To analytical work: "Reasons for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR". The Controversy Redin-Ivanov-Konyukov

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The inscription on the banner: All power to the capitalists! Death to the workers and peasants!  The inscription on the chest of the bourgeois-capital.

 " death under the heel of capital!"

[Here we discuss the structure of the new society and why fascism and Nazism are separate social systems.]

To the analytical work of A. Redin

This article is a clear example of the fact that global issues cannot be understood without having the ability to perceive them on a large scale. Trying to look at a person's hand under a microscope, even using the most advanced technological means (in your case, perfect logical techniques) will not bring you closer to the truth. But you just need to change the scale of perception of processes, perhaps take a step back and then you will see the entire object of research, and not just its individual element in the form of a hand.

We need to look at these issues globally and comprehensively, and we need to understand them in the same way-comprehensively.

In General, in your article, you convincingly come to the conclusion that a holistic understanding of the nature of social processes and improvement of social theory are necessary.

In order to understand these questions or at least object to me in detail, you should read two works in which I reveal the mechanics of the development of social systems and processes of industrial society. Theory of the society's self-defense system. Theory of industrial society.

and video explanations  Socialization of labor, three stages of industrial society.

The main mistake of Marx is to evaluate social processes as a predetermined factor that has only a linear development and inevitably leads to communism.

This extreme error in understanding processes has already led to the loss of a number of our achievements and success.

Part of the Communist forces are in a happy class dream, believing that the development of processes will lead to the construction of a socially just society and for this purpose nothing should be done, you just need to wait.

No, comrades!!! The processes of development of society can be stopped by social parasites, and significant masses of the population are exterminated.

And this is not at all the linear development that the faithful dogmatists of Marxist theory sing so sweetly about. We are, in fact, in a state of acute class struggle, on the outcome of which depends the direct survival of the vast masses of the people, whose extermination is planned by the capitalists.

The dictatorship of the masses does not solve the issues of a just and secure world order by itself. This is only one of the ways to establish this very world order.

This dictatorship allows the shortest way to approach the goal of this dictatorship itself-the PROHIBITION of ANY FORM of SOCIAL EXPLOITATION.

It is the recognition of exploitation as a social crime aimed at destroying the very foundations of the social structure that is the end in itself of this dictatorship. An attempt by any official to introduce legislative decisions allowing this very exploitation, even if in an indirect, hidden form, should cause his resignation.

Now let us touch upon a very important question – the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Tell me, please, in what country was there such a dictatorship in which all management belonged exclusively to the proletariat?

In Germany, 1918-1919, when the Bavarian Soviet Republic was created and which died without the support of the rest of the masses? Which indicates that this form is not viable.

Maybe in the Russian Federation, where in the revolution and establishment of Soviet power was attended by all sectors of society, including the nobility?

Attempt to present the dictatorship of the class conscious minority can not withstand any criticism into a strength limit of the subjectivity of the qualitative characteristics of consciousness.

The dictatorship of the proletariat is a fiction, a desirable but false standard for the dogmatists of Marxism, for whom Marxism is not a science, but a religion.

In 1917, a SOCIAL dictatorship was established in Russia (which is nothing more than a true democracy), in which the entire society took part. Misinterpretation of social processes, intervention and a fierce struggle for survival led to the displacement of various social strata from the real levers of control and the seizure of all the governing bodies of the party nomenclature. Thus, the dictatorship of the partocracy was established in society.

The fact that there can only be one dictatorship in a society does not cause you any objection?

The partocracy, being a class in itself, predetermined the rebirth and death of the USSR.

And here the ultimate dilemma arises: without a party structure, it is not possible to win, but the structure itself, due to its functionality, being a relic of bourgeois society, is inevitably prone to degeneration.

Thus, we come to the situation that the only successful means of ensuring a social dictatorship is the prohibition of any form of social exploitation based on multi-level social control, when literally all segments of society on the basis of equality not only control each other, but also participate in decision-making issues without delegating their powers.

And the last: ... and if the process of transition to communism, here and now (subject to the prohibition of exploitation), this unstable state is what is the basis and ultimate goal, what should we do in this case?


Overall EXCELLENT!!!! analytical work is spoiled by a template approach in an attempt to understand the processes and try to fit conclusions to ideological cliches.

