The core from R-60M air-air rocket is found in fragments of MH17

8 15583

In Holland the model is made of fragments of the "Boeing" which fell in Donetsk. According to photos of fragments from a place of crash it is possible to make approximate reconstruction of a fuselage. Among photos at least two which disprove the version about attack of the plane from the BEECH complex were found.

On one photo it is visible the subject similar to a core from the aviation R-60M rocket, and on other - a round opening in an air inlet of the right engine. There are at least nine openings of a covering, characteristic for action of a military unit of the air-air rocket.

Round, square, rod - that got to the Boeing

On the next week, on March 3rd, 5th and 6th, 2015 nearly five thousand people - relatives and friends of the dead in accident of "Boeing" in Donetsk - will see the model of the Boeing-777 plane of Malaysian airlines collected from fragments on air base Gilze-Riyen in Holland. The last large fragments, the whole truck, for the present are in Petropavlovka - the Dutch journalists could reach them only on February 22, 2015.
Photo from air base 03.03.15

https://twitter.com/michaelnie...  https://twitter.com/annahollig...


Left side of "Boeing". http://evanesce-girl.livejourn...
Photo from air base 03.03.15

Right side of "Boeing" http://evanesce-girl.livejourn...

The greatest attention was drawn at once by the left side of a cabin of pilots, here the plane had a large number of damages. The largest opening in the center of a fragment has the torn edges curved outside that is characteristic for explosion from within or decompressions because of sharp pressure difference.

Further, in the photo we see more than 20 big openings of a roundish form which punched including frames of a glazing and the left part of a cabin. Covering material in this place the most dense - it is created from the reinforced aluminum (according to other data is used a titanic plate) laid in two layers with the purpose to prevent damage of a cabin at possible collision with a bird. According to some information, thickness of one layer of a leaf - 1,8 mm, other layer - 0,8 mm.

We also know that thickness of the most part of a covering of a fuselage of "Boeing"-777 - only 2 mm (0,09 inches http://courses.washington.edu/...

At increase in the photo we see a set of small marks - "pockmarks" and black spots of a soot from outer side of a cabin, and also the edges of an external covering bent outside. It testifies that the striking shell blew up in close proximity to a plane covering. By some estimates, the distance from a cabin of pilots to epicenter of explosion could make from only 50 cm to 4-5 m. Whereas defeat zone radius "BEECH" - 17 m, the rocket blows up ahead of and above the purpose, doing a hill, and creates a big cloud from six thousand splinters (source). http://mh17.webtalk.ru/viewtop...  http://vpk-news.ru/articles/21...


Detonation products - they left uncountable quantity of tracks on cockpit fragments - lose opportunity to put mechanical damages (lose kinetic energy) on removal from a blasting point, equal 15... To 20 radiuses of a checker of Centuries. Respectively, at radius in 10... 15sm, it is 1.5... 3.0m.... Since the beginning of explosion the blast wave, behind it hot gases, and then, as more massive - splinters runs forward. But gas is quickly braked therefore its traces are available only near an explosion place.

If on range of blasting "BEECH" doesn't coincide with a picture, perhaps, it approaches by the size of holes?

To learn diameter of openings in a cabin covering, we need to know diameter of a hat of a standard aviation rivet. It is equal 0,488 inches or 11 mm.

Having correlated parameters, we will receive width of holes of 20-30 mm. Diameter of roundish openings in a cabin covering at a rate of 2-3 diameters of a hat of an aviation rivet.

On the first photo at several openings yellow-red edges - perhaps, a trace from a copper cover of the shell which punched these openings are hardly noticeable.

(At introduction of a bullet in a barrier it, pushing out part of material of a barrier forward and moving apart it, leaves the particles which are available on it on the formed opening. The rubdown corbel width in some millimeters leaves particles of a soot of a shot, weapon greasing, metal particles from a trunk and the bullet).

However on the fragmental BEECH elements there is no copper, but it is on shells of aviation guns.

Tape of armor-piercing and fragmental and demolition charges in an aviation gun, fragmental elements of a cylindrical form

Visually here. As GSh-30 aerogun shoots http://evanesce-girl.livejourn...

Besides several tens roundish and oval openings, in forward part of "Boeing" there are at least five more openings which have a rectangular and square shape. However, any of them didn't get to a covering directly outside therefore difficult to determine their size. But it is about the sizes more than 1 cm.

However, any of these openings wasn't made in a covering from outer side. By the way, in the description of characteristics of the P27 rocket, for example (it can also be established on Su-25), it is told about existence in a military unit of the rocket of ready cubes over cores. The former military personnel of the Air Force of Russia and Ukraine at the forum writes that R-60 is equipped except tungsten cores also with ready fragmental elements (the similar description about fragmental and rod BCh is and on other sites) (The image of BCh of the educational R-60 rocket is large). 

