazy madmen on a leash

Or young men who lost their way?

Grand illusions of the Reich

May seem real at times

Panzers on a line

Form the Wehrmacht's spine

Lethal grand design

What about the men executing orders?

Panzers on a line

Form the Wehrmacht's spine

Lethal grand design

What about the men?

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