For example: I assess Trotskyism as extremely harmful and dangerous for the Communist forces. The basis of this statement is the omnivorous attitude of the Trotskyists to all forms of violence and methods of struggle.

On the one hand, this leads to the leveling of the value of human life of any individual, which they justify by the need to establish an equal society, acting in the paradigm – "the end justifies the means". Therefore, they "cut down the forest" without looking at the "chips". Accordingly, in the process of achieving the goal, the subject itself is destroyed, to which this goal was intended.

On the other hand, the low morality of these forces leads to a willingness to sacrifice public interests in difficult situations, such as enthusiastic attitude to the beginning of the second world war and contacts with the Nazis.

But to say, as you do, that everything Trotsky said is not true.... This is childish, you know. In your opinion, it turns out that if Trotsky called black black, then we have no right to recognize it and must say that it is gray?

Or here - "the Source of power is not law, not authority, not "social contract", not the will of the characters, not the violence, and the relationship of private property." Making this claim then you in a couple of paragraphs clearly proves that violence is a source of power, a polity organizes the violence, making it acceptable and legitimate, leading to social norm (and of course justifying it). You should be more careful and consistent and not rush to release the work, even if you "itch".

Let's get back to the point: Who is the beneficiary of this violence is determined by the already objectively established realities, in which private property relations are important, but not decisive, otherwise we simply would not have been successful in social revolutions.

"The party (proletarian) this to degenerate into a class cannot, because the class occurs as a lot of people in known relationship to the factors of production." - and when there is a shadow not a formal connection, but in droves (for instance: tsehovikov - private illegal businesses in the USSR), in this what case to be?

"...The primacy of politics over Economics in the era of transition from capitalism to Mature communism.In private property societies, economic factors take precedence, the formation of which occurs spontaneously, regardless of the will of people. " - how you manage to combine the incompatible side by side is a mystery to me. If all processes are determined by the economy, then politics simply cannot arise without economic reasons. This is the same as considering fishermen who cast a net for food, as tourists sunbathing on the beach and fishing exclusively in the field of naturalistic observation. You are misled by the fact that politics, like a prostitute, is in a hurry to serve the client in the most convenient form, but, nevertheless, this does not negate the fundamental role of the economy. We should talk about ideology, then Yes, absolutely! Be a little more careful.

As for Marxism, Leninism or Stalinism, Maoism, Deng Xiaopism (or even Konyukovism) - these are methodologies for understanding social processes. If you are sufficiently responsible in the study of social processes, you will inevitably come to the conclusion that the prohibition of any form of social exploitation is the only possible method of human survival. Otherwise, it (humanity) perishes – and this is the great role of Marxism as a fundamental social theory.

Enough facts to show that a real researcher should reject all personal preferences and be extremely apolitical when investigating such complex issues?


[21:18, 25.10.2020] The Communist Party Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich:

"The main mistake of Marx is to evaluate social processes as a predetermined factor that has only a linear development and inevitably leads to communism."

On the contrary, he said that rollbacks are inevitable, but mastering the dialectical method of studying reality makes it possible to reduce the probability of errors and their severity.

Dialectics in principle is not linear, it is cyclical, development in a spiral, etc.

[21:23, 25.10.2020] konyukov:

Rollbacks, but not a reversal of the regression process. When the development of society stops, and huge masses of the population are exterminated for economic reasons. Agree, these are completely different moments of public life.

[21:42, 25.10.2020] Communist party of the Russian Federation V. N. Ivanov:

If a society is not able to make a "withdrawal" (in the philosophical sense), it can be thrown back not so much a step back,but even destroyed. It doesn't guarantee anything to anyone.

The negation of one order of things inevitably leads to the negation of this negation, but for all that, it can also be resolved not by rising above the problem and thus resolving it, but by the destruction of the object of negation and the death of the subject of negation. On the example of the USSR, capitalism has become a negation of socialism, but now, when there is a "removal" (i.e., generalization, analysis and selection of all fundamentally important information), there is already a negation of capitalism itself, which was a negation of socialism in the 90's. All three laws of dialectics work here - the law of negation of negation, the law of the transition of quantity to quality, and the law of unity and struggle of opposites.

Marx pointed out that some societies perished without being able to resolve the contradictions that confronted them.

Egyptian society, ancient Sumer, ancient Greece-all of them had technologies that could bring them out of the crisis, but they failed to rise to a new quality level and were "dismantled" by their neighbors.