The attention was drawn also by a covering of lateral part of a cabin of pilots. The charge of a fragmental and demolition military unit can enter various surfaces of "Boeing" under a different corner. Depending on it also the opening form - for example from round (will change at hit of a spherical element at right angle) to oblong (at an acute angle). Here is how it looks at hit in metal of the simple boss.

Perhaps, existence of openings of the different size is explained one of pieces of a covering sideways from a cabin of pilots by it (Point 4 on the scheme of the left side of the Boeing).
Comparing to hats of rivets, the size of these holes fluctuates from 3 cm to 10 cm in length. The corner of hit of a splinter can be equal to 25-30 degrees.


The rocket 9M38M1 used in the complexes "BEECH-M1" consists of a fragmental and demolition military unit 9H314 the weighing 70 kg. Its basis included 32 kg of the striking elements (4500 elements weighing 8 g in the form of the two-Tauri (an average between letters N and X) and 1500 cubes weighing 4 g).

In a network there is a photo of one of military units of a missile system. Splinters two-Tauris - 13 mm. Diameter of cubes is less than 10 mm.

If for attack to "Boeing" this type of the Surface-to-air rocket was used, the majority of fragmental openings had to leave characteristic traces of a rectangular shape (two-Tauris have the best indicators of penetrative force, than cubes).

One of users of "LiveJournal" made experiment - here what traces "BEECH" in a covering of "Boeing" if at least some splinters from 4,5 thousand flew in it at an angle, close to the direct had to leave.

On the found fragments of "Boeing" in a covering of the plane there is no similar opening with a similar size. And, as the author of experiment claims, on thin material of a fuselage the splinters flying with a speed of 1200 m with have to leave more accurate trace, than for example in a cabin covering with the strengthened aluminum layer. Adjusted for a demolition charge and a corner of defeat, splinters of "BEECH" can leave traces with a diameter of 18-20 mm in a covering. It is possible to read about the real sizes of the openings left by fragmental explosive shells

Two square fragments found in a cabin exposed - one appeared from ceramics, another didn't coincide on slanted edges. 

As attack of the plane from "BEECH" looks 

In a network there are photos of fragments of three planes which are brought down for the last 15 years allegedly from BEECH surface-to-air missile systems. In all cases the crew remained is live still some time after rocket attack. In all cases the covering of planes looks approximately equally - many small round or crosswise openings.

Fragments of the An-26 plane which is shot down in Ukraine on July 14, 2014 at the height of 6500 m. 

It is known that on June 29, 2014 rebels seized military unit 1402 in Donetsk where there was one faulty BEECH installation, however, then representatives of DNR declared that aren't going to repair it. It is known for example that the Wasp complexes which are armed Ukraine too are capable to achieve the objectives, similar An-26 or Su-25 at the height of 6000 m.

Openings in the form of cores. One of cores is found

We see at least three cutting openings in fragments: on the left wing, around the second left door, on elements of tail part (see the scheme the Left side of "Boeing"). For example, the opening in a covering near the second left door has length about 10 cm.

Left wing

Floor in a cabin near the second left door

Near this opening and frames "cut" along it the oblong element externally similar to a piece of a rod military unit of the aviation air-air rocket of R-60M is found.

Covering of the lower part of a fuselage near the second left door

At the left - approximately rod BCh on the Ukrainian attack planes so looks. On the right R-60 rocket military unit

Type of the rocket in a section without the striking elements

REFERENCE Attack plane of Su-25M1, R-60M rocket
Material of cores of BCh - an alloy of zirconium and molybdenum / tungsten. A military unit of rather low power, the most effective at penetration in a plane purpose design. A detonator - not contact radio detonator of "Humming-bird" (it is developed in 1971) and the contact duplicating. Radius of operation of a radio detonator - 5 m. Defeat radius - 2.5 m

Here description of a military unit of R-60M (product 62M). It differs from the klassiyecheskikh of long thin arrow-shaped cores, in export option represents a set of "pseudo-cores". The striking elements are made of heavier tungsten. "The gushing-over striking elements from tungsten, twice heavier, than the alloyed steel, cut also a power set of a wing or a glider and engines", - it is told in the description of a military unit of R-60M.

