Chemtrails lead to disease

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The US Department of Defense, with the support of intelligence agencies and with the tacit approval of governments around the world, is conducting a secret military operation on a global scale. The goals and objectives of this operation are carefully hidden. The operation is called "Cloverleaf" and involves the installation of automatic equipment on civil aircraft to spray toxic aerosols into the atmosphere. Airlines get paid for this. Testimonials of an American general who helped organize the Clover Leaf project, a commercial airline manager and an aircraft mechanic, can be read at the following links: (In comments)

Mass spraying of toxic aerosols began in the United States in 1998. In Russia and Ukraine a little later. Now this topic is actively discussed on many sites on the Internet, mainly in English. The pages of these sites contain thousands of photographs and videos showing the facts of spraying toxic aerosols (chemtrails) in the atmosphere of almost all countries of the world. Water analyzes were taken, the spectral composition of the contrail left by the spray aircraft was determined. As a result of the analyzes, the presence of toxic substances in the water samples was established - barium, aluminum, boron, arsenic; The spectrum of the contrail revealed the presence of compounds of barium, aluminum, cesium Every day in clear weather you can see planes in the sky leaving very long or continuous trails. If you watch for a long time, you will see that these footprints do not disappear, but expand in size, forming artificial clouds, and, ultimately, it all settles to the ground, poisoning it, covers the windows of houses, glass of cars, and people breathe this poisoned air. Barium is a chemically active substance. Natural barium is composed of a mixture of seven stable isotopes. There are radioactive isotopes of barium, the most important of which is 140Ba. It is formed by the decay of uranium, thorium and plutonium. All barium compounds are poisonous. Barium carbonate BaCO3 is used as rat poison. Barium chloride BaCl2 is also a strong poison. Air containing barium compounds affects human health: lowers immunity; leads to headaches, chronic respiratory diseases; weakened people may experience asthma, pneumonia, allergies; women may experience infertility and premature termination of pregnancy. The barium in drinking water can cause shortness of breath, high blood pressure, changes in heart rate, stomach pains, muscle weakness, weakened nerve reflexes, and damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, and heart. According to a patent issued to a group of scientists from NASA US3813875 "ROCKET HAVING BARIUM RELEASE SYSTEM TO CREATE ION CLOUDS IN THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE", barium was used to study the properties of the atmosphere as an indicator - when exposed to solar radiation or radar, it created a glow in the visible spectrum of light radiation. This invention describes methods of obtaining atomic barium and its ions for the study of the Earth's atmosphere. These studies were carried out in the early 70s of the last century, and at present the physical properties of barium have found practical application in the Pentagon's military programs, primarily in programs for climatic and psychotronic weapons. Under the auspices of the American Air Force, within the HAARP program, a high-frequency active auroral research program, powerful radar stations have been created that are designed to warm up the local layers of the atmosphere, while creating vast areas of plasma that serve as mirrors that reflect radar radiation other stations. The combat application of such a system is very diverse - these are weather cataclysms (which, by the way, are happening now), and earthquakes, and hurricanes, and floods, as well as the manipulation of the consciousness of people in large areas, - causing mass hysteria, panic, fear, up to physical destruction. It should be noted that chemtrail sputtering occurs not in the ionosphere, through which the weather is manipulated, causing disasters and cataclysms (altitudes from 100 km), but in the troposphere (at altitudes up to 12 km), which indicates that barium sputtering on such heights is intended solely for manipulating people's minds. It is likely that the world government by such actions wants to secure its power from popular revolts when anti-popular laws are introduced.

Chemtrails lead to disease

There are repeated cases of the disease of people in the area of ​​residence of which the emergence of chemtrails is observed. George Feeler, editor of the popular weekly internet newspaper, cites the following statistics on the increase in illnesses with a strange illness similar in symptoms to the flu. An outbreak was observed in northern Texas during the third and fourth weeks of December 1999. Plano 98%, Levisville 81%, Lakewood 76%, Dallas 30%.

The Chemotrail Observatory (Tne CoitraI RarearcI alo1 Pheronnid Celer) reported that an unusually high number of chemtrail observations were observed in northern Texas during the ten December days (1999). George believes that there is a direct connection between the two events. Canadian researcher William Thomas and journalist Erminia Cassini reported that during April 1999, a military transport aircraft several times ejected chemical routes over the territories of Canada and the United States. Cassini was able to collect samples of a brown, jelly-like substance that settled to the ground after the plane took off.

This was followed by a series of strange events. Cassini soon fell ill with the flu. The biologist who analyzed the substance was hospitalized with upper respiratory symptoms. The woman, whose house got a jelly-like substance, also had the flu, and a month later she had a heart attack.