[21:56, 25.10.2020] konyukov:

In General, I agree, there are no objections. Except for one thing: indeed, we can say that capitalist society carried out the negation of capitalism by transforming it into fascism. And in this you are absolutely right (in the process of denial). But bourgeois society does not intend to change the algorithm of the existence of the economic system, and it (the algorithm) is built in such a way that in terms of mass and total automation requires the imposition of the Nazi dictatorship and the extermination of the substantial masses of the population to mitigate threats to the bourgeoisie, because the released large mass of people without sustainable livelihoods are a direct risk.

[22:15, 25.10.2020] The Communist Party Ivanov V. N.:

Is fascism a denial of capitalism? This is one of the forms of capitalism - fascism is not a system, but a mode of governing society. The economy of fascism is capitalist.

Capitalism gave birth to nationalism in the 16th century. Until the 16th century, Nations as a phenomenon did not exist were peoples, for political phenomenon peoples were not being cultural, economic, demographic phenomena. The war had the character of raids or economic or religious wars. With the advent of capitalism and its establishment in the 17th century, wars began to have a national character, and fascism is only an extreme manifestation of nationalism. How can fascism be a negation of capitalism?


Extermination of large masses of people cannot necessarily be carried out under fascist slogans.

Rather, under the slogans of neoconservatives. After all, the extermination will not be based on nationality, but on property.

[22:24, 25.10.2020] konyukov: "fascism is only an extreme manifestation of nationalism" - this is your critical mistake. You are trying to understand social systems (formations) without their economic basis. What defines the social system? - attitude to the means of production and labor resources! And if excessive labor resources begin to be destroyed, does not this change the attitude towards them? It is the attempt to understand fascism as an extreme reactionary manifestation, without understanding the economic basis, that is the basis of your delusions.

Of course (and I emphasized this in the criticism of the article), politics tries to serve as comfortably as possible, sometimes anticipating the desires of capital [more correctly, the ruling class], but this does not cancel its economic essence and, moreover, cannot replace it. You are confused by Dimitrov's definition: 

Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of financial capital. Fascism is not a superclass power, nor is it the power of the petty bourgeoisie or the lumpen proletariat over financial capital. Fascism is the power of financial capital itself. This is the organization of terrorist reprisals against the working class and the revolutionary part of the peasantry and intelligentsia. Fascism in foreign policy is chauvinism in its crudest form, cultivating Zoological hatred against other peoples. --- But this is a political definition that does not contain economic aspects.

[22:25, 25.10.2020] konyukov:

I give a different definition of fascism based on its economic model of existence: Fascism is a type of social structure in which the principles of operational management imply the use of methods of hidden extermination of excess labor resources, as a way to resolve the main contradiction of capital.

[22:34, 25.10.2020] konyukov:

If a poisoner secretly poisons his victims for 10 years, then the fact that this period is a long period does not negate the fact that he is a murderer. In the same way, capitalists who exterminate the population by methods with implementation periods of 40-100 years do not cease to be murderers. And the scale of this genocide is no less monstrous than in the days of Hitler's Germany, but since the processes are hidden and not conspicuous, they are not obvious. For example, the introduction of GMOs leads to infertility of the 4th generation (80 years), the introduction of homosexuality leads to a sharp decline in the birth rate and moral decay, which eventually degenerates the nation within 50-60 years. In addition, moral corruption blocks the social struggle of the masses. After all, we can't consider rainbow processions for the right to tear their Asses as a form of class struggle. I have given you only two examples of the most obvious methods of secret extermination, and there are dozens of them.

[10:53, 26.10.2020] The Communist Party Ivanov V. N.:

Mixing of terms is unacceptable because it is misleading. In addition, it is clear that the neoconservatives in the United States exterminate people no less effectively than Hitler, but this does not mean that they are fascists or Nazis. They are more organized and manage from a higher level, have centuries-old experience of indigenous leadership elite and, in essence, are not quite people. They combine the clannishness of the tribal system, the anti-humanism of slavery, the primacy of the power of feudalism, and only then the economic basis of capitalism.

Having absorbed all this, they are much more dangerous opponents than the fascists and use the fascists, nationalists and all the rest as consumables.

So why should banking houses with a half-century history, an aristocratic party with more than a thousand years of history be confused with the fascists who were raised by them and contrast the economic structure of capitalism with fascism?

