Американская правда: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование ....

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18 августа 2024 год

Американская правда: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование •


Четверть века назад, в 1999 году, «Матрица» вышла в наши кинотеатры и мгновенно стала классикой кино, а также колоссальным блокбастером, заработав в прокате почти 500 миллионов долларов. Были также интересные эпистемологические выводы из представления о том, что наш собственный мир — это всего лишь иллюзия, созданная в рамках компьютерной симуляции, скрывающая за собой мрачную реальность. Слово «редпиллинг» — пробивающееся сквозь эти иллюзии в истинное существование — вскоре вошло в наш популярный политический лексикон: поиск в Google показал, что «редпиллинг» и его вариации встречаются более чем на 5 миллионах веб-страниц, и этот термин даже вдохновил несколько родственные понятия «черная пилюля» и «белая пилюля», вызывающие соответственно отчаяние и надежду.

Я нашел этот фильм выдающимся, когда впервые посмотрел его в кинотеатре, и на протяжении многих лет он очень хорошо держался, когда я смотрел его на маленьком экране, хотя я считал пару сиквелов, которые он быстро вдохновил, просто так... так или даже посредственно.

Однако я всегда считал немного несправедливым, что этот огромный успех настолько полностью затмил другой голливудский фильм, вышедший в том же году и посвященный аналогичной теме. Я видел «Тринадцатый этаж» пару раз, и хотя вряд ли я бы поставил его в один ряд с его гораздо более известным конкурентом, я подумал, что в сюжете есть несколько интересных идей, и почувствовал, что при других обстоятельствах он мог бы привлечь гораздо больше внимания.

В этом гораздо более спокойном фильме , лишенном гиперкинетически стилизованных сцен перестрелок из «Матрицы» , рассказывается о компании по исследованию виртуальной реальности в Лос-Анджелесе 1999 года, которая успешно создала компьютерную симуляцию общества 1930-х годов, персонажи которой прожили свою жизнь, совершенно не подозревая, что они всего лишь программное обеспечение. конструкции. Внезапное убийство директора компании и другие странные события привели к тому, что один из озадаченных исследователей в конце концов обнаружил, что его собственное общество также существовало лишь как компьютерная симуляция мира более высокого уровня. Подсказки, ведущие к этому прорыву, исходили из силы аналогии, поскольку он и другие заметили, что некоторые из необъяснимых событий, которые так озадачивали созданных ими персонажей 1930-х годов, были похожи на то, с чем они сами сталкивались в своем собственном мире, с которым они всегда сталкивались. предполагалось, было реальным.

Таким образом, как только мы успешно проникнем в некоторые из ложных повествований, созданных нашими нечестными средствами массовой информации, мы всегда должны учитывать возможность того, что мы все еще находимся в ловушке другого такого же слоя повествования, гораздо более глубокого, но столь же ложного, и использовать силу аналогии как инструмент, чтобы развеять эти иллюзии. Это идеи, которые мы должны держать в глубине души, рассматривая множество опасных и катастрофических лжи, связанных с конфликтом между Израилем и сектором Газа, продолжающимся уже одиннадцатый месяц.

На прошлой неделе я опубликовал статью, описывающую невыразимые военные преступления, регулярно совершаемые израильскими вооруженными силами против беспомощных палестинских мирных жителей, причем некоторые из этих инцидентов, наконец, начали освещаться в ведущих американских средствах массовой информации.

По словам американских врачей, опрошенных журналами Politico Magazine и CBS News Sunday Morning , израильские военные снайперы регулярно убивают палестинских малышей точными выстрелами в голову и сердце; действительно, на протяжении многих лет израильтяне с гордостью продавали футболки, хвастаясь своими успехами в убийстве беременных женщин и детей. В статье в «Нью-Йорк Таймс» также сообщалось , что силы ЦАХАЛа схватили и замучили до смерти ведущих палестинских хирургов и других врачей, а некоторые из выживших описали ужасные пытки, которым они подверглись от рук жестоких израильских похитителей.

Все эти варварские зверства были оправданы и поощрялись резкими публичными заявлениями высших израильских лидеров. Например, премьер-министр Биньямин Нетаньяху публично отождествил палестинцев с племенем Амалика, которого еврейский бог повелел уничтожить до последнего новорожденного ребенка. Всего несколько дней назад министр финансов Израиля Бецалель Смотрич заявил, что для Израиля было бы «справедливо и морально» полностью истребить все два миллиона палестинцев в Газе, но он подчеркнул, что мировое общественное мнение в настоящее время мешает его правительству сделать этот важный шаг. .

«Никто в мире не позволит нам уморить голодом 2 миллиона граждан, хотя это может быть справедливо и морально».

Крайне правый израильский министр Бецалель Смотрич выражает свое разочарование тем, что Израилю не разрешено уморить голодом 2 миллиона палестинцев в секторе Газа. pic.twitter.com/SuBI8DXOSm

– Основные моменты Палестины (@PalHighlight) 8 августа 2024 г.

Хотя официально заявленная цель Израиля по уничтожению всех палестинских мужчин, женщин и детей еще не достигнута, более десяти месяцев бомб, пуль и голода позволили добиться значительного прогресса в этом направлении. The Lancet — один из старейших и самых престижных медицинских журналов в мире, и несколько недель назад он опубликовал короткую статью, в которой консервативно оценивается, что беспощадные израильские атаки и полное разрушение гражданской инфраструктуры Газы могут быть причиной почти 200 000 смертей среди гражданского населения , что во много раз превышает эту цифру. больше, чем любая предыдущая сумма, упомянутая в средствах массовой информации.

Массовые, продолжающиеся убийства палестинского гражданского населения вместе с этими широко распространенными и откровенными публичными заявлениями высших израильских лидеров побудили уважаемых юристов Международного Суда вынести серию почти единогласных постановлений о том, что Израиль, по всей видимости, проводит кампанию геноцида против Палестинцы Газы. К концу июля даже печально известные произраильские редакторы англоязычной Википедии наконец подтвердили тот же вывод .

В дополнение к этим продолжающимся массовым убийствам были схвачены многие тысячи палестинских гражданских пленников, ни один из которых никогда не предстал перед судом и не был осужден ни за что. Но поскольку израильские тюрьмы переполнены, министр национальной безопасности Итомар Бен-Гвир предложил казнить их всех без суда и следствия, выстрелив каждому в голову, тем самым освободив тюремное пространство для новых волн пленников.

Хотя военные многих стран время от времени совершали массовые убийства или зверства во время войны, иногда даже с молчаливого одобрения их политического руководства, кажется весьма необычным, когда последнее публично одобряет и защищает такую ​​политику, и никаких подобных примеров из последних столетий не приходит в голову. разум. Я не сомневаюсь, что если бы тележурналисты взяли интервью у Чингисхана , когда он опустошал всю Евразию своими монгольскими ордами, он мог бы небрежно сделать такие заявления, но я всегда предполагал, что стандарты приемлемого международного поведения значительно изменились за это время. последнюю тысячу лет.

Когда высшие руководители регулярно делают такие массовые кровавые заявления, некоторые из их наиболее полных энтузиазма подчиненных могут, естественно, решить частично реализовать те же самые цели на розничной основе. Эти ужасные недавние израильские зверства просто продолжили модель начала этого года, которую часто документировали в социальных сетях сами израильтяне, стремясь подчеркнуть ужасное наказание, которое они успешно нанесли своим ненавистным палестинским врагам. Как я писал несколько месяцев назад:

Действительно, израильтяне продолжали создавать лавину захватывающего контента для этих видео. Толпы израильских активистов регулярно блокировали проезд грузовиков с едой, и в течение нескольких недель высокопоставленные чиновники ООН заявили, что более миллиона жителей Газы находятся на грани смертельного голода. Когда отчаявшиеся, голодающие жители Газы наводнили один из немногих пропущенных конвоев с продовольствием, израильские военные застрелили более 100 из них в ходе «мучной резни», и это позже повторилось. Все эти ужасающие сцены смерти и преднамеренного голодания транслировались по всему миру в социальных сетях, причем некоторые из худших примеров были взяты из рассказов ликующих израильских солдат, таких как их видео, на котором труп палестинского ребенка съедает голодающая собака . На другом изображении показаны останки связанного палестинского пленника, которого еще живым раздавил израильский танк. По данным европейской правозащитной организации, израильтяне регулярно использовали бульдозеры, чтобы заживо закапывать большое количество палестинцев . Представители ООН сообщили об обнаружении массовых захоронений возле нескольких больниц , где жертвы были найдены связанными, раздетыми и расстрелянными в стиле казни. Как отметил интернет-провокатор Эндрю Энглин , поведение израильских евреев кажется не просто злым, а «мультяшно злым», и все их вопиющие преступления кажутся основанными на сценарии какого-то чрезмерно пропагандистского фильма, но вместо этого действительно происходит в реальной жизни.

Описание Энглином поведения Израиля как «мультяшно злого» показалось мне очень подходящей фразой, и я использовал ее в названии своей статьи на эту тему.

Ничего подобного в современном мире раньше не происходило, или, по крайней мере, я о таком никогда не слышал. Например, еще в начале 2020 года чиновники уходящей администрации Трампа и новой администрации Байдена объединились, чтобы громко осудить Китай за совершение «геноцида» против уйгуров провинции Синьцзян, не имея возможности привести ни одного примера насильственной гибели мирных жителей.

В своей статье я отметил, что это весьма необычное поведение израильтян-евреев, по-видимому, лучше всего объясняется лежащими в основе религиозными и идеологическими характеристиками традиционного иудаизма, который на протяжении почти двух тысяч лет считал всех неевреев полностью недочеловеками, единственная ценность которых состоит в том, чтобы служат еврейскими рабами:

Если бы эти ритуальные проблемы составляли центральные черты традиционного религиозного иудаизма, мы могли бы рассматривать его как довольно красочный и эксцентричный пережиток древних времен. Но, к сожалению, есть и гораздо более темная сторона, в первую очередь связанная с отношениями между евреями и неевреями, причем для описания последних часто используется крайне уничижительный термин «гои» . Грубо говоря, у евреев есть божественная душа, а у гоев нет, они всего лишь звери в облике людей. Действительно, основной причиной существования неевреев является то, что они служат рабами евреев, причем некоторые очень высокопоставленные раввины время от времени заявляют об этом хорошо известном факте. В 2010 году главный сефардский раввин Израиля в своей еженедельной проповеди заявил, что единственная причина существования неевреев — это служить евреям и выполнять для них работу. Порабощение или истребление всех неевреев кажется конечной подразумеваемой целью религии.

Жизнь евреев имеет бесконечную ценность, а жизнь неевреев – ее вообще, что имеет очевидные политические последствия. Например, в опубликованной статье известный израильский раввин объяснил, что если еврею нужна печень, то было бы совершенно нормально и даже обязательно убить невиновного язычника и забрать его. Возможно, нам не следует слишком удивляться тому, что сегодня Израиль широко рассматривается как один из мировых центров торговли органами .

Эти абзацы первоначально появились в первой из нескольких статей, которые я опубликовал в 2018 году, в которых обсуждались истинные характеристики традиционной еврейской религии и вытекающее из этого поведение евреев на протяжении веков. Я думаю, что события, разворачивающиеся в Газе, могли быть почти неявно предсказаны этими прошлыми материалами:

Один из наших самых уравновешенных и проницательных комментаторов живет в Исландии, и он пришел к аналогичным выводам, предполагая , что израильское правительство, похоже, полностью намерено подтвердить те крайне противоречивые анализы, которые я опубликовал шесть лет назад.

Конечно, многое из того, что г-н Унц написал о евреях, является, по меньшей мере, спорным. Для обычного парня вроде меня я действительно не знаю, что и думать по этому поводу, потому что это так странно и резко контрастирует с моими ограниченными знаниями по этому вопросу. Из этого следует, что мне тоже особо нечего сказать по этому поводу…

Это почти как если бы Израиль решил доказать правоту г-на Унца. Превосходство, вопиющее пренебрежение к человеческой (не еврейской) жизни. Как будто скот режут. И становится только хуже. И у них практически нет оправданий, потому что их существование на самом деле не находится под угрозой, они представляют собой превосходящую военную силу при полной поддержке США для их защиты.

Трудно придумать сценарий, который лучше подходил бы для поддержки работ г-на Унца в прошлом, когда некоторые дико звучащие заявления об иудаизме внезапно стали полностью проявляться в Израиле.

Я поблагодарил этого комментатора и согласился, отметив, что :

Действительно удивительно видеть, как чей-то противоречивый анализ так ясно подтверждается в реальной жизни.

Это похоже на то, как астроном вычисляет орбиту неоткрытой планеты на основе возмущений орбит других планет, а затем обнаруживает, что она появляется точно в предсказанном месте.

Я также предположил, что почти удушающая хватка, которую произраильские евреи постепенно захватили в американском обществе, особенно в политике, научных кругах и средствах массовой информации, имела очень роковые последствия. Например, преднамеренное убийство Нетаньяху десятков или даже сотен тысяч мирных жителей Газы фактически побудило его недавнее приглашение выступить на совместном заседании Конгресса в беспрецедентный четвертый раз, при этом его напыщенная речь была прервана 58 овациями стоя, частота которых составляла более чем раз в минуту.

Между тем, американским студентам на протяжении поколений внушали абсолютный ужас перед геноцидом, военными преступлениями, апартеидом и расовым угнетением. Но когда они отреагировали на полную поддержку со стороны американского правительства худшего из подобных примеров, наблюдаемых в мире за многие десятилетия, их мирные протесты в элитных колледжах были жестоко подавлены жесткими репрессиями со стороны полиции. Эта проблема возникла потому, что их моральные наставники не смогли должным образом подчеркнуть, что все эти радикальные запреты на самом деле включали ключевую фразу «за исключением случаев, когда они совершены евреями».

В одном из самых громких и гротескных инцидентов за последнее время израильские врачи сообщили, что палестинский пленник получил серьезные ранения после того, как девять солдат ЦАХАЛ подвергли его жестокому групповому изнасилованию и изнасилованию. Израильские военачальники столкнулись с угрозой ордеров на арест, выданных Международным уголовным судом, поэтому они решили продемонстрировать свою приверженность международному праву, арестовав и предав суду солдат, но огромная агрессивная толпа еврейских активистов вторглась на военную базу, чтобы освободили их, а позже правительство приказало их освободить. Израильское телевидение широко транслировало кадры изнасилования и изнасилования палестинских заключенных солдатами ЦАХАЛа, утверждая, что эти жестокие сцены иногда даже транслировались в прямом эфире в назидание ликующим израильским политическим лидерам.

СРОЧНО: кадры с камер видеонаблюдения, на которых израильские солдаты групповым изнасилуют палестинского заложника в Сде-Теймане, опубликованы израильским каналом Ch12

Солдаты подняли щиты, чтобы скрыть свои действия от камеры. pic.twitter.com/QwGiEaPQQM

– Ричард Медхерст (@richimedhurst) 7 августа 2024 г.

Майк Уитни обобщил большую часть шокирующих ранних свидетельств в конце июля, когда эта история впервые появилась в израильских СМИ, а в более поздней статье журналиста Джонатана Кука собрано большое количество исходной информации. Кук отметил, что, по данным правозащитных и юридических групп, израильские солдаты и полицейские имеют очень долгую историю насилий и сексуальных нападений на палестинцев, включая детей, и такое поведение было одобрено высшими религиозными властями страны:

Например, в 2016 году израильские военные назначили полковника Эяля Карима своим главным раввином, даже после того, как он объявил палестинцев «животными» и одобрил изнасилование палестинских женщин в интересах поднятия боевого духа солдат.

« Серая зона» — популярный видеоканал, которым управляют молодые еврейские прогрессивные журналисты Макс Блюменталь и Аарон Мате, и я регулярно смотрю их еженедельные подкасты в прямом эфире, которые в течение последних десяти месяцев в значительной степени фокусируются на аспектах продолжающегося конфликта между Израилем и Газой.

Начиная с отметки 31:40 в своем пятничном шоу, они посвятили более 15 минут освещению этой истории об анальном изнасиловании, которая, хотя и очень активно освещалась в течение двух недель в израильских СМИ, была полностью проигнорирована New York Times и почти всеми другие ведущие американские СМИ. Они объяснили, что общественная поддержка этой систематической политики изнасилования и пыток палестинских гражданских пленников получила широкое распространение среди большей части населения Израиля, а влиятельный ведущий эксперт публично заявил по израильскому телевидению, что для израильских солдат было совершенно правильно и уместно насиловать палестинских пленников. как форма мести за теракты 7 октября, а также как мощное средство сдерживания любых будущих восстаний.

Редакторы «Серой зоны» подчеркнули, что эта широко поддерживаемая израильская политика изнасилования и пыток палестинских пленников была публично оправдана убеждением, что боевики Хамаса подвергли групповому изнасилованию израильских женщин во время своего рейда 7 октября. Но хотя эти утверждения получили широкое освещение в газете «Нью-Йорк Таймс» и других западных средствах массовой информации, никогда не было предоставлено абсолютно никаких доказательств в их поддержку, и они просто кажутся выдуманными злодеяниями-мистификациями, которые теперь в значительной степени развенчаны.

Защитники палестинского изнасилования, выступающие по израильскому телевидению, иногда также ссылаются на израильских детей, сожженных заживо боевиками Хамаса, еще более нелепую мистификацию, когда-то широко освещавшуюся в западных СМИ, а также на утверждения о том, что 40 израильских младенцев были обезглавлены. Хотя средства массовой информации в конечном итоге отказались от этих абсурдных историй, я подозреваю, что большая часть израильской общественности по-прежнему широко верила им, что способствовало их непрекращающейся жажде крови.

Как я указывал в различных статьях , все эти истории о зверствах почти наверняка являются ложью, поскольку как личные свидетельства, так и другие убедительные доказательства дают совершенно другую версию событий :

Ранее я упоминал короткое интервью израильтянки с двумя маленькими детьми, которая подчеркнула, что боевики Хамаса, оккупировавшие ее дом на пару часов, отнеслись к ее семье весьма уважительно. Я также сообщил о показаниях очевидца из кибуца недалеко от Газы, который рассказал, что мирные жители были убиты, когда израильские военные атаковали удерживавших их боевиков Хамаса.

Более того, официальный список погибших израильтян указывает на то, что почти все жертвы были взрослыми людьми не пожилого возраста, при этом значительная часть составляла солдаты или сотрудники службы безопасности, что вряд ли предполагает политику неизбирательной резни.

Последняя волна весьма сомнительных заявлений сосредоточена на историях из вторых рук о групповых изнасилованиях и сексуальных увечьях, совершенных Хамасом. Эти версии стали известны только через два месяца после рассматриваемых событий и не имели никаких подтверждающих судебно-медицинских доказательств, причем многие утверждения исходили от тех же людей, которые стояли за мистификацией с обезглавленными младенцами, что позволяет предположить, что это столь же отчаянные пропагандистские уловки. Журналисты Макс Блюменталь, Аарон Мейт и другие обсуждали чрезвычайную доверчивость «Таймс» и других средств массовой информации, продвигающих эти откровенно мошеннические истории. Многие из этих моментов обобщены в кратком видеообсуждении:

Вдохновленная моим репортажем на @TheGrayzoneNews , эта блестящая критика @propandco представляет собой самое убедительное и наиболее доступное опровержение фальшивой пропаганды зверств, которую Израиль придумал, чтобы оправдать свой геноцидный буйство в секторе Газа.

Посмотрите и поделитесь этим широко pic.twitter.com/Q8XawKN07Y

– Макс Блюменталь (@MaxBlumenthal) 27 декабря 2023 г.

Между тем, рассмотрим очень убедительные доказательства молчания. По сообщениям новостей, нападавшие боевики ХАМАС носили небольшие камеры GoPro, которые записывали все их действия, а многие из них израильтяне извлекли из их тел и начали тщательно изучать сотни часов этой обширной видеозаписи . Они наверняка вскоре выпустили бы видеосборник с любыми обнаруженными ими компрометирующими доказательствами, однако мне не известен ни один общедоступный ролик, в котором были бы показаны такие жестокие зверства или массовые убийства, что убедительно свидетельствует о том, что подобных событий было очень мало. Действительно, « Серая зона» обнаружила, что основная предоставленная фотография предположительно изнасилованной и убитой израильтянки на самом деле оказалась фотографией курдской боевики, сделанной несколько лет назад и взятой из Интернета, что демонстрирует очевидное отчаяние и нечестность сторонников. -Израильские пропагандисты, продвигающие эти истории.

За последние пару месяцев постепенно было признано, что, возможно, половина или более из всех 1100 с лишним израильтян, убитых 7 октября, вероятно, погибли от рук своих собственных, запаниковавших и готовых к действию вооруженных сил, в некоторых случаях ставших преднамеренными мишенями из-за в результате спорной израильской «директивы Ганнибала», и жертвами дружественного огня были в подавляющем большинстве мирные жители. Поэтому кажется вполне возможным, что от 100 до 200 безоружных израильских мирных жителей были убиты боевиками Хамаса, во многих случаях случайно. Это подчеркивает крайнюю непропорциональность гибели, возможно, целых 200 000 палестинских гражданских лиц.

Произраильская пропаганда-ложь против реальности

Рон Унз • The Unz Review • 30 октября 2023 г. • 4300 слов

Американская правда: военные преступления и зверства-мистификации в конфликте между Израилем и сектором Газа

Рон Унз • The Unz Review • 6 ноября 2023 г. • 6400 слов

В той же прямой трансляции Блюменталь и Мате также сосредоточились на методах, используемых для того, чтобы держать американских выборных должностных лиц в курсе этого вопроса, отметив, что несколько дней назад сионистские миллиардеры потратили почти беспрецедентные 8 миллионов долларов, чтобы победить члена Палаты представителей Кори Буш на ее собственных праймериз Демократической партии. , разгневанный тем, что черный прогрессивный член «отряда» призвал к прекращению огня в секторе Газа. Всего несколькими неделями ранее аналогичные люди потратили примерно вдвое больше денег по очень похожим причинам, чтобы успешно устранить ее близкого политического союзника , члена Палаты представителей Джамаала Боумана .

Эти две первичные гонки были, безусловно, самыми дорогостоящими в американской истории, и по их последствиям большинство членов Конгресса, несомненно, должны осознать, что они остаются на своем посту только благодаря терпению AIPAC и его идеологических союзников. Хотя ведущая прогрессивная республиканец Александрия Окасио-Кортес осудила роль больших денег в этих первичных выборах, она, очевидно, слишком боялась произраильских доноров, чтобы даже упомянуть, чьи большие деньги были замешаны. Редакторы «серой зоны» были гораздо более откровенны и точно охарактеризовали доллары как использованные «иностранными агентами государства апартеида».

Еще в мае я описал несколько ироничных высказываний, которые заметил в предыдущем подкасте Grayzone :

Это массовое подавление всей политической оппозиции сионизму с помощью сочетания законных, квазилегальных и незаконных средств вряд ли ускользнуло от внимания различных возмущенных критиков. Макс Блюменталь и Аарон Мейт — молодые еврейские прогрессисты, очень резко критикующие Израиль и его нынешнее нападение на сектор Газа, и в своей последней прямой трансляции за день или два до голосования в Конгрессе они согласились, что сионисты представляют собой величайшую угрозу американской свободе и что наша страна находилась «под политической оккупацией» израильского лобби».

Возможно, они осознавали, а могли и не осознавать, что их гневное осуждение близко соответствует одной из самых печально известных фраз крайне правых за последние полвека, которая осуждала существующую политическую систему Америки как не что иное, как ZOG, «сионистское оккупационное правительство». Со временем очевидная фактическая реальность постепенно становится очевидной независимо от идеологических предрасположенностей.

Эта конкретная моя статья оказалась весьма популярной, поэтому вполне возможно, что мои замечания прямо или косвенно дошли до этих людей. Так это или нет, но в своем нынешнем подкасте они упомянули, что, хотя они всегда отвергали «ZOG» как нелепое антисемитское выражение, недавние события продемонстрировали его реальность, и американцы, очевидно, теперь живут в «одной нации под властью ZOG». » Я думаю, что это стало важным шагом вперед в их понимании нашего мира.

Эти успешные попытки запугать выборных должностных лиц сопровождались другими усилиями правительства, направленными против журналистов или других частных лиц, которые бросают вызов нашей произраильской политике. Хотя это не упоминалось в их подкасте, за последние несколько дней эта кампания, похоже, резко обострилась, поскольку в дом Скотта Риттера совершили обыск двадцать агентов ФБР на том основании, что он, возможно, нарушил FARA, Закон о регистрации иностранных агентов. .

Риттер, бывший офицер морской пехоты, провел часть 1990-х годов в должности главного инспектора по вооружениям в Ираке. В этой роли он тесно сотрудничал со своими израильскими коллегами, а его многолетняя служба на Ближнем Востоке и многочисленные визиты в Израиль вызвали у него горячее восхищение этой страной и ее народом. В нескольких своих подкастах в начале этого года он объяснил, насколько переполняли его и его жену эмоции во время их первых визитов на Святую Землю, место зарождения их христианской религии.

За последние несколько лет Риттер стал очень резким критиком американской политики в отношении России и Украины, и за этот же период он, возможно, постепенно стал лучше осознавать темную сторону отношений между израильтянами и палестинцами, включая некоторые из жестких притеснениям подверглось последнее население. Затем массированный военный ответ Израиля на атаки 7 октября полностью вытолкнул его за рамки, и он стал громким, даже напыщенным критиком израильского правительства и огромного количества совершаемых им военных преступлений.

Новая смелая позиция Риттера даже выражала некоторое восхищение Хамасом, несмотря на то, что американское правительство официально классифицировало его как террористическую группу. Он резонно описал атаку 7 октября как одну из самых успешных военных операций легкой пехоты в современной мировой истории, когда дисциплинированные бойцы Хамаса столкнулись на поле боя с элитными израильскими боевыми подразделениями и нанесли им серьезные повреждения. Некоторые из недавних подкаст-интервью Риттера по этим вопросам были просмотрены по две-триста тысяч раз каждое.

Большое количество американцев работают или пишут для иностранных изданий, в том числе государственных, таких как BBC или Канадская радиовещательная корпорация . Но поскольку Риттер регулярно пишет для российского RT , ему теперь грозит выборочное судебное преследование, а бывший агент ФБР осудил эти обвинения как совершенно нелепые и явные нарушения наших прав, предусмотренных Первой поправкой. Независимо от того, подтвердятся эти обвинения или нет, очевидной целью было запугать Риттера и всех, кто хотел публично выступить против политики правительства. Между тем, как было широко отмечено, десятки или сотни миллионов долларов, вложенные в американскую политику от имени иностранных агентов, служащих Израилю, были полностью проигнорированы.

На протяжении десятилетий закон FARA оставался почти полностью неисполненным, и я никогда раньше не слышал о крупном рейде ФБР, нацеленном на дом частного лица, которого просто обвиняли в написании статей или проведении интервью для подкастов, поэтому такое развитие событий может отвести нас на несколько шагов вниз. путь к тоталитарному обществу.

Бывший посол Чес Фримен проработал более полувека в качестве высоко уважаемого эксперта по внешней политике, и он решительно осудил это нападение на конституционные права Риттера, назвав его напоминающим антирадикальные рейды Палмера 1919 года и маккартистскую эпоху 1950-е годы; но я думаю, что он ошибается. Почти все аресты 1919 года были направлены против неамериканских граждан, часто недавно прибывших иностранных иммигрантов, многие из которых открыто стремились к свержению правительства США и установлению на его месте режима большевистского типа. Ситуация совершенно отличалась от ситуации с Риттером. Между тем, хотя значительное число реальных или предполагаемых советских агентов было расследовано или привлечено к ответственности в 1950-е годы, Риттера не обвиняют на таких основаниях, и я также никогда не слышал о каких-либо рейдах ФБР на дома, проводившихся в то время. Таким образом, правительственная атака на Риттера кажется гораздо хуже, чем все, что предлагает Фримен.

