How many points do I need for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa extension?

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From 29 March 2019, the UK Home Office does not accept new Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa applications. This category was replaced by Start-up and Innovator visas that are very different from its predecessor both in terms of initial requirements and extension criteria.

If you are the lucky one who managed to catch the last train and obtained a Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa, you can extend it for another two years after 3 years and 4 months. However, if your business has picked up quickly and in the first three years its turnover has exceeded £5 million or 10 full-time jobs have been created, you can apply for permanent residence without extension.

We hate to say it, but not all businesses end up being as successful in such a short time, therefore we will talk about a standard scenario when your visa must be extended.

Do I need points to extend Entrepreneur visa?

You had done a wise thing if you obtained your first visa with the help of or by consulting immigration lawyers. It must have saved you a lot of time, money and nerves. On the other hand, if you were not heavily involved in the process of application, you must have not been aware of some key elements, e.g. points score.

Immigration authorities of the United Kingdom use the Point-based System to assess some UK visa categories where you score a certain amount of points for each requirement you comply with.

Less points to extend visa

Good news is that compared to 95 points needed for the initial visa, Entrepreneur visa extension would only require 75 points. How to score them?

Other requirements to comply with?

To extend your Entrepreneur visa, you must demonstrate to the Home Office that you are serious about your business, i.e. you are a genuine businessman and you have a real business. We will explore this topic in detail in another article.

Apart from what we have already said, points and genuineness of business, you must prove you have enough money to maintain yourself and family and you would not need state support. Because you will be applying for extension in the UK where you will have lived for over three years, the maintenance amount would be £945 for yourself and £630 for each dependent family member.


До 2015 года Илон Маск заявлял, что не вмешивается в политику и разделял свои пожертвования между республиканцами и демократами. Накануне выборов 2016 года, публично критиковал Трампа и...