5G Age,CPC changes your lifestyle

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Ten years is an era and a major cycle of economy and technology. Looking back at 2009, Nakamoto's "a mechanism for peer-to-peer electronic currency trading" - the concept of bitcoin appeared on the Internet, and its underlying technology blockchain technology almost subverted the entire post-Internet era, the whole world is popular. .

Today, at the time of 2019, the emerging technologies of 5G, AI, and blockchain are becoming the driving force for the next decade.

It is widely believed that 5G will bring a revolutionary progress to human production and life, and its importance is comparable to steam engines and electricity. 5G will reshape the new pattern of international economy and politics.

Today, with the rapid development of blockchain, blockchain technology based on decentralization, transparency, security, credibility, anonymity and peer-to-peer trading has swept through many traditional industries and financial industries, and is changing the world in a subtle way. The rules are shining in the fields of future payment, game esports, intellectual property, and anti-counterfeiting.

From human consumption to chain merchant civilization

The current economically developed society is a commercial society and a consumer society. People in modern life spend a considerable amount of time each day doing consumer activities. According to the analysis of anthropology and consumer behavior, modern people's consumption is essentially an investment, which is a recombination of resource values.

When the products of the enterprise are produced, it takes five links to reach the hands of consumers: information flow, business flow, capital flow, logistics, and experience flow. The five flows constitute a complete commercial ecology.

The current blockchain technology has been gradually applied to all walks of life in the above business ecosystem. Whether it is cross-border payment or financial transaction or media distribution, a large number of emerging companies have obtained a large number of users in different sub-segments. And financing.

Chain-chain civilization based on blockchain technology is being established, and in Israel alone, the Israel Blockchain Association has released more than 200 of the latest Israeli blockchain startups.

The global integrated AI consumer eco-chain consumption chain (CPC), which was born in Israel, officially adopted the blockchain intelligent contract Q language technology in 2013, and proposed the idea of converging the five streams in the business ecosystem into a cloud platform. A blockchain AI consumes data cloud service ecosystem.

The 5G era, the business future behind consumer behavior

With the transformation and upgrading of the world's traditional industries, people's need for a better life, and the objective requirements of stable economic development, according to the characteristics of 5G high speed, low power consumption and low latency, 5G and artificial intelligence, virtual augmented reality, cloud computing, The deep integration of technologies such as big data and blockchain will create more and better consumer products and public services for people's lives.

CPC has been trying to develop a platform that enables all 2B and 2C participating in the upstream and downstream consumption of the platform to use the platform to more effectively use the platform to publish demand, establish a public, sound, value-sharing aggregated cloud-based value trading platform, and release products and asset transactions. information. CPC's converged consumer eco-chain is defined as “an intelligent community that creates a “loss of energy” miracle with mathematical arrays such as the top-level technology of blockchain decentralization and decentralization, creating a safe, fair and intelligent future consumption. era.

Wave, the technology pioneer of the Israel Blockchain Association, pointed out that the emergence of international trade blockchain technology will upgrade world commerce, launching a digital revolution in the upstream and downstream industries related to consumption, bringing about changes in the banking and financial industry. And Gadi Ruschin, CEO of Wave, said that the consumption chain ecology in the blockchain is an infinite, aggregated, and diffused resource value that will become an accelerator for consumer dataization.

CPC's smart contract Q language is a key solution to the trade flow, that is, the upgrade of credit transactions in the consumer stream.

Mobile payments with a simplified version of smart contracts will also usher in new developments. CPC's smart contract will play an important role in B2B and B2C in the future. Specifically, the client can better protect customer rights and reduce transaction time and cost on the enterprise side. Previous smart contracts can only be used in contracts that are simple in logic and do not need to be changed. In the future, CPC smart contract Q language developers have explored a suitable degree of decentralization, and combined with the powerful technology of AI intelligent analysis, the advantages of smart contracts are not limited to ordinary transactions, but tend to more sophisticated consumption. In the stream.

The gradual advancement of 5G construction can not only expand effective investment, but also stimulate consumer demand, leading the rapid development of artificial intelligence, virtual augmented reality, cloud computing, big data, blockchain and other technologies to promote the high-quality development of the market.

The future of business, time and future are in 5G, and in the mainstream technology related to him.

“CPC Consumer chain,Born for global integration”

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