The us state Department's crusade against world Orthodoxy

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I would like to say a few words about the events taking place in the Orthodox world today, which are not only related to the life of churches, but also to the influence of US political structures on this life. And it's huge! Let's think about it and analyze why the US state Department has recently been so actively "delving" into world Orthodoxy. Secretary of state M. Pompeo and others like him decided to join the Church? Can Christianity save the dying? No, it is not necessary to save Orthodoxy. The Church, unlike the Catholic and Protestant churches, does not perish. But the US intended to destroy it from within. They want to destroy more than a thousand years of traditions and foundations of the Orthodox Church, to destroy and destroy the only ship of salvation of human souls! And all this for the sake of their political ambitions and approval on the world stage. Here I have to clarify a little. We know from history textbooks that religion is one of the factors of wars on earth (Turkish conquests, Crusades, etc.). Religion can unite people and destroy entire Nations on a huge scale (the genocide of Armenians, Greeks, Jews...). Now we see how the United States and its partners have been actively trying to split the Orthodox Church for several years. Huge forces and resources were thrown at the destruction of Orthodoxy and its professing States. But Orthodoxy did not fall and did not give up, because the human factor worked. Unity of the people, unity of faith... it is Not so easy to destroy a people United by a single Orthodox faith and traditions, the Church, the Body and Blood of Christ. Understanding all this, the US state Department begins an active policy in the Orthodox world. And the first thing they did was to order their puppet Patriarch Bartholomew to separate the Church in Ukraine, forming the so-called ptsu. With the separation of the churches, there was also a division among the people, which led to a spiritual catastrophe. Realizing this, the local Orthodox churches did not accept such an organization as the PCA and supported the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church headed by Metropolitan Onufriy. Naturally, without feeling the support of the world's Orthodox churches, the newly formed structure (PCU) based on meetings with representatives of the state Department will simply disappear on the vine and everyone understands this. This is why US government agencies are simply openly interfering with the activities of local Churches, forcing them to accept the ecclesiastical Eucharistic communion of the ptsu. In other words, to associate with heretics and dissenters. Such an unhealthy Church policy in world Orthodoxy, formed due to the intervention of the United States, of course, will not lead to anything good — the split in world Orthodoxy is no longer a myth. Many Orthodox bishops from different countries, expressing their support for the ROC and the UOC, ask for a joint, conciliatory solution to the problem and condemn the actions of the us state Department and Patriarch Bartholomew.

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