The mass of cores - 3 g is specified in some sources. Military unit weight - 3 kg. Laying of cores is executed in the case with a triangular fringing - cores probably have tripartite section: "The space between the case and rjavascript:;od GPE is filled with the trotyl having pyramidal dredging opposite to everyone the semi-ready striking case element... Splinters weight 3g, disperse to speed 7,5km/page"

"Rod BCh R-60M (62M) with the tungsten cores laid perpendicularly gave not the linear, but enormous delta or diamond-shaped holes.

Were exported only R-62, and, since the 80th R-62M, 70% of both rockets had fragmental (or "pseudo-rod"), but not rod BCh.

The large entering fragmentary delta openings meet to us, for example, on the right side in a covering of the second salon. On one of them the soot trace is visible. Besides, two similar holes are visible in a floor of a forward luggage compartment near a cabin of pilots. 

Six delta and diamond-shaped openings and three cutting openings on the left wing and on the lower part of a covering near the second left door:

Forms of openings coincide with defeats from a military unit of R-60M, SU-25M1 established on attack planes, 

The rocket could be directed at the engine of "Boeing", but blow up in 5 m from it including near the left wing and a floor at Exit L2 - where two characteristic rod openings are found. Ukrainian ON "Arsenal" was engaged in modernization of the rocket. On rockets almost vserakursny infrared system of targeting of OGS-75T of "Komar-M" was installed. (The increase in a foreshortening to 2/4 or even 1/4 (possibility of start-up in a forward hemisphere of the purpose at a bearing under a certain corner) is provided with cooling of a photodetector of GSN. The mass production was conducted by NPK "Progress"
Targeting corner - sector the 34th hail. Speed of shift of the purpose maximum - the 35th hail / c).

It is possible also that after activation of a vyshibny charge on the maximum approach to "Boeing" the military unit revealed, and the R-60 carrier got in a covering of "Boeing" around chassis racks near engines.

"Fragmental and rod BCh are generally applied on rockets air-air thanks to compactness. At the time of the maximum approach to the purpose, in BCh blasting a vyshibny charge is made, and the bunch of cores on almost cosmic speed directs to the purpose. At hit, such core on only one kinetics is capable to punch the plane through almost in any plane, thus destroying internal structure of the aircraft, carrying into smithereens the onboard equipment. The core kinetics such is that it can kill in two even a titanic longeron. Such BCh has also one more advantage - the rocket doesn't need absolute accuracy - she is blown up before contact with the purpose, and cores scatter in the direction of the plane a cone. Even if directly will hit 2-3% of these cores the mark, the plane is doomed."


From the moment of the last answer of crew of MH17 before loss of communication with plane passed only seven seconds. The crew didn't manage to report to dispatchers about any menacing situation (if to believe in authenticity of the "lost" records from Air traffic control in Dnepropetrovsk), so, events in a cabin of pilots developed promptly.

After state of emergency deployed "Boeing", it sharply lost speed - with 900 км.ч to 400 км.ч. I planned from height of 10 thousand meters up to the height about 2 thousand meters further. Inhabitants Grabovo and Toreza heard two very loud cottons in the sky. Having gone down below clouds, "Boeing" started collapsing - most closer to a place of emergence of state of emergency onboard in a forest plantation the big piece of a fuselage - part of a business class and the second salon of economy class landed - them found in Petropavlovka. Nearby in Loose found the separated cabin of pilots and bodies of 40 more people. The tail and the central part of a fuselage together with the chassis and wings departed further everything - in the field of the village of Grabovo. 

From July, 2014 to February, 2015 the majority of fragments of the Boeing is found. There is no right wing and the right side of a business class, and also a nose of "Boeing". Still three passengers of the plane aren't identified. In total onboard there were 298 people. In the pilot's body, according to the Malaysian press, metal fragments are found. In general, 25 metal objects which caused in investigators of suspicion are revealed.

Most of all damages the left side of a cabin received from fragmental elements, a cab floor covering, numerous openings are visible around chairs of the commander of crew, some openings - in a chair of the second pilot. At least four openings are visible in a body of the commander of crew. All these openings of a roundish form.

Back of a chair of the second pilot, numerous openings sideways and in a back are visible

Considering the remains of a soot and a set of small black points - traces of influence of products of a detonation, the rocket shell worked exactly here - outside of a cabin of pilots at a short distance.

Considering flight height - 10 thousand meters, I could reach a cabin or the surface-to-air missile system (C300, "BEECH"), or the air-air rocket.

And as on a cabin of pilots there are no traces from influence of the rod striking elements, but it is a lot of deckle-edged round openings - it is about blasting a fragmental explosive shell. Such shells with the roundish striking elements are used in GSh-30 aeroguns, and also are characteristic for the surface-to-air rockets of S-200 and S-300.

