Iran. View from the inside. Революция или методичка?

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Our fellow citizen currently living in Iran, Diana Adyrhaeva, posted on her FB upon recent developments in IRI, link to her acct is here 

Iranians waited a long time for life improvement after sanctions were supposed to be lifted
and JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the nuclear deal) was introduced in 2015. Yet, even with the JCPOA in action, anti-Iranian sanctions ( which are much more severe than the anti-Russian ones) did not go away for good. Most stayed, and even new ones appeared.

People blame the government for uncontrolled liberalization of the economy, which so far seems to benefit social parasites only.

Country is in its 7th year of war in Syria (longer than other allies), supporting the sovereignty, territorial integrity and legally elected authority of a neighbouring state fighting against uninvited coalition of globalists led by US.

And, today its efforts have been paid off as Iran finally formed so-called "shia corridor" through territories of Iraq and Syria, where it is going to have its military bases and possibly even a port. These days national Syrian army, with active support of Hezbollah, pushed pro-Israel/US militants of the so-called "Syrian free army" out of Golan Heights occupied over the years of unligitable intervention. Netanyahu, when it comes to the Golan, considers it exclusive area of his interests and repeatedly rushes to Russia, Kremlin, to terrorize and blackmail Putin in terms of leveraging the situation, but all in vain.

In addition, the aftermath of devastating 7-point earthquake in the underdeveloped provincial areas was a major factor to contribute, even though the whole country took on a humanitarian action, people who lost their homes, still living in tent camps, like refugees.

So, no wonder, exhausted by sanctions, long extraterritorial proxy-war and consequences of the recent earthquake, Iranian people took their protests on the streets, demanding fair economic treatment from its government. Further, the wave spreaded, though did not acquire the mass character.

Meanwhile, naive students, US grant beneficiaries and followers of Jean Sharpe are trying to turn this internal and open protest into a full blown destruction of the country. Provocations take place here and there. Mainstream media are actively involved posting videos and photos with demonstrations in Bahrain, and Iran in 2009 or from elsewhere in order to distort reality. 

Sheer shamelessness and deceit of today's posts in social networks given as live reports from Iran - shake the imagination of those who are familiar with the real situation. This is a new definition of 'fake news'.

In order to avoid mass psychosis and manipulation, to limit spread of extremist appeals,
and provocations through external ballots, access to some social networks and instant messengers was temporarily restricted, which my friends and acquaints took with understanding. Unfortunately, this kind of temporary vacuum is used, as we see,
by all kinds of speculators.

Official authorities of IRI are trying to assure they are ready to listen to people's voice and meet reasonable demands of the protesters, as its their civil right to a non-violent protest.

Most likely, the authorities will be compelled to draw serious conclusions from the present situation and will have to recognize economic hardship of people as a main driver for the protest.

There should be at least some remission and increase of state control and reporting even with the overall liberal economic policy. While the country itself, as a sovereign state, will remain strong and within its borders, Inshallah.

Iranian conservatives and liberals are capable of putting many drawbacks aside and effectively uniting before the face of external threat, as experience of past aggressions and interventions shows. Those limited forces that were willing to trade sovereignty of their own country for the benefits of political investors have long been removed from political map and do not have a slightest chance for a sympathy of the people, who do not forgive such treachery. Iran will prefer Firdausi, Hafizu, Saadi, Rumi, Attar and Nizami over Sharpe's protest manual. I sure hope so, Inshallah.

You can also get familiar with the official position of IRI in media:

Иран отправил нам аналоги "Хаймерсов". Запад не хочет верить и изучает снимки
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