The world beneath the feet of builders

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The world was rejuvenated, and at once aged

The ability to be surprised refused to renew the contract with humans

Beautiful cities pierced the sky with ugly towers

In the jagged shadows of these towers, dreams of sunshine and spring-blooming meadows settled with incongruous graffiti on dirty walls

Poets began to write odes about the fractured fates of robots

A fleeting look inside ourselves highlighted the darker sides of our souls

And, when, age-old dreams are casually forgotten forever...

..A man was born who will never go looking for the dreams that have left the Earth...

Цена «миротворчества» Трампа

Любой американский президент, предпринимая некие действия на международной арене решает, прежде всего, свои внутренние проблемы. Трамп не исключение. Его задача закрепить и сделать необ...

Оружие для диктатуры

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