After all, fascism is the three main "birthmarks" - nationalism, anti-communism and militarism. According to this, the regime of Pinochet in Chile, Horti in Hungary, Antonescu in Romania, Franco in Spain is fascist in form of government, but capitalist in economic essence.

And the extermination of the proletariat is a characteristic feature of capitalism, not just fascism. Is it possible that in the relatively good countries of Sweden, Switzerland, and the Benelux countries, someone will take care of the interests of the proletariat? No. Social assistance there is allocated not on the basis of class, but on other grounds.

Capitalism always destroys the labor force, because it cannot treat society in a non-barbaric way. This is the main feature of capitalism, not just fascism alone.

[11:11, 26.10.2020] konyukov:

How to be in a situation if not a complete understanding of the processes led to an incorrect initial classification?

[12: 00, 26.10.2020] KPRF V. N. Ivanov:


Name is a label. It denotes a specific phenomenon.

Each phenomenon has its own label / definition/name for accuracy and unambiguity of understanding by all participants in observations and discussions. The phenomenon is primary, the name is secondary. New or newly understood processes need new names to avoid confusion.

[27.10.20] Konyukov, V. N.

- I agree, mixing of terms is not allowed, but their correct understanding is extremely necessary.

You give me arguments that: ... "neoconservatives in the United States exterminate people no less effectively than Hitler, but this does not mean that they are fascists or Nazis. They are more organized and manage from a higher level, have centuries-old experience of indigenous leadership elite and, in essence, are not quite people."...

or here: ... "why banking house with half a century of history, the aristocratic party with more than a thousand years of history be confused with the Nazis who were grown and contrast the economic system of capitalism to fascism?

After all, fascism is the three main "ancestral spots" - nationalism, anti-communism and militarism. "...

and here: ... " capitalism always destroys the labor force, because It cannot treat society in a non-barbaric way. This is the main feature of capitalism, not just fascism alone." ...

Let's start with what we know for sure. We will take them (these statements) as axioms and in further arguments we will not question them.

1. Politics is determined by the economy. It is the economy that determines the political measures that are implemented in favor of the interests of the ruling class.

2. the Economic system (aka formation) is not established simultaneously and immediately on the entire field of economic relations, as they have signs of formation and rollback (regression of development processes).

3. the Economic system is determined by the relation to the ownership of the means of production and the relation to labor resources.

4. Each economic system (formation) has a different form of production relations.

Do you agree with these axioms?

KPRF Vladimir Ivanov

- Quite. Everything is transparent here.

Konyukov, V. N.

- In accordance with the first axiom, we cannot accept Dimitrov's definition of fascism as a basis, since this is a political definition, not an economic one. In this definition, there is no description of the algorithm for resolving the main contradiction, the consequence of which is the mass release of labor resources.

For us, as socialists and Communists, it really does not matter who and how mutilates and kills our people-a Nazi or a fascist, and even their motives for this inhumanity are not important to us. The very fact of such acts is sufficient.

For us, these degenerates of the human race are equally disgusting and we have absolutely no desire to understand the varieties of manure.

But the situation changes completely differently if we really want not only to understand the processes, but also to get a real opportunity to influence them.

Indeed, capital has always destroyed people who "did not fit into the market" and here you are absolutely right. By exterminating the Indians and driving them out of the territory, capital showed no less, and sometimes even more inhumanity, simply destroying entire Nations and peoples.

But why do we, the period of conquest of America by white colonialists, can not be called fascism or even Nazism, that it would be more true?

The essence of the question is that industrial relations have changed-the algorithms for the functioning of social and industrial relations have changed accordingly, which means that the motivation for people's actions has also changed.

Accordingly, we can say that the relations of production, defining motivational incentives vary and the motives of committing similar crimes in different periods of society development.

... And crimes that are absolutely identical in their enormity and scale will be classified differently based on their various motivational actions that initiate these events.

Unexpected conclusions, right? Different motivations for actions correspond to different social systems- let's keep this in mind.


... in relation to labor resources. Tell me, if suddenly all the labor resources are lost, at once, will society change?

Stupid question, right?

But I have to ask, requiring an extreme example showing the importance of limiting the object of political economy theory, the manipulation of which by themselves are able to determine the socio-economic system (formation or  the economic system in the context of this debate).

