An overview of an exploratory essay

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An explanatory essay is an essay which contains some perspective that explores an idea. It doesn't mean that the writer agrees with that view. It resides in their mind. In simple terms, they tell one of many ways to look at something. There should be some reasonable and probable reason associated with the writing. There can be many exploratory essays topics. The authors of the 20th and 19th century, are writing the work of non-fiction and fiction exploring the exploratory themes.

For example - The essayist Henry David Thoreau in "The Battle of Ants '' mentions the two species of ants, black and red to portray the conflicts between the humans. He doesn't side with anyone. He puts forward his point of view by using the beautiful and constructive satirical allegory. He looks over his narrative to dig out the reasons that lead to human conflicts through the battle of Ants.

How to write an exploratory essay?

Choose a neutral topic- The exploratory essay topic should purvey the overall idea of ​​an exploratory essay. You don't have to choose a topic on which you will write the facts and findings. It has to be something which can be viewed from many perspectives.

Get your concepts clear about the exploratory essays- You have to know about the characteristics of an exploratory essay. Learn and try to trace history. Try to indulge in the topic you have taken.

Outline- Now, you have a topic and you know the concepts. Outline your essay. Structure and make a trial of what is supposed to say. What things you can add and edit.

Writing the introduction- Write the rhetorical question and tell the established story. You can write the hypothetical conversation making the hypothetical people. Like the way, Thoreau used Two species of ants to make people hooked with the things that are wrong with them. Make an intriguing statement to engage readers.

Writing the body of the exploratory essay- It has two parts.

Part 1- You can carry on with the hypothetical conversation if you have gone with it. Explain the rhetorical question you mentioned in the introduction.

Part 2- Here, you have to write your point of view with others as well. Give the argument with full support. Don't target specifically to disagree.

Writing the conclusion of the exploratory essay- Finish the story you have made. Try to add the final evidence of your hypothetical or non-hypothetical story. Don't conclude because exploratory essays are not about the end. An author has to present one side of the view of many. You have let the readers decide and come to the last evidence.

Edit and Proofread- Don't submit what you have written in the first draft. Edit as much as you can until it looks near flawless. Proofread to avoid grammar mistakes. Or you can also hire a professional essay proofreader who provides homework help to students.

Format-Formatting your document will give natural appeal to your story. It should be under the instructions of MLA format. Try to make your document attractive.

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