Однако я думаю, что существует гораздо более близкая, но давно забытая историческая аналогия. В ходе «Великого подстрекательства 1944 года» десятки независимых писателей, интеллектуалов и активистов, выступавших против американской внешней политики и нашего участия во Второй мировой войне, предстали перед судом исключительно за осуществление своих прав на свободу слова и критику нашего правительства. в конце концов рухнул. Среди этих обвиняемых был известный бывший чиновник Госдепартамента и общественный интеллектуал по имени Лоуренс Деннис , и, хотя я ее не читал, позже он стал соавтором объемистой книги 1946 года «Суд над судом» , в которой осуждал и высмеивал судебные разбирательства.

Очевидно, что аналогия не точна, учитывая, что в 1944 году наша страна находилась в состоянии войны, когда миллионы американцев сражались и умирали за границей, но многие другие аспекты этого дела кажутся пугающе напоминающими современную Америку. Обвиняемые представляли собой крайне разнородную группу, большинство из которых никогда не имели никаких контактов друг с другом, и их публично клеймили как изоляционистов, антисемитов, фашистов и лакеев враждебного иностранного правительства, причем очевидной целью их преследования было запугивание кто-либо, решительно выступающий против американской внешней политики. Учитывая нынешние политические тенденции, легко представить подобные преследования в будущем в нашей стране, к которым, вероятно, добавятся публичные обвинения в «сочувствии террористам».

Риттер и Фриман часто появляются на популярном YouTube-канале судьи Эндрю Наполитано , среди других гостей которого есть длинный список очень известных деятелей, представляющих академические круги, национальную безопасность и журналистику, в том числе Джеффри Сакса, Джона Миршаймера, Рэя Макговерна, Дугласа Макгрегора, Ларри Вилкерсон, Макс Блюменталь, Аарон Мате, Ларри Джонсон и Филип Джиральди. Обычно я провожу несколько часов в неделю за просмотром этих интервью и тем самым получаю много важной информации от всех этих экспертов. Однако я также заметил, что у некоторых из этих людей могут быть определенные исторические «слепые пятна».

За последний год ХАМАС стал объектом массированной критики в средствах массовой информации, призванной полностью демонизировать его как одну из самых злобных террористических организаций в мировой истории. Вероятно, многие десятки миллионов доверчивых американцев, от высокопоставленных чиновников до простых граждан, до сих пор смутно верят, что боевики Хамаса жестоко обезглавили 40 израильских младенцев и поджарили других заживо в печах, в то время как групповые изнасилования и сексуальные увечья многих беспомощных израильских женщин. Будучи вдохновителем и организатором нападения ХАМАС, Яхья аль-Синвар, несомненно, будет считаться одним из самых страшных монстров в истории человечества.

But knowledgeable individuals, including all the guests on Napolitano’s podcast, are well aware that those stories were apparently just propaganda-hoaxes, concocted by pro-Israel activists and their media enablers to inspire tremendous hatred of Hamas and thereby help justify and excuse Israel’s enormous retaliatory massacres against the helpless civilians of Gaza. Indeed, given this more accurate understanding, al-Sinwar’s history might instead be portrayed in a very different, even heroic light.

Yahya Sinwar’s Impossible Resolve

Eric Striker • The Unz Review • June 6, 2024 • 2,400 Words

However, just as in the case of the 1999 film The Thirteenth Floor, sometimes individuals who successfully uncover and pierce one layer of an artificially-created version of reality may remain unaware that there might still exist another deeper layer behind that one. I think that they should consider that if our entire media could shamelessly promote such absurd lies about things that have happened in the here and now, they must be very cautious about accepting without question what that same media and its mainstream academic allies say about events that took place long ago and far away.

Numerous decent individuals have been horrified by the unspeakable atrocities currently being committed by the Israeli government in the plain sight of the entire world. Many naturally express that outrage by comparing the Israelis with the supreme exemplar of purest evil that our media has constructed over the past couple of generations, namely the Nazi Germany of Adolf Hitler. Ritter, Wilkerson, McGovern, and many others regularly level these charges against Israel, and I have heard they have become so common that Facebook automatically bans any comparison of Israelis and Nazis.

But we must remember that those who constructed the “black legend” of Nazi Germany eighty or ninety years ago actually share many characteristics with those who much more recently constructed an equally vivid “black legend” for Hamas. So if we now believe that the latter is false, perhaps we should carefully investigate the former as well. Over the last decade or so, I have done exactly that, and I regard my findings as fairly conclusive.

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Ray McGovern is a highly-regarded former intelligence professional, who regularly briefed a half-dozen American presidents during his long career as a CIA analyst, and I very much trust his candid judgment over the claims made by our dishonest and compromised media regarding current events in Gaza, Ukraine, and elsewhere in the world.

But during World War II McGovern’s rough counterpart might have been Prof. John Beaty, who as a senior officer in Military Intelligence prepared the daily intelligence briefing reports that were distributed to the White House and all of our other top-ranking political and military leaders.

A few years after the end of the war, Beaty published an enormously popular conservative best-seller entitled The Iron Curtain Over America in which he explained that the true origins and circumstances of the conflict were totally different than what had been portrayed by our government and its subservient media, and his striking statements were strongly endorsed by a long list of our top wartime military commanders. The recent lies of the American government regarding Russia, Iran, and Hamas seem remarkably similar to the earlier lies that previous American governments had told about Germany and Japan.

Beaty’s views were hardly alone. During that same war, Classics Prof. Revilo Oliver served as Director of Research in a secret War Department intelligence unit, with 175 professionals working under him, and at the end of the war he was decorated for his outstanding service. Decades later, he published his bitter memoirs entitled America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative, expressing views quite similar to those of Beaty. He was scathing in describing the horrific war crimes committed by his own country and its British allies against Germany:

Great Britain, in violation of all the ethics of civilized warfare that had theretofore been respected by our race, and in treacherous violation of solemnly assumed diplomatic covenants about “open cities”, had secretly carried out intensive bombing of such open cities in Germany for the express purpose of killing enough unarmed and defenceless men and women to force the German government reluctantly to retaliate and bomb British cities and thus kill enough helpless British men, women, and children to generate among Englishmen enthusiasm for the insane war to which their government had committed them.

It is impossible to imagine a governmental act more vile and more depraved than contriving death and suffering for its own people — for the very citizens whom it was exhorting to “loyalty” — and I suspect that an act of such infamous and savage treason would have nauseated even Genghis Khan or Hulagu or Tamerlane, Oriental barbarians universally reprobated for their insane blood-lust. History, so far as I recall, does not record that they ever butchered their own women and children to facilitate lying propaganda….In 1944 members of British Military Intelligence took it for granted that after the war Marshal Sir Arthur Harris would be hanged or shot for high treason against the British people…

Much like today’s Iran, Hitler’s Germany had made absolutely every effort to avoid war with America, just as it had earlier attempted to reach a negotiated settlement with Poland in 1939. But FDR had personally orchestrated the outbreak of World War II for domestic political reasons and he was determined to see our country involved:

His first plan was defeated by the prudence of the German government. While he yammered about the evils of aggression to the white Americans whom he despised and hated, Roosevelt used the United States Navy to commit innumerable acts of stealthy and treacherous aggression against Germany in a secret and undeclared war, hidden from the American people, hoping that such massive piracy would eventually so exasperate the Germans that they would declare war on the United States, whose men and resources could then be squandered to punish the Germans for trying to have a country of their own. These foul acts of the War Criminal were known, of course, to the officers and men of the Navy that carried out the orders of their Commander-in-Chief, and were commonly discussed in informed circles, but, so far as I know, were first and much belatedly chronicled by Patrick Abbazia in Mr. Roosevelt’s Navy: the Private War of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, 1939-1942, published by the Naval Institute Press in Annapolis in 1975.

…Although the U.S. Navy’s acts of outrageous piracy on the high seas were successfully concealed from the majority of the American people before Pearl Harbor, they were, of course, well known to the Japanese, and partly account for Roosevelt’s success in deceiving them with his “confidences” to the Portuguese Ambassador…they assumed that when Roosevelt was ready to attack them, his power over the American press and communications would enable him to simulate an attack they had not in fact made. That the deception was successful was, of course, shown in December 1941, when they made a desperate effort to avert the treacherous blow they feared.

Once America entered the war, Oliver focused upon the horrific way we had waged it, deliberately slaughtering the civilian population of Germany:

Both British and Americans have always claimed to be humane and have loudly condemned unnecessary bloodshed, mass massacres, and sadistic delight in the infliction of pain…in 1945 their professions could still be credited without doubt, and that meant they would be stricken with remorse for a ferocious act of unmitigated savagery unparalleled in the history of our race and unsurpassed in the record of any race. The bombing of the unfortified city of Dresden, nicely timed to insure an agonizing death to the maximum number of white women and children, has been accurately described by David Irving in The Destruction of Dresden (London, 1963), but the essentials of that sickening atrocity were known soon after it was perpetrated. To be sure, it is true that such an act might have been ordered by Hulagu, the celebrated Mongol who found pleasure in ordering the extermination of the population of all cities that did not open their gates to him — and of some that did — so that the severed heads of the inhabitants could be piled up into pyramids as perishable but impressive monuments to his glory. The Americans and British, however, deem themselves more civilized than Hulagu and less sadistic.

He also condemned the very brutal American occupation of Germany that followed the end of the war:

…with the American invasion of German territory began the innumerable atrocities against her civilian population — the atrocities against prisoners began even earlier — that have brought on our people the reputation of Attila’s hordes. The outrages were innumerable and no one, so far as I know, has even tried to compile a list of typical incidents of rape and torture and mayhem and murder. Most of the unspeakable atrocities, it is true, were committed by savages and Jews in American uniforms, but many, it must be confessed, were perpetrated by Americans, louts from the dregs of our own society or normal men crazed with hatred. All victorious armies, it is true, contain elements that want to outrage the vanquished, and few commanders in “democratic” wars can maintain the tight discipline that made Wellington’s armies the marvels of Europe or the discipline that generally characterized the German armies in both World Wars; what so brands us with shame is that the atrocities were encouraged by our supreme commander in Europe, whose orders, presumably issued when he was not drunk or occupied with his doxies, made it difficult or hazardous for responsible American generals to observe what had been the rules of civilized warfare. Almost every American soldier in Germany had witnessed the barbarous treatment of the vanquished, the citizens of one of the greatest nations of Western civilization and our own kinsmen, and — despite the efforts to incite them to inhuman hate with Jewish propaganda — many of our soldiers witnessed such outrages with pity and shame. The cumulative effect of their reports when they returned to their own country should have been great. It is needless to multiply examples, some of which may be found in F.J.P. Veale’s Advance to Barbarism (London, 1953).

He argued that the Nuremberg Tribunals brought everlasting shame upon his own country:

I was, of course, profoundly shocked by the foul murders at Nuremberg that brought on the American people an indelible shame. Savages and Oriental barbarians normally kill, with or without torture, the enemies whom they have overcome, but even they do not sink so low in the scale of humanity as to perform the obscene farce of holding quasi-judicial trials before they kill, and had the Americans — for, given their absolute power, the responsibility must fall on them, and their guilt cannot be shifted to their supposed allies — had the Americans, I say, merely slaughtered the German generals, they could claim to be morally no worse than Apaches, Balubas, and other primitives. Civilized peoples spare the lives of the vanquished, showing to their leaders a respectful consideration, and the deepest instincts of our race demand a chivalrous courtesy to brave opponents whom the fortunes of war have put in our power.

To punish warriors who, against overwhelming odds, fought for their country with a courage and determination that excited the wonder of the world, and deliberately to kill them because they were not cowards and traitors, because they did not betray their nation — that was an act of vileness of which we long believed our race incapable. And to augment the infamy of our act, we stigmatized them as “War Criminals” which they most certainly were not, for if that phrase has meaning, it applies to traitors who knowingly involve their nations in a war contrived to inflict loss, suffering, and death on their own people, who are thus made to fight for their own effective defeat — traitors such as Churchill, Roosevelt, and their white accomplices. And to add an ultimate obscenity to the sadistic crime, “trials” were held to convict the vanquished according to “laws” invented for the purpose, and on the basis of perjured testimony extorted from prisoners of war by torture…

And just like Prof. Beaty, Oliver especially ridiculed the supposed Jewish Holocaust, which was concocted out of the most ridiculous lies, quite similar in many respects to the current stories of the 40 beheaded Israeli babies:

The Americans…were howling with indignation over the supposed extermination by the Germans of some millions of Jews, many of whom had taken the opportunity to crawl into the United States, and…one could have supposed in 1945 that when the hoax, devised to pep up the cattle that were being stampeded into Europe, was exposed, even Americans would feel some indignation at having been so completely bamboozled.

The prompt exposure of the bloody swindle seemed inevitable, particularly since the agents of the O.S.S., commonly known in military circles as the Office of Soviet Stooges, who had been dispatched to conquered Germany to set up gas chambers to lend some verisimilitude to the hoax, had been so lazy and feckless that they merely sent back pictures of shower baths, which were so absurd that they had to be suppressed to avoid ridicule. No one could have believed in 1945 that the lie would be used to extort thirty billion dollars from the helpless Germans and would be rammed into the minds of German children by uncouth American “educators” — or that civilized men would have to wait until 1950 for Paul Rassinier, who had been himself a prisoner in a German concentration camp, to challenge the infamous lie, or until 1976 for Professor Arthur Butz’s detailed and exhaustive refutation of the venomous imposture on Aryan credulity.

Over the last few years I have discussed these matters at very considerable length in quite a number of articles and interviews. Those who have recognized the lies recently told about Russia, Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah should consider that much of what they believe about the history of the last one hundred years may have been based upon very similar lies, long congealed into accepted history.

Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • June 12, 2023 • 12,600 Words

American Pravda: Understanding World War II

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • September 23, 2019 • 20,500 Words

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • August 27, 2018 • 17,600 Words

More Falsehoods of World War II

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • June 19, 2023 • 7,500 Words

Hitler, Churchill, the Holocaust, and the War in Ukraine

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • July 17, 2023 • 9,700 Words

American Pravda: Secrets of Military Intelligence

Ron Unz • The Unz Review • June 10, 2019 • 12,500 Words

Related Reading:

The State of Israel as “Cartoonishly Evil”?

Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society

American Pravda: War Crimes and Atrocity-Hoaxes in the Israel/Gaza Conflict

Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong

American Pravda: Understanding World War II

American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

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• Category: Foreign Policy, History • Tags: American Media, American Pravda, Censorship, Conspiracy Theories, Gaza, Hamas, Israel/Palestine, Jews, Nazi Germany, World War II, Zionism

The American Pravda Series

The Life and Legacy of Lt. Gen. William Odom

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American Pravda: Was Rambo Right?

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China's Rise, America's Fall

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Chinese Melamine and American Vioxx: A Comparison

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The Myth of American Meritocracy

November 28, 2012 • 26,300 Words • 258 Comments

Our American Pravda

April 29, 2013 • 4,500 Words • 161 Comments

American Pravda: Reality Television

May 6, 2013 • 900 Words • 18 Comments

American Pravda: Barrels of Gunpowder and Sparks

May 17, 2013 • 1,200 Words • 4 Comments

American Pravda: ZeroHedge

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American Pravda: "Liberal Bias"

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American Pravda: Who Shot Down Flight MH17 in Ukraine?

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John McCain: When "Tokyo Rose" Ran for President

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The Myth of American Meritocracy and Other Essays

March 4, 2016 • 1,800 Words • 28 Comments

American Pravda: The Legacy of Sydney Schanberg

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American Pravda: Relying Upon Maoist Professors of Cultural Studies

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American Pravda: Will There be a Spotlight Sequel to The Killing Fields?

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American Pravda: Mass Deaths and Morning Newspapers

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John McCain's "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Broadcast---Now Found and Released!

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American Pravda: Did the US Plan a Nuclear First Strike Against Russia in the Early 1960s?

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American Pravda: Was General Patton Assassinated?

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American Pravda: Alexander Cockburn and the British Spies

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American Pravda: How the CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

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American Pravda: The KKK and Mass Racial Killings

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American Pravda: The Destruction of TWA Flight 800

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American Pravda: Breaching the Media Barrier

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The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving

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American Pravda: When Stalin Almost Conquered Europe

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American Pravda: Our Great Purge of the 1940s

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American Pravda: The JFK Assassination, Part I - What Happened?

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American Pravda: The JFK Assassination, Part II – Who Did It?

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American Pravda: Post-War France and Post-War Germany

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American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion

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American Pravda: The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath

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American Pravda: The Nature of Anti-Semitism

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American Pravda: Jews and Nazis

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American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

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American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

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American Pravda: Amazon Book Censorship

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American Pravda: Secrets of Military Intelligence

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American Pravda: The Power of Organized Crime

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American Pravda: John McCain, Jeffrey Epstein, and Pizzagate

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American Pravda: Understanding World War II

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American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations

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Kevin Barrett says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:27 am GMT • 4.1 days ago ↑

The upshot of this excellent article is that comparing Zionists to Nazis is unfair…to Nazis. That sounds like a joke, but unfortunately it’s true.

• Agree: anarchyst, JR Foley, Renard, Tiptoethrutulips, ld, mark green, Tereza Coraggio

• Thanks: OrangeSmoke, Justrambling

• LOL: Punch Brother Punch

• Replies: @Holy Catholic Orthodox, @Anglo Mark, @Laurence Fryd, @Zumbuddi, @Cloverleaf, @ariadna, @Jack McArthur, @AntiMason, @Cuffy, @Tereza Coraggio


Rabbi Shlomo says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:40 am GMT • 4.1 days ago ↑

We must never forget the 40 Jewish babies beheaded by Hamas on 10/07/23. Or the six million of my people turned into lampshades and bars of soap by the Nazis.

And now Palestinian men and women are falsely claiming that IDF soldiers gang raped them? Impossible: the Jewish faith forbids bestiality.

• LOL: one nobody

• Troll: Justrambling

• Replies: @Wokechoke, @Justrambling


Punch Brother Punch says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:48 am GMT • 4.1 days ago ↑

Sunday night is now “new Ron Unz article” night. He’s zeroing in on something really crucial and unsettling – terrifying, really – with these WWII articles.

• Replies: @John Dael


ranjit says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:50 am GMT • 4.1 days ago ↑

Adisgusting piece on earth , fully empowered and guranteed to succeed and survive by the west like the pre-Dinosaurian roaches with no evolution ,will take the west down .

Sometimes videos are being aired and it’s causing problem for the lap dog . https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-decries-reported-sexual-abuse-180100040.html

• Replies: @Pythas


Unzanon Fan says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:51 am GMT • 4.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Dont forget, the Nazis and Zionists were in league with each other, at least until WWII anyway.

Dr. Heinrich Bruning (1885-1970) Chancellor of Germany, 1930-1932 wrote in August 1937 a letter to Winston Churchill:

“From October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi party were the general managers of the two largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.”

• Replies: @RockaBoatus, @Mefobills


Twinkie says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:55 am GMT • 4.1 days ago • 300 Words ↑

However, I’ve always thought it a little unfair that this tremendous success so completely overshadowed a different Hollywood film released that same year that dealt with a similar theme. I’ve seen The Thirteenth Floor a couple of times, and although I’d hardly rank it alongside its far better known rival, I thought the plot included some interesting ideas and felt it might have gotten far more attention under other circumstances.

There is a scene in that film that struck a chord with me. It’s when the protagonist reached the edge of the town.

I had a similar, real life experience. Some decades ago, I lived in a small, Midwestern town for a few years and, one day, decided on a whim to drive on a town road to see where it led. It ended abruptly with a corn field – it was literally the edge of the town. So I drove the opposite way and then it also ended with a corn field. I smiled and muttered something like, “I am a rat in a corn maze (that’d be a maize maze, I guess). There is no escape.”

If yo liked The Thirteenth Floor, you might also enjoy a similar film that was released a year earlier in 1998 called Dark City.

Video Link

The Matrix didn’t arise out of nothingness all of sudden. There was a series of films like these in those years. I think there was a rising consciousness among people that the tremendous growth of information technology was making the willful divorce between object reality and perception not only possible, but more pervasive and salient.

• Agree: BrooLidd

• Thanks: Dr. Rock, ld, Dieter Kief

• Replies: @Wokechoke, @Ron Unz, @Happy Tapir, @Mike Tre, @Hapalong Cassidy, @BlackFlag


jsinton says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:55 am GMT • 4.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑

One thing is for sure. There can be no return of the moral/ethical debasement of the Zionist experiment. From now on, the world will regard Zion as a pariah state if it is to survive. And the US is hitched to this wagon too.

Supposing Germany had survived WW II and the world had devolved into a stalemate of armed camps: Communist, Fascist, and Liberal Capitalist. Would Germany recover her moral/ethical standing if statues of Hitler stood today in some European capitals? Perhaps? Can Israel hope to reclaim hers?


Charles says:

August 12, 2024 at 5:01 am GMT • 4.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑

I doubt that any commenter has paid particular attention to my comments over the years, but I sure-as-shootin’ know that our host Ron Unz knows that I am very pleased to see Prof. Oliver (1908-1994) quoted at length. The excerpts quoted are from America’s Decline – The Education of a Conservative, published in England in (I believe) 1980.

I will add that America’s Decline can be found on the Internet, or at least was available several years ago when I downloaded it to my laptop. Be aware that 1) you will encounter many words with which you are unfamiliar, regardless of your level of “education”, and 2) Prof. Oliver did not suffer fools. If you habitually carry a US flag in one hand and a Bible in the other, Decline will continually either perplex or infuriate you.

• Replies: @Ron Unz, @Harry E


Vaewolfman says: • Website

August 12, 2024 at 5:29 am GMT • 4.0 days ago ↑

Are these the Judeo-Christian values the Daily Wire keeps yappin’ about?

Also, as a one brave, but eccentric man once said, “we’ve gotta stop dissing the Nazis all the time.”


ghali says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:02 am GMT • 4.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑

When I read the Report in Politico Magazine (mostly interview with Dr Mark Perlmutter of Rocky Mount, North Carolina), I understood that Jews in Israel are saying we have the right to sodomize Palestinian men and rape women and children. Are these so-called “Jewish values” pair with “American values”? The reason I am asking, is because I heard/read many U.S. Congress members arguing that Americans and Israelis (Jews) share the same values. I have to agree with a friend at a U.S. university who argued, that “I interact with Jews every day. They are far worse than savage dogs”.

• Thanks: John Trout

• Replies: @24th Alabama


lastwhiteman says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:07 am GMT • 4.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Dominating your enemies sexually, and replacing their seed with yours is the most natural thing ever. If we hadn’t done that in the past, whites wouldn’t exist. Other groups doing that to whites is why we’re dying out. If not for the restraint of Christian morality, blacks in America would’ve been bred out of existence by now. If the Palestinians were raped out of existence, the entire nation of Israel would be competent and high functioning and there wouldn’t be a war now. Rape ultimately lead to homogeneity and peace. Mic drop.

• Replies: @Mosafer Hastam, @ld


anon[114] • Disclaimer says: • Website

August 12, 2024 at 6:19 am GMT • 4.0 days ago ↑

To true scientists and philosophers, the 13th floor ranks above the silly matrix, and for the very resasons that you point out. In fact, fundamentally describing, we are a natural simulation anyways, see the webpage link I provided.


Brewer says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:26 am GMT • 4.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑

the obvious intent is to intimate Ritter

– Typo? Intimidate?

On the other hand it maybe the IDF have coined a term for their treatment of Palestinians – Intimate (verb) – to ram a stick up someone’s arse – and Ron has adopted it to describe the treatment of Ritter in this instance.

• LOL: Sorel McRae


Holy Catholic Orthodox says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:46 am GMT • 4.0 days ago ↑

@Kevin Barrett

The Nazis weren’t half as brutal as the Israeli’s.

• Agree: John Trout

• Replies: @Pythas


Anglo Mark says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:09 am GMT • 4.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Kevin Barrett

Absolutely true! Indeed, Hitler knew about the inbred evilness of world Jewry (with notable exceptions like Ron Unz, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Matée and Glenn Greenwald, etc.) from their Gaza-like slaughter in Russia and the Ukraine of mostly White Christians: 10 million in the Ukraine by the Jew Genrikh Yagoda and 65 million in Russia under Stalin and Jewish executioners, according to Solzhenitsyn. Although Jews pretend to possess affection for Christians while hating Muslims, Christianity, not Islam, is the true foe of Judaism. Jewish affection for Christianity is only temporary because of Christian Zionism and their support for Israel.

• Agree: Harry E

• Replies: @Sorel McRae, @Holy Catholic Orthodox


Odyssey says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:17 am GMT • 4.0 days ago • 400 Words ↑

There is one example of atrocity in human history that surpasses anything described or even referenced in the text. That example is difficult to describe to the average reader because it simply goes beyond comprehension. It was the genocide of the Croats against the Serbs, directed and sponsored by the Vatican and the Germans, whose bestiality (although it is an insult to the beasts) that even the Germans themselves were disgusted by.

In that genocide, almost no firearms were used, but 57 different ways of killing Serbs were registered. The Croats organised a camp, bigger than Auschwitz, where 700,000 Serbs and about 80,000 Gypsies were killed. Although 10-20,000 Jews were also killed there, the Zionist organisations covered up the existence of that camp, and even the genocide itself, because it would have damaged the narrative of the Holocaust in Auschwitz, so that few people in the West know about its existence.

There was even a special camp for Serbian children, under the direct management of the Vatican nuns, in which children were killed and their eyes gouged out before, subsequently placed in barrels and sent downstream the Sava River to reach Belgrade with the inscription – gift to Serbian children. Wikipedia writes that 3,336 children ‘passed’ through the camp and that the number of victims is estimated between 449 and 1,500, although a conservative figure is that at least 25,000 children were killed.

It was also reported in the Israeli press that the number of people killed in Jasenovac was 2-3000, while other revisionists claim that it was no more than 40000. In addition to the 700 K actually killed Serbs (which the Croatian authorities themselves determined at the very end of the war), there were thousands more execution sites, where Serbs were slaughtered or thrown alive into bottomless pits.

Unlike the Jews, where there are people who most strongly condemn the genocide against the Palestinians, among the Croats there is not a single one, who will not only condemn but also admit that these crimes of their ancestors even existed. It seems that it will take a long time until the general public is aware of the monstrosity and the extent of the Croatian genocide against the Serbs.

• Replies: @JasenovacEnthusiast, @NotAnonymousHere, @Odyssey, @Odyssey


EggCorn says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:32 am GMT • 4.0 days ago ↑

Having recently read about “The Rape of Nanking” and seen the photos, I was reminded of this recent 1937 atrocity:


Click through all the photos in this wiki article and see how revolting this massacre was.


Caroline says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:14 am GMT • 3.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑

IMO something that could be stressed more is that the Nazis were -according to what I have read- one of the few armies of WW2, who executed their soldiers for raping people be it civilians or prisoners, which makes the Nazi-comparison regularly used by American pundits ridiculous.

The clearest analogy regarding rape between the IDF and rape in WW2 can be made to the Red Army, where Ilya Ehrenburg ENCOURAGED the soldiers to rape German women.

