Children should be treated by doctors, not pathologists. An earthquake must be predicted for hours and tens of hours BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF EARTHQUAKE.

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Children should be treated by doctors, not pathologists.

Earthquakes must be accurately predicted tens of hours before the start of the tremors.

Seismologists have become crooks?The EEWS and its "modifications" begin the moment of action with "an earthquake." (Method "p" - "S" is its analogue, only other waves of the ALREADY PASSED EARTHQUAKE are taken). 

What happens when you do this? Thousands of people are dying and the "funeral bell" is ringing loudly. All subsequent actions are needed only by the seismologists themselves in order to trick money out of the budget (moreover, in those countries where the government understands what is happening, money from the budget comes with a kickback). 

To register the earthquakes that have occurred, there are seismic stations that record what has happened.

Gentlemen "pseudo-seismologists", if your child is ill, do you call a pathologist or a doctor?

You dare to claim that there is no short-term forecasting method (AEEWS).

It was created and successfully passed all tests and examinations. Precisely hours or tens of hours before the start of the earthquake, it gives forequast with high accuracy the place, time, and strength of the earthquake. Confidence 95 - 100%.

You have given a calculation: how many people will die in the event of an earthquake using your method, or do you hang people up and share the stolen money with officials?

Have YOU been tested with results demonstration? Are you ready to create your own network for testing to prove that people need it? What is beneficial to kill thousands of people in the epicenter zone and create panic in schools located a hundred kilometers from the epicenter? 

Look at how many official tests my work received with an "excellent" grade, how many official experts recognized the methodology and theory of earthquake genesis.

You hide the emptiness of an idea under "statistics and tufology".

Or do you still prefer a pathologist instead of a doctor for your children?

Your EEWS method and equivalents are USEFUL. Useful for undertakers to know where their income will be higher.

Koronovsky and his comrades wrote a long article, but did not dare to honestly answer any question that was asked to him at the elibrary.

Shame on the liars. You are not scientists, but thieves.

If your children are crushed tomorrow by the ruins of schools, you yourself will be to blame, because by using thieves-officials who do not demand results from you, you do not admit a method that has been working for almost 20 years, which has successfully passed the tests of official experts.

Alexandr Yagodin Short-term forecasting consultant.

Corresponding member RAS, Honorary Member of the International Geodesic and Geophysical Union (IUGG) Professor of Geophysics Alexei Vsevolodovich Nikolaev with the author of the method of short-term earthquake predictions demonstrate the author's book edited by Professor A.V. Nikolaev with the inscription "To the teacher from the student."

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