Globus. Save me. Музыка грядущего настроения.

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Музыка грядущего настроения  в ролике стиля noir...

И официальный ролик от Globus:

See me take my bows

And I'm heading for the exits

I can't stick around

This life's been hard

And I can't see the sense in fighting it anymore

Can't you let me go

Won't you show me the door

'Cause I've made mistakes

That have hurt the ones I've loved

And I've thrown them under the bus

One too many times

There can be no redemption for a sinner such as I

Won't you wish me to the cornfield now

Won't you help me stop living a lie

So here I am in the corner of a dark room

The same way I began

Alone with these mournful thoughts

And a loaded gun in my hand

But a foolish part of me

Still holds out for a shred of humanity

For a queen in a robe or a knight on a steed

Can't you see that I'm just a child on his knees

Save me from fear and pain

And love will rain on me

Save me today

Before tomorrow finds me at rest

Save me from fear and pain

And love come down and rain on me

Save me today

For tomorrow will find me at rest

Now I'm standing alone in the moment of truth

As the judgement's handed down

And my feet are scarred from the broken glass

Strewn across the ground

Then you come to my side

And only to you I confide

That I've been battered and shattered and bruised and abused

For the very very last time

Won't you help me, just

Save me from fear and pain

And love reign o'er me

Save me, Save me today

For tomorrow will find me at rest

Save me from fear and pain

And love will rain on me

Save me today

For tomorrow, find me at rest

Find me at rest

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  • pretty
  • Вчера 07:09
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