• Agree: Joe Levantine, John Trout, Harry E

• Thanks: BrooLidd

• Replies: @Curmudgeon, @bjondo, @Mike Tre, @Patrick McNally


Anon[363] • Disclaimer says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:25 am GMT • 3.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Yes Ron, Jews are indescribably Evil.


Lay out the correct response from mankind, please.

Total incarceration and permanent quarantine?




Australian Outback?

Or sterner measures?

Forced Sterilization?

Literal “Eye for an Eye” countering actions?

Concentrated WW3, placing all Jews in Ukraine and give them each an Uzi and 30 rounds?

Tell us.


BB753 says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:35 am GMT • 3.9 days ago ↑

Even historians of ancient history have biases and agendas. Of course, you can’t trust mainline historians to tell you the truth over what happened in the last 500 years, much less recent history.


Munga Bulga [AKA "HeebHunter"] says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:37 am GMT • 3.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑

The good thing is that after all of this, not a single word uttered by a kike will be believed, and it will be open season on every kike and anglo on Earth! Load up them buckshot, boys. The smaller the better. They need to suffer here before they go to pay for their sins in Hell, forever!


anonymous[227] • Disclaimer says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:49 am GMT • 3.9 days ago ↑

Interesting article but Israeli behavior has been well-known since the 1948 war and also during the Lebanon invasion in 1982, the Intifadas and the previous Gaza wars. So Ron was actually rather late to the game in pointing this out and wasn’t really an astronomer predicting anything surprising. Better late than never, I guess.

• Replies: @J.M..


Laurence Fryd says:

August 12, 2024 at 9:03 am GMT • 3.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Kevin Barrett

Agree. Excellent article from Ron again, hat off!

If I may wonder aloud just about one -therein mentioned- theme, I myself am an avid listener to Judge Napolitano and his interviews with especially Max Blumenthal (and A.Matee, S.Ritter, D. McGregor…), but I am just astonished that while he is (and the others are) very critical of Israel/Jewish Zionist behavior and on the forefront of dispelling the lying propaganda coming from those, his/their views on WW2 and the Holocaust are emphatically cartoonish, a repeating of the mainstream propaganda version without obviously never having done any objective research themselves nor apparently the slightest interest to do so.

And the same applies to Judge Napolitano himself, “The NAZIS” are constantly referred to by himself, often by comparing either Israel or Ukrainian Nationalist to them.

Neither of them obviously have (nor would?) read any of the academic revisionists or Ron`s articles and I just am baffled by this double standard of inquiry (or lack thereof).

Can anyone explain this to me ?

• Replies: @BrooLidd, @Z-man, @Sorel McRae, @Joe Levantine, @Arthur MacBride


Henry Reardon says:

August 12, 2024 at 9:43 am GMT • 3.9 days ago • 200 Words ↑

When you come upon two vicious dogs fighting to the death, you are not obligated to choose a side, especially if either of them might attack you if they had the chance. The U.S. should have learned that lesson before entering World War I. The world would be a very different place today if we had. Washington of course warned us.

As I commented before on the ongoing Gaza war, it is clear that both supremacist Judaism (as represented by Otzma Yehudit and other Israeli political parties now in power) and jihadist Islam (Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and numerous other entities) are historically and currently supremacist insular religions opposed to religious freedom and tolerance. Their followers are violent religious zealots – two sides of the same coin. If they could eliminate or subjugate all us “goyim” or “infidels” to obtain a Third Temple theocracy or a new Muslim Caliphate, they would. Neither share the values of American Constitutionalism. (The modern Democrats of course don’t either, and are doing their best to destroy those values, but they would be the first up against the wall in a new Caliphate.)

The same is true of many of the other countries who have been our “allies.” Except for a few countries, NATO is now a sad joke. Our so-called friends in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand apparently now believe Orwell’s “1984” was an instruction manual.

A plague on all their houses.

• Thanks: It's another unz poster

• Replies: @wildsilver


Caroline says:

August 12, 2024 at 9:47 am GMT • 3.9 days ago • 500 Words ↑

Ritter and Freeman both frequently appear on the popular YouTube channel of Judge Andrew Napolitano, whose other guests include a long list of very notable figures drawn from academia, national security, and journalism, including Jeffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer, Ray McGovern, Douglas Macgregor, Larry Wilkerson, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Larry Johnson, and Philip Giraldi. I usually spend several hours each week watching these interviews and thereby gaining a great deal of important information from all these experts. Yet I’ve also noticed that some of those individuals may possess certain historical blind spots.

I made a similar comment a couple months ago:

I used to believe the mainstream-history of the 20th century until about the start of the Ukraine war.

Since then I have come to believe that the mainstream history of WW1 and especially WW2 is more false than not.

What now shocks me, is that even non-mainstream political pundits in the media, who in my opinion are a lot closer to the truth in regards to the Ukraine war, seem to believe in basically ALL the lies about WW2 and even stuff that not even allied propaganda stated. (The only person, who occasionally contradicts these mainstream-views is Colonel Douglas Macgregor, but only to an extent. )

In the last few months I saw:

– Larry Wilkerson (a former CIA-analyst!) state on Judge Napolitano, that the main victims of the German euthanasia-program were Jews (AFAIK not even the mainstream-historians say so)

-Kim Iversen stating that the holocaust is true “because we have all the German records”, meaning the Allies are in possession of a bunch of German records detailing the holocaust, when even mainstream holocaust scholar like Raul Hillberg have come to the conclusion that the holocaust originated “from a mental convergence of far-flung German bureaucrats”

-and Judge Napolitano stating that the Germans conquerored Austria, who wanted to be independant (he must have seen “The sound of music”)

But IMO the most brainwashed person must be Robert Stinnett. Robert Stinnett was a revisionist historian of WW2, but only about the attack on Pearl Harbor. He wrote a book about it, that detailed, how Roosevelt and other high-ranking military had known about the attack and let it happen, so that Roosevelt could involve the US in WW2 against Germany.

If you want to laugh (or cry) I would suggest to you to listen to this one-hour-long podcast with Scott Horton:

Video Link

In the podcast he states, that

-Roosevelt tricked the US into WW2, but that was good thing (basically a “noble lie”), because the Germans wanted to conquer the US and if the US had not joined WW2 then, it would have been too late to defend the US

-he thinks after the Germans had conquerored Britain, they would have used the Royal Navy and used it to conquer the US

-after the successful conquest of Britain the Germans might have also launched an attack from Canada

-the Germans might also have attacked from the Caribean

-the US could have just embargoed Japan, but Germany could not be embargoed (I wonder, what happened in WW1?)

• Thanks: BrooLidd

• Replies: @Annacat, @Anonymous, @Sorel McRae


xyzxy says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:36 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 200 Words ↑

…this much quieter film centered upon a virtual reality research company in 1999 Los Angeles that had successfully created a computer simulation of a 1930s society whose characters lived their lives completely unaware that they were merely software constructs.

I never really considered how the West in decline could simply be poor software responsible for running the Sim. Blacks, street crime, drugs, endless wars for Jews, trannies, the Vax, rockets stuck in outer space, women in charge…

But then I think about how crappy Windows has gotten over the years–moving from an OS than simply ran programs into a pay as you go advertising scheme that hates its users. Run by a dot Indian–with all the competence of a call center boiler room in Mumbai, or the friendliness and cleanliness of an Interstate motel or convenience store clerk.

It’s all starting to make sense to me, now.

No wonder China is becoming so advanced. Moving the Sim they live in to platforms based on Kylin and HarmonyOS. Damn… we should have moved to GNU HURD and/or Plan 9 from Bell Labs when we had the chance.


anastasia says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:55 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 200 Words ↑

Reminds me of the gospel story of the Good Samaritan. Christ asked the Jewish lawyer what the letter of the law was, and the Jewish lawyer recited it perfectly. “to love God with all your heart, etc. and love your neighbor as yourself.” But then the Jewish lawyer asked a question that no one not previously indoctrinated would have asked, “But who is my neighbor?”

And Christ told the story of the Good Samaritan, contradicting all these crazy instructions by this crazy Yahweh in that crazy self-destructive religion.

Who is my neighbor? Christ told them; he contradicted their scripture and their god, and they rejected Him, and they are still rejecting Him now.

There is no getting through to these people, especially those living in Israel. They have had 2,000 more years of indoctrination of this stuff, with fuel being poured on this fire by setting up a Jewish state. The problem is way too big.

And the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is also fueling these crazy beliefs. Why would such a fellowship be set up to help the poor, but only poor Jews, never poor Christians. Being a neighbor to a Jew, and even now some Christians, is a one way street.

• Agree: John Trout

• Replies: @JR Foley


one nobody says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:00 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 200 Words ↑

Napoleon asked the Jews in France: Are you Jews or Frenchmen? After what could have passed for a greater Sanhedrin, the debate was over, and they answered: we are Frenchmen. It is said that for 80 years all Frenchmen prospered.

So here is the question Jews in America should ask themselves, are they Jews or are they Americans, Americans first and foremost, full stop?

If they choose to be Americans, full stop, then there is no better group of Americans that can spearhead the resistance to the fuckery of the zionists in America and from America into the rest of the World. Help and support will be in abundance.

This is the danger facing the American Jews, our fellow citizens, should they choose to do nothing, in proportion to their numbers and status, and continue to quietly go about enjoying their protected status against any criticism.

When the time comes and the 98% have reached their limits, American Jews will face the simple question: you knew and why did you do nothing?

This was the main question asked at the Jewish trials of Nuremberg.

• Thanks: anarchyst

• Replies: @Voltaria Voltaire


Jack McArthur says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:24 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Maybe the Matrix is a version of Xenaphones horses argument in which people in the age of computer programming project themselves and limitations into the Great Computer but load it with ludicrous limitations such as human batteries/neural networks. That is not to deny we appear to be living in a nightmare at present but there is a difference between “I think, therefore I am” and “I am , therefore I think” and a metaphysical explanation maybe inclines more to the good rather than the Matrix which to a skeptic cannot be proved either.


Anynomous says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:27 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 200 Words ↑

Very little has been written about american and british soldiers were raping and ordered to rape both french and german girls and women, how they have intentionally bombed purely civilian targets in terrorist operations, how they first rounded up german prisoners to american and british deathcamps and then intentionally starved them to death without food and water. Also, how north african allies of american and british were raping girls and women and the so called satanic allies let them get away with it as well.

We can finally stop the false virtue signalling narrative and this scum by simply revealing everything they really did. They have completely covered up everything with lies. Some of their terrorism and war crimes are even widely known and admitted.

We can only effectively bring american and british scum to justice after their american and british empire finally falls. They cant kill all of us as “terrorists” and “bad guys”. This is really their moronic and satanic world view. In the end this animal scum will be driven off from lands that they stole and robbed by legal means.

There will not be enough lamp posts when the american and british empire falls.


anastasia says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:36 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Netanyahu is perpetuating these lies during his recent visit:

“Israel will continue to defend itself against Hamas, a genocidal terror organization,” he said. “On October 7th, Hamas perpetrated the most horrific atrocities against the Jewish people since the Holocaust, and it vows to repeat these atrocities again and again and again.”

The media may have backed away from telling these stories, but they never admitted that they were false.

• Agree: John Trout


Daniel Rich says: • Website

August 12, 2024 at 11:36 am GMT • 3.8 days ago ↑

Once a Jew. Always a Jew.

Never changes.

Ignore this small-hat BS!



Gott ist mit Unz says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:42 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

The Eric Striker article on Sinwar linked above is very timely and enlightening. Yahya Sinwar was born and raised in the Khan Younis section of Gaza. At this point he has to be feeling like Tallal on his death ride in the “No Prisoners” scene from Lawrence of Arabia:

“This was Tallal’s village.”

Video Link

What the movie doesn’t mention is that Tallal was one of the main leaders of the revolt like the Omar Sharif and Anthony Quinn characters.


Brás Cubas says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:43 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 300 Words ↑

Antisemitism is probably going to be on the rise for years to come in the U.S. due to the combination of external factors, internal ones, and the First Amendment. Ron Unz hints at a possible joining of forces by the Left and the Right. That’s a real possibility. The end result of all that might be a 180º shift which would place the U.S. as the most powerful antisemitic country in the world.

That would also probably entail a new alignment of world powers. Europe would probably distance itself from the U.S., as its severe laws agains antisemitic discourse and Holocaust denial would prevent it from taking the same course as the U.S.. Also, Europe is experiencing a shift in an opposite direction, with pro-Israel rightwing parties on the rise.

That would possibly steer Europe towards Russia, who is pro-Israel and philosemitic, though in a more pragmatic manner than Western Europe, e.g., Russia is friendly towards Iran, which is an anti-Israel and Holocaust denying country. An alliance between Europe and Russia would also probably mean an alliance between Europe and China, but that’s a little more speculative.

That rearrangement of alignments would put the U.S. in a very isolated position. That is a dangerous situation, but an antisemitic U.S.A. would not necessarily resemble Nazi Germany, because the U.S. has lots of territory and thus wouldn’t be in need for ‘living space’. The U.S. would probably concentrate its imperialist energies in Latin America. A war with Canada wouldn’t be a far fetched hypothesis.

Also, it is unclear whether American antisemitism would have racist connotations. That’s where the Right differs from the Left. The former is antisemitic because it is racist; the latter is antisemitic because it is anti-racist. Both coming to terms over this particular point is essential for their peaceful cohabitation.

• Replies: @Ronehjr, @Exile in Paradise


BrooLidd says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:45 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Thanks for mentioning the 1944 sedition trial and Lawrence Dennis’ A Trial on Trial.

The defendents were indeed a diverse group. They ranged from the heroic Elizabeth Dilling to an ‘anonymous,’ impoverished white man who had no ‘public face’ at all and journeyed to D.C. with nothing more than the change in his pocket.

I highly recommend Mr. Dennis’ book.

One extremely significant aspect of the trial is that it took place in Washington D.C. and the jury, which was drawn from D.C. voters, was highly unsympathetic to the government’s case, and indeed laughed at some of the prosecutor’s assertions.

[Note: I am writing from memory.]

Compare this to D.C. juries of ‘current year’!


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:47 am GMT • 3.8 days ago ↑

Support Israel support homosexual sodomy. Tel Aviv is the gay Disco of the globe.


Fr. John says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:08 pm GMT • 3.8 days ago ↑

Thank you, sir. No other words can even begin to explain the eye-opening nature of this article.

• Agree: Odd Rabbit


Jim H says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:11 pm GMT • 3.8 days ago • 200 Words ↑

‘their moral instructors failed to properly emphasize that all those sweeping prohibitions [on genocide, war crimes, apartheid and racial oppression] actually included the key exclusionary phrase “except when committed by Jews.”’ — Ron Unz

This is a simple but profound observation. My entire formal education was focused on universal laws, principles and truths — including the natural rights philosophy embedded in the founding documents of the United States.

Anti-Independence Day — July 24, 2024, when the strident war criminal Netanyahu triumphantly addressed a joint session of Clowngress — demolished that entire edifice at a stroke. Hundreds of Congress Clowns cheered the author of gross atrocities which contravene every principle the US once stood for.

Now the US hangs in midair like Wile E Coyote after running off a cliff. Its impending collapse is inevitable, with its founding principles having been rudely, shockingly erased. But gravity hasn’t yet taken hold. Just wait — it will.


Mefobills says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:12 pm GMT • 3.8 days ago • 700 Words ↑

I noted that this very unusual behavior by Jewish Israelis seemed best explained by the underlying religious and ideological characteristics of traditional Judaism, which for nearly two thousand years has regarded all non-Jews as totally sub-human, whose only value is to serve as Jewish slaves:

The Aiparu had prices but no value. Think of it like a video game, where they plugged in and level upped, gaining power.

The power was like a permanent battery, where silver fetched 3X the gold in India than it did in the west. Plugging into the mechanism was prices but no value, basically usury.

All civilizations are at war within, as they can be divided roughly 60:20:20. Sixty percent are normies who are NPC’s waiting for their download. 20 percent are free thinkers and tend to have a moral core. Then there are another 20% who exhibit narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy. Of that 20% are people who are money-sick, who have no loss of wants, who self-aggrandize. The Aiparu promoted this 20 percent with their price but no value theories. This was easy for them because they were plugged into the battery, getting easy money via usury, as they arbitraged the gold/silver exchange at the Bosporus crossing.

They used their easy takings to pervert Israel. Think of the Aiparu merchant class, as the worst sort of humans, the devil sitting on your shoulder, whose voice isn’t quiet, but instead is loud and magnified by money power. They do everything in their power to say that debt isn’t sin, that prices and money come first, production is only a knock on effect. Seen this way, Karl Marx was an anti-Semite, as he promoted classical economy (which includes value theory) as did Hitler.

Israel being located on the routes, and the “merchant class” coming to dominate the routes, meant that 20 percent of the good guys in Israel were at a permanent disadvantage. You can clearly see this in the Parthian war, where Trajan went north, and interdicted the Aiparu. They then sent out their signals, and normie Jews went nuts, doing a massacre on the Greeks and Romans. Later, when Rome went into Jerusalem – ho hum, no response.

You can ascertain the internal battles in the religion, especially with Moses early on, trying to reign in the “golden calf” people. When the Torah was written down, in the axial bronze age – around 500 BC, the Jubilee was coded in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Debt was sin, and you were not allowed to take usury using debt mechanics. Leviticus priestly document said to the Israelites, you are strangers and guests on my land. The land is not to be put into debts and on-sold and held by the creditor class (the Aiparu). The bond servants (those put into debts) are to be released, to then return to the land, to farm it (produce value), to then prevent starvation.

The religious and ideological characteristics was the same as all populations, but with the Aiparu sitting on their shoulder, and said Aiparu devils (merchant class) having been leveled up!, the Jews never had a chance. The entire edifice of false economy using money magick usury comes straight from this merchant class trying to create a false religion, which then acts as a cover and shield.

Other areas of the world, where the god-king city states predominated, value was not erased from conscious. Jews especially, evolved a predatory construct – and it didn’t help that the worst humans in other parts of the world would partner with Jews to take usury on their own populations.

For example, the Norman Kings imported Jews as tax farmers against the English. The Polish minor nobles used Jews similarly. Our Aiparu friends had a steady diet of “powering up.” A steady diet of price without value theory, and erasing usury from conscious and religion, has not been good for humanity.

Aiparu means minor merchant in Egyptian. The god-kings of Egypt were in control, and the merchant did not get the upper hand despite the exodus story (which is probably made up by the Aiparu to self-aggrandize).

• Replies: @Jack McArthur, @Charles Martel France


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Anon[322] • Disclaimer says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:14 pm GMT • 3.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Antisemitism is probably going to be on the rise for years to come in the U.S. due to the combination of external factors, internal ones, and the First Amendment.

You are NOT a SEMITE, liar. You have stolen not only Palestians’ land, also their identity. You came from Europe and Americas as fucking colonists. Stop your lies idiot.

• Replies: @John Trout


Annacat says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:17 pm GMT • 3.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Many thanks, Mr Ron Unz!

“Those who have recognized the lies recently told about Russia, Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah should consider that much of what they believe about the history of the last one hundred years may have been based upon very similar lies, long congealed into accepted history.”

As you stated at the end of this brilliant exposé, people with ability to realize that the recently established “truth” about Russia, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah is built on lies, have nowadays a totally unbiased reason to reflect over “veracity” of the stories and tales about the two world wars that the “elites” so “graciously” have provided us with, and continue to do so.

• Agree: JR Foley, GMC


Zumbuddi says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:17 pm GMT • 3.8 days ago ↑

@Kevin Barrett

comparing Zionists to Nazis is unfair …

but if the comparison persists, then it is only logical that Israel/zionism must be “de-zionized” as thoroughly, brutally, and perpetually as Germany was de-Nazified.

• Agree: Jim H

• Replies: @Caroline


Bama says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:19 pm GMT • 3.8 days ago ↑

Zionism flourishes today because of Christian adherence to the Jewish Old Testament, written exclusively for Christian believers.

• Replies: @6million Julies, @john844


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:36 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑


Anything with Connolly in it. Yes.


William Everett says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:50 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑

The leader of a dark foreign power that offers America no benefit or service, is essentially bowed to fifty-eight times by America’s top (supposedly) democratically elected leaders, and is awarded vast sums of wealth stolen from the American people by coercion.

One can logically conclude that bribery, blackmail, extortion, murder, and terrorism are behind this otherwise impossible scenario.

Yet, if an American tries to speak to a fellow American about this and related topics, his loyalty to the prevailing national religious cult is brought into question. From what I extrapolate from both Internet and person-to-person research, America’s mainline Protestant denominations have fallen in the same manner, using the same methods, as has both the federal and now state governments.

When one witnesess the governors of Texas and Florida signing laws into effect that suspend the Constitutional rights of its citizens in favor of a single favored foreign power, one can definitively declare that freedom and America are dead. Without factoring the Mossad tactics of bribery, blackmail, extortion, murder, and terrorism, I cannot find a rational explanation for what has happened.

The end game for this is the extermination of the White race, which has long since been deemed “Amalek,” with a concensus of rabbis calling for our genocide, currently and evidently throughout Jewish history.

• Thanks: anarchyst

• Replies: @Harry E


Annacat says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:52 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑


“What now shocks me, is that even non-mainstream political pundits in the media, who in my opinion are a lot closer to the truth in regards to the Ukraine war, seem to believe in basically ALL the lies about WW2 and even stuff that not even allied propaganda stated.”

We have exactly this tendency in Sweden, dear Caroline.

The big wigs in the political party Sweden Democrats, the party that at the beginning was against the establishment and its lie, are nowadays even more eager than the MSM itself to promote the established version of the “truth” about WWII and the superial victimhood of the Jewish people. (Ordinary party members have, of course, no clue, as their exclusive concern is about massimmigration of the Muslims.) The same “alternative” stance is hold by close to all “alternative” media in Sweden. By 1 July this year, we are no longer allowed to vent any reflection over the “facts” of the holocaust, if you aren’t ready to be punished for a crime. Btw, Sweden Democrats, are since the general election in September 2023 in coalition with the governing parties promoting themselves as anti-socialist.


HT says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:53 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Israel and the Jews, thanks to complete multi-generational control of the primary information and education systems have taken Orwellian to another level. They will literally complain out in the open that they cannot complete the most vile genocidal actions and people sympathize with them. Once they decide to go NKVD on America, I think most Americans will fight to see who can get in line first.

• Agree: Annacat


JR Foley says:

August 12, 2024 at 12:53 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


The Jews do NOT know their Old Testament- Period.

Virgin Birth –Isaiah 7;14

Christ shunned and afflicted- a man of sorrows – Isaiah 53 “and by his stripes we are healed”

Christ crucified – King David –Psalms 22

Christ sold for 30 pieces of silver – Zechariah 11.13—Judas ( the treasurer) sold Christ for 30 chunks of silver—what a business !!!

NOW if they read their Old Testament— and knew it—the Jew would realize they are on the wrong track.

Judgment comes following death and ” they will be judged according to their works” and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth –for all eternity.

John Hagee and all these Christian LOVE Zionist cults —are on the wrong track !!!

• Replies: @anastasia


BrooLidd says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:04 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Laurence Fryd

I myself am an avid listener to Judge Napolitano… his…views on WW2 and the Holocaust are emphatically cartoonish… [ditto those of his guests.]

Yes. I notice this, too. Mr. Unz explains it by referring to these individuals’ ‘blind spots.’

Ritter regularly compares Israeli and Ukrainian acts to those of the Nazis. And on one occasion Col. Wilkerson quoted some Nazi official’s supposed written command to commit attrocity killings. (The latter sounded very like a forgery to me.)

Napolitano, Ritter, and Wilkerson are men of high intelligence and high integrity. I’d like to hear them discuss the ‘Nazi question,’ but doubt they ever will. For the moment I withhold judgement. (As if my judgement matters to anyone LOL!)

• Replies: @Iva


Z-man says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:05 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Laurence Fryd

Well, I’ll take a quick stab at it. The Judge, and others, want to attack the problem at hand, not 80 year old ‘history’. He, and the rest don’t want to deal with the anti Semitism/self hating Jew crap which, at the moment, would take away from the matter at hand, exposing the Zionist Entity (Beast).

They know to ‘Beware the Power of The Cabal’. Even righteous Jews like Blumenthal, Matte, Greenwald and our host here Ron Unz have to beware of that pernicious power.

• Thanks: GMC


Anonymous[283] • Disclaimer says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:08 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


In the last few months I saw:

– Larry Wilkerson (a former CIA-analyst!) state on Judge Napolitano, that the main victims of the German euthanasia-program were Jews (AFAIK not even the mainstream-historians say so)

You mean Larry Johnson.

E. Michael Jones argues in his recent work, The Holocaust Narrative, that Catholics, particularly clergy, were the original and primary target of the Nazi regime’s brutality but somehow the Jews ended up co-opting the narrative totally. He references a work by a German priest, Christus in Dachau, oder, Christus der Sieger by Father Johann Maria Lenz, written in 1955.


Ron Unz says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:09 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


If yo liked The Thirteenth Floor, you might also enjoy a similar film that was released a year earlier in 1998 called Dark City.

Sure, I saw it once in the theater and then a couple of times on DVD, and thought it was excellent, even better than The Thirteenth Floor.

• Agree: BrooLidd

• Thanks: Chebyshev


Ron Unz says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:10 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


I sure-as-shootin’ know that our host Ron Unz knows that I am very pleased to see Prof. Oliver (1908-1994) quoted at length. The excerpts quoted are from America’s Decline – The Education of a Conservative, published in England in (I believe) 1980.

Sure. I should have mentioned the name of that book and I’ve now emended the text of my article.

• Thanks: Charles

• Replies: @Sorel McRae


Sorel McRae says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:15 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Ron Unz

The Amazon link offers a paperback edition for the low, low price of $1,600–but notes that it is “currently unavailable”! You can, however, download a pdf version for free from https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/Instauration/AmericasDecline.pdf. I recommend that you do so and store it carefully for the future.

• Thanks: Emil Nikola Richard


arbeit macht frei says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:21 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑

thanks Mr. Unz for all you do. please don’t let up.

• Agree: anarchyst, ariadna, Dr. Rock

• Thanks: werpor

• Replies: @werpor


Cloverleaf says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:33 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Kevin Barrett

Konrad Heiden was a freelance writer for news outlets around the world. He’s credited for coining the term “nazi” to describe the German people, when in fact “nazi” was a seventeenth century Austrian/Bavarian slang towards Ashkenazi J’s, meaning cruel, simpleton, untrustworthy and idiot. Do you really think the German people ever referred to themselves as the above? Considering the term “nazi” is part of Ashkenazi it would be easy to correlate? No. 90 years later, everyone from politicians to journalists and an assortment of fools still use that term to describe the German people of that time, which shows how easily we’ve been brainwashed into thinking exactly what they want us to think.

• Replies: @BrooLidd, @Zumbuddi


Sorel McRae says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:35 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Anglo Mark

What accounts for the distinction of Jews like Unz, Blumenthal, Matée, Greenwald, etc.?

I believe Sailer once posted some anecdotal musings of the rivalry between the longer established “German Jews” who had immigrated to the U.S. in the early-mid 19th century from Western Europe and the “Russian Jews” who came from the Pale of Settlement in the late-19th/early-20th centuries (particularly regarding now-amusing tales of alleged country club discrimination which now cast WASPs in the role that the “German Jews” then played with respect to their eastern rivals.)

Also even more mainstream historians like Paul Johnson note the persistent distinction between the more Western-assimilated “Sephardic Jews,” whose ancestors emigrated from Spain around 1492 and populated the Jewish communities of the Netherlands, France, England (after Cromwell), and the U.S., OTOH, and those emancipated from the Pale by Napoleon, OTO.

