and if you know them too, you're able to talk to them about movies that are a part of our culture. Вам ведь не лень потренироваться -- языком побаловаться?))))))

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BEST American Movies for Learning English | 10 Hollywood Classics

FluentU English

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In today's video I will be going over the BEST American movies for learning English by sharing with you 10 hollywood classics. Learning English with American movies is such a great way to really learn English because you're able to see it used in very real life circumstances. This helps solidify it in your mind and you are able to remember it better and use it more naturally. Watching classic hollywood movies in English has great benefits! You can learn about American culture while learning English at the same time, you can learn a lot more formal English, and you are exposed to all the same grammar and sentence patterns that we use today in English.

This is why in my video today, I have tracked down the BEST hollywood classics so that you can learn English with American classics and get exposed to some of the best movies for English learning. These classics are also known by so many Americans, and if you know them too, you're able to talk to them about movies that are a part of our culture!

I hope that you enjoy this video and are able to use all of these movies to help you in your English learning journey. If you have any questions about anything in the video or if you have any other video ideas, make sure to leave a comment below to let us know!

Get a free PDF that contains the movie titles and other information, such as the film release dates, actors' names, and summaries, here →​

And if you want to learn English with more videos, then you won't want to miss FluentU. Learn English with music videos, movie trailers, TV shows and more.

About FluentU →​

Оставьте комментарий

krishantha namal

krishantha namal

9 месяцев назад

i really love it..thanks



9 месяцев назад

Great @iceidiomas

Lydia goold verschoyle

Lydia goold verschoyle

5 месяцев назад

I prefer not to use American movies, British would be preferable.

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