Shock: Google uses personal data of users in its commercial interests.

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There was information about the next scandal in the Internet sphere. The person involved in it has once again made the American company Google. According to the company's management, the culprit of the incident was one of the employees who “pressed the wrong button” during the work with the Google AdX system - watch fox news live stream. The result was that people who did not need this at all bought a banner ad.

Google representatives promise to cover all user expenses (this is about $ 10 million), but the incident itself fits into the policy of the company, which has completely discredited itself. Careless attitude to their duties and complete disregard for the interests of users have become the hallmark of the company.

The confirmed information about close cooperation with the American special services did not benefit her either. According to the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, the FBI and the CIA receive any confidential information from Google.

With outrage, users perceived a message about merging data of the order of half a million Google+ social network users. But this is not enough, even the use of personal data by users in their commercial interests has been confirmed. In August 2018, Google acquired from MasterCard Google data on purchases of cardholders.

Engaged in Google and the distribution of malicious content. Thus, in the official Google - Google Play store alone, 29 banking trojans were discovered, transmitting user data to the company's central office. More than thirty thousand people became victims of lawlessness.

Of course, all this causes a negative reaction from users. Millions of people around the world refuse to search engine services. And I must say, they only benefit from this: alternative platforms are no less effective, and there is nothing better in terms of data security.

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