It is cool to die being happy! But it is not the limit of human development!

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Well, ok, we've removed negative emotions (NE), it is ok with ID (inner dialogue). O key means, that attitude towards the moving of the thought is the same as towards the moving of arms, for instance. I mean, they don't move meaninglessly, you can play with them, you can do something useful.

Well, there is no obvious negative, it is ok with ID.

Maybe, we've come out on lively wishes, which in other languages is called spontaneousness, irreproachability -- doing just for the pleasure of doing, and not for the final result. So, it's such a gentleman's set, the possibility of normal, human, just human life.

Everybody, who'll leave in it -- the result is cool, you'll die being happy, I had such an intermediate realization, well, it is cool to die being happy.

But it is not the limit of human development.

Though not many people die being happy, it is necessary to let in the thought that you are an eternal being.

You should let this thought in, arrange it inside of you, not for..absolutely not for going away somewhere, imagining some heavenly places, travels of consciousness, not for that.

You need it to stop appreciating these fictitious things. The very heavenly places, trips of consciousness and other ideas, that lead you away from here.

By letting this thought in, gradually realizing your essence, and already possessing those qualities of tools, which help us here, to live deliciously and with pleasure, you live a full- blooded human life.



And go on going in for your stupid (laughing) unnecessary practices. Those that will be, it is interesting. With the bodies working and getting tired one day.

The Enlightenment is certainly the death. It is a complete death of things that you know about yourself, the idea of what you have been all your life. In general, the whole life can be seen like on a sheet of paper.

Everything turns upside down, at the enlightenment, you become yourself, and this "Leshka", (laughing) that you considered to be yourself, well Leshka, let it be. He exists, why thinking about that.

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