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Полное список и описание всех 149 MKULTRA подпроектов
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MKULTRA Subproject 1:
Isolate and characterize the alkaloids of ipomoea sidalia choisy (Rivea Corymbosa)
MORI ID: 17354
Contractor: BLACKEDOUT
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Princeton University
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitor: Robert V. Lashbrook
MKULTRA Subproject 2: (See Subprojects 124 and 140)
Miscellaneous research and testing services in behavioral modification. 1. Study the possible synergistic action of drugs which may be appropriate for use in abolishing consciousness through animal experimentation. 2. Survey of methods to enable the administration of drugs to patients without their knowledge.
MORI ID: 17415
Contractor: James Hamilton
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: Stanford University
Years: 1953 ― 1958
MKULTRA Subproject 3: (See Subprojects 16, 42, 132, and 149)
Realistic field testing of R&D items of interest to Technical Services Staff. This is the infamous safehouses known as Operation Midnight Climax.
MORI ID: 17426
Contractor: George White (alias Morgan Hall, “a seaman”)
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: New York City and San Francisco
Years: 1953 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 5:
Successful demonstration of “potentialities of hypnosis as a tool of the clandestine services”. Research in hypnosis was to determine if: hypnosis could be used as a memory enhancer, a learning aid, a polygraph deceiver, etc. Also,research into susceptibility of certain personality types to hypnosis.
MORI ID: 17448
Contractor: Alden Sears
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, University of Minnesota, University of Denver
Years: 1953 ― 1956
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 6:
Develop reliable source of LSD within the United States and assist in the search for additional natural hypnotic products. Previously supplier, Sandoz, based in Switzerland.
MORI ID: 17459
Contractor: Eli Lilly Company
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Robert V. Lashbrook
MKULTRA Subproject 7: (See Subprojects 27 and 40)
LSD basic research. The studies included the use of LSD in therapy. As far as is known, subjects in this experimentation were witting. Funds are included for the payment of subjects.
MORI ID: 17470
Contractor: Harold Abramson
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1952 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 8: (See subprojects 10, 63 and 66)
Study of the biochemical, neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects of LSD, and also a study of LSD antagonists and drugs related to LSD, such as L.A.E. (Lysergic Acid Ethylamide). Testing upon human volunteers.
MORI ID: 17481
Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research, Massachusetts
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitor: Robert V. Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 9:
Study various depressant drugs which may more adequately control the maniacal psychotic patient, and test drugs that may help alcoholics and schizophrenics.
MORI ID: 17492
Contractor: Carl Pfeiffer
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Emory University and University of Illinois
Years: 1954 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 10: (See 8, 63 and 66)
Study tested and evaluated the effect of LSD and alcohol when administered to individuals falling under various personality categories.
MORI ID: 17355
Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1952 ― 1957
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and Louis deFlorez
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research
MKULTRA Subproject 11:
Developing and stockpiling toxins. Identify and produce in sufficient quantity for experimentation the active ingredients n certain seeds and plants. Preparation of a supply of the toxic protein, Abrin.
MORI ID: 17366
Contractor: ?
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 12:
Isolate and investigate the chemicals responsible for the biological activities of materia1spresent in the bark of Piscidia Erythrina.
MORI ID: 17377
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 13: (See subproject 30)
Funding of Agency activity at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Petty cash fund for use where proper channels for a given activity will require an undesirable amount of written or oral justification. Expedient purchase of materials.
MORI ID: 17388
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Fort Detrick
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 14:
OPERATION BLACK Payment to the Federal Bureau of Narcotics for the services of George White. Harry Anslinger, Commissioner of Narcotics.
MORI ID: 17399
Contractors: George H. White, Bureau of Narcotics
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: New York City
Years: July to November 1953
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb
MKULTRA Subproject 51:
Isolate, characterize and identify naturally occurring compounds with psychogenic properties. Much of this work was done with mushrooms.
MORI ID: 17450
Contractor: James Monroe
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Delaware
Years: 1955 ― 1962
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Ray Treichler, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
MKULTRA Subproject 52:
Provided consulting services on procurement and preparation of chemicals for Technical Services Division. Procured botanical specimens, primarily
mushrooms, on field trips.
MORI ID: 17451
Contractor: James Monroe
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Delaware
Years: 1958
CIA Monitors: Ray Treichler and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 53:
Review overt Russian and American pharmacological literature with respect to the problems of Technical Services Division.
MORI ID: 17452
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1955 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert Lashbrook, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Dr. Raymond Treichler
MKULTRA Subproject 54:
To study the mechanism of brain concussion.
MORI ID: 17453
Contractor: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, Office of Naval Research
Contractor’s Clearance: Cleared (unspecified level)
Location: ?
Years: 1955
CIA Monitors: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT and Sidney Gottlieb
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 55:
Discover the pharmacological effects of certain groups of compounds prepared by and associates of the Department of Pathology. Animal tests were conducted.
MORI ID: 17454
Contractor: BLACKEBLACKEDOUT Professor of Pharmacology,
Contractor’s Clearance: Unwitting
Location: ?
Years: 1956
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert Lashbrook, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 56:
Alcohol Research – Determining effectiveness of food in delaying alcohol absorption; effectiveness of sympathominetic drugs in delaying absorption; develop a test of alcohol tolerance.