As in fragments of "Boeing" there are no crosswise traces - the prevailing BEECH rocket elements, and blasting happened at distance no more than 5 m, the version of application of "BEECH" can be rejected. The C200 complexes in Ukraine "stand idle" since 2001, in this area nobody recorded start of the C300 rockets. 


So there was a version about the plane or two Su-25M1 planes - the modernized attack planes which are adopted Ukraine (by the time of the tragedy the Air Force of Ukraine had five such planes - one of six Ukrainian Su-25M1 was hit a day before accident of "Boeing").

Besides the subject similar to a rod element of the R-60M rocket found in fragments, this version is confirmed by a fragment of the air inlet of the right engine of "Boeing" found in the field of a piece.

The fragment lies to us turned "headfirst" - at the left edge the piece of the torn-off internal covering is visible, and the right side - external, with hardly noticeable letters of the RR logo - if to turn a piece, it will be the top part of an air inlet of the RIGHT ENGINE. 

This small opening is revealed on the right engine of "Boeing" - so approve authoritative sources of Wall Street Journal. Edges of an opening are curved outside, in that case the splinter punched an air inlet, having arrived from a tail. 

There is one more piece of the engine - a turbine rim with traces of the entering openings, however to what of engines it belongs, it is impossible to establish according to the photo. It is known that the fragment was found in Petropavlovki's vicinities where the right air inlet lay. However the left door located in front of the left engine was found here.

If it really a fragment of the right engine, so firing was conducted from an aerogun behind on the right, and then sideways on the right through a board and the right engine in area of a cabin of pilots. Most likely, firing was conducted at a short distance (about 500-700 m). 

The right part of a covering of "Boeing" between a cabin and the second right door isn't found (in any case, its photos in open access aren't present). Wall Street Journal published fragments of luggage shelves on the right side of a business class, and on air base of Gilze-Riyen to journalists forbade to come nearer to these fragments of a business class, having stuck them with squares as objects are of interest to a consequence.

Su-25 (Rook).

By plane the double-barreled motionless gun of GSh-30 at the left onboard in the lower nasal part of a fuselage (caliber of 30 mm, an ammunition of 250 cartridges) intended generally for defeat of poorly armor armored personnel carrier purposes is established. Two air-air rockets of R-60 or R-27 can be in addition installed to 4 guns GSh-23L with the mobile trunk capable to deviate down on 30 degrees (an ammunition of 260 cartridges), and also, in some options installation of the R-77 rockets is possible.

Here is how the first attack from an aerogun behind on the right "вдогон" looks - bullets punch an engine covering, the right board of a business class and fly in a back to pilots.

For firing GSh-30 aerogun with armor-piercing and fragmental and demolition cartridges (see above) caliber of 30 mm or four guns of GSh-23 with cartridges in caliber of 23 mm could be used. Some openings on the found piece of a covering of a cabin of pilots, and also a back of a chair of the second pilot, most likely were damaged by the splinters no more than 20-30 mm in size flying from a tail. Some sources testify to it at once

Pilots didn't see an attack plane before themselves - they got mortal wounds from a back. After this Su-25 I attacked a cabin in front when deployed "Boeing". Were so formed multiple entrance and some exhaust outlets on a cockpit covering.

Entrance and exhaust outlets in a cabin of pilots

back of a chair of the pilot of the pilot.

Body of the commander of crew with openings in a breast

CONCLUSION: The combined blow from an attack plane of Su-25 of M1 was struck to the Malaysian Boeing. The first attack from Su-25M1 was conducted at the rate of flight of "Boeing" вдогон - most likely, the attack plane was on the right side from a tail of the Malaysian plane and shot, moving in the direction of the right engine - in this direction the plane made some shots of a caliber aerogun 23mm or 30 mm. 

After the first attack pilots were lost, in a cabin there was a massive decompression, electronics failed, the plane developed to the left, and "Boeing" probably was again attacked by an attack plane, now on the left board - in cabin area from the commander of crew from an aerogun and the R-60M rocket in area of the left engine and the left door on which there were traces from defeat by rod splinters.

P.S. The author of a picture - the Dutch correspondent of RTL Yeroyen Akkerman to whom I addressed concerning this fragment, ignored a subject. Alas, we can judge only on a photo.










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      dimanapozitive 20 февраля 2017 г. 09:30

      Падение промышленности России за 2015 год пересмотрено до 0,8%, с первоначальных 3,4%.

