Turkish scenario of "American democracy"

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Joke about the fact that a coup will never happen in the US, because in Washington there are no American embassies, becomes less funny, but more often remembered. Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, Syria - now this rank has been added by Turkey, Armenia is in the waiting list.

The principle of all about the same: if the state government does not want to make decisions against their country and people for the benefit of the geopolitical and commercial interests of the West - they need to be overthrown. The best option – is a military coup and the pro-American henchmen coming to power.

In Ukraine has been used already tested Libyan scenario, in Turkey – it was the same, but adapted to local realities. The problem was that Erdogan, unlike Yanukovych, without thinking twice, dispersed the rebels, applying the most stringent measures, defending and enhancing power.

Why did the US need to arrange so ill-conceived and doomed to failure in advance coup? Let's return to Europe.

For the last two years the whole Western political world lives just voting for the successful American project "Sanctions against Russia". After all Western economies at every passing month suffering themselves from it more and more. For weaker states, with a high dependence on foreign inflows, cooperation and export, the price for the anti-Russian sanctions is daunting. So one after another, countries are beginning to question the wisdom of extending measures, and even voted against. Of course, further developments isn’t suitable for the main initiator, the United States. The misconduct should be immediately punished: first Greece, after that – Spain and Portugal got their share of penalties. Officially - for having failed to apply adequate measures to reduce the public deficit. Such a clause is written in the contract about EU membership, but usually the punishment was reduced to a strict warning. In fact – for having voted against the renewal of sanctions.

Regarding Turkey's normalization of relations with Russia is clearly not included in the plans of States. And in General, by the standards of "American democracy" Turkey has long ceased to be an exemplary member of NATO, playing by the written scenario for her. For example, Ankara was dissatisfied with the support of the Kurds by the allies, and another refusal of a visa-free regime with the EU was perceived very negatively and obviously Turkey abandoned in the near future to undertake new attempts to become part of the European community, taking a course on friendship with closer neighbors.

Subsequent one after the other events of recent weeks have made it clear that Erdogan is no longer relies on the West and decided to establish relations with Iran, Russia and Syria. Accordingly, the concessions and compromises now will be in their favor against the interests of the United States. On the surface, once there is a potential change in the position of Syria and Karabakh. The coup is happened very significant almost on the eve of the visit of the OSCE Minsk group to Ankara for the meeting on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict. Probably, during that Turkey was planning to announce its updated position of principle.

No wonder NATO soldiers blocked at Injirlik Air Base, and Erdogan has given the official command to shoot down any air tools, which do not have the permission to rise into the air. Curious is the rhetoric of the Turkish authorities to address America related to difficulties in the extradition of the accused in the coup Fethullah Gullu.

It seems that concealed during almost a century the Muslim spirit finally kicked off his secular mask, starting an open game. Now Erdogan successfully get the indisputable reason for completely replacing the more or less oppositional leadership on top on a fully controlled ideological frames. The turning point came when the West with bated breath and inducing hysteria in the media, is waiting for which way will Turkey turn, and what will happen to NATO if it’s the second strongest army will move to the side of the main enemy of the Alliance, Russia.

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