Happy birthday, Neil Tenant!

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Happy birthday Mr. Tenant! 

My name is Philip Kuznetsov. I am a long time fan of the Pet Shop Boys and I have to admit that during these more than 30 years of your band's existence, your creativity has not disappointed me. 

However, now, in my declining years (and I am already 50 years old), I begin to realize that, sadly, Pet Shop Boys is a phenomenon that fully fits into the general paradigm of the degradation of Western culture. I mean spiritual degradation first of all.

Now, it would seem, there are no more perversions that the British establishment is ready not only to justify, but to raise to the podium. And it's as monstrous as it is ugly.

But Pet Shop Boys carries with its creativity the ideals of beauty, sublime romanticism! This is so, although now I think, or want to believe, that this is the merit of Chris Lowe: he was always quite masculine, man-like, and I never wanted to believe that he was gay. If only because, as our great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin said, "genius and villainy are two incompatible things." Yes, Mr. Tennant, homosexuality is evil, and it's not my humble opinion, it's Biblical truth. Homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Or did you not know it? I think, probably you didn't want to know. “And I still don’t understand” - your words, from the song “It’s a sin”!

So, you do not want to notice that Western society is no longer just going to degradation, it is flying into the abyss. Or you are cunning: well, you can't help seeing that, for example, that Western music has not only degraded, as they say, "to zero", it is already in a deep minus, since it carries satanism and depravity. And you are also part of it. Not always, but sometimes. The most of your songs bring the light feelings, optimism and hope. That's why I'm still listening to you. After all, many creative people were wrong. It's just that when you accepted the prize from the hands of Lady Gaga(shallow mugger) you couldn't help feeling contempt for the gaga-music that she "creates". Chris had such negative feelings, I can swear.

You can't help noticing that you are practically the last band in the west that professes the principle of melody in their compositions. All other sources have dried up! No, you can't argue with me because it's the truth. They are not offended by the truth: this is a phrase from a famous Russian film. So why don't you, like other pop musicians, give up the principle of beauty and harmony in music and start creating modern "gaga-music" according to their patterns. Chris once could not resist and wrote the song "Stop modernists", I did not miss it. So, you still remain an adherent of the old foundations of culture, until its complete degeneration? And you do not connect the cult of lust and this very degradation? In vain, if you do not connect. History shows that great empires degenerated when they began to pray for hedonism and lust. And on the coat of arms of the destroyed city of Pompeii was a penis with wings. Didn't know either? Or maybe you knew, but did not betray the significance.

Maybe stop serving Satan?! Keep in mind that he never favored or pardoned anyone in the end. Everyone lost in the end.

You have created and continue to create good music, but the fact that you use the Ukrainian flag in the intro to the Pet Shop Boys website does not do you any credit. You don't understand politics, Mr. Tennant, sorry. Your political statements cause bewilderment and even laughter, making many people to look at you through the same "gay-prism" that you mentioned at an interview in your film "Life in pop". You stand up for fierce Ukrainian neo-Nazism without even understanding the essence of what is happening. For you, Putin is, first of all, a strangler of freedoms and a homophobe, but you do not see either his Christian faith or love for Russia and people, although you could see it, because even during the war he is merciful to enemies.

In a word, Mr. Tennant, you are a wonderful musician, and your group is one of the best achievements of world culture, but what is the point in all the achievements of British science, culture, technology, sports and other things, if everything is crossed out by deep spiritual degradation and, as a result, the degeneration of British, and indeed of the entire Western society, which was reflected, in particular, on the level of political culture in Britain (Boris Johnson). A society that calls “love”the most disgusting forms of lust inevitably degenerates. And you gave up on God a long time ago. If Russia still has to, due to circumstances (a clash with NATO), incinerate Britain, you will die too. And not only physically, but also spiritually. Why - I wrote above. Think about it all, Mr. Tennant. And yes, happy birthday again!

P.S And one more thing: love has never been a catastrophe as you sing in your song. A disaster when we call our passion or lust love.

Sorry if that's offended you. I published my article in English and in RuNet, so that Western censors will not be able to erase it. And my words, I am sure, will reach you. Although, maybe this is a letter to my own conscience.

Your constant fan, Philip Kuznetsov

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  • Дорогие подписчики, гости и случайные посетители, не пугайтесь! Эта статья, точнее ее текст обращены к виновнику торжества - солисту моей любимой группы и западной аудитории. Также, эта публикация может стать предметом споров с фанатами Pet Shop Boys которые не желают мириться ни с какой критикой своих кумиров, эта статья - мой ответ на переборы и апологетику в фанатской среде этой группы. Это очень критическое обращение. Оно отражает мое изменившееся отношение к современной западной культуре. Музыку Pet Shop Boys я продолжаю любить, как и прежде. Но отношение к высказываниям солиста группы, Нила Теннанта, с моей стороны со временем все более и более критичное. Возможно, как я и написал в конце моего своеобразного «поздравления» - это обращение к собственной совести. Ну, а видео с одной из малоизвестных композиций Pet Shop Boys “Love is a catastrophe” публикую уже для читателей и слушателей журнала «Меломан».
  • Крик души. Боюсь , что не услышат ... Но я хотела бы , чтобы это письмо дошло до адресата и вы бы достучались . :sparkles: