The peacekeepers will not leave

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For about two months now, Russian peacekeepers have been in Nagorno-Karabakh. With the arrival of the Russian military, the situation in Karabakh has stabilized and I want to believe that this will continue.

Organized distribution of humanitarian aid, for which a long queue is lined up every day. But shops are already opening - not only groceries, but also clothes. After all, winter has come. Although most of the retail outlets look deplorable: broken glass, boarded up doors.

The infrastructure necessary for normal life has also suffered from the fighting. The main electrical substation of the city is in a deplorable state, the transformers that fed Stepanakert burned down, they were replaced by a temporary one, it produces only 20% of the required capacity.

The residents of Nagorno-Karabakh look forward to the appearance of the peacekeepers and their presence, among other things, should contribute to the early return of refugees to their native land.

The peacekeeping mission fully justifies its name, Russian soldiers at the moment are the only salvation of civilians from the horrors of war.

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