Should the sheep be eaten? We asked three wolves for their opinions. Следует ли есть овцу? Мы спросили мнение трех волков. Только у них и учиться языку))))

0 306

Bill Gates, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett on the socialism versus capitalism debate

CNBC Television

Bill Gates, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett sit down with CNBC's Becky Quick to give their opinion on the debate between capitalism and socialism.

Следует ли есть овцу? Мы спросили мнение трех волков.

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Навешиваю ярлыки.Выдёргиваю из контекста.Обычно стучу снизу!

Сегодня 13:32 0 49

Спикулируют на том, что наемный труд отчуждаясь превращется в муки ради денег. А не будет денег у совков - будет госкапитализм, который еще чудовищнее, т.к. даже денежек не платит - палочки трудодни ставит)

Собрались как-то капиталисты-миллиардеры Баффет, Гейтс, и Мангер, и устроили дебаты

«Социлизм версус капитализм».

*не анекдот

Меня песком засыпало чето. Они в сумме империализм пережили

9 364 комментария

Jack McLean

Jack McLean

1 месяц назад

''Does socialism work? We asked three billionaires.''




Неделю назад

Should the sheep be eaten? We asked three wolves for their opinions.


Ritam Bhowmik

Ritam Bhowmik

Неделю назад

This is like lions talking about being vegetarian ????


Tony Stark

Tony Stark

4 дня назад

“Capitalism is perfect”

I think he forgot to add “for billionaires”




Год назад (изменено)

Edited this comment, now no one knows what I said to get so many likes and why these people commenting so triggered. xd

6,4 тыс.



2 недели назад

It's like asking a lion what he thinks about veganism...


Samin Haque

Samin Haque

2 месяца назад

Next up: Ronaldo, Messi, and Federer discuss whether sports should get so much attention.


Anshuman Gupta

Anshuman Gupta

2 месяца назад

Let's talk about Socialism vs Capitalism with three hardcore capitalists.

Big Brain Level: America


An American Citizen

An American Citizen

23 часа назад (изменено)

Billionaires who talk about reallocation of resources never mean their Billions as part of the resources being reallocated, no, they mean the middle classes resources. Do you think Bill Gates, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett would ever mean take their money away and make them work for a set minimum wage like $15 an hour? No, they mean the little people, make all the little people work for the same pay, divide up all the little peoples resources. That is what Bill Gates, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett means.



Год назад

The question is not capitalism or socialism. The question is why american news channels always write breaking news everywhere

6,9 тыс.



1 день назад

King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette on the monarchy versus republic debate.

Иван Иванов Иванович

Иван Иванов Иванович

3 месяца назад

Hearing Charlie Munger speak makes me want to clear my throat.


Pajeet Singh

Pajeet Singh

4 месяца назад

$1 billion automatically showed up in my account after watching this video.


Drazen Frkovic

Drazen Frkovic

2 месяца назад

3 billionaires talking about socialism and capitalism very funny


Sam Shields

Sam Shields

11 месяцев назад

Next up: Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Friedrich Engels on the socialism versus capitalism debate

3,5 тыс.

test box

test box

2 недели назад

How is this titled "Capitalism vs Socialism" if there is only one side talks?


Maurice Carreno

Maurice Carreno

1 день назад

Next week: Nicolas Maduro, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un on "The Beauty of Dictatorships"


Sarah St. John

Sarah St. John

4 месяца назад

wow i cant believe that 3 billionaires love capitalism. incredible, groundbreaking journalism!




4 месяца назад

Next up: Chris Christie, John Goodman, and Steven Seagal on the cake vs salad debate.


Marlon S

Marlon S

Год назад

That room right there is worth more than some countries

3,1 тыс.

Leandro Coutinho

Leandro Coutinho

1 день назад

As Charlie said, if Deng Xiaoping didn't have introduced a bit of capitalism there, China would be nowhere where it is today.



1 день назад (изменено)

the American military complex is a form of socialism but it's impossible to get a proper discussion amongst Americans regarding socialism because they have a warped idea of what it is and it's considered a dirty word. The truth is a mixture of capitalism and socialist practices works the best. Why do Americans always point to the likes of Venezuela and cry "look socialism is bad" when in reality Venezuela is a corrupt failed petro state. They conveniently avoid discussions on successful social democracies in Europe. This is as much to do with vested interests as anything else.



2 месяца назад

Next up: Superman, Captain America, and Spiderman on the superhero vigilante debate.


Ольга В.

Ольга В.

1 день назад

What this billionaires say is that there is no chance for workers be creative without them getting all of the profits to their own hands. How sweet...



1 месяц назад

The government controlling the means of production is NOT socialism. The government reallocating resources is NOT socialism. High taxes on the rich is NOT socialism. Government programs like Social Security and Medicare is NOT socialism! Socialism is the collective ownership of the means of production and distribution. Meaning the workers or community at large own and operate businesses, not private capitalists or government.


Buh 9

4 месяца назад

My dad, wife, and kids on the leaving me or staying debate



2 месяца назад

Why do all their voices sound like they've been put through a cheese grater?


John Lingel

3 месяца назад

It's like when you have $100s of billions you become so relaxed you forget to push the air out of your mouth.


Patrick M

Год назад

I’m a simple man, I See 3 billionaires and the word socialism and I click.

1,8 тыс.


3 недели назад

3 billionaires that got rich by exploiting their workers thanks to capitalism talk about socialism vs capitalism



San Fierro

1 месяц назад

this is like asking to hitler "what do you think about nazism"



Неделю назад

I like how we're asking three billionaire who benefitting by being in the the top 0.001% wealth about their opinions on capitalism Vs socialism .. what a great idea ..


Mich K

1 месяц назад

This is like watching Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, and Kim Il Sung giving opinions about capitalism and socialism.


Halibut 1

3 месяца назад

"Warren, what do you think?"

"Bill, how about you?"



David Bob

1 месяц назад

“Anger drives out reason.” Yep that sums up 90% of the problem


Francis Pezzolla

1 день назад

Looking like 3 muppets sitting on stage there...


3 месяца назад

Next up: the president of the confederacy, the roman emperor and an 18th centuary british captain discuss slavery


Bradley Shimels

4 месяца назад

"The secret of business is to know something that nobody else does ". Aristotle Onassis .


Пять минут хорошего настроения. Часть 28

Ребёнок  подрастает,  остаются  детские  вещи.  Захотела  помочь  какой-нибудь малоимущей семье. Посмотрела в интернете, чего они хотят. Оказалось, чт...

Грядущее мятежно, но надежда есть

Знаю я, что эта песня Не к погоде и не к месту, Мне из лестного бы теста Вам пирожные печь. Александр Градский Итак, информации уже достаточно, чтобы обрисовать основные сценарии развития с...
