Hundreds of Thousands March Against US Presence in Iraq in Largest Protest Baghdad Has Ever Seen

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Hundreds of Thousands March Against US Presence in Iraq in Largest Protest Baghdad Has Ever Seen

January 25, 2020 by Edward Morgan

Iraq’s high cleric Muqtada calls and Iraqis pour out

By Marko Marjanovic,

Sadr’s demands:

1. The closing of all US military bases in Iraq.
2. The closing of all bases and offices of American PMCs and cessation of all of their activities.
3. The closing of Iraqi airspace for flights of military and reconnaissance aircraft of the US.
4. The cancelation of all security agreements with the US.
5. Trump must cease to look down on Iraq and its decisions and statements with a sense of superiority, or face consequences.
6. Third countries must not interfere in our relations with the invaders if the US refuses to withdraw.
7. If the US refuses to leave, it will be considered a hostile country giving Iraqis the right to proceed with physical resistance against the invaders.

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