Best Online Phone Services For Small Businesses

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Technology within the communications sector has improved at a faster pace. Earlier, communication between employees and the working staff was never easy. Today, phones have made this task easy. You can use cloud-based IP services as well for communications.

• Internet phone services are purely dependent on a quality centralized platform

• It offers with convenience to communicate from any remote place

• The same platform can be used for any business organization as well

But not all online phone services may be the same. There are still some that are much better than the rest. Here you will find 7 Best online phone services for small businesses that are ideal for any small business.

1. Grasshopper

The services are available on a virtual platform. It is cost-effective and ideal for small businesses. You can use automated calling services.

Apart from this text message is also available. Users can use the voice mail services as well. All prompts related to calls are automated.

2. RingBlaze

This is yet another service that is available online. It offers real-time customer services. The best part is that you can request for customized phone number.

The inbox features for contact sharing is also available. The services make use of the customized accounts manager feature. Call recording benefits are available.

3. Nexteva

If you want to take your business to another level, the Nexteva is the right solution. The customers can use the services in multiple locations.

You are also free to take control of your communications from a centralized location. You are provided with voice services on HD features.

4. Virtual PBX

You need an online phone service, so you can meet all your business needs. The auto-attendant feature is always something that any business needs. VirtualPBX offers this feature.

The auto-attendant will greet your customers. You can use other features including call forwarding and recording benefits along with CRM integration.

5. Mightycall

If you are interested in the best VOIP services then you should try out the Mightycall services. The best part is that you can receive multiple calls from different clients. You can use the 24x7 virtual assistant features.

The services are also available for iOS and Android platforms. Each employee can set up personal voice mail services.

6. Ooma

If your business is a medium scale or small, then this is the best service. The service can also be integrated with your analogue phone services. You can receive and send SMS as well.

The moment you get enrolled, you will be able to use the unlimited call benefits, applications and mobile mail services.

7. Ring Central

This is one of the best cloud-based services. You can regulate the communications from one central location.

If your business has only a few members, then this is the most affordable service. They offer HD sound benefits.

These are only a few of the best online phone services that you can use. 

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