As a result of the analyzes carried out, various biological substances were found that are extremely dangerous to human health.

Barium salts form the basis of chemistry routes. The chemical is being sprayed as part of the Military Advanced Radar System Test (RFMP) program. Based on the effect of reflection of radio waves, it allows you to observe objects in three dimensions. To obtain a three-dimensional image, satellites in Earth orbit and a network of powerful computers are also used to process and combine incoming signals. For these purposes, a special computer program (VTPRE) was developed.

Initially, the 3D radar tracking system only allowed observing objects in the water. Experiments with objects on the surface of the earth did not succeed, since special atmospheric conditions were required to allow the signal to be conducted in a special way (in the military slang - "pipeline").

The problem was resolved after an aerosol mixture of barium salts was sprayed over US territory. Thus, the atmosphere became suitable for conducting high-frequency signals - "pipes".

A Brookhaven physicist explained this effect as follows: the chemical and electrical properties of the mixture prevent moisture from dispersing in the atmosphere, concentrating it around the aerosol cloud. This state of the atmosphere is favorable for conducting signals from the military system.

“If you spray the barium mixture in a linear structure from point A to point B, this will allow the best communication between strategic points, despite the curvature of the earth,” he added. "It also provides better control over the enemy's high frequency signals."

However, this is not the only application of chemtrails. Another project is also based on the use of barium salts and is intended for weather management. This project is overseen by the US Air Force. It is based on the laws first discovered by the scientist Nikola Tesla. This project is also known as HAARP, which is based on the manipulation of natural processes. Little is known about this project, despite the fact that work on it began already in the mid-50s. According to some independent researchers, successful trials of climate control units under the HAARP project were carried out in 1998.

It is clear that the ability to control the weather - torrential rains, hurricanes, squall winds, dust storms, droughts - can bring any enemy to their knees without firing a shot.

Another project associated with the emergence of chemtrails, funded by the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is aimed at detecting and suppressing a possible biological attack by the enemy.

This program also uses a mixture of barium salts as an aerosol base together with special polymer fibers. This special combination enables the detection of biological agents.

In order to test the effectiveness of the program, some biological agents are sprayed into the atmosphere. Researchers believe that a mixture of barium salts, polymer fibers and other chemicals in the atmosphere can cause sudden and unexplained nosebleeds, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract diseases and arthritis.

The chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere cause the air and soil to become hazardous to human health, while stimulating the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

Barium salts are very well absorbed into the intestinal tract and muscle tissue. At the same time, there are no clinical data that would describe the long-term effect on the human body of low doses of barium salts.

“The program is being kept secret because the EPA doesn't need to know about its side effects on humans,” said one researcher. "Negative factors are the main reason for secrecy."

For information: BARIUM is used in vacuum technology, in alloys (printing, bearing). Barium salts - in the production of paints, glasses, enamels, medicine. All soluble barium salts are toxic. Insoluble barium sulfate used in radiology is practically non-toxic. The lethal dose of barium chloride when taken orally is 0.8-0.9 g, barium carbonate - 2-4 g.

Symptoms: when ingestion of poisonous barium salts, a burning sensation in the mouth occurs, pain in the area of

onion, drooling, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, dizziness. The skin is pale, covered with cold sweat, after 2-3 hours, severe muscle weakness occurs (flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the upper limbs and neck). The pulse is slowed down, weak, there are cardiac arrhythmias, a drop in blood pressure. Shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

Treatment: gastric lavage, laxatives, siphon enemas. Symptomatic therapy.

There are chemtrails. They are observed in the USA, Canada, Ukraine, Russia and other countries. After I showed the draft of the article to my friends, they said that they also observed a similar phenomenon, therefore, chemtrails exist with us. Chemistry routes are harmful to human health. Studies show that chemtrails contain barium salts and active biological components.

Chemtrails can be used by the military to create a promising 3D radar system.

The chemtrails can be used by the military to control the weather.

Chemtrails can be used by the military to prevent the consequences of a possible biological war.

Chemtrails can be used by the military to suppress portals and anomalous zones.

The Committee for Environmental Protection is not aware of such tests and does not have the results of analyzes of chemtrails. The problem exists. Despite the numerous opinions of researchers, which seem convincing and well-grounded, we cannot be completely sure what chemtrails really are and why they are needed.

One thing is clear, we are again faced with the problem of hiding information. We know from experience that they usually hide information that "works for war" or presents a "potential danger to human health."

And as long as the military and the government will remain silent, as long as the planes leave behind ominous chemtrails, as long as people get sick as a result of "celestial pollination", we should keep a gas mask ready, and when we see an aircraft in blue sky, run towards the shelter. Who knows what he carries on board? .. _Chemtrails.html

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