Marrying MINDS and MACHINES to form a global SUPERMIND: Surviving and thriving in a post-pandemic WORLD

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Marrying MINDS and MACHINES to form a global SUPERMIND

Published on November 2, 2020

GLOBAL HUMAN AI PLATFORM: A Digital SuperMind of Human Minds and Machine Intelligence

Human and machine powers are most productively harnessed by designing hybrid human-AI machine networks in which each party complements each other’s strengths and counterbalances each other’s weaknesses.

There are many types of human-machine interactions: tools, assistants, peers, managers, tutors and masters.

Today narrow AI applications play the roles of tools or instruments, as smart devices, or data science platforms or Software-as-a-Service sold as Machine learning as a service (MLaaS), a set of cloud computing services, which offer tools as data visualization, speech recognition, face detection, media analysis, image classification, object recognition, scene change detection, application programming interface (APIs), predictive analytic, natural language processing, deep learning, model training, data pre-processing, etc.

Digital or virtual personal i-assistants, as predictive chatbots and software agents.

General AI capable to do everything what human minds could do becomes peers, managers, tutors and masters.

Still, humans as superminds will stay in the human-AI control loop, be it individual minds and collective intelligence of human groups, as hierarchies, political and corporate, academies and universities, markets and industries, communities and nations.

Computers with their specialized supraintelligence and humans with their general intelligence, economic, political or physical intelligence and general skills are to complement each other.

Human and machine powers are most productively harnessed by designing hybrid human-AI machine networks in which each party complements each other’s strengths and counterbalances each other’s weaknesses.

Tomorrow’s leaders will instead be those that embrace collaborative intelligence, transforming their operations, their markets, their industries, and—no less important—their workforces. Through such collaborative intelligence, humans and AI actively enhance each other’s complementary strengths: the leadership, teamwork, creativity, and social skills of the former, and the speed, scalability, and quantitative capabilities of the latter.

A Global Supermind: AI & Minds

AI is all about three interrelated universes: reality/world/environment; intelligence/intellect/mind/understanding; and its data universe, how it is represented, mapped, coded and processed by computing machinery of any complexity, from smart phones to the internet and beyond. AI is the science and engineering of intelligence or intellect, its nature, models, theories, algorithms and architectures.

Human Intelligence is all about acquiring and collecting Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom, facts, correlations and laws of different grades, generalizations or universality, with a view to apply the research results to real world problems.

The real source of any true knowledge and learning, human or machine, is the world, its states, situations and changes, human actions and activities and events including.

What is recorded as data or information in storage media, computing memory, or human brains is a body of signs and symbols or signal recordings, to be represented as data and information in computing machines and knowledge or wisdom in the human mind, as a body of signs of know-what, know-how, or know-why.

In computer science, informatics, and knowledge management, the relationships among the [world] data, information and knowledge are modelled as a structural hierarchy: the “Data Pyramid”, the "Information Hierarchy", the "Knowledge Hierarchy", the "Knowledge Pyramid", or the "Wisdom Hierarchy".

In reality, the data-information-knowledge interrelationships are more complex and dynamic, being sustained by feedback loops and control relationships. In the genuine data-knowledge lifecycle, there is no absolute distinction between the knowledge of lowest level (data, facts) and the knowledge of highest level and meanings and understanding.

The transformation of the knowledge stages has a character of endless cycle of knowing, a never-ending spiral growth of knowledge and intelligence:

Data (individual facts) > Information (collected facts) > Knowledge (interrelated facts) > Wisdom (universal facts about the states of the world and its domains and regions) > …

In all, such an infinite Wisdom Cycle or Knowledge Spiral or Information Helix is characterized by the following distinct but interacting levels of DATA UNIVERSE:

The Data Level, the web of data (ground elements, individuals, instances, facts, statistics, or raw meaningless data). It includes all sort of big data, structured and unstructured, data repositories, machine-generated data, open data sets, digital archives, data silos, data warehouses in all fields of knowledge and practice, managed by data processing systems, encoded as the internet/web data, processed by Internet search engines, Google, Yahoo, or the web browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer; Cloud ML/AI Platforms, etc.

