UK Investor visa: are there any restrictions?

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United Kingdom, a country of ancient castles and high-tech, attracts people from all over the world with its stable economy, high social security and benefits system. Your kids will get one of the best educations, you will have access to high standards of healthcare and best imported products.

Investor visa to the UK is one of the easiest and most desirable of all categories offered by the Home Office; it permits almost every type of activity – study, work, business – or even doing nothing. Fluent English or any English is obligatory.

However, even Tier 1 Investor visa has certain limitations as to what an investor can do in the UK. Let’s start with shortly describing this visa category and continue with explaining what you would not be able to do once you get it.

All you need to know about Tier 1 Investor visa to the UK

It is an ideal solution for those who have succeeded in their field but want to move closer to European civilisation. Unlike other visas, you don’t have to prove you are going to study or work in the country. Neither do you need to pass an English exam such as TOEFL or IELTS. And your family can move to the UK with you.

How to get a UK investor visa

The main thing is to have at least £2,000,000 and invest them in UK economy. The more you invest, the quicker you will get permanent residence, it varies from 2 to 5 years. All you need to do is to find a British company that you would want to invest in and open an investment account in a financial institution that will conduct due diligence on you. You will be asked either to show bank statements for the last 2 years with the required amount maintained there during the whole period or demonstrate source of funds.

Tier 1 Investor visa is given for 3 years and four months and then can be extended for another 2 years if needed. However, if you don’t comply with certain requirements, you can loose it.

What investors must not do in the UK

If you have relocated to Great Britain on an investor visa, here is what you are not allowed to do in the country if you don’t want it to be withdrawn.

1. Ask for financial support from the government. You have no right to benefits that are paid to disadvantaged people.

2. Work as doctor or dentist. It applies to those that have got higher medical education abroad and have not yet worked in their profession in the country.

3. Work as coach or sportsman.

4. In some cases, you will not be allowed to do postgraduate studies and research in certain subject areas unless you apply for and get a valid Academic Technology Approval Scheme clearance certificate from the FCO. But generally, you can study wherever and whatever you want. It is done to prevent people from obtaining relevant knowledge in chemistry, pharmacology, bioengineering, biophysics, genetics, etc. and further using this knowledge in making weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, non-EEA nationals must undergo thorough checks.

As you can see, these restrictions are not massive though they must be complied with. Otherwise you are free to do anything.

However, if you have issues with government officials or certifying bodies, talk to professional lawyers that have been successfully helping people get UK visas and relocate to the United Kingdom without unnecessary stress and costs. 

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