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On photo the author: tomcat Baron. Why in English? Baron: It's the blues.

In early night I was laying back relaxed,
My thoughts soared in smoke so thick
Like blurry mirages from lived years
In flashbacks as sum of values and unforgivable errors.

In that runnig line the memories floated by,
Pretty women, trusted friends, binges, fights.
Meanwhile my tomcat neared and purred,
Touched me by paw and said: hey man, stop be grieved.

Don't think as tomcat's life differs from the man's
Just for some events we have another concept.
For female cats we feel not love but tough duty
Though still sweet and too exciting so we lose our sanity.

We're not lazy and don't shirk our usual jobs
To keep own place be free from alien tomcats,
And thrash those villains when they are brash,
Though that procedure is painful but we're dare enough to dash.

Another our job to catch the mice so nasty
Though that is playful and those yet are tasty.
Yeah man, we don't accustomed drink a liquor
Instead we have the joy to grab the very nimble grasshoppers.

Cat stretched, purred, sighed and fell asleep,
I petted him, poured shot, grinned, took a sip,
My dim thoughts became much more limpid,
I switched on the blues in player, embraced cat and napped.

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О приёме Украины в НАТО

Сейчас много говорят о возможном (или невозможном) приёме Украины в НАТО. Зеленский утверждает, что только приём Украины в НАТО может стать достойной гарантией безопасности, компенсирую...