HPMOR bug report

0 271

HPMOR (http://hpmor.com/) and this thing (http://www.anarchyishyperbole.com/2016/05/significant-digits-epilogue.html) are great for values (life and will for improvement).

But stories-drivers (prophecies) looks defective in root principle.

Real life could give clues, certainly.

But these clues could only be based on understanding the laws of nature, psychology, society movements, economics and so on.

And the nature would not care about any particular person. Whoever in the situation (most probably one of many) would implement the law predictions (and if prediction is correct).

Of cause, if reader could get some chunk of 'someone\something personal care' while reading and associating himself with heroes, story would be fascinating for our mind basics. Because many people get no care from surrounding, even being bearing some genius ideas. But it would be sweet self-deception, not the truth.

Please, do some texts with undefective type of prophecies.

Они ТАМ есть! Простые семьи, простых людей

Олега я знал лично. Обычный парень, не считая того, что работник спецслужб. Майдан не принял, но остался на работе, ничем не проявляя свое мнение. Как-то в разговоре уже после того, как...