      Всегда с интересом слежу за данными по промышленному производству России. Ждал выхода цифр в четверг, пятницу - не дождался. Они появились в субботу, что наблюдаю впервые. Данные по январю 2017 разберу отдельно. Так как при анализе таблицы на сайте Росстата бросились в глаза измененные данные за 2015-2016 годы. Вначале увидел, что рост за 2016 пересмотрели с 1,1%, до ...
      dimanapozitive 23 января 2017 г. 18:10

      Морозный январь 2017 в Европе.

      Увлекаюсь немного метеорологией. Смотрю карты аномалий температуры. Так заметил, что 23 дня января выдались Европе холодными, местами очень. Также прогноз на оставшиеся дни этого месяца сулит новые похолодания в многих районах.Но в начале интересные новости по теме:"Юго-восток Европы охватили аномальные морозы. В некоторых странах температура в последние несколько дне...
      dimanapozitive 23 января 2017 г. 17:56

      Рост промпроизводства в России за декабрь ускорился до 3,2%!

      В декабре по сравнению с аналогичным месяцем прошлого года промпроизводство выросло на 3,2% после роста на 2,7% в ноябре, снижения на 0,2% в октябре, на 0,8% - в сентябре, роста на 0,7% в августе. По сравнению с ноябрем 2016 года показатель подскочил на 7,4%.Данные по промышленности превзошли ожидания экономистов, которые прогнозировали рост промпроизводства в прошедш...
      dimanapozitive 6 января 2017 г. 08:48

      Выработка электроэнергии в России в декабре 2016 году выросла на 6,2%!

      Выработка электроэнергии в России в 2016 году увеличилась на 2,1% по сравнению с показателем предшествующего года и составила 1,072 трлн кВт⋅ч, говорится в материалах Центрального диспетчерского управления ТЭК (ЦДУ ТЭК).Объем генерации в декабре составил 106,5 млрд кВт⋅ч, что на 6,2% превышает показатели по итогам декабря 2015 года.Объем потребления электроэнергии в 2...
      dimanapozitive 13 декабря 2016 г. 18:11

      У Путина хорошие отношения с Тиллерсоном, выбранным Трампом на пост госсекретаря США - Кремль

      Выбранный избранным президентом США Дональдом Трампом госсекретарь Рекс Тиллерсон - солидный и профессиональный человек, у президента РФ и других российских представителей с ним хорошие деловые отношения, заявил помощник главы государства Юрий Ушаков."У российских представителей, не только у президента, хорошие деловые отношения с этим человеком, и всеми он воспринима...
      dimanapozitive 30 ноября 2016 г. 22:16

      Решение ОПЕК, рост стоимости нефти - влияние на Россию.

      В это мало кто верил, но ведущие нефтедобывающие страны все же договорились о снижении добычи нефти. Россия также готова снизить объем на 300 тыс. баррелей в сутки постепенно в течении 1 полугодия 2017 года. То есть примерно на 3%.При этом цена только сегодня выросла на 10%! Таким образом, конечно это соглашение очень выгодно для добывающих стран. Тем более при срыве ...
      dimanapozitive 28 ноября 2016 г. 22:13

      Прибыль предприятий РФ в январе-сентябре выросла на 20,6%! Мои комментарии.

      В январе-сентябре 2016 г., по оперативным данным, сальдированный финансовый результат (прибыль минус убыток) организаций (без субъектов малого предпринимательства, банков, страховых организаций и бюджетных учреждений) в действующих ценах вырос на 20,6% и составил 8 трлн 171,4 млрд руб. по сравнению с 6 трлн 773,5 млрд рублей в январе-сентябре 2015 года, свидетельствую...
      dimanapozitive 24 ноября 2016 г. 20:34

      Рост поступления налогов в консолидированный бюджет РФ в 2016 году. Необходимо качественное развитие экономики!

      Посмотрим, что с налоговыми доходами бюджета за январь-октябрь этого года. Вопрос этот очень интересный. Так как про дефицит бюджета и Растрату Резервного фонда говорится много, а о источниках формирования доходах бюджета мало. Приведу статью с сайта Финмаркета. Мои комментарии *________*. В январе-октябре поступления налогов в консолидированный бюджет РФ выросли на 2...
      dimanapozitive 9 ноября 2016 г. 06:15

      Рынки мира в панике на ожиданиях победы Трампа.

      Сегодня очень интересная ночь. Слежу за новостями постоянно. Как за результатами выборов, так и реакцией фондовых рынков. Посмотрим, что же происходит. Вчера закрытие торгов было спокойным. Изменения небольшие после хорошего роста понедельника. В 2 ночи по Москве обычно все спят. Так как торги в США уже закрылись, а в Азии еще не начались. Торгуются в основном фьючерс...
      Служба поддержи
