Do I need to speak English to get a spouse visa to UK?

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When we marry, we plan to stay with our second half for the rest of our lives. Sometimes it is not as easy, because we might encounter obstacles such as country borders, laws and language. If you and your partner have different nationalities, you must fight for your right to be together and prove you can understand each other. Even if your British husband or wife can speak your language, will it save your union from hard rocks of UK immigration laws?

We have talked to immigration lawyers from Imperial & Legal to understand whether it is necessary to speak English in order to live together in the UK.

Why knowledge of English is important for a family visa

First of all, it is a mandatory requirement when applying for a spouse/civil partner visa to the UK. If not met, your visa will be refused. So, you must speak English at least to comply with immigration rules.

If we look closer, it is also practical. Any government would want migrants to integrate into local society as best as they can and become part of it. It helps to avoid problems in the future.

And last reason is personal – you would feel better yourself being able to understand and be understood in a foreign country, at least at a basic level. Otherwise, even shopping can be a challenge. You would start feeling helpless and useless and lead to depression. So, think about yourself and learn elementary English for your own sake.

How well do I have to speak English?

If you need it for a job or other personal reasons, master it as well as you can. However, for a spouse visa you must have Level А1 (Elementary). It means you must know around 500 words and phrases. If you studied English at school, you should be fine.

English language requirement is met by passing an English test and obtaining a certificate from an authorised testing centre. Please check approved centres in your country here.

As a rule, there are fewer testing days outside the UK. Therefore, qualified lawyers from Imperial & Legal recommend taking one in the UK if you can. Exams take place almost every day. You can do by coming here on a visitor or any other short-term visa.

When I don’t need to pass English test

If for any reason you cannot learn even basic English, you can still get a spouse visa to the UK, if other conditions are met.

• Your child is a British citizen or has lived in the UK for at least 7 years.

• Your life is at risk in your home country (political repressions, discrimination by nationality, beliefs, etc.)

• If your visa is refused, it will breach your human rights given in the European convention.

It is not always easy to prove you fall under one of these exceptions, and it can take a lot of time and money. It might be easier to do some studies and pass a test. If it is not an option, for example for health reasons, you choose one of the above.


Immigration to the United Kingdom is a challenging task, but it’s worth it. Not only can you join your spouse but get a chance to live together in one of the safest European countries.

Save yourself time and stress and talk to a professional immigration adviser. They will help you secure your status without fatal mistakes and unnecessary hassle. 

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