Google recorded a slight activity associated with the Russian accounts in the us elections

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"We conducted a very thorough investigation in 2016. Now we know that there were two main advertising accounts associated with Russia, and they placed ads on Google in the amount of $4700," he said. At the request of the congressmen to confirm whether the amount was exactly the same, Pichai once again called this figure. "Any amount is not good in this situation, but we have revealed a slight activity," he added, reported by Free News.

As for the midterm elections to the us Congress held on November 6, the head of Google noted that this time the activity of foreign States in the field of political advertising in the US was insignificant. "On the eve of the current elections, we again revealed a slight activity, both on the part of the "Internet research Agency" in Russia, and on the part of accounts associated with Iran," he says.

"We've done a significant review of how ads are bought, we've verified the origin of these accounts, we've shared information and collaborated with law enforcement and other tech companies," Pichai also added, answering a question about what steps Google has taken in the run - up to the 2016 election to prevent possible interference from foreign States.

Attempts to stir up racial tensions not detected

At the same time, according to Pichai, Google has not recorded any attempts by Russia to incite racial contradictions in the United States.

"As for Russia,<...> we haven't seen this kind of activity on our platforms, but we're careful about it and will be willing to share any information we have," he said, answering a question from Karen bass (a Democrat from California) about how Google is responding to attempts to use social media to create racially motivated tensions in the US and "especially what Russia has done to incite racial controversy in the United States."

Earlier, a number of American politicians claimed that in clashes on racial and social grounds in Charlottesville (Virginia) last year, the Russian trace is visible. In particular, the American Republican Congressman from Virginia Thomas Garrett spoke about it, referring to the FBI. The Russian Embassy in the United States called such statements unsubstantiated insinuations.

In addition, Muller has charged the Russian businessman Evgeny Prigogine with financing of anti - American information operations which were allegedly carried out by "Agency of Internet researches". According to the Prosecutor's office, the Internet research Agency received funds for its operations from Prigogine and the companies controlled by him, including Concord Management and Consulting and Concord Catering.

In addition, in October, us law enforcement agencies charged Russian citizen Elena Husseinova with trying to influence an organized group of people on political processes in the United States, including the upcoming midterm elections to Congress in November. According to the us Department of justice, 44-year-old Russian woman from St. Petersburg was indirectly involved in information campaigns, which, according to the us competent authorities, were held in the US by Russian firms Concord Management and Consulting and Concord Catering. Later, the American leader Donald trump, answering questions from journalists during a trip to Arizona, said that Huseynova has nothing to do with his election campaign in 2016.

Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov in an interview with journalists said that the investigation Muller devoid of any meaning. Peskov also noted that the Kremlin has nothing to do with the placement of political advertising in the United States and does not know who is behind such orders. Moscow has repeatedly rejected allegations of attempts to influence the us election.

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  • Кошмарррр. :rage: