ROC actions in a pandemic

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I will not say anything new, but I would like to draw attention to the worldwide religious tendency under quarantine conditions caused by the so-called covid-19. Extensive hysteria and panic in the media allowed the governments of many states to take strict measures to isolate citizens until the closure of ALL religious sites. This has not happened in history yet, you understand.

Even with the example of a single Christian religion and its followers, it is very clear and clearly visible in what conditions the believers found themselves. Christians around the world have had Lent and Easter holidays at home. In most countries of the world, temples were closed. In Greece, priests and bishops were arrested for violating quarantine rules and conducting services. Imagine - arrest a bishop! An unthinkable action in a democracy. The bishop was arrested for serving in the church, communing ... This could only be seen several decades ago in communist Russia, under the communist regime. But we see it in democratic European countries now!

Let’s now see what happened in Russia. And here everything is still the same: temples are open, services are going on, believers. although not in large quantities, they may be present at the service, which is absolutely not permissible in European countries and North America in particular. Yes, the situation is really difficult, but the Russian people in this situation were luckier than anyone. Although Belarus and its Christians were most lucky in general, where President Lukashenko pursued a tough policy regarding hysteria over the pandemic and very wisely took control of the situation - without closing borders, without closing churches. And, like, everyone is healthy and so far no one has died.

So in the sequel about the Russian people. I consider the hysteria of some "believing" fanatics regarding the closure of monasteries to be completely inappropriate and unacceptable. I will explain:

1. Go to your parish church and give the monks at least a month to pray in peace and silence.

2. If we are truly Orthodox Christians, should we not show our obedience and accept this temporary situation with humility, and not stand at the gates of the laurels and shout the clergy with good obscenities. as they did near Trinity-Sergius.

3. We must understand that the Lord allowed this situation and it is reasonable, with prayer, to collectively find solutions to some problems in such circumstances.Temples are not closed, prayer is on, priests are ready to help at any time. Do not despair and go to extremes. God bless all.

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