Caribbean passport: Can I get my money back after obtaining citizenship?

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European passport is the aim of many successful entrepreneurs. However, do not limit your options and disregard other opportunities. Expert immigration lawyers would tell you that Caribbean citizenship is a perfect alternative to a second passport of Malta or Cyprus.

Apart from beautiful nature and warm tropical climate Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Dominica and Grenada offer foreign investors beneficial taxation, affordable and varied investment options and fast processing times. There is yet another benefit of Caribbean citizenship by investment that we will cover below.

Profitable investment in a second passport

Apart from being a great investment in the future of your family, Caribbean passport can give you other benefits. It gives you full rights of citizens, tax and social benefits, business opportunities, etc.

Moreover, you will be happy to learn that citizenship by investment programs of Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Grenada and Saint Lucia offer full or partial refund of your funds invested in real estate, securities or a business project. To be able to access this opportunity and get capital gains, you should talk to qualified lawyers that have helped dozens of clients get their second passport in the Caribbean under one of the citizenship by investment programs.

When can I get my money back?

In average you can expect to refund invested funds in 5 years of getting second citizenship. More details are in the table below.

How can I get my money back?

If you have received your Caribbean passport, then after the specified time (see the table), you have the right to resell or otherwise dispose of your property, shares or business to another person or investor and thus return your money. You should not encounter any difficulties if you have been a law-abiding citizen all these years.

However, to avoid delays and maximise your profit, discuss your situation with professional lawyers that know all pitfalls of second citizenship. They will review your case and customise the best refund solution for your investment while you focus on developing your business and spending more time with the family.

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