Therefore, the factors of destruction of manpower, as well as the factors contributing to their decomposition, degradation, or Vice versa - to create the most favorable for development, extremely important in the theory of social development.

And they (these factors) cannot be ignored, attributed to the randomness or reactivity of a particular political system, since according to our axioms, these factors are determined precisely by economic relations.

Let's see if fascism is as homogeneous as the political economists of the Soviet school present it to us.

Let's compare Italian, Greek, Spanish, Argentine, Chilean or Portuguese fascism with the so-called German fascism, which was essentially fascism for a very short period, almost at lightning speed, on a historical scale, evolving into Nazism.

The remnants of bourgeois democracy that remain in fascist society lead to the removal of dictators, sometimes their arrest (such as Pinochet, Mussolini) and return to the conditionally democratic channel of bourgeois society. This, of course, is a regression for the unlimited functionality of capital in this country.

Objective reasons for social development (primarily due to the increasing level of communication interaction of society) did not allow these repressive regimes to rule forever or transform into a more tyrannical form of social government.

Who is the primary target of this terror? Against the population -  over which a form of such government has been established.

Is Nazi society more sophisticated than fascist society in terms of brutality?

Can you give me an example that shows that these fascisms are more violent and more consistent in the processes of extermination of the masses of people, they carry it out on a larger quantitative and temporal scale than German Nazism in the scale of the absolute nature of its terror or Rwandan Nazism in the totality and speed of extermination?

The differences between fascism and Nazism lie in the differences in ideologies, which cover up various economic models (algorithms of functionality) and methods of achieving the goal, and accordingly, regulating the inhumanity of the political system, determine the speed of extermination of undesirable individuals, population groups or peoples.

In his work "Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism" V. I. Lenin clearly pointed out that perfect transformations for a capitalist society with a sufficiently low rate of mechanization are limit. But did the processes of mechanization stop or slow down after Lenin's work was published? No, they have accelerated, become ubiquitous, moving into new forms of rapid release of people-automation and robotization.

It is in this work that Vladimir Ilyich draws attention to the fact that this transformation of society is not final, that there are special groups of workers who sacrifice class interests.

What is the uniqueness of imperialism (in addition to what is indicated in Lenin's work)? In that it creates product niches, financial bubbles where the surplus resources taken from society are thrown off.

Imperialism had another important function, which Lenin unfortunately missed – the extermination of freed labor resources through military operations, as if hiding behind the naturalness and inevitability of the development of such processes of extermination.

Thus, imperialism is nothing more than a transitional phase from capitalism to fascism, based on methods of covert extermination of freed labor resources.

Accordingly, we can say that in terms of the degree of social terror and the suppression of the masses in favor of the capitalists, fascism is more progressive for capital than capitalism, and Nazism is an absolutization of the power of capital with virtually unlimited possibilities of suppression and exploitation. From this conclusion, it is absolutely correct to say that the processes of development in capitalist society will develop in the following sequence: Сapitalism-Fascism-Nazism. And this is absolutely true, as we have seen in the history of the development of German Nazism, which was formed as the ideology of fascism-the opposition of the people on the territory to the rest of society, almost immediately after gaining power, turned to terror to exterminate part of its own population, transforming into Nazism.

Under Nazism, there is an absolute concentration of capital in the hands of a limited circle of people and practically reducing the suppressed groups of the population to a slave state with minimal resources for their survival. That is why Nazism and oligarchism, as the actual designation of this socio-economic system, are identical.

Healthy forces of society were able to unite and defeat fascism and Nazism.

But the processes of automation, mechanization and robotization in modern society have an objective and obvious tendency to accelerate the release of labor resources. And modern bourgeois society, not wishing to sacrifice a share of its goods, is not able to resolve this contradiction, since changing in accordance with the needs of society, ensuring its guaranteed survival, cancels exploitation in it, which is the basis of the bourgeois system.

Therefore, capital, as has been proved many times in history, did not stop at any crime for the sake of profit, moved to measures of hidden and indirect extermination of excess labor resources. And this forced measure was the result of certain processes.

Earlier, we touched on the question that it is the goals set, that is, the motivations of management subjects that determine the level of violence in society and, and this level of violence, by setting a certain algorithm for solving economic problems, determines the type of social system, directly affecting the labor resources.

