The scouts of The Central Military District worked out actions in an ambush in the Samara region

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The scouts of the reconnaissance battalion of the motorized rifle unit of the combined arms army of the Central Military District worked out actions in an ambush in the Samara region, at the Roshchinsky training ground.

According to the plan of the combat training event, a truck of a conditional enemy was detected with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles. The scouts set up an ambush on the route of his movement and carried out a disguise of firing positions.

When the vehicle was in the affected area, the scouts deprived the car of running by detonating a land mine, and then destroyed the manpower of the conditional enemy with Pecheneg machine guns and other standard small arms. After completing the task, the scouts made a withdrawal on the captured equipment.

About 100 soldiers took part in the combat training event and also several units of military equipment were involved.

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