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The Bank of England remains divided over future policy

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There is still no consensus in the UK Central Bank regarding the curtailment of the asset purchase program. The split was formed after inflation in the country reached a 2-year-high, reports Break News.

The Central Bank's chief economist, Andy Haldane, voted at the last meeting to end the program in August this year. Experts believe that he will insist on such a decision at the upcoming meeting of the bank, which will be held this week.

It is not yet clear whether the other members of the PREP committee will change their attitude to this issue. At the end of May, consumer prices in the UK increased by 2.1%. At the same time, the Central Bank predicted May inflation at 2%. He expects that by the end of the year, inflation in the country will reach 2.5%. However, some experts disagree with the Bank of England.

They believe that 2021 will end with 3% inflation. Financial markets expect the Bank of England to start tightening its policy sooner than the US Federal Reserve. Such a sequence has rarely been observed in history.

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