(The terminology gets even more hopelessly confused usage in Israel of terms like “Ashkenzim” to refer to more Western Jews and “Sephardim” to refer to those from the Arab world.)

It is almost as if these are not even the same people. Are they?

• Replies: @Che Guava


Mosafer Hastam says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:40 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


What you’re saying here is as stupid as it is amoral, imho. So-called “white” genes aren’t dominant, they just dissipate, re-emerging occasionally in some individuals after two generations. The design of a certain Koudenhove-Calergi aims at pumping as much alien genes into homogeneous white populations as possible, in order to achieve a generally low-IQ proletariat. Can anyone explain to me why everyone hates white people, yet everybody wants to live in a white neighbourhood?

• Agree: lastwhiteman

• Replies: @Liza, @lastwhiteman


profnasty says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:42 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Once we spoke of the power of ideas.

Now we speak of the power of agendas.

-Paul Craig Roberts

Congratulations to Doc Unz (Documentation) who is mentioned in PCR’s new column. It’s a real barn burner.

To anyone who appreciates the IDEAS of Doc Roberts, here’s the article.


• Replies: @Zumbuddi


JasenovacEnthusiast says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:51 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


[Off-topic comments are likely to be trashed.]

This is an example of why Serbs were’t seen as Aryan but rather oriental savages by us Croats and Germans.



Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:

August 12, 2024 at 1:59 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

I guess the ‘never again’ marketing line was meant only for Jews and their advantage.

As Jared Kushner has pointed out, there will be some prime beach front property and top-dollar real estate once the Palestinians are slaughtered and cleansed from Gaza. And Jews will be forgoing Miami and Boca.

• LOL: Che Guava


Sorel McRae says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:06 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Laurence Fryd

It is a feature of the almost literal demonization of the Nazis as part of the foundation myth of modern “Western” civilization, including the U.S. Empire, the Soviet Union, and even Russia today.

Few of the Germans at Nuremberg and related show-trials or their defenders even dared to “deny” the holocaust–and for good reason. Imagine if you were assigned the defense of someone charged in the Salem witch trials: it would be foolish, perhaps rising even to malpractice, for you to get up and say before the jury, “You idiots, there’s no such thing as witches!” No, your best defense would merely be to establish that “My client is not a witch!” (If you’re planning on running for office later, you might wish to add “You want witches? I’ll show you who the real witches are–I have a little list!”)

• Replies: @Wokechoke


Mosafer Hastam says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:06 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑

It struck me early on that apparently the only problem the Juice have with genocide is when they are its victims. For a long time I also wondered why, decades later, every new book or movie involving German/Nazi crimes are still being published, the more stupid they are, the better. At first I thought it was because the publishers and producers are mostly Joo-ish who think they are the centre of the world. Only recently did it occur to me that it’s deliberately to perpetuate the fiction. The victims of the smear campaign don’t stand a chance, meanwhile they have come to believe those lies themselves. The same thing is happening now with the leader of the prison riot of 7 October 2023.

What can we make of a nation that does not abide by the Geneva Conventions? What would Henri Dunant, the co-founder of the Red Cross, say? He would call it a return to Stone Age barbarism.

• Thanks: anarchyst


Jack McArthur says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:06 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 300 Words ↑


Seen this way, Karl Marx was an anti-Semite, as he promoted classical economy (which includes value theory) as did Hitler.

In the chapter entitled “My Soul is Chosen for Hell,” Kengor provides excerpts from the demonic poetry and prose of Marx—written several years before his Communist Manifesto (1848)—in which he waxed poetic about “the hellish vapors that rise and fill the brain, Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See this sword? The Prince of Darkness sold to me. For me he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.” Remarking on that poem, entitled “The Player,” Kengor notes, “The blood violinist is not destroying the world because he hates it, but is doing so in order to spite God, out of derision and mockery against the Creator. He is a rebel, like Satan, the ultimate rebel against God and Heaven.” Marxism does the same by destroying the world as it exists, creating a new world in which God is destroyed and man is elevated.

The antipathy toward religion for Marx emerged in college. Marx’s family was originally Jewish—with several rabbis in the family from the nineteenth century back to at least the late seventeenth century. But, under the social pressures of the times, Marx’s father left Judaism and converted to Protestantism and had all of his children baptized in the Christian faith. However, by age twenty-three Marx was an atheist—and was beginning to write approvingly of those who denigrated religion. He wrote his dissertation about the ancient Roman philosopher Lucretius (d. 94 BC) who condemned “the burden of oppressive religion,” suggesting that “Religion lies at our feet, completely defeated.”

In a rejection of his own family heritage, Marx held great contempt toward all Jews. Kengor points out that Marx, in one of his letters to a friend, wrote that the “Israelite faith is repulsive to me.” https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2020/08/17/a-disturbing-guide-to-the-devilish-karl-marx/

• Thanks: Mefobills


ariadna says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:06 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑

@Kevin Barrett

There is a lot more to it than this “upshot.” It is e definitive analysis of the matrix we live in.


Mefobills says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:06 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 600 Words ↑

For example, back in early 2020, officials of the outgoing Trump and incoming Biden administrations joined together to loudly condemn China for committing a “genocide” against the Uighurs of Xinjiang province without being able to cite a single example of a violent civilian death.

The Uighur example is that of a wise leader, Xi, a member of the 20% club of people who are not normies (60%) but from the 20% moral core – who can also think, and are not a sociopath.

The Uighurs were deprogrammed from Takfiri/Salafist ideology that was being implanted by the West. The Western Finance Capital System (Yes- Jewish at core), was recycling petrodollars into Muslim regions, with the intent to destabilize both Russia and China. Once Russia and China were broken into parts, then it is easy to attach debts, especially debt instruments priced in an “international” unit, such as the dollar. Remember the dollarized debts attached to Russia in the 90’s?

This is price without value theory writ large. Break it up, drive down price of land and real wealth, then attach debts, then extract perpetual usury for generations. This then creates a creditor over debt relationship, with a permanent debtor underclass – the Amalek. Religious cover then sanctions the “taking” of life energy.

Note that Xi did not kill or do usury life energy extraction. Instead, the concentration camps were a place to learn new life skills, and at the same time, China pumped sovereign credit into the region, building industry. The concentration camps were life giving, not life taking. Only a sovereign king, deploying sovereign credit can do this, and the west being Judaized finance capitalist has been rendered incapable.

The human animal myelin sheaths information, and it uptakes that information more readily if it is accompanied by emotion. Atrocity programming is part of narrative control that the bad guys (20% who are psychopaths/sociopaths/money-sick) like to deploy on their population.

The Grayzone editors emphasized that this widely supported Israeli policy of raping and torturing Palestinian captives has been publicly justified by the belief that Hamas militants had gang-raped Israeli women during their October 7th raid. But although those claims were given massive coverage by the New York Times and other Western media outlets, absolutely no evidence has ever been provided to support them, and they merely appear to be concocted atrocity-hoaxes, now largely debunked.

The amygdala fires 1/2 second before the Hippocampus. So, the “animal functions” of a human can be manipulated by first information received. This is why the 911 hoax stories rolled out before any sort of real investigation was allowed. The first information received, along with emotional stress, implanted the information in the NPC’s (60% of the population) brain, where it becomes hard to dislodge – as it became myelin sheathed.

It takes a concentration camp, or some sort of emotional stress, maybe economic difficulties to over-write what you think you know. The Uighurs were reprogrammed away from a narrative that intended to destroy their lives, as they were to become Takfiri warriors against China, much as the Chechen’s were programmed similarly by the petrodollar “funded” Madrassas.

Christianity is growing rapidly in China, and Judeo-Christianity is to be avoided. Christianity got changed in stages, and it especially erased the taking of usury, and redefined what sin is. Ergo, the 60% of normies in China may be receiving bad narratives, and concentration camps will not be viable on that 60%, so nip it in the bud now. Introduce the original Christianity that existed before Paul, and certainly before Constantine. There is time to divert your normies now, and not let them uptake bad narratives.

Constantine was a bad guy, who moved Rome east to interdict the East/West mechanism (the battery) to then fund the Oligarchy which had arisen in Rome’s center. The worst sorts had taken over in Rome, and also Jerusalem.

• Agree: John Trout


Joe Levantine says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:09 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Laurence Fryd

“Can anyone explain this to me ?”

Cowardice in face of the Zionist bogeyman. Michael Hoffman has already criticised Judge Napolitano for his uncritical condoning the Zionist narrative.

ZOG is not only in control of the politicians that make up the so called ‘government’ but the whole deep state that Ray McGovern calls the MICIMATT.

Kudos to Ron Unz, a man of exceptional courage and integrity, who does not shy away from from confronting the evil that has gotten full control of the Western world and Western minds where the population is driven herd like into condoning the worst inhuman and inhumane atrocities against the societies that have resisted the diktats of ZOG, be they Germans, Japanese or Palestinians.

The quotes from Oliver Revilo are testimony to what a lone torch bearer of Mr. Unz’s calibre can do to make a difference in a world of utter darkness cut off from the light of truth by layers of lies constructed by the agents of the matrix.

• Agree: werpor


BrooLidd says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:11 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑


‘Nazi’ was simply a convenient nickname for a supporter of the NSDAP, both in Germany itself and elsewhere in the 1930s.

Nazionalsozialistische Deutschearbeiter Partei.

It’s now used simply as a synonym for ‘evil’ and ‘evil SOB,’ and should be retired from use altogether.

• Agree: Charles

• Replies: @Cloverleaf, @6million Julies


Arthur MacBride says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:15 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Laurence Fryd

For the reasons you state, I a non American hardly ever access the analysts you mention. Not only are they collectively uncritical of jewish-bias “history” (that they seem to have little grasp of anyway) but they discuss the meandering lunacies of current contenders for US presidency as if those stooges are to be taken seriously.

Americans seem unaware and even uncaring of how most of the world views them. Fair enough, maybe. Judge Nap and his often shallow guests do not enhance your reputation imho. Most of what I’ve heard I already knew from tg channels.

By contrast most UR writers, including the proprietor, provide cutting edge material vis a vis the often turgid output of those others.

UR has the potential to become a global voice.

Especially considering the credibility collapse of msm and the failure (imho) of the likes of Judge Nap etc to provide a credible alternative.

• Replies: @Zumbuddi


Fin of a cobra says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:17 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 300 Words ↑

once we successfully pierce some of the false narratives constructed by our dishonest media we should always consider the possibility that we are still trapped within another such layer of narrative, much deeper but equally false, and use the power of analogy as a tool to unravel those illusions.

So the Jews literally create our reality through the media, tell it to our faces with films like The Matrix (revelation of the method), but when we take the red pill and think we “got it”, then the Jews come back to us and reveal something else: “but that’s not all you get… there’s more!” Sounds like a Ginsu knife commercial: “But wait… there’s still more! ”

So now we must deal with The Thirteenth Floor scenario: the Jews are telling us that, even if we get redpilled, even if we think we’ve got some grip on reality, we’ve been duped again because that particular reality is not the “real” reality. Even the supposedly “awakened ones” like us here at TUR are really just like the normies: we are, like them, also within a Jew-created reality, except we’re on an “upper” layer of lies. Damn. That’s hard to swallow. How many goddamned Jew layers are there? Is it Jew-Jew-Jew lies all the way down?

Douglas Hall: It’s all smoke and mirrors, just like your world, Ashton. We’re nothing but a simulation on some computer.

…Ashton: So what are you saying? You saying that there’s a, another world on top of this one?

Douglas Hall: That’s right.

Video Link

• Thanks: Odd Rabbit, Ron Unz

• Replies: @Wokechoke, @Mosafer Hastam, @Jack McArthur


John Dael says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:20 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑

@Punch Brother Punch

And of course the absurdity of the HoloHoax.



Jack McArthur says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:20 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Kevin Barrett

Kevin, It is maybe a mixed blessing but if you pass a masjid with the crescent moon atop it can be seen as a symbol of hope because the crescent moon is the hieroglyph of the King of Egypt who evicted the tribe (according to ancients sources) when all seemed lost – they had done what they have done throughout history to any host nation. I don’t have to explain to a Muslim the mixed blessing.


AntiMason says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:31 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑

Another masterpiece. You should publish a book. Your many articles often repeat themselves.

• Replies: @Che Guava


AntiMason says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:34 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑

@Kevin Barrett

He doesn’t equate them. He addresses the comparison in the second part of the article.


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:35 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Fin of a cobra

My guess is that there are parallels and we are in 90210 while there is a nil parallel 00000 with some kind of WOTAN computer monitoring everything. In other parallels there a Third Reich or a Soviet Union or a British Empire or a Napoleon XI or what have you like a Spanish Imperium and so on.


Holy Catholic Orthodox says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:36 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 400 Words ↑

@Anglo Mark

Very true Mark.

The Christian Jude alliance is only a temporary thing. From the day that they don’t need us anymore they will betray us and side with the Islamic nations. They betrayed us on the Battle of Kosovo, they betrayed us at Constantinople and Córdoba. When many millions of Muslims from Irak Syria Lebanon Palestine and Afghanistan were entering Europa, Britain and Ireland it was Jewish Journalists, lobbyist and politicians forcing us to take them in, all of them.

It was the same group of people who defended Saoedi Arabia, Quatar and other super rich oil-billionaire states when NOT taking in any refugees using hoax reasons like security, human rights and culture. The Christian’s of Armenia know who the Jews really prefer as it was Jewish weaponry, drones and MOSSAD intelligence that killed many thousands of Armenian Christian’s in Nagorno-Karabakh a few weeks ago. The Jews in Israhel openly celebrated the Muslim Azerbeidzjan victory / genocide on the ancient Christian’s of Armenia. They hate Christianity.

I’m 100 % certain that Mark already knows how narcism dominates Israeli politics but let me explain for the readers who don’t. The Jews being heavily narcissistic means they want to be loved by others. They want to be looked at as the chosen ones while being heavily psychopathic. This is the only reason why this conflict is still alive. You see, the Talmudic Christ killers have the weapons and the manpower to remove all the Muslims in a week, all of them . The Palestinian resistance movement is actually a controlled ops owned and control by heavily narcissistic Jews. The Jews work in fases. Getting the Arabs out of Gaza is fase 1. The Westbank is fase 2. The rest of Israel is another fase. It is Narcism only that prevents the Jews from taking them out at once.

When all the Arabs have been removed from Palestine, the Jews will remove words like Palestine and Palestinians from history and the internet using proxy lobbying, governments and company’s like Alphabet Google.

50 years later nobody will talk anymore about Palestine, it will be like Palestine was a Jewish state for centuries. Like the Palestinians never existed.

When this has happened the Jews worldwide will betray Christianity for Islam. In Europa and Britain they will side with Islamic groups and political fractions and completely open the gates for Muslims to enter Europa Britain and the USA.

The Jews will betray us. It’s all in their Talmud. They want us at war with Islam so they will do anything to empower the Muslim aggression.

The plan is destroy both Esau (Christian culture ) and Ismael ( Islam) . So they can over the leftovers.

• Replies: @Holy Catholic Orthodox


Zumbuddi says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:37 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 200 Words ↑

[Andrew Napolitano hosts] Jeffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer, Ray McGovern, Douglas Macgregor, Larry Wilkerson, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Larry Johnson, and Philip Giraldi. . . . I’ve also noticed that some of those individuals may possess certain historical blind spots.

I’ve noticed that many if not all of these guests on Napolitano’s Judging Freedom podcasts have made statements similar to, “When I was younger I watched Exodus, and was impressed with “plucky Israel.”

As I recall, Mearsheimer continued, “. . .as I grew up and learned more about Israel, my attitude changed . . .” I don’t recall similar remarks from the others.

This microphenomenon gives rise to one form of push-back available to us: there must be enough talent and combined/collective financial wherewithal in an Unz-like community/the Resistance community to bring to the screen a “post-Exodus” media marker.


Video Link

stands out in my mind as containing similar power, but unfortunately, not Big Screen distribution therefore not iconic dominance.

In my fantasy world, I:

a. project Hellstorm on the walls of the USHMM

b. 1. learn how to use CGI 2. create CGI of USHMM bombed and a smoking ruin, a kind of War of the Worlds event.

• Thanks: Jim H


Mosafer Hastam says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:42 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑

@Fin of a cobra

Maybe you’ve heard about Plato’s allegory of the cave, where he described different levels of reality, 2500 years ago:


• Thanks: Odd Rabbit

• Replies: @Fin of a cobra, @Brás Cubas


Nadim says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:43 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Asad Abukhali said the following about Jewish mag ‘the New Yorker’ led by a Jewish liar and an agent of Mosad:

asad abukhalil


The Sinwar profile in the New Yorker (by the editor who knows about Arabs as much as I know about agriculture) is an anthology of lies, fabrications, distortions, accusations and all supplied by the Mossad. I have read so much about Sinwar and the man in the profile is not him.

3:05 AM · Aug 12, 2024

The zionist media in the West are working for their boss, MOSSAD, including New Yorker, writing their propaganda pieces based on Mossad’s lies. Don’t trust the zionists in the business of media. Expose them all.


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:50 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Yeah, right: A woman can have a p*nis, like a man can have a uterus. It’s so simple and clear, man! Every child grasps that. Who wants to prove the opposite – and above all: with what? There you go!

There are also no scientific methods to disprove the “historical fact of the Holocaust”. (And if there were, they would not be empirically significant, sound, convincing, conclusive or meaningful!)


It’s all just a question of “interpretation”, man! Furthermore: The fact that the elimination of the Palestinian people is a “genocide” is a delusion! And I am the Easter bunny who lays the colorful eggs.


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 2:53 pm GMT • 3.7 days ago ↑

@Sorel McRae

Good point.

However the idea was to crush the Germans.


Charles Martel France says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:00 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


I noted that this very unusual behavior by Jewish Israelis seemed best explained by the underlying religious and ideological characteristics of traditional Judaism, which for nearly two thousand years has regarded all non-Jews as totally sub-human, whose only value is to serve as Jewish slaves:

Allah subjected the infidels to us so that they could invent the Internet and we could serve our religion with it!!

Воспроизвести видео

• Replies: @Holy Catholic Orthodox


Happy Tapir says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:11 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 400 Words ↑


I also liked the wachowski brothers Jupiter Rising. It’s goofy but fun. It’s sort of their homage to jodorowsky and Mobius.

Good pick up on dark city and matrix. Regarding the similarities between certain movies at certain times. All media are allegorizations of certain individuals whom the Zionists are harassing or targeting. i’m not sure of the precise mechanism, but basically a chief Cabbalist of some sort puts out certain stipulations about what a story will be about, and then the various filmmakers do the best they can with it. All songs, movies, media are really about this, believe it or not. The result of this at one time was the matrix and dark city, and apparently 13th floor. This accounts for the similarities of certain recurrent themes and ideas in films. I tried to watch 13th floor, one time as people informed me it was similar to the matrix and dark city when I talked about this topic once before, but I really couldn’t get into 13th floor. I’ll try to watch it again.



Holy Catholic Orthodox says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:14 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Holy Catholic Orthodox

There’s tons of videos on Bitchube and Odyssey where you see Jews supporting the genocide on the Armenians by Azerbeidzjan .

Jews walking through Baku hand in hand with Azeri’s shouting death to Armenians, death to the Christian’s.

Jewish rabbi’s calling Christian Armenians “the eternal enemy “ and Azeri “eternal brothers.”

There is anti-Christian Jewish Israeli propaganda all over Azerbeidzjan quoting stuff like the Azeri are our Turkic brothers and the Armenians are rats that need to exterminated.

I can’t provide links I’m on 5 gig mobile internet plan. Go to Odyssey Bitchube do a search Nagorno-Karabakh genocide, Armenian genocide, Jews against Armenians

You will be shocked !

The Jews hate the Armenian Christian’s.

The Call them rats to be exterminated

The love the Azeri Muslims .

They call them eternal Turkic brother


Desert Fox says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:18 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑

The zionists are the new nazis and the proof in in the demonic zionists genocide of the Palestinian people and the messianic zionist drive for nuclear armageddon which they have has their goal to rid the world of the gentiles and the muslims and leave a world of their own.

Hamas is a Mossad front and has been since its creation decades ago and has been used to make mock attacks on Israel which gave Israel the excuse to kill Palestinians and since the false flag attack on October 7, these demons are going all out in the genocide of the Palestinians.

In March 2019 Netanyahu said that Israel must CONTINUE to financially support Hamas, Netanyahu let the world know who funds and created Hamas, but the people did not listen, these zionist demons do not even hide it and the people are blind to the fact that Hamas is a Mossad front, there is much more proof and all people need to do, is do the research.

• Disagree: Zumbuddi


Sorel McRae says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:20 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Mearsheimer has also mouthed this “noble lie” on the Pearl Harbor set-up because, he says, we simply “had to” enter the war in Europe against Germany. Goes with otherwise pointless bellicosity with respect to China today. He has had and may continue to have some brilliant insights but have your salt shaker ready!

• Replies: @迪路


Zumbuddi says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:25 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Arthur MacBride

thanks for the critique from outside the bubble.

re: “Especially considering the credibility collapse of msm and the failure (imho) of the likes of Judge Nap etc to provide a credible alternative.” —

Given the target on Scott Ritter’s back, how much longer will Judge Nap be able to keep his wheels turning?

Heartily AGREE “most UR writers, including the proprietor, provide cutting edge material.” One recent example, from Occidental Observer, a source Unz spotlights frequently, is the Robert Morgan article,

Champions of Judea: On the Supplanting of British Foreign Policy


“Champions of Judea” is the fourth-part of a series from the Horus substack:

(#1 Jan 2024) https://eternalhorus.substack.com/p/great-variance — On the Use of Atrocity Stories

(#2 Feb 2024) https://substack.com/@eternalhorus/p-141705301 Resplendent Cosmopolitanism

On the opportunities afforded by elite decadence [The ascendance of the Jewish elite]

(#3 Mar 2024) https://substack.com/@eternalhorus/p-142277934 Beaconsfield Revisited

A question of which civilisation you prefer

(#4 Apr 2024) https://substack.com/@eternalhorus/p-143873125 Champions of Judea — Supplanting British foreign policy

Step-by-step, beginning with how wealthy Jews (“the cousinhood”) used atrocity propaganda to flood England with Eastern European Jews . . .

One take-away from the history Horus chronicles is that the present-day Anglo-zionist threat manifest today had origins only about 200 years old.

• Replies: @Arthur MacBride


Holy Catholic Orthodox says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:28 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Charles Martel France

Can you please explain me why it was Jews and the state of Israel that supported and funded the Muslim Azerbeidzjan army a few months ago.

The Azeri’s caused a mini genocide on Armenian Christian’s in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Muslims killed over 10 000 Armenian Christian’s with Jewish weapons and money.

Why do the Jews in Israel call the Azeri their eternal friend ?

Why do they call the Christian Armenians rats that need to be exterminated.

Why does Israel not recognize the Armenian genocide?

Why does the Jewish media ignore the genocide which happened a few weeks ago .

• Replies: @Charles Martel France, @Charles Martel France, @mulga mumblebrain


John Trout says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:38 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


You are NOT a SEMITE, liar. You have stolen not only Palestians’ land, also their identity. You came from Europe and Americas as fucking colonists. Stop your lies idiot.

They steal everything: They call themselves Semites when they are not, they call the theft with extreme violence of Palestine a War Of Independence, stolen from the American war of independence. They call the squatters and thieves, now unashamed murderers, settlers, again stolen from the Americans.

• Agree: 24th Alabama

• Thanks: Cloverleaf


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Cuffy says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:43 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑

@Kevin Barrett

So true, so true


Cloverleaf says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:43 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑




Liza says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:44 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Mosafer Hastam

Can anyone explain to me why everyone hates white people, yet everybody wants to live in a white neighbourhood?

Because they think that when they’ve taken over to the point of being the majority race, those neighborhoods will still be clean, comfy, orderly and livable, that’s why.

LOL! Mega LOLs!

Yes, it appears we may be going extinct, but the Recent Arrivals don’t understand that most of them will be going down with the ship.

PS: Thanks for “homogeneous”. “Homogenous” is rife on the poor old interwebz.

– yer grammarnatsee friend, Liza.

• Agree: Gerald the Frog, lastwhiteman


Zumbuddi says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:47 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Kurt Knispel” comment on Israel Shamir’s article about Joseph Ginzberg, A Good Jew included a letter by Germar Rudolf

In that letter, Rudolf wrote [machine translated]:

the term “Nazi” comes from the Bible, namely “Nazians”, or as the English Bible says: “Nazirites”. Nazians are God-exalted people from the area of ​​Nazareth, as proclaimed in the book of Amos. The leading Jewish priests know about this secret meaning, which comes from the cultural remains of the Aryans who formerly settled there. The leading Jews have acquired this ancient secret knowledge; from the beginning they have viewed the National Socialist movement as the resurrection of the Nazis. That’s why they used the term “Nazi”.

Rudolf’s reference to Amos appears to be incorrect. The passage is found in Numbers, ch. 6.

• Replies: @Cloverleaf


Dr. Rock says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:47 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑

I’ve said this before, but-

At this point, one is really forced to wonder if ANY of the supposed “history” that we are taught, bears any resemblance to reality! Especially when it comes to our various wars.

I’ll joins the others in saying Thank You Mr. Unz!

For the site, for the brilliant articles, and for the reference library I have purchased by buying hard copies of the many books you reference in your articles!

I fear that one day soon, the “Internet” will become so filtered, firewalled, cultivated and controlled, that future generations will be living in a type of ideological Matrix, whereby everything they are told is 100% fabricated lies.

Most of the masses are already so maleducated and brainwashed that they wouldn’t know truth if it was thrust in front of them.

When those few of us above the age of 40’ish, die, woe unto the younger generations for their reality will be worse than an afterschool B movie. Just a conglomeration of made up bullshit!

• Replies: @werpor


24th Alabama says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:48 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑


Comparing humans to animals is unfair to both. Savage dogs are

quite rare and are usually starving, rabid or previously mistreated,

and are not capable of conscious evil.

Many Jews do have a “pack” mentality which pits them against

non-Jews and leads both groups to dehumanize the other.

This is a financial advantage in the short term but has proven to

be ultimately self-destructive, as you may have noticed.

Apparently, you missed the recent Adam Britton story in Australia.

He is a Phd zoologist recently convicted of bestiality and torture

of dogs in the Darwin area. He is also a distinguished expert on

crocodiles, a species he loved but never molested,

for some unknown reason. Too much tail?

Sexual abuse of humans by dogs is extremely rare, but there was

the instance where my wife was on her knees in the garden and

our mastiff was possessed by a sudden romantic impulse. She has

never forgiven me for laughing instead of rushing to help.


6million Julies says:

August 12, 2024 at 3:56 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑


… 500 years before they existed.


Zumbuddi says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:09 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 400 Words ↑


The irrepressible Prof. Michael Bremmer has “tossed his hat in the ring,” on a Ten Commandments platform:


• Replies: @profnasty


werpor says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:21 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 400 Words ↑

@arbeit macht frei

Ron Unz,

Echoing arbeit macht frei I too thank you. It was seeded in me to be a reader. My home growing up was full of books. My father belonged to two subscription book sellers domeciled in England. He is not here to encourage you to not “let up.” But I am!

His life experiences, not excepting being in Palestine during the Arab Uprising; and being in a German prisoner of war facility for about 15 months before successfully escaping; and his modest facility with speaking German; and attending the U.S. army information school, combined — gave him a unique perspective. His influence on me was subtle. He was not in the least pedantic. He and my mother had top secret designations and both were careful even in one another’s presence to honour that requirement of their employment.

