Where and when to invest money to get investor visa to UK

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In spring 2019, British government changed the rules for applying for an investor visa by reducing the number of investment options and more. It is no longer possible to invest £2 million in government bonds and sell them in 5 years after obtaining permanent residence, maybe even get some profit. Now, a future UK investor wishing to come to the United Kingdom must invest their money only in UK registered companies.

Well, we cannot blame them for doing so. Being one of the top investment destinations, the UK is trying to secure as much money flowing into its business sector as possible. However, this change saw less foreign investors buying portfolios. Hopefully for the UK, this trend will change. We are not going to lose time and will tell you how and where to invest money in the United Kingdom and obtain one of the best visas.

When to invest money under Tier 1 Investor visa to UK

No matter what your situation is, it is important to invest on time. If you fail to do so within prescribed limits, you must have a solid reason that is outside your control and that you could not have foreseen. Only then will the Home Office accept it and forgive you the delay.

What is the deadline to invest money in UK?

It is a normal practice to make the required investment in shares of UK companies within 3 months of coming into the country on an investor visa. Date of arrival can be stamped in your passport or shown on a boarding pass.

However, circumstances can differ. Say you have already invested in stocks with a view of getting profit because you believe in a stable and advanced economy and applying for a visa will come as a pleasant bonus. In this case you must make an application for a Tier 1 Investor visa not later than 12 months after making the investment.

Another example, you are switching to an investor visa from a different category in the country. Or, you have been granted Tier 1 Investor visa and come to the United Kingdom, but there is no proof when you arrived. Either way, you must then invest within 3 months after the date your visa is valid from.

Where to keep investment money

Finds that you plan to invest for the purpose of applying for a UK investor visa, can be kept on bank accounts abroad. But in this case, you must provide evidence to the British Home Office that they can be easily transferred into an investment account in the UK provided your visa is approved.

How to confirm available funds

Suppose there is currency control in place in your home country or it is under international sanctions. In this case you must provide a letter from your bank confirming that you can transfer money to the UK.

However, if the money is already in Great Britain, bank statements are what would suffice for the Home Office. Once your visa is approved, funds must be transferred into an investment account in a regulated financial institution.

What we have written above is just a summary of how and when to invest the required amount in the UK and where to keep the money before it can be invested. Please remember that new rules require you to also show the source of funds. Or, another option is to demonstrate you have had the required money on your account for at least 2 years.

And last piece of advice, don’t underestimate the value of expert advice of a professional immigration lawyer if complex financial operations and UK immigration Rules are not ones of your hobbies.


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