Санэпиднадзор США ОФИЦИАЛЬНО ПИСЬМЕННО ЗАЯВИЛ, ЧТО КОВИДА НЕТ. Против чего ты, собянинский уголовник и фашист хочешь ввести людям генетическую смерть????!!!!!

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 "Центр по контролю за заболеваниями (США) - - Государственный центр санитарно-эпидемического надзора США в штате Атланта подтвердил в письменной форме, что у них нет никаких взятых из из живой среды, выделенных, в чистой культуре образцов вируса SARS-CoV-2 и они не могут предоставить никаких данных по такому вирусу, который якобы вызывает мнимое заболевание Ковид-19"

The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta has confirmed in writing they do not have any real-life, isolated, purified, sample of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus and cannot provide any records about that virus, which allegedly causes COVID-19.

 Против чего колоться и чем ты, негодяй актер Машков призываешь с плакатов в Москве ширяться?????


The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta has confirmed in writing they do not have any real-life, isolated, purified, sample of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus and cannot provide any records about that virus, which allegedly causes COVID-19.

Over the last several months Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have been made to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) asking for evidence that CDC has isolated or purified the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

On June 7, 2021, the CDC confirmed (again) in writing they do not have any records showing they have ever isolated or purified the virus that allegedly causes the disease called COVID-19.

These written requests were made by Ms. Christine Massey to CDC/ATSDR FOIA Chief Officer Mr. Robert Andoh, to locate and deliver ANY records, research and/or findings for ANY "viral" isolation and purification (by anyone, anywhere, anytime in the World) from a patient sample, via maceration, filtration and/or the use of an ultracentrifuge . . . what is called the 'Gold Standard' for isolating and identifying a pathological micro or nana organism.

The 'Gold Standard' for isolating and identifying microbes are referred to as Koch's and Rivers Postulates which was established many years ago for isolating bacteria (Koch) or Viral (Rivers) postulates.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of Koch's Postulates and Rivers Postulates:

Scientists can then further isolate viruses and even separate RNA and/or DNA, by using centrifuges!

As shown above, the technology already exists to get all this information.

One would think that the outbreak of a virus which has almost paralyzed the world, which has forced lockdowns, shut businesses and wrecked economies, would have been analyzed right down to its RNA level.

Apparently not.

Here is the letter from the CDC admitting they do not have purified, isolated samples of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes the so-called COVID-19:

There you have it. No records at CDC of any SARS-CoV-2 virus having been isolated or purified by anyone, anywhere, in the whole world.

CDC has no record of any such isolation or purification.

The first officially acknowledged case of novel coronavirus which became known as COVID-19, arrived by plane in the United States on or about January 15, 2020. It has now been over 18 months since that virus arrived and reeked havoc with our nation, its economy, and the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans.

In those 18 months, the Chief public health agency in the Untied States STILL has never obtained a purified, isolated, sample of the virus causing all this havoc. They have utterly failed to use the most commonly known "Gold Standard" for identifying and isolating a pathogen virus.


Maybe because the CDC owns Patents on the research of coronaviruses and is making tens of millions in Patent licensing fees from all the entitities studying this disease?

Maybe because the mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates are jointly owned by the CDC and by Moderna, and they are also earning tens of millions of dollars in licensing fees and vaccine distribution?

Maybe because certain employees within the CDC can LEGALLY personally profit from the development and distribution of vaccines, and those employees are earning hundreds of thousands of dollars each, through the distribution of vaccines they helped invent?

If CDC, the federal government and each state government cannot prove the virus exists in the real world, on what authority and by what probable cause, do they presume to repress our liberties?


О приёме Украины в НАТО

Сейчас много говорят о возможном (или невозможном) приёме Украины в НАТО. Зеленский утверждает, что только приём Украины в НАТО может стать достойной гарантией безопасности, компенсирую...

Без права на ошибку - 2

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  • "Санэпиднадзор США ОФИЦИАЛЬНО ПИСЬМЕННО ЗАЯВИЛ, ЧТО КОВИДА НЕТ." А зачем же в таком случае привили уже 50% населения США? А, просто делать им нечего, ну, ну.... https://rtvi.com/news/belyy-dom-obyavil-o-vaktsinatsii-ot-covid-19-poloviny-amerikantsev/
  • Класс! Кучно пошло! :clap: :clap: :clap: Суд в Канадском штате Альберта тоже принял такое же решение 19 июля 2021! Ваксеры долбанные, готовьтесь к земле! :smile: "Суд в Альберте (Канада) признал историю с ковид фальсификацией" https://cont.ws/@tarbal/2054668#com22105570
  • Лицедеям пофиг, что рекламировать. Что кредиты, что прививки. Профессиональное достоинство - ложь. За это их и в думу тащат. :blush:
    • H5N1
    • 8 августа 2021 г. 14:43
    Ммм...дя. Почему, читая заключение самого статусной и официальной структуры, осуществляющей контроль за медициной и фармацевтикой США, мне на ум приходит классика времён СССР: Доктор тоже человек, у него свои слабости: он жить хочет.