But given the ubiquity of TV in the 1950s and 1960s and that we only had one ‘device’ we would watch the news in the early evening together. The events unfolding after the war until the Kennedy affair despite the obvious manufacturing of consent, were in those days topical in respect of the inability to completely control the public narrative then.

Often enough a talking head accompanied by selected pictures and short newsreels, revealed unintentionally more than they realized. They protested too much!

My father would suddenly exclaim “…what a pile of bollox.” My mother would respond with a sort of hush dear remark! My father would say something like “…bloody liars,” and mumble some retort, tapering off to end with him swallowing the last of his nightly scotch and water.

My mother might say something sympathetic to the news being reported and my father would say in no uncertain terms “…you were not there, were you!?” Naturally these back and forth conversations were of great interest to me even though I usually had no context for my understanding.

He understood from a young age that there were few truths. Governments hire cadres of professional liars to create our collective reality. He would say to me, after I lied about eating my mothers chocolates or claiming I didnt throw that rock which broke the neighbours garage door window “…a liar is worse than a thief.” It took me a few adult years to truly appreciate that insight.

Your uncovering of lies and liars is not going unappreciated believe me. Lies are worse that the crimes.

Crimes can be appropriately punished. Lies corrupt us all!

• Thanks: HdC


Agent76 says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:32 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

10/08/2024 Will U.S.A. Continue To Help Israel Kill Palestinians and Steal Their Land Right Up to November? in Palestine. 

Will Any Powerful Global South Media Source Arise in the Meantime to bring public attention… – to the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians with U.S. weapons and ammo? – to the Israeli seizure of Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem? – to the generations long illegal Israeli military occupation of Palestine? – to Israeli ‘right’ to imprison all of Gaza’s population? – to Israeli denial of Palestinian freedom as a nation. 


• Replies: @Agent76


6million Julies says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:36 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Your spelling is incorrect:

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

We are told that the -zi come from the -zi- in the middle of so-zi-alistische, which makes no sense to me. Why arbitrarily select 2 letters in the middle of the word? Why not call them Naso’s? I find the Ignatz explanation more believable

• Replies: @Caroline, @BrooLidd


Agent76 says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:37 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑




Caroline says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:38 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑


I am actually quite anxious how this situation will turn out. I see a very real possibility that the war will destroy Israel and will lead to a mass-exodus of Israelis to Europe (mainly Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia) and the US.

From what I have seen the state of Israel has amplified the negative traits, that were already in the population when they arrived in Palestine to the point they are basically unable to live in any other society (and one could argue the way they are treating the Palestinians shows they are unable to live in Israel as well).

There also seems to be a very strong selection for idiological hardliners at work there with the ultra-orthodox and the settler-movement having the most children.

A couple of years ago I saw a presentation by a liberal Jew, who said, that most of the liberal Isreali Jews have already left for the US, because they cannot tolerate the direction their country is going.

• Replies: @Holy Catholic Orthodox


Cloverleaf says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:39 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑


I learn something new on TUR every week, thank for that.


CharlesOconnell says: • Website

August 12, 2024 at 4:41 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑

America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative

by Revilo P Oliver

Free PDF


($1,599.99 at Amazon)

• Thanks: Arthur MacBride


Iva says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:42 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Yes, Ukrainians are nazis. Between 1942-43 Ukrainians ailed close to 200,000 Poles , mostly women and children. They cut children’s head off and put it on a picket fence .

Israeli have no mercy on children the same way sa Ukrainians. Ukrainian war is only supported to protect Lary fink investment in Ukraine . Black Rock already bought 47 % of Ukrainian land. Israel supposed to move millions of Israeli to Ukraine . They already started to built apartment building for them . It was project call “Heavenly Jerusalem” . Now, when the see that Ukraine will loose they decided to kill all Palestinians and move Israelis to Gaza.


ld says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:47 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑



• Agree: lastwhiteman

• Replies: @lastwhiteman


Caroline says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:49 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago ↑

@6million Julies

In German the first four letters of Nationalsozialistische (Nati) are pronounced as Nazi.

• Agree: HdC

• Thanks: 6million Julies


Arthur MacBride says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:52 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 300 Words ↑


Thanks Zb.

Those Morgan Jones/Horus articles are all excellent.

I hope people will forward them to friends etc.

I spent some time in the past studying this period, ie first half of the 20th Century in Europe (spinoffs to other regions but focus on Europe). There is a massive amount of material and one needs to be as aware as possible the background of who one is reading. I spent about 12 years on it, and could easily have gone another 12 or 20/more.

Just to say to UR readers —

There is NO SUBSTITUTE for your own study.

Take Notes. Keep/refer to them. Confer with others similar.

And yes, study is hard work, especially if you are at Uni and have to meet a presentation deadline. But it’s also very enjoyable/satisfying. If you don’t have to meet deadlines, there’s no pressure and you can go at your own speed.

You might want to have a focus, such as Economy, Military, Cultural/Artistic, Political Personalities, history of Ruthenia etc etc> But you need recognise that you cannot study the life of Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili without knowing surrounding events.

I want to wish all “Good Fortune” in their endeavours.

One take-away from the history Horus chronicles is that the present-day Anglo-zionist threat manifest today had origins only about 200 years old.

Yes the threat is abt that long, but earlier origins.

Jews (from Rouen apparently) were first brought to the British Isles by William the Bastard in 1066. There is reason to suppose that they at least in part financed him, for which they were given free rein as Tax Farmers etc until thrown out by Edward “Longshanks” in 1290. Another sponsor of WtB was the RCC, and the Orthodox Bishops in England were forcibly replaced by RCC, until Henry 8th that is. Readmitted by mass-murderer/slaver/regicide Puritan “christian” Oliver Cromwell (whence USA gets its “christianity”). Bank of England. “British Empire”.

Jewish rule from behind the scenes as Disraeli said.

• Agree: It's another unz poster

• Thanks: 24th Alabama


Fin of a cobra says:

August 12, 2024 at 4:57 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 400 Words ↑

@Mosafer Hastam

Maybe you’ve heard about Plato’s allegory of the cave, where he described different levels of reality, 2500 years ago

Sure, the allegory of the cave does capture “levels of reality”, as you say — from illusion to enlightenment — and the movie The Thirteenth Floor does have that aspect to it. But I think there’s something different, something extra to the movie that the allegory doesn’t capture with the “levels” metaphor: the different “layers” of reality, nested within one another.

To me, the allegory seems rather linear: it describes a constant progression, as if you were climbing up a ladder of understanding. With each step up the ladder, you get a bit closer to ultimate truth. The movie, on the other hand, is more like a Russian doll, where you have whole worlds within a world: unlike the continuous upward movement out of the cave, there is a discontinuity, a rupture when you jump from one layer to another, since there’s no guarantee that the next level up is the “real” reality.

So here we are, all of us so proud of ourselves because we read TUR, because we think that we have a much more profound understanding of “reality” than all the normies. Fine. We can all pat ourselves on our backs. But then, all of a sudden, Unz comes up with a shocking warning and kicks the ladder of understanding out from under us: we may have ALL been duped once again, because there might exist a layer of reality — “another world on top of this one” — which NONE of us are aware of.

I think it will take a great dose of humility for most of us to admit this possibility. But maybe many of us will eventually admit to having a gnawing feeling inside our heads, like that last scene in the movie Inception, or like that glitch in the Matrix, in which a persisting doubt still lingers in the back of our minds: could it be that, even after all this time, after all this struggle, after all this search for the Truth, I am STILL living in a Jew-created reality?

• Replies: @Odd Rabbit


Megoy says:

August 12, 2024 at 5:10 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑

So before America was a ZOG we use to protect our country from lying Jews. Once Jews took over the media and government (see: “ How the Jews Defeated Hitler” where the Jewish author BRAGS and praises Jews who controlled the media and Roosevelt) Jews brainwashed us into killing our own people to aid and abet the Jewish plan of destroying white gentiles and our nations (read:wiping is from the map). Jews also brainwash everyone into thinking Jews have never done anything wrong and everyone just hates Jews for no reason. Got it.

Now it is way past time for white gentiles to retaliate by killing EVERY JEW that ever took ANY part in this slithering, deceptive, sneaky and cowardly war against white gentiles. If you don’t own any guns, go out and buy a few along with some ammo. Start preparing mentally and physically to liberate and avenge our people and WIN this WAR the Jews have waged.

If the UK is usually ahead of the US on policy it is only a matter of time before this site and any others exposing truth will become ILLEGAL. The Brits have no guns are are completely fucked.


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 12, 2024 at 5:13 pm GMT • 3.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑

Yesterday I once again did one of those extremely biased “WW2 documentaries” to myself again named “Hitler’s Countdown To War”. The Brits in particular excel with this kind of stuff, presumably because of their collective psychosis of wanting to suppress or justify their own war crimes with it, and also to distract from the incomprehensibly miserable state of their homeland today (without any “empire”).

In it I discovered a puzzling but at the same time revealing sequence.

Adolf allegedly enjoyed watching Mickey Mouse movies. Goebbels, on the other hand, seems to have enjoyed chewing gum in private (from a safe distance). What may have been the reason for this curious scene, because they must have known they were being filmed, because these people left nothing to chance. Maybe Adolf said: “Guys, we’ve got them in the bag, now let’s scram and drink some coffee!”

• Replies: @Munga Bulga, @Munga Bulga, @Anonymous


I Am says:

August 12, 2024 at 5:22 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑

Karl Marx said interesting new religion, jew. When humans kill, canabalize, etcetera ~exterminate own specie ~the flea in cat brain is in serious need, understanding incurable insanity …


BrooLidd says:

August 12, 2024 at 5:43 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@6million Julies

Danke, Julies! Sie haben recht. Ich schäme mich. Welch ein dummer Irrtum! Ich habe seit Jahren kein Wort Deutsch gesprochen—keine Ausrede, aber die Wahrheit.

Immerhin, wie Caroline sagt, die Strassengebrauch des Wortes ‘Nazi’ stimmt wohl von der Ausprechung des Wortes ‘national,’ nicht ‘sozial.’ Oder sind Sie anderer Meinung?

• Replies: @grettir


Curmudgeon says:

August 12, 2024 at 5:54 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑


According to the late Professor Robert Faurison, German military records show court martial or execution of soldiers for many forms of abuse of civilians, including causing the death of Jews even if unintended.


Holy Catholic Orthodox says:

August 12, 2024 at 5:59 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑


The Jew state will not be destroyed.

Don’t believe in fairytales.

The Talmudic Jews tried everything possible 2000 years long to get where they are now.

They tried to get access to Palestine during the Middle Ages and during the Crusades.

They tried to pay off the Arab Muslims.

Columbus the marano Jew had an obsession with gold and with the reconquista of Jerusalem. He dreamed to find enough gold on his endeavors to finance a crusade. He also failed and the Spanish removed him from history.

The Donmeh Jews of Constantinople tried many times to buy the land from the Sultan.

Doesn’t really matter that some Jews leave.

The majority Jews are never going to give up on shitrahel.

• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain


King Edward I says: • Website

August 12, 2024 at 6:22 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑

“No one in the world will allow us to starve to death 2 million citizens, although it may be just and moral.”

Israeli minister Bezalel Smotrich expresses his frustration that Israel isn’t allowed to starve 2 million Palestinians to death in Gaza.

Yet I am sure he, and tens of millions of other jews think he is a “light unto the nations”…..teaching us evil wicked goyim how to be “more sensitive, more intelligent, and more moral” like the jews allegedly are.

Can anyone imagine if White gentiles in the anglosphere or Europe said “to humanely remove these non White infiltrators from our lands, we will starve them all to death if they refuse to leave.”

What would world jewry say to that? Anyone’s guess?

jews are the most two faced, hypocritical group of people I have ever come across. Duplicity personified.


muh muh says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:24 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑

Though it’s been said many times before, I can’t really express it often enough:

Thank you.


Happy Tapir says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:24 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑

I’m addition to red/blue, white and black pill, there is also the concept of “rainbow pill,” which means one is aware of and sympathetic to the travails of gay and lesbian folk. Are you rainbow pilled?


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:36 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Munga Bulga

This was after the takeover of the Sudetenland, the man on the right with the glasses is their representative. But since he starts grinning as soon as Hitler walks past, I assume that Adolf must have said something “funny” quietly to himself that also some of the other “higher gang members” heard. Maybe something like:

“Just take a look at this totally mad crowd, comrades, all I still have to do is raise my right arm and all these fools will cheer like a circus of clowns. It’s exactly like with Blondi on the Berghof. Either they’re completely crazy or we are, either way it’s just amazing.” (This is certainly also how Orange Man thinks about his “MAGA” freaks.)

The “doctor” is said to have said the following after his Total War speech: “The people are so stupid and gullible. You can tell them anything and they’ll believe it.” However, there are no concrete witnesses to this story. Rudolf Semmler, his press officer, kept a diary from which excerpts were published in 1947, a possible source.

• Replies: @24th Alabama, @Alexandros


bjondo says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:51 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑


Gotta distinguish between actual Germans

and the Yid created nazi who is simply Yid.


• Replies: @J.M..


Jack McArthur says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:52 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Fin of a cobra

So the Jews literally create our reality through the media, tell it to our faces with films like The Matrix (revelation of the method), but when we take the red pill and think we “got it”, then the Jews come back to us and reveal something else: “but that’s not all you get… there’s more!”

LOL, the bad dream like quality continues because the “more!” in another twist is that Ron is a Jew.


Anonymous[522] • Disclaimer says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:55 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑

There were also interesting epistemological implications to the notion that our own world was merely the illusion created within a computer simulation, hiding the grim reality behind it.

Ron, would “metaphysical” be the better word here?

• Replies: @Wokechoke, @Anon


RockaBoatus says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:59 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Unzanon Fan

If you’re referring to the Transfer Agreement, yes they did cooperate. However, it was for the purpose of peacefully transferring the Jews out of Germany to Palestine in the Middle East.

This was a smart and ethically non-violent way by the German government of ridding themselves of the troublesome parasites in their midst. I don’t have any problem with it, and I think it was a wise and practical approach.

• Agree: Annacat, HdC

• Replies: @Notsofast, @Gerald the Frog


Odd Rabbit says:

August 12, 2024 at 6:59 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 400 Words ↑

@Fin of a cobra

“Sure, the allegory of the cave does capture “levels of reality”, as you say— from illusion to enlightenment — …”

Yes, it does… but imo it captures ‘the levels of deception’ too… how much you have been deceived and lost your own self, the person you are in essence.

Excerpt from wiki-link:


Cleavages have emerged within these respective camps of thought, however. Much of the modern scholarly debate surrounding the allegory has emerged from

Martin Heidegger’s exploration of the allegory, and philosophy as a whole, through the lens of human freedom in his book

The Essence of Human Freedom: An Introduction to Philosophy and The Essence of Truth: On Plato’s Cave Allegory and Theaetetus.[10]

In response, Hannah Arendt, an advocate of the political interpretation of the allegory, suggests that through the allegory, Plato “wanted to apply his own theory of ideas to politics”.[11]

Conversely, Heidegger argues that the essence of truth is a way of being and not an object.[12] Arendt criticised Heidegger’s interpretation of the allegory, writing that “Heidegger … is off base in using the cave simile to interpret and ‘criticize’ Plato’s theory of ideas”.[11]


The final TRUTH is very ‘Jungian’, it is in everyones life in the way of being, not an object which is always secondary. That’s the message of existentialism. If you don’t accept this you lose your real self/identity/sovereignty and become an object, …and may be a deceived object?.

Excerpt from wiki:

Existence precedes essence[edit]

Sartre argued that a central proposition of existentialism is that existence precedes essence, which is to say that individuals shape themselves by existing and cannot be perceived through preconceived and a priori categories, an “essence”.

The actual life of the individual is what constitutes what could be called their “true essence” instead of an arbitrarily attributed essence others use to define them. Human beings, through their own consciousness, create their own values and determine a meaning to their life.[23]

This view is in contradiction to Aristotle and Aquinas, who taught that essence precedes individual existence.[24]

Although it was Sartre who explicitly coined the phrase, similar notions can be found in the thought of existentialist philosophers such as Heidegger, and Kierkegaard:



Fin of a cobra says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:01 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 800 Words ↑

once we successfully pierce some of the false narratives constructed by our dishonest media we should always consider the possibility that we are still trapped within another such layer of narrative, much deeper but equally false

There is only One Mind capable of even conceiving this type of layered simulacra, a false narrative within a false narrative, a false reality within a false reality: The Jews, The Lords of Deception themselves. It staggers the (normal) mind. This is deception on an unimaginable global scale spanning millennia. How did the Jews achieve this level of capacity to deceive?

To answer this question we must go back in time, to the origin of the Jews, to the origin of consciousness itself: “Deceit may also be a cause of consciousness”, wrote Julian Jaynes. And then he goes on to give example after example of the origin of human consciousness in one very special tribe, the Ancient Hebrews:


The Hebrew arum meaning crafty or deceitful, surely a conscious subjective word … The ability to deceive, we remember, is one of the hallmarks of consciousness. The serpent promises that “you shall be like the elohim themselves, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5), qualities that only subjective conscious man is capable of.

So from its inception, “in the beginning”, Hebrew scripture was nothing more than the record of Jewish Deception — and so it continued throughout the ages, not only with the Torah, but with the Talmud and the Kabbalah and so on. The Jews have been perfecting the Art of Deception for eons now and have achieved hegemony in this crucial area of human interaction: no other peoples come even close.

If consciousness is a cultural and not biological phenomenon, if it has to be learned anew with each generation, …


• Replies: @Odd Rabbit


Sarita says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:07 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑

A nazi punk stabbed a little girl and her mom in London, he was trying to get away but was caught by a Muslim guy who works nearby.

The punk was trying to run so that white people go crazy again….

A mini false flag

Pues parece que el autor del apuñalamiento a una niña y su madre en Londres, sí que come jamón, Roast Beef y Fish and chips. pic.twitter.com/QnJViAfxJS

— Me llaman Jimmy (@TirodeGraciah) August 12, 2024

• Replies: @Bombercommand, @Charles Martel France


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:09 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑

@Rabbi Shlomo

Never remember Southport, says Starmer.


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:13 pm GMT • 3.5 days ago ↑

@Munga Bulga

Since the platform made the gif disappear (probably some algorithm recognized some “forbidden pattern” in it, probably Hitler’s armband), here is a new upload.


NotAnonymousHere says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:45 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑


That sounds like a completely made-up story. You present yourself as some sort of advocate or ambassador for Serbia but if you’re the median I can understand how things got out of hand. Fiat campi. Your constant made-up stories and attributions like “Serbs invented the wheel” and “Every word comes from Serbian” are beyond tiresome.

• Agree: Annacat, HdC, Alexandros

• Replies: @Draža Mihailović


werpor says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:51 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 700 Words ↑

@Dr. Rock

The 20th Century is a Big Lie — the composition of which is many small lies. Jewish perfidy did not begin in America with the Federal Reserve. It did not begin in Russia with the Revolution of 1917.

It did not begin in the 17th Century either but the Jews project for dominion over the world most certainly gained enormous strength then. Jews rely on ‘others’ to fuel their ambitions. They harnessed the latent power of a small island in Northeast Europe — an island more or less free of the generational long evidence on mainland Europe of Jewish malicious and maleficent manipulation they promulgated relentlessly against the Goyim.

Suddenly England rose to global prominence. Where did the money come from to make that possible?

It flooded in from among other places Amsterdam. The source of that tidal wave of financial levitation was from across the Atlantic in what is today Mexico and Peru.

The effect of literally tons of gold flooding into Spain then dispersing throughout Europe cannot be overstated — though it can be obfuscated. The Jews most certainly in their inimitable fashion well understood how to make use of it. Gold is a true store of money but it is inert in and of itself.

It is fungible and can be exchanged for various commodities and labour at a known and agreed value.

Gold tends to concentrate in the hands of traders, middle men, and bankers. And kings and queens could exchange gold for guns! Gold can be lent and borrowed and of course interest can be charged when it is lent. Kings and Queens borrowed it to fund their wars and Kings and Queens were no less acquisitive than you or me.

One such conflict, the War of Spanish Succession , ended with the treaty of Utrecht. Britain is usually seen as the main beneficiary of Utrecht. Their treaty marked the rise to becoming the dominant European commercial power. It established naval superiority over its competitors. The war left all participants with unprecedented levels of debt. Only Britain was able to finance it efficiently, providing a relative advantage over its competitors.

Wars were nothing novel in Europe. But most of those wars for hundreds of years were ongoing and never ceased. All of the dozens of wars , some more obscure than others, drained the coffers of the belligerents over and over again. Britain became dominant because it was more or less unassailable. English gold was spent manipulating through intrigue the many wars. Britain invested in exploitation and trade and investment with the world rather than spending its wealth fighting their immediate neighbours.

Gold found a home in England. It could be counted. It could be lent. Interest could be collected. It could be stored and paper currency could be issued against the security of gold. Hence the power of the City of London today — the City of London as the financial district is called distinct from greater London.

Jews insinuated themselves into society and in so doing — on account of the power of money — dominated the political life of Britain. Policies were instituted which enabled the Jews to bend policies their way.

It is the power of money in the hands of the Jews which translates into events we call history — except the Jews know and understand the value of discretion, secrecy, deception, bribery, blackmail, obfuscation, dissembling, calculated assassinations, debt leverage, tax farming, inflation, deflation, monopoly financing, selective lending, and not least war — ensuring their strangle hold on our collective necks — all done for years without most people suspecting. They promulgated the Big Lie throughout the 20th Century. The power of the Big Lie depends on camouflage and deception and projection.

The last, projection, is the calculated blaming of others for consequences revealed, Jews would have you think them innocent. This has millions of scribes, historians, and university professors working overtime to discern the causes of events by peering into the minutiae of the particular rather than simply generalizing from the particular and naming the Jew.

• Agree: Gerald the Frog

• Thanks: Dr. Rock

• Replies: @Wokechoke


ld says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:58 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑


Great article

Thank you Ron

for everything

a bit of good news

China has announced it will rebuild Gaza


• Agree: JR Foley


Pythas says:

August 12, 2024 at 7:59 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑


Shout up you primitive dot-head.


Pythas says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:03 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑

@Holy Catholic Orthodox

That’s too bad we wouldn’t be having these problems in the West today if they had been. You would not see millions and millions of arab-asiatic sand-niggers and niggers in Europe or America.


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:04 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑

13th floor missed a trick.

What if it had been going back into a political event of the 1930s..


grettir says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:06 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑


Einverstanden, genau richig! Prima!


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:12 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑


Flat Earth is an epistemological game. He got the right word. What would also have to be true if the basic reality were different from commonly accepted theories.


Wokechoke says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:43 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑


The Bank of England was set up to build and rebuild Naval power. The English Civil War was at root triggered by the raising of ship money for the King and minor aristocrats not wanting to pay up.

• Replies: @werpor


Gallatin says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:45 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑

I hypothesize that the Israeli braintrust is intentionally trying to get Lebanon, Syria, the Houthis, and Iran to intervene so they can see the USA destroy these entities’ military capabilities for them, and take the world’s condemnation for doing so on America’s reputation instead of Israel’s.

The torture of prisoners, raping, intentional targeting of pregnant women and their children, bombing of schools and hospitals are designed to get a rise out of the Muslim states around them, and compel them to act before the US Carrier groups are needed in Taiwan or the Baltic Seas.


ld says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:45 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑

What have we become?

said the father to his son

We have failed to respond

to the battles They have won

We have turned our heads

in hopes They do not tread

on what little we have left

as we eat our daily bread

It is hard to comprehend

our willingness to bend

as we shamble towards the end

of all that was.


Subscribe to New Columns

Mefobills says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:48 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Unzanon Fan

“From October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi party were the general managers of the two largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.”

The donations were to embarrass the Bruning government, to get some leverage.

The real donations were small “pass the hat.” Remember there was very high unemployment and the German people were desperate. Much of Germany had passed into the “creditors” hands during the Weimar years, up to 1/3 of Germany had transferred. The German people were being dispossessed, much as American and Europeans are today. The same finance capital gambit was run against Russia in the 90’s. But, since Russian’s are blinkered when it comes to Nazi Germany they had trouble understanding what was being done to them.





Rockaboatus already corrected you on the Havarra transfer plan, which was a way of getting rid of the parasite. A healthy host shakes off its parasites. Germany was sick and wanted to get healthy.

• Agree: HdC

• Thanks: Annacat


Notsofast says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:55 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑


there’s a lot of palestinians that think it was unwise and impractical but nobody asked them. so hitler was the first zioneocon, well that makes perfect sense, concidering the bush family heritage, skull and bones, totenkomf and explains the ukranazis as well, it’s all one big happy family. zionism=nazism.

• Replies: @Gerald the Frog, @Phil Barker


Justrambling says:

August 12, 2024 at 8:57 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 400 Words ↑

@Rabbi Shlomo

According to the Talmud, how old does a child have to be before a Jewish man can have sex with them: 3 years and 1 day or 9 years and 1 day?

According to Rabbi Joseph (M.Nid. 5:4):


• Thanks: anarchyst


anani says:

August 12, 2024 at 9:47 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 400 Words ↑

The genocidal Joe has no shame. Biden is releasing another $3.5 Billions of dollars to genocidal Netanyahu to KILL more Palestinian toddlers, at the same time, this war criminal calls on Iran not ‘to disturb the peace’ that these war criminals are trying ‘to achieve’, now!!! The world spit at the genocidal liars.

The following is a joint statement by the genocidal war criminals in US – UK – Germany – France, Italy in support of genocidal Israel and Netanyahu, and against Iran and her allies’ retaliation to DEFEND THEMSELVES. Apparently, this right is reserved for an illegal entity called ‘Israel’.

These criminal terrorists believe that ONLY Israel has a ‘right to defend herself’ where, in fact, DOESN’T because Israel is a colonial settler entity erected on the stolen Palestinian land.

The world shows their middle fingers to these war criminals who are responsible for the genocide in Gaza. All of them should be arrested and put on trial, then executed. Israel has no right to exist.

Now,these faggot zionists who have supported and funded the genocide and killing of more than 200,000 Palestinians by the Jewish tribe members, are talking about ‘regional security’ . All lies. US and Israel must be forced out of the region by any means. All options must be available on the table. Harris like Biden and Trump is nothing but a genocidal liar. She never condemn the genocide, like Biden and Trump, the assassin.

US To Release $3.5 Billion in Military Assistance for Israel

The State Department is set to approve the Foreign Military Financing as it is calling on Israel to investigate soldiers accused of brutally raping a Palestinian.

The State Department is set to release $3.5 billion in Foreign Military Financing to Israel. The massive transfer of funds comes as the White House is asking Israel to investigate claims of rape in its detention centers for Palestinians.

Death to axis of EVIL, US – Israel – UK. Iran has every single right to stage a retaliatory attack on Israel and its supporters who fund Jewish mafia’s genocide, including US – UK and their colonies Germany, France and the fascist Italy.

• Agree: John Trout

• Replies: @Zari


Ronehjr says:

August 12, 2024 at 9:55 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago ↑

@Brás Cubas

You are not living in the same simulation the rest of us are.

• LOL: Jack McArthur, tamberlint


werpor says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:01 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 300 Words ↑


There are always many, many causes of various manifestations. We tend to focus on those with which each of us identify. One might say, everyone has a piece of the truth. The way COVID was manipulated to cause millions of Americans to conceded their rights to the oligarchical fascists — including millions of Jews — was the principal cause of thousands of bankruptcies. Though every bankrupt person or business could elaborate his or her particular circumstances for you. The particulars did not cause every bankruptcy. The intentional promulgating of the general cause COVID is far more relevant in the majority of cases.

