Things to Do before Treatment of Joints

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Arthritis is a range of conditions that include joint pain and inflammation.

Is it a debilitating condition, which means that its symptoms worsen over time, or is there an automatic type of arthritis with symptoms of related diseases, including inflammatory volcanoes and a chronic medical curriculum? These two types of arthritis include osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

OA mainly results when wear and tear of cartilage causing the bones to rub together, causing friction, damage, and inflammation.

1. Manage your Weight:

Your weight can have a big effect on the symptoms of arthritis. Excess weight puts more pressure on your joints, especially your knees, hips, and legs.

The American College of Rheumatology and Arthritis Foundation (ACR / AF) guidelines strongly recommend weight loss if you have OA and are overweight or obese.

Your doctor can help you set a target weight and design a program to help you reach that goal.

Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Stress on Your Joints.

• Improve your mobility

• Less pain

• Prevent future damage to your joints

2. Exercise a lot:

If you have arthritis, exercise can help you:

• Take care of your weight

• Keep your joints flexible

• Strengthen the muscles around your joints, which provide maximum support

Current guidelines strongly recommend starting an appropriate exercise program. Exercising with a trainer or someone else can be especially beneficial, as it increases motivation.

3. Use Hot and Cold Therapy:

Heat and cold treatments can help relieve the pain and swelling of arthritis. Heat treatments include a long, hot shower or morning shower to help reduce stiffness and the use of electric blankets or damp heating pads to reduce discomfort at night. Cold treatments help relieve joint pain, swelling, and inflammation. Wrap a bag of gel ice packs or frozen vegetables in a towel and apply it to painful joints for quick relief. Never apply ice directly to the skin.

Capsaicin, which comes from black pepper, is an ingredient in some topical ointments and creams that you can buy over the counter. These products provide heat which soothes joint pain.

4. Try acupuncture:

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on your body. Practitioners say it works by restoring energy and restoring balance in your body. Acupuncture can reduce the pain in arthritis, and ACR / AF will conditionally recommend it. Although there is little evidence to support its benefits, the risk of harm is considered low. Find a licensed and certified acupuncturist to perform this procedure.

5. Use Meditation to Cope with Pain:

Meditation and Physio treatment muscle pain (fysio behandeling spierpijn) techniques can help you reduce arthritis pain by reducing stress and coping better. Reducing stress can also help reduce swelling and pain. ACR / AF recommends Tai Chi and Yoga. 

They combine meditation, relaxation, and breathing techniques with low-impact exercise. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), studies have shown that practicing mindfulness meditation is beneficial for RA patients.

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