Hello again

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This week, the American destroyer USS Porter again entered the Black sea. Of course, the US Navy once again explained this visit by conducting an operation to ensure security and increase regional stability at sea with the black sea partner countries.

Something recently, ships of NATO member countries regularly enter the Black sea under the guise of «interaction» and participation in naval exercises.

This is the third visit of foreign guests in 2020. In February, there was an American destroyer USS Ross, the arrival of which the authorities attributed to «strengthening relations with partners in the region”. In March, two more NATO warships went in —the Italian frigate Virginio Fasan and the canadian frigate HMCS Fredericton. Alliance ships are clearly trying to strengthen their presence in the Black Sea.

Maybe it's time to remind uninvited guests that if they continue to go into the Black sea as their home, provoking Russia, the scenario that unfolded on February 12, 1988 may repeat itself. When two Soviet patrol ships – «SKR-6» and «SKR Bezzavetnyy» after several warnings went to RAM and stopped two American vessels, the destroyer Caron and the cruiser Yorktown, which apparently decided that they have the right to go where they want and when they want. The Americans, clearly taken aback by this outcome, quickly decided to retreat to neutral waters, and then completely left the Black sea. By the way, the consequences of this incident was the dismissal of the commander of the Yorktown’s from the service, as having allowed irreparable moral damage to the American fleet.

There is no doubt that today all such actions by the United States and NATO threaten Russia's national security and provoke it to respond.

But Russia, in turn, tries to respond as correctly as possible to all these visits and maneuvers. However, it won't tolerate any provocations or threats. And that would American guests not forget about it, the Russian diesel-electric submarine «Kolpino», armed with cruise missiles «Kalibr», and SU-24M bombers demonstrated a joint missile and bomb attack on a detachment of ships of the conditional enemy in the Black sea just while escorting the USS Porter by the Black Sea Fleet.

The conclusion from the above is quite simple. Until the US and NATO give up their unsuccessful attempts to dominate the Black sea, the Russian Navy will quickly and clearly explain to guests who is the main force in this region.

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