In my experience it is importantly to notice, when points of view are proffered, the old switcheroo!

Arguments raising the particular are diversionary when assessing first causes. Mismanagement of the economy most certainly includes promulgating war — after which economic consequences as to how, why, when, where, what and whom is the cause or whom to blame is bandied about ad infinitum.

Keynes was trotted out because Britain was bankrupt. He thought to encourage the economy by artificially stimulating it. But the 600,000 missing men could not make up the absence of demand.

So, then the argument which continues with respect to Keynes is impossible to resolve. His theories are wrong headed and are still proving to be disastrous.

But the bankers and builders of capital ships and guns and cannon, and uniforms made certain people rich. On the dead bodies of 600,000 men. These same people intentionally contracted the money supply after previously expanding it.

The war caused a great emotional outburst in support of it — 600,000 dead men later left British society and the economy in tatters. The debts were so big they were not paid back for decades. Who benefited?

• Replies: @Wokechoke


Anon[262] • Disclaimer says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:03 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 200 Words ↑

One of the original Club of Rome guys pointed out that some policies are best interpreted as extermination campaigns. WW I, for instance. It got rid of a lot of young bucks, surplus labor who were liable to turn red. SARS-COV2/Comirnaty is another evident example, with germ warfare optimally tuned to reduce entitlements and mRNA dosage and formulation experiments yielding 1.1 million excess deaths with concomitant pension economies, last I looked.

The CIA mad scientists have changed local laws to negate Nuremberg Code Article 1 so CIA extermination under “public health” pretexts can continue. But constraints on overt crimes against humanity make war the best extermination method.

CIA agent Zelensky committed genocide against Russophones in Ukraine, lest we forget. Now CIA agent Netanyahu is committing genocide against indigenes in Palestine. Nothing gets wars going like a genocide. And just as CIA secret agent Zelensky did, CIA secret agent Bibi is going to escalate until he gets his war (extremists are poised to whack them if they fail.) The general war that Bibi can start is the best extermination job of all. Getting you peace extremists blown up in Jew wars solves a lot of CIA’s problems.

• Agree: mulga mumblebrain, tamberlint, John Trout


Charles Martel France says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:06 pm GMT • 3.4 days ago • 300 Words ↑

@Holy Catholic Orthodox

Can you please explain me why it was Jews and the state of Israel that supported and funded the Muslim Azerbeidzjan army a few months ago.

You forgot Turkey. Their criminal involvement was decisive.



mulga mumblebrain says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:18 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑

Snotrich’s declaration that murdering two million goyim to free a hundred or so celestial hostages, is ‘moral’, tells you all you need to know of Judaic ‘morality’. It represents the most fundamental Evil imaginable, and they control the West, its elites their servile collaborators, entirely.

• Agree: John Trout


mulga mumblebrain says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:27 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑

@Holy Catholic Orthodox

Israel and all other human artifacts are going down the gurgler in the next few decades. When temperatures in ANTARCTICA, in the middle of winter, are twenty to thirty degrees Celsius above ‘normal’, you’re on Obliteration Row. Maybe Jesus will return and make it all better.


Charles Martel France says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:35 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Holy Catholic Orthodox

The State Department doesn’t seem to like Syrian Christians !!

“If you are a Syrian Christian, it will be almost impossible [to be accepted].”

According to State Department statistics, the number of Christians (37,347) and followers of other non-Muslim religions (9,091) who entered the United States as part of the resettlement program for all nationalities in 2016 exceeded the number of Muslim refugees (38,605).

It is true that a small percentage of them were Syrian Christians who came last year (12,486 Muslims, only 92 Christians, and 33 Yazidis or non-Muslims), but it partly reflects the Syrian demographic composition(cowardly justification!! ).

According to the latest available statistics, issued in November 2015, the composition of the population in Syria: 87 percent Muslims, 10 percent Christians, and 3 percent Druze. Higher immigration rates among Christians and lower birth rates likely led to a major demographic shift since then.

The small percentage may also reflect the fact that resettlement is intended for refugees who have no other options.

Many Syrian Christian refugees have been welcomed in Armenia and the Christian community in Lebanon, and have also moved to Greece and other European countries, and are therefore not eligible for the US program.


mulga mumblebrain says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:35 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑

@Holy Catholic Orthodox

The genocides of Armenians, Assyrians and Pontic Greeks were led by ‘Young Turks’, who were ‘doenmeh’, crypto-Jewish followers of the failed ‘Messiah’ Sabbatai Zevi, as was Mustafa Kemal. The Jews appear to hate the Armenians with even more than their ordinary xenophobic fury.

• Agree: AB_Anonymous, Holy Catholic Orthodox


TelfoedJohn says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:51 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑

eventually discover that his own society also only existed as a simulation in the computer of a higher-level world.

I get this feeling when thinking of the old Fruit of the Loom logo. Yes, there was a cornucopia!


Harry E says:

August 12, 2024 at 10:59 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑


America’s Decline can be found on the Internet, or at least was available several years ago

You can find “America’s Decline” along with other books by Dr Oliver at the following website:



Sarita says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:12 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑

Child rapist in Yemen

Fuck around and find out


Ejecución pública de violadores de niños en Yemen. ¿Que opinas? pic.twitter.com/qGotdy7d56

— ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? (@Wilson_Suaza_) August 12, 2024


Mike Tre says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:16 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑


Verhoeven’s Total Recall introduced the red pill = awakening concept a full decade before The Matrix.


Gerald the Frog says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:25 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑


Childish nonsense.

• Replies: @Notsofast


Mike Tre says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:25 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Former Buchenwald camp commandant Karl Koch was executed in May of 1945 by the SS, for the crime of murdering 3 inmates.

Seems kind of contradictory to the official story for a country hell bent on exterminating an entire group of people to put to death a soldier who was doing just that, especially just 2 months before Germany surrendered.

• Thanks: HdC

• Replies: @Caroline


Gerald the Frog says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:37 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑


In the short term, yes, it was the best solution for Germany and Europe, but in the long term, the creation of this artificial and unnatural Jewish state could only be disastrous, and for the whites too.

The only valid solution – but it was already no longer possible due to the religious collapse in Europe – was the traditional way of dealing with Jews, whether in Christianity or in the Islamic world.

That is : it was unthinkable to grant them citizenship and the same rights as traditional populations, let alone “create” a “state” designed to extend dramatically their malevolence.


Harry E says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:39 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@William Everett

Without factoring the Mossad tactics of bribery, blackmail, extortion, murder, and terrorism, I cannot find a rational explanation for what has happened.

Here is my take.

We Americans live in a money-based economy. If you seek elective office, you need money. If you seek to start or run a business, you need money. If you seek a comfortable life, you need money.

Jews control the money. Therefore, they control politics, business, and the citizenry. It’s really just that simple.

• Replies: @HdC


profnasty says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:44 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑


The curse of Roberts be upon you.

The curse of Roberts be upon you.

The curse of Roberts be upon you!


Phil Barker says:

August 12, 2024 at 11:51 pm GMT • 3.3 days ago ↑


This is not a good argument to make when over 80,000 “olim” from Russia have arrived in Israel since February 2022.

• Replies: @Notsofast


JamesinNM says:

August 13, 2024 at 12:34 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑

Weren’t the Khazars the WWII Nazis?


Che Guava says:

August 13, 2024 at 12:39 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑

@Sorel McRae

You are mistaken. They call the mid.-east/nth. African Jews Mizrahi(m).


迪路 says:

August 13, 2024 at 12:43 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Sorel McRae

There’s no point in fighting mainly with us. The result of a financial country attacking an industrial country is infinitely higher inflation.

Even a proxy war doesn’t make sense.

Now the economic environment is not good, everyone wants to make money from others, the United States gives so much money to the Philippines to trouble us. The Philippines only dares to do superficial work.

It is like a bottomless investment black hole far beyond Ukraine, waiting for American taxpayers to send a steady stream of money into the hands of the Philippines.

• Replies: @Che Guava


Voltaria Voltaire says:

August 13, 2024 at 12:56 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@one nobody

I wonder what would happen if someone got ahold of the list of the super rich donors to that crooked charity Zaka and sent them each a DVD of that 10 minute video embedded above in the article. We get educated about that advertised “charity” group with the awesome 10 minute x video Ron Unz has embedded in this article. It really is astonishing. I had watched it long ago because I was also following Max B and the Grayzone. That Propaganda and Company video is such a clear and precise truth bomb. If those donors got the short dvd package in the mail with a note saying: “please watch this ten minute video to find out what your donations have contributed to”, man, there would be a bunch of super pissed off rich people. Hopefully anyways. Perhaps they would start putting their money into ending this thing or using their own withdrawal of funds with BDS against the -Zionists and US weapons merchants and other evil corporations and politicians supporting this thing. All those rich people can’t be that stupid and evil in the face of the truth. If they can last 10 minutes to watch and find out their “charity” was founded by a serial rapist that committed suicide but left his “legacy”, maybe they would be thinking twice about where they are putting their money. Maybe. Hopefully. It’s an idea.


24th Alabama says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:00 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑

@Munga Bulga

All governments lie since they must, to survive.

The citizens believe their leaders, or pretend to

so they can survive. It’s a mutual con game.


Che Guava says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:16 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Your comment lost its context, if it ever had any. If it was directed at Mr. Unz, then

a. he often quotes himself, I questioned this once, he quite reasonably explained that it is for any reader who may not have read the earlier material;

b. such self-quotations are always indicated by the block quotation format; and

c. print books of some of his writing are available.

Looking at times and places of production, I’ve long been convinced that The Matrix is mainly plagiarised from Dark City. Even Connolly’s role in the latter is weakly reflected as the woman in the red dress in the former.

Have to see Thirteenth Floor some time, had it recommended several times over the years, it just wasn’t popular in Japan.

Have heard the old semi-garage band Thirteenth Floor Elevators, perhaps they inspired the title of the film?


Odyssey says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:19 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 300 Words ↑


There is a lot of documented material and testimonies about the horror of the Croatian genocide against the Serbs. Attached is a 14-minute-long documentary film, made during the last days of the war in 1945, about Jasenovac and other execution sites where Croats killed Serbs.


• Replies: @Draža Mihailović


Che Guava says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:25 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑


It is funny (not in a good way) how the Philippines were for years trying to free themselves from Uncle Schmuel, but he seems desperate to not let go.

• Replies: @迪路


lastwhiteman says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:27 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑

@Mosafer Hastam

I agree, but with enough sexual domination, the genes of the enemy will disappear and they will become you.


Sarita says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:28 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑

I’m ????% sure Iran will run a nuclear test right before it attacks Israel.

Maybe within 72 hours.


lastwhiteman says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:29 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑


I think you’ve just done an excellent job of proving my point. There’s a sucker born every minute, and this minute’s sucker is Essau/Edom.


The True Nolan says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:43 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑

Elderly Jews remembering (and laughing about), raping and murdering Palestinians when they stole the land to found Israel.



Zari says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:48 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 300 Words ↑


{{US – UK – Germany – France, Italy in support of genocidal Israel and Netanyahu, and against Iran and her allies’ retaliation to DEFEND THEMSELVES.}}

The reason Biden supports genocide in Gaza and assassination in Iran and Lebanon by ISRAEL but he is AGAINST Iran to defend itself is that he is a war criminal as well as being stupid.

Other people are exposing him as hypocrites and a stupid. He is attacking Iran where has not staged a retaliatory attack yet, which is her RIGHT to do, but send more money and Weapons to Netanyahu to kill MORE Palestinian children. Asad Abukhalil exposed Biden as an ignorant hypocrite:

asad abukhalil


Aug 12, 2024

So instead of condemning actual Israeli attacks that already occurred in Tehran and Beirut, Western governments are rushing to condemn Iranian and Lebanese attacks that have not even taken place.

And, Trita Parsi exposes Biden as an ignorant zionist servant when he writes:

Trita Parsi


Aug 12, 2024

Biden argues that a Saudi-Israel deal paves the way for Israel/Palestine peace. But the Abraham Accords fallout paints a different picture.

Biden is so ignorant that does not know one of the reasons behind Oct 7 storm was FAKE ‘Abraham Accords’ written by MOSSAD and implemented by the Jewish mafia pimp, Trump, directed by Mossad’s agent, Jared Kushner. This ignorant fool wants to bring it back, because this old man thinks it is going to serve an apartheid entity that he still protects after he was kicked out of the office like Trump. Israel’s existence is numbered. No one wants the colonists and FAKE Semites in the occupied Palestine. They should go either to New York or Europe, where they came from.

• Replies: @24th Alabama


Heydrich's Violin says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:52 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑

“International Court of Justice to issue a series of near-unanimous rulings.”

Such “courts” are all kangaroo, whether “prosecuting” Jews or Germans.

“War Crime.” Hmm.

Who is the Sovereign Authority to judge?

The majority of a UN Security Council?

I’m happy enough to see those Jews are annihilated; just like the Jews were delighted at the prospect of hanging Hermann Goering.

But the idea that Jews and Goering were “guilty” of “crimes” is infantile.

They were “guilty” of war.

• Replies: @HdC


Odyssey says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:17 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑


[Serbo-Croatian feuding is off-topic on this thread.]


• Replies: @Odyssey


Bombercommand says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:36 am GMT • 3.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑


How convenient! Don’t look at Southport, look at this! Look at the “white guy”, see he’s WHITE!!! Hold him there in public so there’s lots of video! He’s WHITE WHITE WHITE!!! With Southport, not once was the murderer described as “BLACK”, we can’t do that, he’s “invisible”. What’s more, THREE people took down the stabber, but only the “muslim guy” gets screen time, he’s “a Muslim hero”, the other two are “invisible”. A “false flag” indeed.

• Thanks: Liza

• Troll: mulga mumblebrain

• Replies: @Sarita, @Wokechoke


Wokechoke says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:41 am GMT • 3.2 days ago ↑


Every dead Tommy was shot under a helmet designed by a certain Jew called Brodie.


SafeNow says:

August 13, 2024 at 3:06 am GMT • 3.1 days ago • 200 Words ↑

Lonergan didn’t bite off more than he could chew with Margaret – this is his personal moral gymnasium – but he did bite off more than others might want to chew.

I recently viewed the grueling, horrifying, tragic movie “Margaret.” I then came upon Time magazine’s review, and as soon as I read the excerpt above, I thought of Israel. Israel did not bite off more than it can chew (for now at least, thanks to U.S. support.) But the result is more than the world wants to chew. Making the analogy even more apt is that the movie is set in NY City, with a cast mainly of Jews, who sabotage the emotional peace of others, simply because they can, and because it puts a spring in their heel.

By the way, the film, although hard to watch, is a critically acclaimed masterpiece on most levels. Lonergan wrote and directed it. So you might wish to suffer through it, if you have not already done so.


Anon[365] • Disclaimer says:

August 13, 2024 at 3:14 am GMT • 3.1 days ago ↑


I think Ron meant “metaphysical” not epistemological.

• Replies: @Jack McArthur


Sarita says:

August 13, 2024 at 3:40 am GMT • 3.1 days ago ↑


Just pay attention to the general situation. Muslims were wrongly accused of the stabbing of the little ones.

Instead, in a new attack a Muslim guy tackles the ass hole who wanted to make it look it was “another Muslim attack” but got caught.

Fuck him, white or otherwise.

• Agree: John Trout

• Replies: @Bombercommand


Tereza Coraggio says: • Website

August 13, 2024 at 4:52 am GMT • 3.1 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Kevin Barrett

Yes, over the last year Ron sent me on a long journey of tripping over my own blind spots:

https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/corbett-unz-and-wwii-the-unnecessary war





But it was the reference to the lies about Japan that really struck me. I’m reading Fadi Lama’s Why the West Can’t Win and his revelations on the atrocities of the Japanese biolabs in WWII are the stuff of nightmares. I’ll be writing about it soon, and LOVED your Ziopocalypse, Kevin, as I wrote there.

• Thanks: anarchyst, Ron Unz


Odyssey says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:05 am GMT • 3.1 days ago • 200 Words ↑


I’m sorry if that’s how you got it, because that’s clearly not the case. I just wanted to put what was written in the text into a general context. There is an imbalance in the presentation of data. On the one hand, there is, for example, the worship of Hitler because of his loud and alleged fight against Zionism and, at the same time, the hypocritical denial that he is guilty of the death of any Jew.

At the same time, it is ignored a much bigger crime and the for e.g. direct killing of 7.5 million Russian civilians (out of a total of 14 million, that is, more than double the alleged Holocaust). That seems to be unimportant and negligible to everyone. I also raised a very important question – whether Jasenovac was a bigger death camp than Auschwitz and what are the consequences of that for the global narrative, to which the vast majority of texts on the site are devoted.

No feud or levelling of guilt has anything to do with the aforementioned. This means that the Croatian uproar produces results and prevents the truth from being presented.


Wokechoke says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:23 am GMT • 3.0 days ago ↑


It’s pretty spooky.


Jack McArthur says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:24 am GMT • 3.0 days ago • 200 Words ↑


The two converge in this case. Even if a person chooses what seems to be a materialistic solution for all the events which are the routine subject matter on UR, a matrix like knowledge, then they may also note two things – the events which pour out non stop into the claimed sim are uniformly bad as a first approximation and this gives away the attributes of the sim programmer i.e. evil.

But if unquestionably, from the perspective of the average UR commentator, this is so then it is evidence of something innate which opposes that evil and which is good. Sure people may argue about the malleability of human perception of what is good and evil but in this very heightened state of awareness, acutely aware through the daily torrent of suffering in which the said evil seems unconstrained, it is hard not recognize there is good and there is evil and no amount of shifting the context into a sim world can detract from that. The sim world scenario is itself an evil concept designed to cause suffering and is opposed to the good.


Hapalong Cassidy says:

August 13, 2024 at 9:41 am GMT • 2.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑


David Cronenberg’s Existenz, released a couple of months after The Matrix, touched on similar themes as well. Hollywood copycatting is a well-documented phenomenon. It’s like, an idea suddenly becomes popular and studios rush to get their film out first. Other examples from just the 90’s include Dante’s Peak/Volcano, and Armageddon/Deep Impact.

• Replies: @Ron Unz


Draža Mihailović says:

August 13, 2024 at 10:32 am GMT • 2.8 days ago • 1,200 Words ↑


[Serbo-Croatian feuding is off-topic on this thread and such future comments will probably be trashed.]


C. Michael McAdams



• Replies: @Caroline


Anonymous[407] • Disclaimer says:

August 13, 2024 at 10:57 am GMT • 2.8 days ago ↑

@Munga Bulga

On the 14th floor, you find out Hitler was played by Walt Disney.


Alexandros says:

August 13, 2024 at 11:00 am GMT • 2.8 days ago ↑

@Munga Bulga

The most likely source is the Psychological Warfare Division of the US Army, or the British equivalent.

This is basically the “bread and butter” style propaganda from the West. Which gullible people continue to believe.

• Replies: @Munga Bulga


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You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns says:

August 13, 2024 at 11:19 am GMT • 2.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

You all will burn in hell for your lies.

Especially ugly Ronnie, who apparently is so angry (and rightfully so) that he is the living embodiment of a Der Sturmer caricature that he vilifies the imaginary monolith called “The Jews” with all the energy his sad little Daddy Issues-muddled brain can muster.

Too bad truth isn’t something you actually value. Only hate.

• Replies: @Jack McArthur, @Kumbaresu


anastasia says:

August 13, 2024 at 12:10 pm GMT • 2.8 days ago ↑

@JR Foley

There is plenty to misinterpret in that book. I always thought the Catholics were wrong to discourage reading it without guidance, and now I think they were right.

The Jewish lawyer in the parable misunderstood it. “Who is thy neighbor?” . Netanyahu would have asked the same question.


Jack McArthur says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:03 pm GMT • 2.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns

You all will burn in hell for your lies.

Especially ugly Ronnie, who apparently is so angry (and rightfully so) that he is the living embodiment of a Der Sturmer caricature that he vilifies the imaginary monolith called “The Jews” with all the energy his sad little Daddy Issues-muddled brain can muster.

Too bad truth isn’t something you actually value. Only hate.

Too bad you write in the style you attribute to your enemies, therefore you have the same ticket to the same place you send them if we follow your own logic.

• Replies: @You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns


Kumbaresu says:

August 13, 2024 at 1:55 pm GMT • 2.7 days ago ↑

@You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns

You all will burn in hell for your lies.


Too bad truth isn’t something you actually value. Only hate.

Can you expand on that? I am not allowed to express my opinion around here, but hopefully I can ask you to clarify yours.

• Replies: @You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns


john844 says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:07 pm GMT • 2.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


The Bible is NOT jewish; nowhere does it say so and nowhere does it ever call the Patriarchs ‘jews’. The word jew does not even appear until midway thru – II Kings as I remember – and then only in the revised King James.

The Bible only speaks negatively of jews. jews are NOT Biblical Israelites nor Hebrews; they admit it in their own writings such as the jewish Encyclopedia and jewish Almanac. Many of (((them))) admit it in other books and writings. You might consider believing them for once, tho that is certainly not a good thing to do always…

Your – and millions like you – lack of knowledge of this simple Truth – which was common knowledge a couple hundred years ago – is much of what has gotten us into this mess.


Sobek Palude says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:12 pm GMT • 2.7 days ago ↑

“The Right to Rape” is a line that goes very hard


Patrick McNally says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:25 pm GMT • 2.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


> the Nazis were -according to what I have read- one of the few armies of WW2, who executed their soldiers for raping people

Not generally true.



Patrick McNally says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:33 pm GMT • 2.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

> although considerable numbers of real or suspected Soviet agents were investigated or prosecuted during the 1950s,

None of which has anything to do with Joseph McCarthy. The basis for McCarthy’s fame was that he insinuated that George Marshall, Dean Acheson, John Service and anyone in the State Department who had ever been critical of Chiang Kai-shek was a Soviet agent. That was complete bollocks and only served to twist debate on foreign policy into fake talk about foreign agents. The corruption in the Kuomintang was such that Marshall, Acheson, Service et alia were quite correct to refuse a deeper intervention by the US in China.


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 13, 2024 at 2:33 pm GMT • 2.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑


That itself is incomprehensibly one-sided and therefore never quite right. I am not a Hitlerist, if only because ancestors of mine lost their lives as soldiers for this madness in Russia.

You only have to listen to Goebbels’ inflammatory cannonades, who intended to “throw human material at the Russians” (his own wording) without wanting to stick his own club foot out for it.

He also admitted himself in a speech, I believe in Saarbrücken in 1943, that the war had not only ideological but also weighty economic intentions. It was not about Europe at all, he said, the Europeans could defend themselves.

If it wasn’t about Europe getting its foot in the door to Russian resources, it was exclusively about their mentally distorted ideology. There is no question about it: lies were told on all sides, but to this day it is pretended that only the “Nazis” did it.

• Replies: @Alexandros


You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns says:

August 13, 2024 at 3:14 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑

@Jack McArthur



You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns says:

August 13, 2024 at 3:19 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑


The vast majority of people here are motivated by one thing and one thing only: Hate.

Outright lies are presented as truth.

We reap what we sow.

• Troll: mulga mumblebrain

• Replies: @Abhuman, @Holy Catholic Orthodox, @Kumbaresu, @mulga mumblebrain


Dutch Boy says:

August 13, 2024 at 3:39 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑

The critical political component making these atrocities possible is the Christian [sic] Zionists (most of my family, alas). They prevent the GOP from opposing our mad Middle East foreign policy.


HdC says:

August 13, 2024 at 3:56 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Harry E

There is nothing wrong with money; it is only a promissory note.

The creation of money, and those in charge of creating this money “out of thin air” is the problem.

Money created “out of thin air”, ie. money created for which no goods or services have been produced, is the very definition of inflation.

And inflation ALWAYS causes rising prices.

Note that rising prices by themselves are not necessarily due to inflation; failed harvest, carbon tax etc. also cause rising prices.

But, money put into circulation without corresponding goods or services ALWAYS cause inflation and is bad for the tax payer.


HdC says:

August 13, 2024 at 4:01 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑

@Heydrich's Violin

How was Hermann Goering guilty of war???

• Replies: @Heydrich's Violin


Bombercommand says:

August 13, 2024 at 4:09 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


You have ZERO EVIDENCE that the “Nazi punk…wanted to make it look like another Muslim attack” or that “the punk was trying to run so that white people go crazy again”. Nor will you acknowledge that THREE PEOPLE took the perpetrator down, but only the muzzie gets screen time, and called ” a muslim hero”, the other two are “invisible”. You even call it “a mini false flag”, yeah it could be a false flag, but it was an anti-White pro-muzzie false flag. It could be a false flag run by Special Psychological Operations, or the “false flag” was concocted after the fact by the media.


Charles Martel France says:

August 13, 2024 at 4:31 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑


False flag ????

Hundreds of Hindus have come out to protest against the targeting and violent attacks on Hindus in the post-Hasina Bangladesh. (Image: AP)

• Replies: @mulga mumblebrain


Notsofast says:

August 13, 2024 at 4:43 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Phil Barker

are you saying vvp dumped them in palestine? i don’t see it that way, looks like they chose to take the money and run, thinking the russian federation would be destroyed. the russian federation has an “jewish autonomous oblast” region. oddly, enough it has yidish as a first language but only 1% of the population is jewish, they don’t want to live there, they want other people’s land. putin is meeting with abbas now, to discuss an independent palestinian state, which makes the zionists boiling mad. well they’re going to get slow boiled and be forced into the thing they fear most, peace and an end to their dark zionist supremacist vision.


• Agree: John Trout


Notsofast says:

August 13, 2024 at 4:46 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑

@Gerald the Frog

yes, you certainly are but if that’s all you got….


Abhuman says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:07 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑

@You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns

The vast majority of people here are motivated by one thing and one thing only: Hate.

Is your own hatred of us (generally speaking) noble? Would you do violence to us if you had that capacity?


Holy Catholic Orthodox says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:19 pm GMT • 2.6 days ago ↑

@You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns

You just go to bed and shutdown your systems.

Reality is too much for a simple soul like yours.

Here read an article about Jewish Organ Theft.



Draža Mihailović says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:29 pm GMT • 2.5 days ago ↑


He is the median. Servian academia teaches that stuff and their children are inoculated from a very young. The government, diplomatic corp and media are totally on board. Nothing’s changed since before the breakup of Yugoslavia or after. The Internet has only intensified their lunacy.

• Thanks: Annacat

• Replies: @Odyssey


Alexandros says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:33 pm GMT • 2.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Munga Bulga

Far from it. Whenever Germany is portrayed as cartoonishly evil you can be pretty sure the source is allied propaganda. Goebbels statement here doesn’t even make any sense. The goal of “Den totalen Krieg” was not to fool people, but to motivate them and make an impressive propaganda showpiece to use at home and abroad. Asking somebody if they want total war and more sacrifice hardly seems like something you would say to trick people.

Like any skilled orator Goebbels had a realistic appraisal of his audience. The mass is indeed gullible and he might have said something like that, but the context here makes him look like a shyster sending men to die for his own amusement, which is a mockery of truth. It’s also unfair to say that he didn’t stick his foot in. He went down with the ship and never tried to escape responsibility. In sharp contrast to guys like Himmler who betrayed Germany and tried to worm their way out.

• Replies: @Munga Bulga, @Munga Bulga


Kumbaresu says:

August 13, 2024 at 5:43 pm GMT • 2.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns

The vast majority of people here are motivated by one thing and one thing only: Hate.

I get it. Hate sells very well, more traffic, more shekels.

Outright lies are presented as truth.

You have to be more specific. How can you get your message across if people don’t know what lies you are talking about?


