Научная теория всего (STOE): основы реальности, разума и сверхразума

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Мы можем рассматривать настоящее состояние Вселенной как следствие его прошлого и причину его будущего. Разум, которому в каждый определённый момент времени были бы известны все силы, приводящие природу в движение, и положение всех тел, из которых она состоит, будь он также достаточно обширен, чтобы подвергнуть эти данные анализу, смог бы объять единым законом движение величайших тел Вселенной и мельчайшего атома; для такого разума ничего не было бы неясного и будущее существовало бы в его глазах точно так же, как прошлое. Пьер-Симон Лаплас

Finding a unified theory of the world, as underlying a theory of everything, TOE, final theory, ultimate theory, unified field theory or master theory, is one of the major unsolved problems in science, engineering and philosophy.

[Ontological] Interactionism is proposed as a scientific theory of everything (STOE), a final theory, ultimate theory, unified theory or master theory and algorithm of the world of reality.

The STOE would unify all the major world's interactions, including fundamental interactions of nature.

Interaction consists of Causality and Reversibility, or Actions + Reactions, being the major causal mechanisms at all basic levels of reality.

The world is modeled as the Global Causal Hypergraph Network, the reference frame and conceptual foundation of the STOE.

Scientific method of inquiry, as the interplay of data and generalizations, makes a basic research strategy.

Meta-AI Platform or Real Man-Machine Superintelligence is under development as the most disruptive general-purpose technology applications of the STOE/CTOE.

Towards a world model of everything: a scientific, final, ultimate, unified, or master theory and algorithm

A theory of everything (TOE or TOE/ToE), final theory, ultimate theory, unified field theory or master theory is a hypothetical, singular, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe. [Steven Weinberg (2011-04-20). Dreams of a Final Theory: The Scientist's Search for the Ultimate Laws of Nature. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group]. 

String theory and M-theory have been proposed as theories of everything in physics, as a final theory, ultimate theory, unified field theory or master theory.

There are a number of causal theories aiming to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics into a ToE, as Causal Sets, causal fermion systems or causal dynamical triangulation.

Over the past few centuries, two theoretical frameworks most closely resemble a theory of everything, general relativity and quantum mechanics upon which all modern physics rests.

A physical TOE as a theoretical framework revealing a deeper underlying reality, unifying gravity with the QM interactions, electromagnetic, weak and strong, is to integrate the realms of general relativity and quantum mechanics into a whole system. Such a theory of everything is formulated as a single theory that is capable of describing all physical phenomena in this universe.

As the topmost generalization, the Ontological Interactionism is devised as a scientific theory of everything (STOE), or Causal Theory of Everything, CTOE.

The STOE/CTOE as a scientific meta-theory or trans-theory, in principle, is capable of describing all noumena and phenomena of the world of reality, physical, social or virtual.

Ontological Interactionism is a scientific theory of everything (STOE), a final theory, ultimate theory, unified theory or master theory and algorithm of the world of reality.

It is studying the world as created through causal interactions among entities and their environments.

The Ontological Interactionism is a scientific, singular, all-encompassing, and coherent theoretical framework of reference of reality that explains and interrelates all key features of the universe.

Finding a theory of reality as a causal theory of everything (CTOE) or STOE is one of the major unsolved problems in science and philosophy... 

The Scientific Theory of Everything (STOE): the fundamentals of reality, intelligence and superintelligence 


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