MORI ID: 17455
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Stanford University or Medicine
Years: 1956 ― 1960
CIA Monitors: Robert Lashbrook, Sidney Gottlieb, and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 140: (See 2 and 124)
Under cover of “Thyroid Research” the project was to design and conduct controlled experiments involving pharmacological and clinical tests on human volunteers.
MORI ID: 17400
Contractor: James Hamilton
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: St. Francis Memorial Hospital, San Francisco
Years: 1962 ― 1965
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 141:
Not specified.
MORI ID: 17401
Contractor:Dr. Geschickter
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Washington, D.C.
Years: 1962
CIA Monitor: Ray Treichler
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 142:
Biological studies involving electrical brain stimulation of cold-blooded animals. “Some of the uses proposed for these particular animals would involve possible delivery systems for BW/CW agents or for direct executive action-type operations as distinguished from the eavesdropping application.
NOTE: BW = Bioweapon CW = Chemical weapon Executive Action = Assassination
MORI ID: 17402
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1963 ― 1965
Cover/Cut-out: Human Ecology Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 143:
To determine if the growth of microorganisms in petroleum products can be markedly increased by the addition of substatic concentrations of anti-microbial agents. May have wide application to all areas of biological sabotage.
MORI ID: 17403
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: University of Houston
Years: 1963 ― 1964
CIA Monitors: Ray Treichler, BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, and Sidney Gottlieb
Cover/Cut-out: Geshickter Fund
MKULTRA Subproject 144:
MORI ID: 17404
Contractor: Unknown
Contractor’s Clearance: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Years: 1963
CIA Monitor: Ray Treichler
Cover/Cut-out: Unknown
MKULTRA Subproject 145:
MORI ID: 17405
Contractor: Unknown
Contractor’s Clearance: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Years: 1963
CIA Monitor: Ray Treichler
Cover/Cut-out: Unknown
MKULTRA Subproject 146:
Provide the services of a plant pathologist to assist in developing a philosophy of limited anticrop warfare. A study was made of sugar cane crop vulnerabilities, on a world-wide basis.
MORI ID: 17406
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1963 ― 1954
MKULTRA Subproject 147:
Cross-tolerance between psychomimetic drug.
MORI ID: 17407
Contractor: Harris Isbell and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Years: 1963 ― 1964
CIA Monitor: Ray Treichler
MKULTRA Subproject 148:
To provide a mechanism to utilize the services of BLACKEBLACKEDOUT, a recognized authority in the field of toxicology and pharmacology in support of Technical Services Division activity concerned with influencing animal and human behavior.
MORI ID: 17408
Contractors: Harold Hodge
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Years: 1963 ― 1964
CIA Monitor: Ray Treichler
MKULTRA Subproject 149: (See 3, 16, and 42)
Support covert and realistic field tests on certain R&D items of interest to Technical Services Division/Biological Branch.
MORI ID: 17409
Contractor: George White
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: New York City
Years: 1964 ― 1966
CIA Monitors: Ray Treichler and BLACKEBLACKEDOUT
В Нюрнберге помимо «основного» процесса состоялась в 1946-1949 гг. ещё дюжина «сопряжённых» (subsequent) процессов. Одним из первых среди них стал процесс над врачами. Им в первую очередь вменяли в вину проведение бесчеловечных опытов, нередко с летальным исходом, над живыми людьми (главным образом заключёнными из концлагерей), в том числе и в области психиатрии.По решению трибунала семерых обвиняемых казнили, пятеро получили пожизненное заключение и четверо сроки от 10 до 20 лет (всего обвиняемых было 23, семеро оправданы). Суровость приговоров лишь подчёркнула тяжесть совершённых преступлений.
Одним из главных свидетелей/экспертов обвинения на процессе выступил никто иной, как американец шотландского происхождения д-р Дональд Камерон.
В то время уже одно из мировых светил в области психиатрии, в 1952-1953 гг руководитель Американской психиатрической ассоциации, а в 1961 даже Президент Всемирной психиатрической ассоциации. Но сегодня-то известно, что уже тогда, во время Нюрнбергского процесса он в рамках проектов спецслужб США занимался точно тем же, чем и подсудимые, и, более того, продолжал эту тайную преступную деятельность в рамках программы Управления научной разведки ЦРУ MK-ULTRA. В 1950-х на его программу выделялось в неподотчётное пользование около 10% бюджета ЦРУ (вики рисует 6%).
Незаконные опыты над живыми людьми проводились в первую очередь в Канаде, в Монреальском Allan Memorial Institute - вне юрисдикции США. (В силу этой детской хитрости никто из виновных никогда перед справедливым американским судом не предстал.)
у Камерона под крылом трудилось несколько бывших нацистских учёных, которых в рамках операции «Скрепка» американские спецслужбы вывезли к себе в США.
Цитата из Вики:
"Камерон являлся членом Нюрнбергского процесса над врачами, где выдвигал немецким врачам обвинение в преступлениях, которые сам совершал в период с 1934 по 1960 год и позднее, несмотря на то, что его научно-исследовательская работа, выполняемая по заказу Управления стратегических служб во время Второй мировой войны, никогда не являлась засекреченной"
(работал Дональд Камерон в т.ч. на гранты от Фонда Рокфеллера)
в англоязычной вики ни слова о совместной работе с нацистами
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