Can I switch to a representative visa from another UK visa category?

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Representative of an overseas business visa is an ideal solution if you are a top manager in a foreign company with ambitions to develop its business abroad in a country with advanced economy and independent legal system such as the United Kingdom. This business visa gives an extra bonus of obtaining UK permanent residence in 5 years and a year later British passport. On top of that, you are not investing your own money and have a job from day one.

Can I get a representative visa after I came to the UK on another visa?

Say, you have been granted a work visa and have already arrived in the country. But then you receive an offer from a foreign company that wishes to open a branch or subsidiary on the United Kingdom to run and head that office. The question is, will you be able to switch from work visa to a representative category?

UK immigration laws stipulate which visas can be switched from and to within the country. Employed people can become investors; investors can get married and switch to a spouse visa.

However, a representative of an overseas business visa is not one of them. But bear with us a while longer. Let us explain why the switch is not possible; this might help you in the future – who knows where life will lead us.

Why you can’t get representative visa in the UK

Once you are in the UK on another visa, you cannot obtain a representative visa neither inside nor outside the country. It all comes down to the requirements of the Home Office to representatives of overseas businesses. Read them carefully and you will understand why the answer is negative.

1. At the time of application, you must be a top manager in a parent company outside the UK with the powers to take important decisions.

2. You must have worked in a top position for at least 6 months and have enough experience to be able to make decisions on your own.

3. Your education must be relevant to your work and position.

A parent company opens an office in the United Kingdom and needs it to be run by someone who has achieved great results in the main office. This will be a promotion for anyone because they will be vested with more powers and responsibilities. In the UK, you will be a director leading a new company to growth and success.

Can my family switch to a representative visa?

In this case the answer is yes. If your spouse or children are already in the UK on any visa except a visitor or a short-term study visa, they can be added to your application and switch to a representative visa inside the UK.

We want to thank a legal team from London company Imperial & Legal for their help in preparing this article. The have been supporting entrepreneurs in their business aspirations and relocation to Europe.

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