Ron Unz says:

August 13, 2024 at 6:13 pm GMT • 2.5 days ago ↑

@Hapalong Cassidy

David Cronenberg’s Existenz, released a couple of months after The Matrix, touched on similar themes as well.

Sure, I’ve seen that film a couple of times over the years, but didn’t think it was nearly as good as Dark City or The Thirteenth Floor.


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 13, 2024 at 6:31 pm GMT • 2.5 days ago • 500 Words ↑


Well, “(absolute) evil” would be a purely moral category that ultimately stems from Christian liturgy; for the social Darwinist Nazis, such a thing practically did not exist, which also represents a loss of human quality, a specific blindness, a complete lack of empathy and understanding for others.

But everything on earth and in the universe has consequences, one thing leads to another. And it is indisputable that the Nazis played a major role in the destruction of ancient cultural assets through their irresponsible, ill-considered and reckless actions. He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind, and he who rules by the sword will die by the sword.

They were of the opinion, and this is supported by countless of their “arguments”, that the world was there to be taken, conquered, appropriated (one could also say robbed), without regard for the culture or property rights of other inhabitants of the earth. Napoleon and Genghis Khan send their regards. Hitlerism was moreover the spawn of a collective “germanophobic persecution” mania.

The (self-) destructive power of Hitler’s ideology lay, as with all modernist, funtional, mechanistic world views and utopias, in its fanatical, dogmatic, stubbornness and narrowness, its ideological exclusivity and uncompromisingness. Not to mention the delusional “Prussian militarism”. What initially brought them to power was built in as their ruin.

They called this the “Führer cult”, a uniform (unifying form for all), into which they pressed everything else, but which was tailored only to Hitler, and without which it was “logically” bound to fail. Instead of uniting constructive social strata, they actually made enemies of all established forces, including people among themselves.

Hitler recognized and interpreted many things correctly, especially with regard to the Jewish question, and compared to other major ideologies, an above-average number of elements in National Socialism were worthy of being adopted into the future, but they are now poisoned, burnt, untouchable and contaminated.

The problem with Hitler and many of his cronies was that they were insatiable, self-indulgent, arrogant, gigantomanic and full of self-fabricated prejudices against peoples and social classes of which they had, in principle, no intimate knowledge and no insight.

If Hitler had stopped his greed after the annexation of the Sudetenland, things could have been left to rest, and everyone, even his enemies, would have grudgingly accepted this. But cessation, compromise, balance and healthy moderation were never part of the nature of this insatiable movement from the very beginning, which defamed any compromise as “weakness”.

One must also not overlook the clearly recognizable necrophilia, the death cult of Nazism, which in a perverted way worshipped collective heroic death as the highest value, so to speak, instead of life and its preservation.

Especially in view of the devastating First World War of the father’s generation, these people could only restore their supposed national honor through more bloodshed. As if in a frenzy, a bloodlust. It was not without reason that Jung compared Nazism to the unleashing of a Wotanist (Odinist) demon.

• Disagree: tamberlint

• Replies: @Odd Rabbit


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 13, 2024 at 6:47 pm GMT • 2.5 days ago • 200 Words ↑


From the standpoint of intellectual development, Nazism always remained what it is, was and always will be: the petty-bourgeois ideology and attitude of those who feel cheated of their fair (“true”) share in life because they are not outstanding but mediocre, and therefore instigate a campaign of revenge which, if they do not prevail, will cause all others to perish with them. Because, consequently, no one deserves to survive unless they turn out to be the more dominant and (supposedly) “stronger”.

In this world view lies the attitude of the defiant, rebellious, immature toddler who does not get his way and is unable to give in unless he is confronted with a more persistent point of view. And so the Nazis could not be appeased and satisfied by compromises and concessions, by well-meaning persuasion, and could not be stopped except by what they themselves put into the world: bombs, terror machines and a gigantomaniacal apparatus of power based on “blood and soil”.

• Troll: tamberlint

• Replies: @Munga Bulga


Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

August 13, 2024 at 7:18 pm GMT • 2.5 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Munga Bulga

Ultimately, any ideology that does not declare the love of life, existence, beauty and joy, of naturalness in its organically preservable form, but instead harbors resentment and its most direct form of expression, violence, as a unifying element, is corrupt at its core. This also includes Zionism, and it too will have its moment of rude awakening.

Tacitus wrote: “The Jews are the disgust of the human race. Everything that is sacred to us is contemptible to them, while everything that seems sacrilegious to us is permitted to them. They are the most useless people.” Whether this represents a “generalizable truth” (or just a resentment) will be decided by the further course of world history.

• Thanks: Odd Rabbit


Odd Rabbit says:

August 13, 2024 at 8:47 pm GMT • 2.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Munga Bulga

“Hitler recognized and interpreted many things correctly, especially with regard to the Jewish question, and compared to other major ideologies, an above-average number of elements in National Socialism were worthy of being adopted into the future, but they are now poisoned, burnt, untouchable and contaminated.”

Thanks. That’s very true.

But why is it so? Who want that these good elements of NS are burnt and contaminated today? And why they wanted totally destroy Germany ? IMO they are not better than nazis. Many think much more evil?

NS is possible to realize without nazis but why is there no spirit for it in the west? Could you tell it us here in TUR.



Caroline says:

August 13, 2024 at 8:49 pm GMT • 2.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Draža Mihailović

I have come to the conclusion, that atrocity propaganda can never be fully repealed, but it is astonishing how many official insitutions can parrot some lies even decades after they have been debunked.

A couple months ago I read a column by a recent West Point graduate (I think on lewrockwell.com) and he wrote that one of his lecturers had parroted some long-debunked atrocity-propaganda about the German in WW1 as fact (IIIRC it was the story, where the Germans hacked off the hands of Belgian children, but it might also have been the story, where they were using killing babies for bayonet-practice)

• Agree: John Wear


Odd Rabbit says:

August 13, 2024 at 9:33 pm GMT • 2.4 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Fin of a cobra

You write: “How did the Jews achieve this level of capacity to deceive?

To answer this question we must go back in time, to the origin of the Jews, to the origin of consciousness itself: “Deceit may also be a cause of consciousness”

The ability to deceive, we remember, is one of the hallmarks of consciousness. Hebrew scripture was nothing more than the record of Jewish Deception …. “

Difficult but important things. My own understanding doesn’t go very far, but these are thoughts that came to mind:

Could it be so? that they fooled themselves into believing that they are the ‘chosen people’ , chosen by their own God who has promised them to lead the whole world. Now they are fooling others all the time to make that promise come true, to make it a reality. Deception after deception. They’re prisoners of it. When you start deceiving you can’t stop it.

If Netanyahu could admit that such self(fish)-connection to god is not possible and is a grand illusion based on blind faith/ or is a megalomaniacal derangement, there would be no ‘biblical war’ but peace in ME .


H. L. M says:

August 13, 2024 at 10:24 pm GMT • 2.3 days ago ↑

Good article Ron.

However, there can be no comparision between Hitler and Israeli Jews. Hitler never ordered Jews killed; some members of Hitler’s military did kill Jews contravening Hitler’s orders.

In any event, it turns out that Hitler was right about the Jews.


RogerL says:

August 13, 2024 at 11:42 pm GMT • 2.3 days ago • 500 Words ↑


Your research into history has been very helpful for me in making sense of things. I joined the marines to defend democracy, and ended up screwing up my life defending the globalists. I’m still a patriot. However now I want to be very sure of my facts, before moving forwards and ending up being suckered, again.

You can’t fix a problem unless you know where it went bad, and why that happened. I’ve read essays on TUR tracking political corruption in the US back to the mid 1800’s. There isn’t a whole lot of time between 1776 and the mid 1800’s for a solid, healthy government to become corrupted. So when did it happen?

In the same vein, now I’m wondering about the real roots of the concept of democracy and the agendas of the early promoters of democracy as an “improved” form of government.



Sarita says:

August 14, 2024 at 12:01 am GMT • 2.3 days ago ↑

I dunno ????

I can’t quite figure out the pattern here

H/T @tonyrigatonee pic.twitter.com/sahb1AQJoQ

— IanMalcolm84 (@IanMalcolm84) August 13, 2024


Heydrich's Violin says:

August 14, 2024 at 12:46 am GMT • 2.2 days ago ↑


I hope he was.

Just as I hope, for Heydrich’s reputation, that he accomplished more than Holocaust deniers might propose!


迪路 says:

August 14, 2024 at 12:51 am GMT • 2.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Che Guava

I think the Philippines itself has too much black industry, which makes the country hopeless.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the Philippines will be completely rid of the US military.

If you compare a national strategy to an investment, then the Philippines is a heavily indebted company. It’s surrounded by a dark business of drugs, gambling, human trafficking.

The Philippines said to the United States, we can suppress China’s development, send us money.

The funniest thing is that the Filipinos only sent small boats to patrol our waters.

Ah, by patrolling the seas, our country will be suppressed?

But even if our country is really being oppressed by the Philippines… So what does this have to do with the United States?

Will America’s economy grow because we are oppressed? Will America’s economy recover because we can’t sell products?

No, it’s only going to get worse. They will only reap higher and higher inflation.

• Replies: @Che Guava


anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:

August 14, 2024 at 1:06 am GMT • 2.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑

“Money created “out of thin air”, ie. money created for which no goods or services have been produced, is the very definition of inflation.

And inflation ALWAYS causes rising prices.

Note that rising prices by themselves are not necessarily due to inflation; failed harvest, carbon tax etc. also cause rising prices.

But, money put into circulation without corresponding goods or services ALWAYS cause inflation and is bad for the tax payer.”

And, what you say does not even include Supply Chain interruptions! The main one being the worldwide oil supply chain! Some 20% of the world’s daily oil supply is shipped through the Strait Of Hormuz! Guess who controls it! And, what would happen if that supply route were to be interrupted?!


mulga mumblebrain says:

August 14, 2024 at 1:07 am GMT • 2.2 days ago ↑

@Charles Martel France

Hindu extremists, Islamic extremists, Judaic extremists like you. Vultures of a feather. Little pustules of hatred.


mulga mumblebrain says:

August 14, 2024 at 1:11 am GMT • 2.2 days ago ↑

@You're All a Bunch of Lying Loser Clowns

NO history. The bottom of the hasbara sewer. I plead guilty-I do hate genocide and mass child murder, and slimy, lying, hypocrisy.


Odyssey says:

August 14, 2024 at 1:54 am GMT • 2.2 days ago • 200 Words ↑

@Draža Mihailović



Odyssey says:

August 14, 2024 at 2:56 am GMT • 2.1 days ago • 400 Words ↑


• Replies: @Odyssey, @Draža Mihailović


remo says:

August 14, 2024 at 4:12 am GMT • 2.1 days ago • 400 Words ↑

Reading the generally omitted and censored evidence, forensically countering and denouncing the narratives of mass gassing at Auschwitz, (Rassinier, Kollerstrom, Leuchter, Zundel, Butz, Irving, Cole, Menuhin, CODOH.com…yourself), the reader slowly finds the methodologies and narrative patterns of the BIG LIE, as applied by the conspiratorial naZionist deepstate, to the major social engineering events of our time.

911. The Kennedy assassinations. CIA/Maidan. Covid/mRNA. Oct.7th. etal.

These patterns are experienced by the reader coming OUT of the rabbit holes we have been kept in for so long, and whether we find this all part of an ever greater PERFIDY, we are yet to discover; but; could be likely, as Guy Debord’s ‘The Society of the Spectacle’ argues, or as described by Karl Rove’s claimed empire, where ‘they’ create new realities we get to study, while they carry on creating new ones [“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”]


However way that pans out, at this level; the visceral, genocidal murder level, where soldiers take delight in filming and showing us their burning children alive and killing men with electrified rods rammed into their anus ; where disease and starvation of 2million souls in the prison cell of GAZA is the stated goal; at this level, the abysmal Colonel Eyal Karim, chief rabbi in the rabbit hole, declaring Palestinians to be “animals” and approving rape of Palestinian women in the interest of boosting soldiers’ morale, identifies and isolates just what beast naZionist Israel IS, and who the animals actually are. But then, ‘holding to account’ is a trick naZion has learned to keep well ahead of and demonstrates its power over, every day in every State Department/White House press conference and Security Council meeting.

How to deconstruct this malevolence, hard-wired by naZion claiming GODs instruction, appears in no movie I have ever seen.


Odyssey says:

August 14, 2024 at 5:12 am GMT • 2.1 days ago • 1,200 Words ↑




J says:

August 14, 2024 at 8:10 am GMT • 1.9 days ago ↑

“The Right to Rape”? Dr Unz, you are sick. Seek help.

• Troll: Sarita

• Replies: @Ron Unz, @ranjit


Biff says:

August 14, 2024 at 8:57 am GMT • 1.9 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Ritter and Freeman both frequently appear on the popular YouTube channel of Judge Andrew Napolitano, whose other guests include a long list of very notable figures drawn from academia, national security, and journalism, including Jeffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer, Ray McGovern, Douglas Macgregor, Larry Wilkerson, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Larry Johnson, and Philip Giraldi. I usually spend several hours each week watching these interviews and thereby gaining a great deal of important information from all these experts. Yet I’ve also noticed that some of those individuals may possess certain historical blind spots.

I’ve never heard any of these guys connect Israel to 9/11, so yes, they seem to have blind spots.

• Replies: @John Trout


Draža Mihailović says:

August 14, 2024 at 10:26 am GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑


[I’ve repeatedly warned about Serbo-Croatian feuding being totally off-topic. Such subsequent comments will probably be trashed.]



Exile in Paradise says:

August 14, 2024 at 12:20 pm GMT • 1.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Brás Cubas

In the USA there will be no alignment between Left and Right because at the foundation of the Left’s outspoken anti-Israel posture in response to Gaza, it is still “anti-White”. The perception of the Jews as white by these groups only fuels their fire more in this regard. One must be very intellectually discerning as to what is at play here.

Regarding Europe, as I live on the Continent, I can comment on the “Right” here in a general sense: it is not so much pro-Israel as it is anti-Muslim and -African mass immigration. The EU is a bureaucracy through which Jewish globalism operates, that is true. But national feeling among conservatives in individual countries is very strong. No one really cares for Israel except, in the past, as a bulwark against radical Muslims (and I am sorry, there are oceans of them here). However, the astute Europeans have pulled back the curtain on that one and see who has been moving the levers all along.

• Replies: @Brás Cubas


John Trout says:

August 14, 2024 at 2:01 pm GMT • 1.7 days ago ↑


I’ve never heard any of these guys connect Israel to 9/11, so yes, they seem to have blind spots.

Had they dome so, connect isreal to 911, they would quickly be deplatformed by utube.


Ivan the Good (Vahag) says:

August 14, 2024 at 2:30 pm GMT • 1.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

Mr. Unz you are wrong when you say “Although the militaries of many countries have occasionally committed massacres or atrocities during wartime, sometimes even with the silent approval of their political leadership, it seems quite unusual to have the latter publicly endorse and advocate such policies, and no similar examples from recent centuries come to mind.” In fact. at the beginning of the 20th century, the Young Turks made such statements when ordering the massacre of 1,5 million of their Armenian citizens.

• Replies: @Ron Unz, @mulga mumblebrain


Ron Unz says:

August 14, 2024 at 2:53 pm GMT • 1.7 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Ivan the Good (Vahag)

Mr. Unz you are wrong…In fact. at the beginning of the 20th century, the Young Turks made such statements when ordering the massacre of 1,5 million of their Armenian citizens.

Well, that’s quite possible—I’m only slightly familiar with that history. Do you have a solid reference or two you could provide?

• Replies: @NotAnonymousHere, @Odyssey


Brás Cubas says:

August 14, 2024 at 3:03 pm GMT • 1.6 days ago • 300 Words ↑

@Exile in Paradise

You certainly know more about Europe than I do, but you seem to be less familiar about certain particularities of the American far right than I am. One feature of the American far right, in its present form, is that it is not as anti-black as one might suppose. Don’t get me wrong, people on the far right are certainly racist and mostly dislike blacks. But their reasoning is that the descendants of slaves in the U.S. have certain rights which must be respected; most of all, that they have the right to be American citizens. So they turn their activism primarily against immigrants. Of course they would certainly oppose black immigrants from Africa or anywhere else. But this is not a problem. Africans head to Europe, not America. Therefore, the far right turn their attention to Latin American immigrants. Since, excepting Haiti, no country has a black majority in those countries, the American far right is irremediably confused and innocuous.

The Left, on the other hand, is primarily supported by blacks, who act not out of ideology, but out of self-interest. Whites who support the Left exist, but are primarily guided by ideology. The Left’s stance on immigration is quite moveable. It seems to be pro-immigration now, but it was not always thus. Blacks have no self-interest motives to be pro-immigration.

So, an alliance between the Right and the Left is not necessarily impossible. And now there is the additional factor of Jews. This is turning into a common cause of both the Left and the Right.

I’ll leave it at that as regards America. As for Europe, you said:

(…) it is not so much pro-Israel as it is anti-Muslim and -African mass immigration.

But of course! Zionists do not demand that you love them. If you both have the same interests, you can make a deal, and lots of politicians and voters know that.

• Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips


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Ron Unz says:

August 14, 2024 at 3:08 pm GMT • 1.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑


“The Right to Rape”? Dr Unz, you are sick. Seek help.

LOL. You’ve always claimed to be an Israeli living in Israel, but now I’m not so sure.

Here’s one of the quotes from my article, with source-links in the original:

In 2016, for example, the Israeli military appointed Colonel Eyal Karim as its chief rabbi, even after he had declared Palestinians to be “animals” and had approved the rape of Palestinian women in the interest of boosting soldiers’ morale.

And the Grayzone editors spent fifteen minutes discussing the huge current controversial in Israeli society during the last couple of weeks on that issue, including a lengthy segment from Israeli TV in which a leading pundit strongly argued that Israelis should certainly have the right to rape Palestinian prisoners:

Video Link

Maybe you just don’t watch Israeli TV, or maybe you’re really just some American teenager living in a Houston suburb.


NotAnonymousHere says:

August 14, 2024 at 4:20 pm GMT • 1.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Ron Unz

Since your default position on everything seems to be “I’m unfamiliar” or “I only recently learned” how do you know that Serb-Croat conflicts are off-topic? Truth be told you’re missing a golden opportunity to ban Mr. Everything Comes From Serbia. As Dom DeLuise taught us you need to know how to run your plate.

It bears noting that the Old Testament lays out specifically the right of Hebrews at war to rape the enemy. It’s one of the many things I find objectionable in it. What were the Greco-thinking Christians thinking when they glommed onto that albatross? There’s a Thai tonguetwister, “New wood burns twice.” And the new broom sweeps clean, but someone decided that old wine and new skins was a fine idea.

At least so I was told. It doesn’t sound too twisty. ไม้ใหม่จะไหม้สองครั้ง.



Chebyshev says:

August 14, 2024 at 4:21 pm GMT • 1.6 days ago • 200 Words ↑

But we must remember that those who constructed the “black legend” of Nazi Germany eighty or ninety years ago actually share many characteristics with those who much more recently constructed an equally vivid “black legend” for Hamas. So if we now believe that the latter is false, perhaps we should carefully investigate the former as well.

That reminds me of a comment of mine from last fall. Hamas and the Nazis are similar, but not in the ways usually believed by supporters of Israel:

It sounds like Hamas is like the Nazis. They kill Jewish combatants but treat Jewish civilians pretty respectfully. They ask permission before eating Jews’ bananas – considerate behavior, like the construction of nice temporary camps for Jews by the Nazis during World War II. Hamas is excoriated by American Jews as horrible villains who want to wipe out all Jews, just like the Nazis are described today, thanks to the efforts of unpleasant Jewish berserkers.

I would say now that Israeli Jews are vastly worse than American Jews when it comes to lying.

[Professor Oliver] was scathing in describing the horrific war crimes committed by his own country and its British allies against Germany:

The combination of Oliver’s vivid writing style with the horrific war crimes he describes should stun anyone with the standard misunderstanding of World War II. It’s surprising that the wartime behavior of the U.S. and Great Britain and the current behavior of Israel are most similar to medieval Mongolian warlords.


Caroline says:

August 14, 2024 at 4:56 pm GMT • 1.6 days ago • 100 Words ↑

@Mike Tre

The camp commander of Auschwitz Amon Goeth, who was the main villain in the movie “Schindler’s list” was imprisoned by the SS in 1944, because of his mistreatment of the inmates of Auschwitz and because he had stolen from them.

Needless to say, this part is not mentioned in the movie.

• Agree: John Trout


Sarita says:

August 14, 2024 at 10:01 pm GMT • 1.4 days ago ↑



Tiptoethrutulips says:

August 14, 2024 at 10:38 pm GMT • 1.3 days ago • 600 Words ↑

@Brás Cubas

One feature of the American far right, in its present form, is that it is not as anti-black as one might suppose

If they are not anti-black, it’s because they’re not really “far right;” or, they obtained their information on the reality of black culture/crime/intellect from mainstream news/publishing outlets; or, they remain in all White enclaves wherein they don’t observe the reality in real-time and their perfect harmony mumbo-jumbo is never really tested; or, they’re Christians, who have been cut off at the knees by ideology and false teaching.

Don’t get me wrong, people on the far right are certainly racist and mostly dislike blacks

Define racist.

Are blacks mostly disliked simply because they are black, or are they disliked for their dominant behaviors and violent criminality? How about for what they do, en masse, in nearly every American city wherein they are a large minority or a majority? There is an obvious pattern, in America and abroad, i.e., Baltimore, Detroit, Johannesburg, Port au’ Prince….

the descendants of slaves in the U.S. have certain rights which must be respected; most of all, that they have the right to be American citizens.

They certainly do, and Jim Crow was a defensive measure. Interestingly enough, a very large percentage of American blacks are the descendants of Africans who arrived to America after 1865. On that note, what happened in Liberia? All that tutelage from and know-how after laboring for the White Man, and then what? One can say exactly the same for Haiti.

Therefore, the far right turn their attention to Latin American immigrants. Since, excepting Haiti, no country has a black majority in those countries, the American far right is irremediably confused and innocuous.

The immigrants from Mexico, central/South America are little better than the Africans. They are not as violent, but they suffer no collective guilt over Slavery!, and as a person who has spent a lifetime amongst Mestizos and legacy Spaniards, they mostly see blacks as monstrous, and the Spaniards see themselves as distinct from the Mestizos. Apart from the Spaniards, the “Latin” immigrants are mostly hostile to White America; certainly the recent arrivals who have been inculcated to seek a Reconquista. It’s all so ridiculous; the Indians of Americas were savage, brutal and monstrous to each other; I suppose it’s different when PaleSkins do it, too. Because, Pale Skins always prevail, all things/circumstances being equal. Enter Organized Jewry….

The American far-right is not confused. They are few and far between, or they are mostly silent. We can thank the effects of Organized Jewry, who via ADL, SPLC, Jewish Family Services, The NeverAgain!HolocaustPeople, HAIS, Brown vs. Board of Education, etc., have worked tirelessly and effectively to obscure their role in deleterious movements against European society and to obscure the truth of European history, in general, i.e., there were Black Vikings!, in order to render most Whites oblivious to what’s happening to us demographically.

Regarding Europe, Africans and Arabs are being brought in; in general, most of west/central Europe was homogeneous until fairly recently, therefore those Lily-Whites were/are sitting ducks regarding the “benefits” of true multiculturalism/racialism as opposed to Swede vs. German, which will ultimately find equilibrium, whereas Swedes and Bantus/Afghans will never equalize. We tried to tell our Scandinavian friends they were importing a witch’s brew. I hear/read Knoxville Horror-ing is all the rage these days in many European nations.

Jewry – thy will has been done. Having said that, it’s not over til the Last White Man gives up.

• Replies: @Brás Cubas


Odyssey says:

August 15, 2024 at 12:10 am GMT • 1.3 days ago • 300 Words ↑

@Ron Unz


• Replies: @Mosafer Hastam


ranjit says:

August 15, 2024 at 1:14 am GMT • 1.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑


Very antisemitic esque accusation. Wait !

Not now.

Later ,about 1 year later ,itwill be antisemtic to refer to the exhortatiins issued by Israeli leaders,rabbi,and military that detainees can be raped by Israeli soldiers.

667% Israeli support this government issuing these rights.

Just like it was hurting the Zionist,ADL and NY Time pet bastards on OpEd to remind them tortures inflicted by Israel in 1948, reminding USS Liverty, telling that 1967 war was Israel initiated and to remind that Israel was bombing Iraqi synagogue and administering tortures to Irani citizen under Shah, it would hurt them when reminded of this religiously sanctioned advice.


mulga mumblebrain says:

August 15, 2024 at 1:18 am GMT • 1.2 days ago ↑

@Ivan the Good (Vahag)

Vanya, don’t forget the Assyrians and Pontic Greeks also massacred by the doenmeh ‘Young ‘Turks”. The atrocities were reminiscent of the Kitos War and Gaza today.


24th Alabama says:

August 15, 2024 at 1:48 am GMT • 1.2 days ago ↑


You said that Biden “thinks.”

Would you care to revise, or

do you believe in miracles?


Chebyshev says:

August 15, 2024 at 2:00 am GMT • 1.2 days ago • 100 Words ↑

If basically any other country had committed the crimes against civilians Israel has, then their military and political leaders would be rounded up, probably via a U.S./NATO invasion, and then would be put on trial, convicted, and put in prison for life or executed. Or, they would just be killed like Saddam or Osama.

• Replies: @Astuteobservor II


BlackFlag says:

August 15, 2024 at 2:59 am GMT • 1.1 days ago ↑


Matrix is a stylized, action copy of Dark City, iirc.


Sarita says:

August 15, 2024 at 3:00 am GMT • 1.1 days ago ↑

This Muslim guy is a retard…


Never mind, just don’t drop the soap.


????#BREAKING: A man who RAPED a woman in the UK while she was having a SEIZURE on CHRISTMAS DAY has been jailed for 9 YEARS!

Steven Catlow ATTACKED and RAPED the woman after offering to walk her home from a Christmas Day gathering… pic.twitter.com/FEVplfdkas

— The Saviour (@stairwayto3dom) August 14, 2024

• Replies: @Biff


Biff says:

August 15, 2024 at 4:56 am GMT • 1.1 days ago ↑


Whataboutism….. That’s all you got?


Astuteobservor II says:

August 15, 2024 at 6:16 am GMT • 1.0 days ago ↑

The term ZioNazi has never been a more accurate description for the Israeli jews atm.


Astuteobservor II says:

August 15, 2024 at 6:17 am GMT • 1.0 days ago ↑


Only if they are not on our side. If they are like Israel, we would send more weapons to help.

• Agree: Chebyshev


wildsilver says:

August 15, 2024 at 6:24 am GMT • 1.0 days ago ↑

@Henry Reardon

You may like to know the ‘Jihadist’ dog has a very old ‘master’.



J.M.. says:

August 15, 2024 at 9:03 am GMT • 21.5 hours ago • 200 Words ↑


The psychological phenomenon is called “projection”. Its discovery is likely Jewish.

Well, pretty much so (Wiki)…

A prominent precursor in the formulation of the projection principle was Giambattista Vico.[5][6] In 1841, Ludwig Feuerbach was the first enlightenment thinker to employ this concept as the basis for a systematic critique of religion.[7][8][9]

The Babylonian Talmud (500 AD) notes the human tendency toward projection and warns against it: “Do not taunt your neighbour with the blemish you yourself have.”[10] In the New Testament, Jesus warned against projection: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”[11]

Suffice is to say Jews are heavily into it, not just in any moment of time, but well into the future. The project Projection.

• Agree: HdC

• Replies: @J.M..