The Information Level, the web of information (classes, sets and collections of data, collection of facts, data banks, and datasets with some structure, data with some meaning, data with context). It includes a petabyte of information in the social sciences, natural sciences, or the digital humanities data, like Google Books, Project Gutenberg, Microsoft, any statistical data sets, the relational databases, web-based datasets as the Linking Open Data datasets, data interchange formats, and processing tools, like the Semantic Web technologies;

The Knowledge Level, the web of knowledge (the related facts, truths and principles and inference rules, content and context, proof and trust, semantic and logical rules, the real world patterns of relationships in particular domains, information with meaning). It includes mono-disciplinary divisions of scientific knowledge, knowledge domains, languages, artificial and natural, domain ontologies, encoded as online knowledge bases, reasoning mechanisms, algorithms, and systems, lexical sources as WordNet and knowledge resources as Wikipedia or Britannica; human minds, collective intelligence or social, political, corporate, communal superintelligences, or superminds

The Wisdom Level, the web of wisdom, intra-, multi-, meta-, and trans-fields, approximating the integrated scientific knowledge as a whole, the Grand Unification of all world learning fields: philosophies, sciences, arts, and engineering sciences. Technically, it is to be realized as the Wisdom Web, Intelligent Web, Real Semantic Web, or Meaningful Internet, Digital Superintelligence Platform, Digital SuperMind, Global AI Platform; the knowledge infrastructure of global Knowledge Society of intelligent cities, smart environments, and knowing nations. As a unifying knowledge framework, it is to be developed as a global ontology of all resources implying a system of normative standard categories and meanings and a universal identification system of entities. It is illustrated by the prime I-World Contents, as the World.Schema, or USECS, Smart World Encyclopedia, or i-Encyclopedia, Ontopaedia, and SuperGoogle, or Smart Web Engine

In many domains and spheres, the search for knowledge and innovations could be uniformly organized in terms of Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom Cycle.


Using the Big Data Technology, Data Science, Data Analysis and Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Statistical Learning Techniques, Machine Learning, Cloud ML Platforms, AWS, Azure, Google AI, Facebook, the ability of organizations to create information from data, knowledge from information, and ultimately wise solutions from knowledge.


Using the Business Intelligence (BI) Technology, OLAP, Portals / Dashboards, Data Warehousing / Data Marts / Operational Data Stores, Standard and Ad Hoc Reports, Data Mining, Analytics, Predictive Analytics, the BI describes the ability of organizations to create information from data, knowledge from information, and ultimately wise business solutions from that knowledge.


The current Web intelligence paradigm also involves several hierarchical levels: Internet-level communication, infrastructure, and security protocols; interface-level multimedia presentation standards; knowledge-level information processing and management tools; application-level ubiquitous computing and social intelligence environments.


The Semantic Web is organized as a pile of data formatting standards and tools: URI's Identifiers, UNICODE character set, XML syntax, RDF data interchange; RDFS taxonomies, SPARQL querying, OWL vocabularies, RIF/SWRL rules; Unifying Logic; Proof; Trust.

GLOBAL HUMAN AI PLATFORM: Digital SuperMind of Human and Machine Intelligence

GHAI is to possess the codified knowledge of the world, common sense, self-knowledge, conceptual understanding, awareness of other minds and machine, notions of cause and effect, or understanding of physics. Relying on concepts, models, theories, data, hypothesis formation, and causal understanding, it includes machine learning techniques pattern-matching against massive historical data sets, such as deep learning neural networks and reinforcement learning, and the mechanisms and algorithms of transformations of data, information, knowledge and wisdom.

The Supermind Platform encodes a Global Data Platform structured by a universal schema of things as a standard ontology and common semantics of all entities, physical and digital, tangible and intangible, mental and non-mental.

A Smart Offer for the New European Commission: Universal Artificial Intelligence: AI for Everybody and Everything (AI4EE)


· USECS™, UNIVERSAL STANDARD ENTITY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM:: The World Entities Global Reference (The WORLD.Schema, Global Ontology of the World: Global Knowledge and Intelligence Base), ISBN 978-9963-8421-8-6; Volume: 18,7 MB; Pages: 1359;

· Smart World Encyclopedia™, or Ontopedia™, Ontopaedia™: Intelligent World Encyclopedia™ (i-Encyclopedia, as the encyclopedic knowledge base for intelligent language machines and cognitive computing systems, able to collect, communicate and crunch Big Data to turn information into knowledge and actionable intelligence), ISBN 978-9963-2202-0-5, Volume, 3,77 MB; Pages: 419;

· SUPERGOOGLE™, SMART WEB ENGINE: Smart Search Engine GESS™ (i-Web Engine, which is to disrupt the traditional search engines and internet explorers; i-Engine Guidelines), ISBN 978-9963-8421-9-3 ; Volume: 3,2 MB; Pages: 434;

· Artificial Superintelligence as the next big thing; By Azamat Abdoullaev;

· Artificial Intelligence, AI Technology and Application AI, By Azamat Abdoullaev;

· Universal Artificial Intelligence, and how much might cost Real AI Model;

External references




By Joe Ucuzoglu, CEO, Deloitte US


The Surprising Power of People and Computers Thinking Together



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