The Nuremberg trials put a lot of stress on the subjects who initiated certain social processes.

By initiating the industrial extermination of huge masses of people, stretched out over time and covered up by the alleged natural causes of their death, capitalists solve several problems at once:

- ensuring the secrecy and security of these processes for their initiators

-destruction of released labor resources

- reducing the manifestation of obvious antagonism between the oppressors and the exterminated

-ensure the moral degradation of society, destroying the basis of social struggle [1]

Separately, we should focus on the last point. In a morally degraded society that thinks exclusively about personal gain, pursuing the goals of individual selfishness, a persistent social struggle based on the ideology of self-sacrifice[2] is not possible. The individualist is indifferent to the needs of society as a whole and to the interests of the working class to which he belongs.

Extended in time and covered by natural causes, the genocide of huge masses of the population does not cancel the very essence of this crime, just as it does not give an indulgence to a poisoner who killed not 1-2 years, but poisoned, for example, 40-50 years.

We have the right to call any economic policy aimed at exterminating the freed labor resources fascism in accordance with the economic model they implement, regardless of the aristocracy and nobility of the persons who carry it out, and to recognize them as fascists.

In accordance with axiom 2, we understand that the processes of industrial extermination of the released labor resources, which were manifested in the attempt to establish revolutionary forms of public administration for capital in 1923-1945, are nothing more than a system requirement of the necessary algorithm for the development of bourgeois society.

We can also assume that the processes of releasing labor resources will not stop in the near future. Accordingly, we will also be right to assume that these release processes will accelerate against the background of the explosive development of new technologies, especially in the field of labor substitution (robotics).

In accordance with these trends, representatives of capital will accelerate the development of means and methods for exterminating "extra" people. And we are witnessing an explosion of methods that directly and indirectly lead to our destruction and direct murder, from banal vaccinations that cause infertility and genetic breakdowns to the introduction of social engineering techniques that destroy the natural nature of human relationships and human society.

But even these large-scale means of hidden extermination are not enough, since the processes of release grow faster than the masses of "extra" people are exterminated. If complete moral degradation and individual selfishness are established in society, capital will switch to methods of direct extermination in the shortest possible time, when decisions on the use of such destruction will be made literally by a handful of people – oligarchs who control all property and all world processes.

The change in industrial relations, in which excessive labor resources are ruthlessly and immediately destroyed, and the remaining ones are mercilessly exploited, in accordance with axiom 4, allows us to assert the transition of society to a different socio-economic system: NAZISM, which is simultaneously OLIGARCHISM in accordance with the subjectivity of both decision-makers and those who benefit from these decisions.

1. Konyukov V. N. Limited application of the theory of class struggle. (24.12.2019)

2. Konyukov V. N. Bases of ideologies. (Long-term strategic forecast from 02.01.2019) ...

All ideologies, various teachings and trends are based on two ideological bases-the ideology of individualism and the ideology of self-sacrifice.

The ideology of individualism implies the right of the individual to act solely for the purposes of personal interests, the right to act against the interests of the rest of society. This ideology is very convenient, since it does not require self-improvement from the individual, does not require work on oneself and the manifestation of any personal restrictions, and does  justify the not perfection of society and the right of the strong. This ideology is the basis of such trends as nationalism, fascism, and Nazism.

The bearer of this ideology is easily sacrificed by public interests and for an external manipulator of processes, it is only necessary to select individual conditions under which this person enters his service and begins to act in strict accordance with the tasks set. Being an anti-social ideology, acting against the foundations of society, this ideology is masked by various methods, without openly proclaiming its anti-social orientation.

The ideology of self-sacrifice requires the individual to limit himself and act in accordance with the interests of the rest of society. It is this ideology that underlies patriotism, internationalism, communism, and Christian religious teaching. Management in this ideological system is possible only on the basis of moral goal-setting. This ideology ensures the survival of society and is aimed at strengthening social institutions.

The bearer of this ideology is not prone to betrayal, as it is able to sacrifice personal interests and is completely safe for state system institutions. Even speaking out against certain manifestations in public life, the bearers of this ideology seek to protect and strengthen state management structures based on their modernization.

That is why these personalities are the primary goal and victim of an external manipulator, as they are a natural barrier to the implementation of his plans.

Do you want to identify a tendency to treachery? - analyze the behavior for a tendency to display individualism.

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