Mosafer Hastam says:

August 15, 2024 at 9:09 am GMT • 21.4 hours ago ↑


Keep going!

• Thanks: Odyssey


Brás Cubas says:

August 15, 2024 at 2:43 pm GMT • 15.8 hours ago • 200 Words ↑


Your references to Jews are incomprehensible. I have no idea what Jews have to do with SPLC. I have no idea what the Holocaust has to do with the white movement. Etc. Etc. Just to give an example:


As for the rest:

Take the example of Peter Brimelow. He ran a website heavily focused on anti-immigration and anti-black discourse. There was no anti-Jewish content in that site. One of their main contributors is named Edwin Rubenstein.

While VDARE had concrete suggestions about immigration policy, I’m not sure what their policy proposals were regarding blacks. Steve Sailer is a “citizenist”; Gregory Hood is against secession. So, there was not much to see there in that regard. I speculate that they feared that a strictly anti-immigration campaign would not garner them much readership, and that readers who are annoyed by blacks could be coaxed to actually supporting an anti-immigration site. Putting it shortly, bait-and-switch.

VDARE got annihilated by… surprise, surprise… a BLACK judge. Hmm… Do you really think that black judges put anti-immigration discourse on top of their priority target lists? Don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, she got pissed off by the anti-black part of VDARE?

• Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips, @Phil Barker


Che Guava says:

August 15, 2024 at 4:01 pm GMT • 14.5 hours ago ↑


The former President, Duterte, was much better.

• Replies: @迪路


Tiptoethrutulips says:

August 15, 2024 at 5:40 pm GMT • 12.9 hours ago • 500 Words ↑

@Brás Cubas

You’re kidding? Mayorakas, Blinken, Garland…Jews all, and I have listened with my own ears and watched with my own eyes as they all cried, The Holocaust! at various senate/public hearings relating to current policy issues, particularly those pertaining to immigration.

Familiarize yourself with the likes of Barbara Spectre, Noel Ignatiev, Susan Sontag, George Soros, Franz Boas…any common threads? Don’t skip Barbara Roche, who put down her desert spoon long enough to tell everyone @ TedxEastEnd that Britain has ALWAYS been a nation of migrants. She said Africans were in England long before the people “we” typically think of as English today.

Mayorakas, our current Homeland Security guru, was a former board member of HIAS.

HIAS – We stand for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and opportunity; drawing on our Jewish values and history, [we] provide vital services to refugees, asylum seekers, and other forcibly displaced and stateless persons around the world… our founders were guided by the traditions, texts, and history of the Jewish people/a history of oppression, displacement, and diaspora…

The SPLC was founded by Morris Dees and Joe Levin. Richard Cohen was a former president. Then there’s their rabid wolf, Mark Potok, another History of Holocaust-fleeing descendant, who said he wants to annihilate Hate. I wonder, does he read the Talmud? They are a bit like the ADL, with their Hate Watch mumbo-jumbo.

VDARE got annihilated by… surprise, surprise… a BLACK judge. Hmm…

I am aware, and that BLACK prosecutor is an idiot, just like Fani Willis, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Hank “the island is a’tippin’ over” Johnson, whose administration in NYC is supported by Jewish money/intellect, just as was Brown vs. Education and Hart/Cellar, etc…..scratch an anti-White immigration/integration conundrum, find a Jew.

Do you really think that black judges put anti-immigration discourse on top of their priority target lists?

Judges don’t put anything on their target lists; the litigators go after targets. I think black judges and black prosecutors do as they’re told by those to whom they are beholden. The vast majority are affirmative action graduates in the first place, who achieved their positions just as Barry Sotero did – by moneyed interests and obfuscation. Most couldn’t defeat a first or second year law student in a mock trial by their own accord.

Don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, she got pissed off by the anti-black part of VDARE?

Of course, she did. But, for what crime exactly was VDare prosecuted? Do you know?

She’s hardly the first Useful Idiot to attempt to take down VDare. They were litigated out of existence. I’m speculating VDare didn’t file articles of incorporation elsewhere due to the current political climate – they waited too long to leave NY. Had they been more Jew savvy, perhaps they would have moved sooner.

I also speculate that organizations like VDare and Amren choose not to give any focus to the Jewish element to demographic change in order to avoid Jewish Wrath, which is truly formidable and well funded. Why some organizations manage to continue, like UNZ, whilst others rather more innocuous like VDare fall, is anyone’s guess.

• Thanks: anarchyst

• Replies: @Brás Cubas


Phil Barker says:

August 15, 2024 at 5:54 pm GMT • 12.6 hours ago • 500 Words ↑

@Brás Cubas

It’s possible that the New York Attorney General (NYAG) went against VDARE due to some personal motivation related to their content. But you could just as easily assume their fate might be linked to their “pro-Trump” views, as he was also prosecuted by the NYAG. That common “oppoenent” is probably how VDARE got on Tucker Carlson’s show. But did Letitia James really have a personal problem with Donald Trump back before the litigation started? I don’t know, but I don’t think Trump is “anti-Black”. Nor is the National Rifle Association, also prosecuted by Letitia James. New York also happens to be one of the most “pro-Israel” states in the country. The Democrat NYC mayor, Eric Adams (who is also black), being exceptionally fond of Israel.

At any rate, the AG office attempts prosecution against many people and organizations, and how they pick and choose their targets seems unclear to me, except that there is a certain political coherence. How much individual agency the actual AG wields here is questionable, but I have no doubt she gets “advice” from the Soliciters General who are a part of her department, as well as the governor and various people associated with the Democratic Party, including some portion of the New York elite and various well-connected, “politically interested” groups. Special interest groups must play a role, as they usually do in all policymaking and political action.


• Thanks: Tiptoethrutulips


Brás Cubas says:

August 15, 2024 at 8:31 pm GMT • 10.0 hours ago ↑


I am aware, and that BLACK prosecutor is an idiot (…)

I don’t know. Last I heard, when someone annihilates an enemy, it’s usually the latter who’s an idiot. You seem to be saying the opposite. I’m learning new things everyday on this site.

• Replies: @HdC


HdC says:

August 15, 2024 at 9:01 pm GMT • 9.5 hours ago ↑

@Brás Cubas

Overwhelmingly evil forces often prevail over the good forces.

“Against stupidity even gods fight a losing battle”. Eg. WWII.


Brás Cubas says:

August 15, 2024 at 11:52 pm GMT • 6.7 hours ago • 200 Words ↑

@Mosafer Hastam

I think that discussion departs a little from the subject of Ron Unz’s article, which belongs in the political, rather than in the philosophical, realm. Anyway, if you want to discuss philosophy, Plato was not the only one to postulate such concepts. In Hinduism and Buddhism there is the concept of Maya, which basically equates the phenomenal world with Illusion.


Śūnyatā as Formless Form: Plato and Mahāyāna Buddhism


As to Fin of a Cobra’s musings, aside from having an incomprehensible antisemitic slant (The Thirteenth Floor is from Daniel F. Galouye, a seemingly Gentile science-fiction writer with a French last name, and The Matrix is from two brothers of Polish and English descent.) Another Gentile author cited here is Philip K. Dick, from whose short story Total Recall was taken.

The only work by a Jew cited here is David Cronenberg’s eXistenZ. That film goes further than those previously cited ones in that multiple and possibly infinite layers of reality are implied. I have no idea what an antisemitic angle in regards to it could be though.


Emil Nikola Richard says:

August 16, 2024 at 12:04 am GMT • 6.5 hours ago • 100 Words ↑

Most people are aware of this article in the Guardian from two days ago but if you have not yet read it now is a good time. The author does have a couple original thoughts in there which most articles definitely do not have.

As a former IDF soldier and historian of genocide, I was deeply disturbed by my recent visit to Israel


• Replies: @Ron Unz


Odyssey says:

August 16, 2024 at 12:20 am GMT • 6.2 hours ago • 300 Words ↑



迪路 says:

August 16, 2024 at 12:33 am GMT • 6.0 hours ago • 100 Words ↑

@Che Guava

Yes, Perhaps the core reason is that Duterte’s sphere of influence is limited and cannot solve the whole Philippines’ problems, and Marcos is a puppet supported by the CIA.

When I saw that a man like Marcos could be elected, I realized that the people of this country deserve what it has endured.


J.M.. says:

August 16, 2024 at 1:21 am GMT • 5.2 hours ago ↑


The Babylonian Talmud (500 AD) notes the human tendency toward projection and warns against it: “Do not taunt your neighbour with the blemish you yourself have.”

Of course “neighbour” here means a fellow Jew. All others are excluded from consideration and are permanently taunted.


J.M.. says:

August 16, 2024 at 1:48 am GMT • 4.7 hours ago • 100 Words ↑


Интересная статья, но поведение Израиля было хорошо известно со времен войны 1948 года, а также во время вторжения в Ливан в 1982 году, интифад и предыдущих войн в секторе Газа. Так что Рон на самом деле довольно поздно указал на это и на самом деле не был астрономом, предсказывающим что-то удивительное. Лучше поздно, чем никогда, я думаю.

«Известный» кем? Конечно, не американские массы.

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Ron Unzговорит:

16 августа 2024 г., 2:50 по Гринвичу • 3,7 часа назад • 200 слов ↑

@Emil Nikola Richard

Большинство людей знают об этой статье в Guardian, опубликованной два дня назад, но если вы еще не прочитали ее, сейчас самое время. У автора есть пара оригинальных мыслей, которых определенно нет в большинстве статей.

Спасибо. Бартов кажется довольно респектабельным академиком, и хотя я не читал всю длинную статью, меня бросило в глаза следующее:

ЦАХАЛ не смог предотвратить резню более 1200 человек, многие из которых были убиты самыми жестокими способами, которые только можно себе представить.

Конечно, Бартов должен осознавать, что многие, а возможно, и большинство безоружных израильских гражданских лиц, скорее всего, были убиты дружественным огнем ЦАХАЛа, возможно, даже преднамеренно в ходе «массового Ганнибала». И я озадачен тем, что он имеет в виду под «убитыми самыми жестокими способами, которые только можно себе представить». Неужели он не верит в мистификации об обезглавленных или жареных детях? И эти дикие истории о групповых изнасилованиях и сексуальных увечьях Хамаса кажутся столь же нелепыми.

Действительно, было бы очень тревожно, если бы, казалось бы, уважаемый израильский учёный поверил в такую ​​чушь.


← Государство Израиль как «мультяшно-эв...

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Рон Унц / главный редактор

Американская правда: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование • 271 Comments

Государство Израиль как «мультяшное зло»? • 652 Comments

Дональд Трамп, Камала Харрис и распадающаяся Американская империя • 414 Comments

Американская правда: Ричард Никсон и евреи • 330 Comments

Покушение на Дональда Трампа • 899 Comments


Эндрю Энглин / Писатель, подвергаемый самой цензуре в мире

Великобритания: опрос показал, что 1/3 населения считает насилие единственным решением проблемы иммигрантов • 20 Comments

Мир потрясен, когда расследование показало, что евреи используют палестинцев в качестве живого щита в качестве стандартной процедуры! • 25 Comments

Лагерь мигрантов в Манхэттенском парке, которым управляют западноафриканцы, теперь представляет собой «бомбируемую задницу» — рынок наркотиков под открытым небом • 27 Comments

Возмущение после того, как обеспокоенные граждане починили кожу чернокожего «итальянского» олимпийского чемпиона на фреске • 30 Comments

Еврейская организация по борьбе с ненавистью требует усиления цензуры в Instagram и утверждает, что женщин нельзя критиковать • 6 Comments

«Байден-Харрис» посылает еще миллиарды оружия жидам, убивающим детей, поскольку большинство американцев заявляет, что им все равно, если Иран уничтожит… • 79 Comments

Иран заявляет, что если Израиль согласится на прекращение огня в секторе Газа, он не будет мстить за убийство • 36 Comments

Великобритания: Предполагаемый белый мужчина, который зарезал девочек и остановился пакистанцем, опознан как бездомный румын, не говорящий по-английски • 11 Comments

Полиция Нью-Йорка заполонит Центральный парк дронами, чтобы как-то «бороться с преступностью» • 17 Comments

Трамп говорит Илону, что он пережил чудо и теперь «более верующий» • 58 Comments


Кевин Барретт / Истинный джихадист

Зиопокалипсис сейчас! • 38 Comments

Анаф ибн Кайс о «Эскалации и прелюдии к тотальной войне» • 28 Comments

Йеменская армия атаковала два американских эсминца и корабль, направляющийся в Израиль • 10 Comments


Джонатан Кук / Наш человек из Назарета

Отпечатки пальцев Стармера – не только Тори – повсюду в расовых беспорядках в Британии • 184 Comments

Израиль находится в смертельной спирали. Кого он снесет с собой? • 250 Comments


Джон Дербишир / Иммигрант, предсказатель судьбы

Дневник за июль 2024 г. • 21 Comments


Пепе Эскобар / Блуждающий взгляд на Глобалистан

The Forever Wars идет полным ходом: Война террора • 45 Comments


Филип Джиральди / Национальная разведка

В Вашингтоне что-то гнилое • 300 Comments


Грегори Худ / За американский Ренессанс

Красный рассвет в Америке • 8 Comments

Деколонизация не имеет границ • 53 Comments

«Секретные материалы»: двухуровневая полицейская деятельность • 15 Comments


Майкл Хадсон / долгосрочный экономический тренд

Израиль только что пересек красную линию «Хезболлы» и Ирана: на горизонте третья мировая война • 206 Comments


Юнг-Фрейд / Культурализм

Выдающееся значение пропалестинского движения в XXI веке • 36 Comments


Эрик Марголис / военный репортер на вершине мира

Война нависла над Ближним Востоком • 14 Comments


Илана Мерсер / Палеолибертарианская перспектива

IsraHell пытается легализовать изнасилования палестинцев. Геноцид, снафф-фильмы и глобальные внесудебные убийства: уже законны • 131 Comments


Рон Пол / Революционер-республиканец

Тирания в Великобритании – может ли она случиться здесь? • 22 Comments


Тед Ролл / Карикатурист зарисовывает Америку

Не добейтесь снова Обамы • 12 Comments


Пол Крейг Робертс / перебежчик американского режима

Цифровая революция — главное оружие сатаны

Америка третьего мира

Комиссия ЕС демонстрирует свои тоталитарные цвета

Америка вступает в последние времена


Исраэль Шамир / Российско-израильско-российская перспектива

Хороший еврей • 23 Comments


Эрик Страйкер / Борьба за национальное правосудие

Золотой век евреев продолжается. Часть I: Американский закон • 86 Comments


Джаред Тейлор / Мистер Уайт Адвокатура

Британия под тиранией • 3 Comments

Знакомьтесь, Ур Джадду, настоящий американец • 11 Comments


Майк Уитни / Экономический контрпанчер

Израильтяне говорят, что насиловать палестинских заключенных - это нормально • 220 Comments



Стив Сэйлер / Биоразнообразие человека

«Великое пробуждение» продолжается в Харрисе на пост президента

15 августа 2024 г. • 17 Comments

Бабье лето: почему жители Южной Азии, подобные Камале, захватывают англосферу?

14 августа 2024 г. • 195 Comments

Кому было хуже на преимущественно мирных протестах? Тим или Камала?

13 августа 2024 г. • 206 Comments

27% британцев считают, что смогут претендовать на Олимпийские игры

12 августа 2024 г. • 296 Comments

Низкая мутационная нагрузка

11 августа 2024 г. • 289 Comments

Каковы будут последствия студенческой футбольной революции для олимпийских видов спорта?

9 августа 2024 г. • 234 Comments

Команда Камала (медиа-крыло)

8 августа 2024 г. • 227 Comments

Что предвещает заявление Трампа о том, что Камала не была черной?

7 августа 2024 г. • 469 Comments

Губернатор штата Ай-Стив, создатель контента из Миннесоты, получил одобрение от вице-президента

6 августа 2024 г. • 395 Comments


Русское реакционное сообщество

Открытая тема 256

5 августа 2024 г. • 621 Comments

Открытая тема 255

22 июля 2024 г. • 1,153 Comments


Пол Керси / SBPDL

Это голосование белых, не имеющих высшего образования, глупец! Для победы Трампа в 2024 году необходимо просто увеличить его долю в этом...

15 августа 2024 г. • 11 Comments

В рамках антирасистской инициативы главный офицер Delta Airlines Black DEI запрещает объявления на выходе «Дамы и господа» (...

11 августа 2024 г. • 54 Comments

Десять лет спустя после того, как чернокожий подросток Майкл Браун пытался убить белого офицера Даррена Уилсона в Фергюсоне, черные лидеры выступили против...

9 августа 2024 г. • 61 Comments



Статьи о внешней политике

Мир потрясен, когда расследование показало, что евреи используют палестинцев в качестве живого щита в качестве стандартной процедуры!

Эндрю Энглин • 25 Comments

«Байден-Харрис» посылает еще миллиарды оружия жидам, убивающим детей, поскольку большинство американцев заявляет, что им все равно, если Иран уничтожит…

Эндрю Энглин • 79 Comments

Опыт арабских евреев разоблачает мифы о ближневосточном антисемитизме

Крис Хеджес • 13 Comments

Американская правда: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование

Рон Унз • 271 Comments

IsraHell пытается легализовать изнасилования палестинцев. Геноцид, снафф-фильмы и глобальные внесудебные убийства: уже законны

Илана Мерсер • 131 Comments

«Сложная ткань плохих актеров, работающих рука об руку» – так неизбежна ли война?

Аластер Крук • 155 Comments


Статьи по истории

Мир потрясен, когда расследование показало, что евреи используют палестинцев в качестве живого щита в качестве стандартной процедуры!

Эндрю Энглин • 25 Comments

Опыт арабских евреев разоблачает мифы о ближневосточном антисемитизме

Крис Хеджес • 13 Comments

Американская правда: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование

Рон Унз • 271 Comments

«Сложная ткань плохих актеров, работающих рука об руку» – так неизбежна ли война?

Аластер Крук • 155 Comments

Отпечатки пальцев Стармера – не только Тори – повсюду в расовых беспорядках в Британии

Джонатан Кук • 184 Comments

Политика беспорядков в Великобритании

Марк Галлик • 84 Comments


Статьи о расе/этнической принадлежности

Джеймс Болдуин в 100 лет

Патрик Лоуренс • Leave a Comment

Сладкие настроения и перерезание глоток: как филизм побеждает реализм в левой пропаганде

Тобиас Лэнгдон • 8 Comments

Индустрия идеологического насилия, часть 2

Бо Альбрехт • 129 Comments

Деколонизация не имеет границ

Грегори Худ • 53 Comments

История Черной Барби

Анастасия Кац • 24 Comments

Прирожденные британцы и розовое позерство: пророчество придурка-расиста приближается к осуществлению

Тобиас Лэнгдон • 25 Comments


Идеологические статьи

Джеймс Болдуин в 100 лет

Патрик Лоуренс • Leave a Comment

Сладкие настроения и перерезание глоток: как филизм побеждает реализм в левой пропаганде

Тобиас Лэнгдон • 8 Comments

Свобода слова не друг: расистское молчание псевдолибертарианца Брендана О'Нила

Тобиас Лэнгдон • 6 Comments

Отпечатки пальцев Стармера – не только Тори – повсюду в расовых беспорядках в Британии

Джонатан Кук • 184 Comments

Политика беспорядков в Великобритании

Марк Галлик • 84 Comments

Серьезное отношение к выборам 2024 года выставит вас глупым и бредовым

Эндрю Энглин • 158 Comments


Статьи об искусстве и литературе

Джеймс Болдуин в 100 лет

Патрик Лоуренс • Leave a Comment

История Черной Барби

Анастасия Кац • 24 Comments

МЕГАЛОПОЛИС: Будущее независимого и правого кино

Джон Макдональд • 96 Comments

Расовая мысль Уиндема Льюиса

Ф. Роджер Девлин • 8 Comments

Роковая Антигона: между современными законами и проклятой наследственностью

Том Суник • 7 Comments

Что думают черные о черных думают белые

Анастасия Кац • 150 Comments


Статьи о культуре/обществе

Джеймс Болдуин в 100 лет

Патрик Лоуренс • Leave a Comment

История Черной Барби

Анастасия Кац • 24 Comments

Свобода слова не друг: расистское молчание псевдолибертарианца Брендана О'Нила

Тобиас Лэнгдон • 6 Comments

Отпечатки пальцев Стармера – не только Тори – повсюду в расовых беспорядках в Британии

Джонатан Кук • 184 Comments

Знакомьтесь, Ур Джадду, настоящий американец

Джаред Тейлор • 11 Comments

Горячие взгляды на британцев, наконец-то восставших против иммигрантов

Эндрю Энглин • 244 Comments


Статьи по экономике

Как неизбранные регуляторы выпустили на волю монстра деривативов – и как его можно приручить

Эллен Браун • 11 Comments

Пакс Сино: Хамас и Фатх входят в число 14 палестинских фракций, подписавших Соглашение о единстве в Китае!

Эндрю Энглин • 62 Comments

Китай достиг скорости бегства: его теперь невозможно остановить

Пепе Эскобар • 52 Comments

Китай разрабатывает экономическую дорожную карту до 2029 года

Пепе Эскобар • 40 Comments

Грузовая революция в России произошла быстрее, чем любая логистическая революция в истории

Джон Хелмер • 10 Comments

Мир встряхивается! Эпические политические и экономические землетрясения

Майкл Хадсон • 92 Comments


Научные статьи

Эволюционная психология прекрасно понимает крах Британии

Эдвард Даттон • 51 Comments

Проснувшаяся евгеника: почему пробуждение — это адаптация на уровне группы, которая спасет европейские народы

Эдвард Даттон • 44 Comments

Мэтт Иглесиас о целях владения и о том, что случилось (в 1970-х годах!) с Ричардом Хернштейном

Джеймс Фулфорд • 12 Comments

У либеральных мужчин низкий уровень тестостерона?

Эдвард Даттон • 27 Comments

Опрос наших писателей, живых или мертвых

Рон Унз • 150 Comments

Транссексуальные активисты — высокоинтеллектуальные нарциссы. Неудивительно, что им удалось достичь так многого

Эдвард Даттон • 53 Comments


Статьи Американской Правды

Американская правда: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование

Рон Унз • 271 Comments

Статьи о Второй мировой войне

Американская правда: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование

Рон Унз • 271 Comments

Статьи о 11 сентября

11 сентября было делом Израиля

Лоран Гайено • 621 Comments

Статьи о расе/IQ

Белый расизм в Америке тогда и сейчас

Рон Унз • 1,067 Comments

Статьи о расе/криминале

Разговор: нечерная версия

Джон Дербишир • 176 Comments

Статьи о Холокосте

Почему все, что вы знаете о Второй мировой войне, неверно

Рон Унз и Майк Уитни • 1,700 Comments

Статьи об убийстве Джона Кеннеди

Американская правда: Джон Кеннеди, Ричард Никсон, ЦРУ и Уотергейт

Рон Унз • 380 Comments

Статьи о высадке на Луну

Высадка на Луну: гигантский обман для человечества?

Скептик высадки на Луну • 1,563 Comments

Антидарвинистские статьи

Стивен С. Мейер, Дуглас Экс, Чак Дарвин и я

Фред Рид • 230 Comments

Статьи о глобальном потеплении

Климатическое безумие на троне

Ганс Фогель • 648 Comments

Статьи против Vaxx

Как Рэнд Пол и РФК-младший избежали слона в комнате из-за Covid

Рон Унз • 445 Comments

Статьи о ВИЧ/СПИДе

Американская Правда: Почему СМИ боятся РФК-младшего

Рон Унз • 430 Comments



Одна неделя


«Американская правда»: Хамас, нацисты и право на изнасилование


В Вашингтоне что-то гнилое


«Сложная ткань плохих актеров, работающих рука об руку» – так неизбежна ли война?


Израиль управляет США Нет, США управляют Израилем. Нет, подожди…


Совместим ли футуризм Кастисо с белым трайбализмом?


Индустрия идеологического насилия, часть 2


Стармера – не только Тори – присутствуют во всех расовых беспорядках в Британии.


Защитники Иудеи: О вытеснении британской внешней политики


Государство Израиль как «мультяшное зло»?


Политика беспорядков в Великобритании



Смелый Эпигон / HBD и GSS

Открытая тема сообщества AE

28 июня 2021 г. • 429 Comments


Разиб Хан / GNXP

Концовки и новые начала

1 декабря 2016 г. • 48 Comments


Гилад Ацмон / Интересно, кто

Гилад Ацмон об Украине, Зеленском и Израиле • 30 Comments


Пэт Бьюкенен / г-н Палеоконсерватор

«Зимняя война» Путина против Украины • 88 Comments


Александр Кокберн / Победитель дьяволов (1941–2012)

Правда и вымысел в «Ночи» Эли Визеля • 206 Comments


Патрик Кокберн / независимый иностранный корреспондент

Запад не может вовлекать Китай в решение проблемы климата, одновременно демонизируя его • 68 Comments


Стивен Ф. Коэн / Воин против холода (1938-2020)

Как коронавирус проверяет лидерство Путина и созданную им систему • 21 Comments


Линь Динь / Открытка с конца Америки

Самое мрачное Рождество • 362 Comments


Гийом Дюроше / Альтернативно-французская интерпретация

Ле Пен против Макрона: Франция в движении? • 22 Comments


Сэм Фрэнсис / Очищенный палеоконсерватор (1947–2005)

Инаугурация Буша провозглашает либерализм • 10 Comments


Питер Фрост / Антропологический еретик

Прощание с Генри • 62 Comments


Пол Готфрид / Научное бедствие неоконов

Подавление инакомыслия, по одному издателю за раз • 11 Comments


Си Джей Хопкинс / Менеджер Фабрики Согласия

Ковидианский культ (Часть II) • 319 Comments


Э. Майкл Джонс / Истинный воин католической культуры

Cherchez le Juif : Сатанизм как скрытая грамматика Америки • 365 Comments


Тревор Линч / Фильмы, увиденные правыми белыми

Барби • 180 Comments


Мишель Малкин / Закрытие открытых границ

'-30-': Концовка, но не конец • 51 Comments


Фред Рид / Фред обо всем

Война с Китаем! Еще одна блестящая идея от Yankee Capital • 225 Comments


Рэйч / Политические инициативы

Будущая историческая перспектива немецкого национал-социализма • 21 Comments


Ларри Романофф / Глобалисты против Китая

Скрытая история белого рабства Америки • 242 Comments


Балобан / Балобан в своем винограднике

Окажется ли Афганистан «последним проблеском» американского империализма? • 241 Comments


Джозеф Собран / Донеоконовская NR (1946–2010)

Очернение Папы Римского • 48 Comments


Джеймс Томпсон / Психологический обозреватель

Церковь собирается • 23 Comments


Уитни Уэбб / Распутывание заговора Уэбба

Полиция Метрополитена ссылается на «национальную безопасность» по поводу встречи Эпштейна с сенаторами США в Великобритании • 28 Comments


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Колонки Рона Унца

Комментарии Рона Унза

Они ТАМ есть: «кому нужнее»

Ответственность – это то, что не дает спокойно жить, когда ты знаешь, что не выполнил должное. Пусть не от тебя это зависело, но просто так скинуть мысли о том, что не смог, забыть и сп...

THAAD опять дали осечку: Появились видео, как хуситы одиночной гиперзвуковой ракетой пробили и THAAD , и всю израильскую ПРО

Накануне израильские военные информаторы достаточно бодро отчитались о удачной работе ПРО против двух баллистических ракет хуситов. По версии другой стороны, обе ракеты достигли цели, и военный руков...